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BANZALAN, Kathleen Joy S.

GECPO-18 Purposive Communication

Date Submitted: May 06, 2022

Submitted to: Prof. Anabelle M. Bigornia


Published Research Article)
The assignment is getting a published research article aligned with your course or discipline. Then,
summarize it extracting the (IMRAD) I-ntroduction, M-ethods in conducting the research, R-esults
or Discussion which is the Conclusion of the research.



Source: Banzalan, Kathleen Joy S. (2021) The Level of Awareness of Senior High School
Students in Metropolitan Institute of Arts and Sciences About Franchising and Sole Proprietorship

Table of Contents:


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When it comes to opening your own business or buying into an existing business, there are
several different ways that you can get started. You may have the option of everything from buying
into an existing business, buying a franchise, starting a franchise out of your existing business or
expanding the existing business or franchise that you have. In the event that it's significant for you
to have authority over each and every choice in your new business, at that point an autonomous
startup might be a superior fit for you. From the essential subtleties of your marketable strategy to
the shade of pens you'll buy for the workplace, each choice will return to you as the proprietor.
Until you've employed staff to delegate to, the full obligation is yours.

Entrepreneurs who work establishments don't have a similar measure of dynamic duty yet
they likewise don't have similar opportunity to make changes to their items or administrations.
Some franchisees will surrender that freedom in return for acquiring the security and soundness
that accompanies a set up plan of action; indeed, many track down this desirable over the more
tumultuous environment of running a startup. In any case, others abhor the absence of opportunity
and would prefer to hold greater obligation, regardless of whether it requires additional time and

In this light, researchers decided to conduct this study because we want to know if how
much level of awareness does a student know about starting up a business like franchising or sole
proprietorship. It is for them to know whether they are aware about the topics or how much level
of awareness about franchising vs. sole proprietorship business they have. Because we think that
almost all of the students or some of us will be a businessowners or entrepreneurs in the near
future. And if they are aware enough it’s advantage to them. On the other side, if they are not that
aware or really not aware of the topic, they will tend to have a research or study about the topic
for them to be aware enough about starting up a business. The research also gives solutions and
recommendations for the students to choose the type of business if someday they want to start up
a business.

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This chapter presents to discuss the research methodology of the study. It consists of how
the researchers accumulated the information being gathered. It also presents the guidelines for
selecting the targets. It shows the appropriate and reliable information for the study.

The descriptive approach focuses on demonstrating the existence of a population segment

rather than why a specific phenomenon occurs. This approach was chosen due to the fact that it
will help the researcher to obtain quantifiable data that can be used to analyze the population
sample statistically. Furthermore, it ensures that the result are valid and reliable and can provide
an in-depth view of the study.

The purpose of this study is to know what level of awareness of Senior High School
students in Metropolitan Institute of Arts and Sciences about franchising versus sole proprietorship
business. The researchers used survey questionnaire as the instrument for the study to collect the
demographic profile, levels of awareness, solution and recommendation of the respondent needed
in the study. A survey defined as a research instrument that consist a set of questions or other of
prompts that aims to collect information from a respondent.

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Based from the table above, it demonstrates the STEM students are very aware that when
you buy a franchise, you may be able to sell goods and services that have instant name recognition,
and get you training and support that can help you succeed with acquired mean within 3.41- 4.20,
with the verbal interpretation “Very Aware”. Also, the respondents are moderately aware that
purchasing a franchise is like any other investment; there’s no guarantee of success.

It can be seen from the table that the students’ response in the survey implies that they are
extremely aware that the owner is the only one who pays personal income tax on profits earned
from business and only slightly aware that the owner of a sole proprietorship typically signs
contracts in his or her own name, because the sole proprietorship has no separate identity under
the law.


This chapter aims to present the summary and conclusion derived from the result of data
findings and analysis. The resultant recommendation for the study is also explained based on the
significance of the study.

Based on data gathered from the selected Grade 12 Senior High School students of
Metropolitan Institute of Arts and Sciences, the researchers conclude that the age that gets the
highest percentage who answer the survey is 15 to 18 years old, having seventy-five percent (75%)
of the entire sample, these ages are more familiar in choosing a franchising and sole proprietorship.
The second one is 19 to 21 years old having twentyfive percent (25%) of the entire sample. in the
last one is the 22 years old and above with zero percent (0%). Majority of the participants were
also female, and this might be explained that the woman is more aware on franchising in sole
proprietorship. Most filipinos, especially women is more aware on franchising and sole
proprietorship in the business. Male got fortythree point seventy-five percent (43.75%) of the
entire sample. When it comes to strand, ABM, HUMSS, STEM AND GAS the grade 12 students
got the same percentage that is twenty-five percent (25%)

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