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Name of Agency: Commission on Audit - Regional Office 12 Date: March 22, 2022
Name of Respondent: Arjay T . Astillero Position: Head, BAC Secretariat

Instruction: Put a check (./)mark inside the box beside each condition/requirement met as provided below and then fill in the corresponding blanks
according to what is asked. Please note that all questions must be answered completely.

1. Do you have an approved APP that includes all types of procurement, given the following conditions? (Sa)

G Agency prepares APP using the prescribed format

G Approved APP is posted at the Procuring Entity's Website

please provide link: https:/·R01 2 APP·NCSE CY202 1.~

G Submission of the approved APP to the GPPB within the prescribed deadline
please provide submission date: __ F_e_br..:.u..:.a....:ry:-1_6:..:,_2..:.0_2_1_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Do you prepare an Annual Procurement Plan for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (APP-CSE) and
Procure your Common-Use Supplies and Equipment from the Procurement Service? (Sb)

G Agency prepares APP-CSE using prescribed format

G Submission of the APP-CSE within the period prescribed by the Department of Budget and Management in
its Guidelines for the Preparation of Annual Budget Execution Plans issued annually
please provide submission date: _A_..:..:ug::..u:..:s:.:.t_1.:..8.:...
, 2::.0.:...2.:...1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

G Proof of actual procurement of Common-Use Supplies and Equipment from DBM-PS

3. In the conduct of procurement activities using Repeat Order, which of these conditions isfare met? (2e)

0 Original contract awarded through competitive bidding

D The goods under the original contract must be quantifiable, divisible and consisting of at least
four (4} units per item

0 The unit price is the same or lower than the original contract awarded through competitive bidding which is
advantageous to the government after price verification

0 The quantity of each item in the original contract should not exceed 25%

D Modality was used within 6 months from the contract effectivity date stated in the NTP arising from the
original contract, provided that there has been a partial delivery, inspection and acceptance of the goods
within the same period

4. In the conduct of procurement activities using Limited Source Bidding (LSB}, which of these conditions isfare met? (2f)

D Upon recommendation by the BAC, the HOPE issues a Certification resorting to LSB as the proper modality

D Preparation and Issuance of a List of Pre-Selected SupplierstConsultants by the PE or an identified relevant

government authority

D Transmittal of the Pre-Selected List by the HOPE to the GPPB

D Within 7cd from the receipt of the acknowledgement letter of the list by the GPPB, the PE posts the
procurement opportunity at the PhiiGEPS website, agency website, if available and at any conspicuous
place within the agency

5. In giving your prospective bidders sufficient period to prepare their bids, which of these conditions isfare met? (3d}

G Bidding documents are available at the time of advertisemenUposting at the PhiiGEPS website or
Agency website;

G Supplemental bid bulletins are issued at least seven (7) calendar days before bid opening;

G Minutes of pre-bid conference are readily available within five (5) days.

6. Do you prepare proper and effective procurement documentation and technical specificationstrequirements, given the
the following conditions? (3e)

0 The end-user submits final, approved and complete Purchase Requests, Terms of Reference, and other
documents based on relevant characteristics, functionality and/or performance requirements, as required
by the procurement office prior to the commencement of the procurement activity

0 No reference to brand names, except for items/parts that are compatible with the existing fleet or equipment

0 Bidding Documents and Requests for Proposal/Quotation are posted at the PhiiGEPS website,
Agency website, if applicable, and in conspicuous places

7. In creating your BAC and BAC Secretariat which of these conditions is/are present?

For BAC: (4a)

0 Office Order creating the Bids and Awards Committee

please provide Office Order No.: COA Office Order No. 2021-503 dated August 13, 2021

0 There are at least five (5) members of the BAC

please provide members and their respective training dates:
Name/s Date of RA 9184-related training
A. Abdul Gaffar R. Ali
B. Reynaldo T . Agan July 3-5, 2019
C. Orlando C. Matas November 20-23, 2012
D. Mary Catherine R. Factora November 6-9, 2012
E. John Michael G. Enriquez
F. Veney T. Villariza November 6-9, 2012
G. Rey I. Selagpo

0 Members of BAC meet qualifications

0 Majority of the members of SAC are trained on R.A. 9184

For BAC Secretariat: (4b)

0 Office Order creating of Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat or designing Procurement Unit to
act as BAC Secretariat
please provide Office Order No.: COA Office Order No. 2021-503 dated August 13, 2021

Q The Head of the BAC Secretariat meets the minimum qualifications

please provide name of SAC Sec Head: _
. _A_s_til_
le_ro_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

0 Majority of the members of BAC Secretariat are trained on R.A. 9184

please provide training date: October 2-4, 2018

8. Have you conducted any procurement activities on any of the following? (5c)
If YES, please mark at least one (1) then, answer the question below.

0 Computer Monitors, Desktop

Computers and Laptops
D Paints and Varnishes

D Food and Catering Services

D Air Conditioners
D Training Facilities I Hotels I Venues

D Vehicles
D Toilets and Urinals

D Fridges and Freezers

D Textiles I Uniforms and Work Clothes

D Copiers

Do you use green technical specifications for the procurement activitylies of the non-CSE itemls?

0 Yes 0 No

9. In determining whether you provide up-to-date procurement information easily accessible at no cost, which of
these conditions is/are met? (?a)

0 Agency has a working website

please provide link:

EJ Procurement information is up-to-date

0 Information is easily accessible at no cost

10. In complying with the preparation, posting and submission of your agency's Procurement Monitoring Report,
which of these conditions is/are met? (?b)

EJ Agency prepares the PMRs

0 PMRs are promptly submitted to the GPPB

please provide submission dates: 1st Sem- July 6, 2021 2nd Sem- January 14, 2022

0 PMRs are posted in the agency website

please provide link:

EJ PMRs are prepared using the prescribed format

11 . In planning of procurement activities to achieve desired contract outcomes and objectives within the target/allotted timeframe,
which of these conditions is/are met? (8c)

0 There is an established procedure for needs analysis and/or market research

0 There is a system to monitor timely delivery of goods, works. and consulting services

EJ Agency complies with the thresholds prescribed for amendment to order, variation orders, and contract extensions.
if any, in competitively bid contracts

12. In evaluating the performance of your procurement personnel, which of these conditions is/are present? (10a)

0 Personnel roles, duties and responsibilities involving procurement are included in their individual performance

0 Procuring entity communicates standards of evaluation to procurement personnel

EJ Procuring entity and procurement personnel acts on the results and takes corresponding action

13. Which of the following procurement personnel have participated in any procurement training and/or professionalization program
within the past three (3) years? (10b)

Date of most recent training: July 3-5, 2019

EJ Head of Procuring Entity (HOPE)

0 Bids and Awards Committee (BAC)

0 BAC Secretariat/ Procurement/ Supply Unit

0 BAC Technical Working Group

0 End-user Unitls

EJ Other staff

14. Which of the following is/are practised in order to ensure the private sector access to the procurement opportunities of the
procuring entity? (10c)

0 Forum, dialogues, meetings and the like (apart from pre-bid conferences) are conducted for all prospective
bidders at least once a year

0 The PE promptly responds to all interested prospective bidders' inquiries and concerns, with available facilities and
various communication channels
15. In determining whether the BAC Secretariat has a system for keeping and maintaining procurement records,
which of these conditions is/are present? (11a)

G There is a list of procurement related documents that are maintained for a period of at least five

G The documents are kept in a duly designated and secure location with hard copies kept in appropriate
filing cabinets and electronic copies in dedicated computers

G The documents are properly filed, segregated, easy to retrieve and accessible to authorized users and
audit personnel

16. In determining whether the Implementing Units has a system for keeping and maintaining procurement records,
which of these conditions is/are present? (1 1b)

G There is a list of contract management related documents that are maintained for a period of at least
five years

G The documents are kept in a duly designated and secure location with hard copies kept in appropriate
filing cabinets and electronic copies in dedicated computers

G The documents are properly filed , segregated, easy to retrieve and accessible to authorized users and
audit personnel

17. In determining if the agency has defined procedures or standards for quality control, acceptance and inspection
of goods, works and services, which of these conditions is/are present? (12a)

G Agency has written procedures for quality control, acceptance and inspection of goods, services and works

Have you procured Infrastructure projects through any mode of procurement for the past year?

D Yes 0 No

If YES, please answer the following:

0 Supervision of civil works is carried out by qualified construction supervisors

Name of Civil Works Supervisor:

D Agency implements CPES for its works projects and uses results to check contractors' qualifications
(applicable for works only)
Name of CPES Evaluator:

18. How long will it take for your agency to release the final payment to your supplier/service provider or contractor/consultant.once
documents are complete? (12b) 7 days

19.When inviting Observers for the following procurement activities, which of these conditions is/are met? (13a)
A. Eligibility Checking (For Consulting Services Only)
B. Shortlisting (For Consulting Services Only)
C. Pre-bid conference
D. Preliminary examination of bids
E. Bid evaluation
F. Post-qualification

G Observers are invited to attend stages of procurement as prescribed in the IRR

G Observers are allowed access to and be provided documents, free of charge, as stated in the IRR

G Observer reports, if any, are promptly acted upon by the procuring entity
20. In creating and operating your Internal Audit Unit (IAU) that performs specialized procurement audits .
which set of conditions were present? (1 4a)

EJ Creation of Internal Audit Unit (IAU) in the agency

Agency Order/DBM Approval of IAU position/s: COA Resolution No. 87-5

EJ Conduct of audit of procurement processes and transactions by the IAU with in the last three years

EJ Internal audit recommendations on procurement-related matters are implemented within 6 months of the submission
of the internal auditor's report

21. Are COA recommendations responded to or implemented within six months of the submission of the auditors'
report? (14b)

D Yes (percentage of COA recommendations responded to or implemented within six months)

EJ No procurement related recommendations received

22. In determining whether the Procuring Entity has an efficient procurement complaints system and has the capacity
to comply with procedural requirements, which of conditions is/are present? (15a)

EJ The HOPE resolved Protests within seven (7) calendar days per Section 55 of the IRR

EJ The BAC resolved Requests for Reconsideration within seven (7) calendar days per Section 55 of the IRR

EJ Procuring entity acts upon and adopts specific measures to address procurement-related complaints,
referrals, subpoenas by the Omb, COA, GPPB or any quasi-judicial/quasi-administrative body

23. In determining whether agency has a specific anti-corruption program/s related to procurement. which of these
conditions is/are present? (16a)

EJ Agency has a specific office responsible for the implementation of good governance programs

EJ Agency implements a specific good governance program including anti-corruption and integrity development

EJ Agency implements specific policies and procedures in place for detection and prevention of corruption
Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator (APCPI) Self-Assessment Form

Name of Agency: Commission on Audit- Regional Office No. 12 Name of Evaluator: Arjay T. Astillero
Date of Self Assessment: March 22, 2022 Position: Head, BAC Secretariat

No. Comments/Findings to the Supporting Information/ Documentation

Assessment Conditions Agency Score APCPI Rating*
Indicators and Sublndicators (Not to be Included In the Evaluation
Indicator 1. Competitive BiddinRas Default Method of Procurement

Percentage of competitive bidding and limited source bidding Failed Bidding on the
1.a 65.50% 0.00 PMRs
contracts in terms of amount of total procurement procurement of ICTE

Percentage of competitive bidding and limited source bidding

l.b 18.18% 0.00 PMRs
contracts in terms of volume of total procurement

Indicator 2. Limited Use of Alternative Methods of Procurement

Percentage of shopping contracts in terms of amount of total
2.a 0.95% 3.00 PMRs
Percentage of negotiated contracts in terms of amount of
2.b 33.56% 0.00 PMRs
to tal procurement
Percentage of direct contracting in terms of amount of total
2.c 0.00% 3.00 PMRs
Percentage of repeat order contracts in terms of amount of
2.d 0.00% 3.00 PMRs
t otal procurement
Procurement documents relative to
2.e Compliance w ith Repeat Order procedures n/a n/a
conduct of Repeat Order
Procurement documents relative to
2.f Compliance w ith Limited Source Bidding procedures n/a n/a
conduct of Limited Source BiddinR

Indicator 3. Competitiveness of the Bidding Process

3.a Average number of entities who acquired bidding documents 2.67 0.00 Agency records and/or PhiiGEPS records

3.b Average number of bidders who submitted bids 2.67 1.00 Abstract of Bids or other agency records

3.c Average number of bidders who passed eligibility stage 1.00 1.00 Abstract of Bids or other agency records

3.d Sufficiency of per iod to prepare bids 3.00 Agency records and/or PhiiGI:PS records
Cost Benefit llnalysis, Work Plans.
Use of proper and effective procurement documentation and Fully
3.e 3.00 Technical Specifications included in boddtng
technical specifications/requirements Compl iant

Average I 1.55
Indicator 4. Presence of Procurement Organizations
Verify copy of Order creating BAC;
4.a Creation of Bids and Awards Committee(s) 3.00 Organizational Chart; and Certificat ion of
Verify copy of Order creating BAC
4.b Presence of a BAC Secretariat or Procurement Unit 3.00 Secretar iat; Organizational Chart; and
Certification of Training

IndicatorS. Procurement Planning and Implementation

5.a An approved APP that includes all types of procurement Compliant 3.00 Copy of APP and its supplements (if any)

Preparat ion of Annual Procurement Plan for Common-Use

Supplies and Equipment (APP-CSE) and Procurement of Fully
5.b 3.00 APP. APP-CSF. PMR
Common-Use Supplies and Equipment from the Procurement Compliant

ITBs and/or RFQs clearly

Existing Green Specifications for GPPB-identified non-CSE
S.c Compliant 3.00 indicate the use of green technical
items are adopted
specificat ions for the procurement activity

Indicator 6. Use of Government Electronic Procurement System

Percentage of bid opportunities posted by the PhiiGEPS-
6.a 78.57% 1.00 Agency records and/or PhiiGEPS records
registered Agency
Percentage of contract award information posted by the
6.b 100.00% 3.00 Agency records and/or PhiiGEPS record s
PhiiGEPS-registered Agency

Percentage o f contract awards procured through alternative

6.c 44.44% 1.00 Agency records and/or PhiiGEPS records
m ethods posted by t he PhiiGEPS-registered Agency
Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator (APCPI) Self-Assessment Form

Name of Agency: Commission on Audit - Regional Office No. 12 Name of Evaluator: Arlav T. Astillero
Date of Self Assessment: M arch 22. 2022 Position: Head. BAC Secretariat

No. Comm ents/Findings to the Supporting Information/Documentation

Assessment Conditions Agency Score APCPI Rating•
Indicators and Sublndlcators (Not to be Included In the Evaluation
Indicator 7. System for Disseminat ing and Monitoring Procurement Information

Presence of website t hat provides up-to-date procurement Identify specific procurement-related

7.a 3.00 portion in the agency website and speci fic
Information easily accessible at no cost Compliant
website l inks
Preparation of Procurement Monitoring Reports using the
Fully Copy of PMR and receoved copy that ot was
7.b GPPB-prescribed format, submission to the GPPB, and 3.00
Compliant submitted t o GPPB
Iposting in agency website
Average II 2.60
Indicator 8. Efficiency of Procurem ent Processes

Percentage of total amount of contracts signed w ithin t he APP (including Supplemental amendments,
S.a 63.61% 2.00
assessment year against total amount in the approved APPs if any) and PMRs

Public Bidding conducted for the

Percentage of total number of contracts signed against total
procurement of ICTE was a failure APP(including Supplemental amendments,
S.b number of procurement project s done through competitive 66.67% 0.00
due to ineligibility of the lone if any)and PMRs

Agency Procedures/Systems for t he

conduct of needs analysis or market
research, monitoring of timely delivery of
Planned procurement activities achieved desired contract Fully
S.c 3.00 goods, works, or services
outcomes and objectives within the target/allotted t imeframe Compliant

Contracts woth amendments and varoatoons

to order amount to 10% or less

Indicator 9. Compliance with Procurem ent Tlmeframes

Percentage of cont racts awarded within prescribed period of
9.a 100.00% 3.00 PMRs
action to procure goods
Percentage of contracts awarded within prescribed period of
9.b n/a n/a PMRs
action to procure infrastructure_projects
Percentage of contracts awarded within prescribed period of
9.c n/a n/a PMRs
action to procure consulting services

Indicator 10. Capacity Building for Government Personnel and Private Sect or Participants

Samples of forms used to evaluating

There is a system within the procuring entity to evaluate the Fully procurement performance on top of or
lO.a 3.00
performance of procurement personnel on a regular basis Compliant incorporated within the regular
assessment for Procurement Personnel

100% of the procurement staff

has participated in procurement
Ask for copies of Office Orders, training
Percentage of participation of procurement staff in tr aini ng and/or
lO.b HVALUEI HVALUE I modules, list of participants. schedules of
procurement training and/or professionalization program professionalization program. The
actualtraonong conducted
most recent training attended was
July 3-5, 2019.
The procuring entity has open dialogue with private sector
1\sk for co poe' o f docum!'ntJt oon of
lO.c and ensures access to the procurement opport unit ies of the Compliant 3.00
actovitoes for bodde"
procuring entity

Indicator 11. Management of Procurem ent and Contract Management Records

Verify actual procurement records and

t ime it took to retrieve records (should be
The SAC Secretariat has a system for keeping and maintaining Fully no more t han two hours)
ll.a 3.00
procurement records Compliant Refer to Section 4.1 of User's Manual for
list of procurement-related documents for
record-keeping and maintenance.

Implementing Units has and Is implementing a system for Verify actual contract management
ll.b keeping and maintaining complete and easily retrievable 3.00 records and time It took to retrieve records
contract management records should be no more than two hours
Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator (APCPI) Self-Assessment Form

Name of Agency: Commission on Audit- Regional Office No. 12 Name of Evaluator: Arjay T. Astillero
Date of Self Assessment: March 22, 2022 Position: Head, BAC Secretariat

S~~~~7~n:e Included in t~:r~~:~:~~~i~n

No. Comments/Findings to the
Assessment Conditions Agency Score APCPI Rating•
Indicators and Sublndlcators
lndlc 1tor 12. Contract : Procedures

Agency has defined procedures or standards In such areas as Verify copies of wntten procedures for
12.a quality control, acceptance and inspection, supervision of 3.00 quality control, acceptance and inspection,
works and evaluation of contractors' performance CPES evaluation formsz

Ask Finance or Accounting Head of Agency

On or before
12.b Timely Payment of Procurement Contracts 3.00 for average period for the release of
30 days
payments for procurement contracts

IAverage Ill IVALUEI

lndl :ator 13. Observer I ' In Public BlddinR
Verify copies of Invitation Letters to CSOs
Ql,,~, ·~· ·a re invited to attend stages of procurement as Fully and professional associations and COA (List
13.a 3.00
, ~·~· •u~u in the IRR Compliant and average number of CSOs and PAs
!invited shall be noted.)

llndlc 1tor 14. Internal and External Audit of •Activities

Verify copy of Order or show actual
Creation and operation of Internal Audit Unit (IAU) t hat Fully organizational chart showi ng IIIU. aUidt
14.a 3.00
performs specialized procurement audits Compliant reports, action plans and IAU
Above 90-
Verify COA Annual Audit Report on Action
14.b Audit Reports on procurement related t ransactions 100% 3.00
on Prior Year's Audit Recommendations

lndlc 1tor 15. Capacity to Handle Prnr"'""lent Related Cc

Verify copies of BAC resolutions on Motion
The Procuring Entity has an efficient procurement complaints for Reconsiderations, Protests and
15.a system and has the capacity to comply with procedural 3.00 Complaints; Office Orders adopting
requirements mesurcs to address procurement-related

!Indicator 16. 4ntl..rnrruntln., Programs Relat ed to Procurement

~~~:;~:ehas specific anti-corruption program/s related to Fully
!Verify tinro of anti-corruption
lG.a urement Compliant Iprogram
!Average IV
GRAND TOTAL (Avarege I+ Average II+ Average Ill + Average IV /4)
Summary of APCPI Scores by Pillar Agency Rating

APCPI Pillars Ideal Rating Agency Rating

3.00 1.55
Legislative and Regulatory Framework

II Agency lnsit utional Framework and Management Capacity 3.00 2.60 II

Ill Procurement Operations and Market Pract ices 3.00 #VALUE I

IV Integrity and Transparency of Agency Procurement Systems 3.00 3.00

Total (Pillar I+PIIIar II+Pillar Ill+ PillariV)/4 3.00 #VALUE!

Name of A&ency: Commission on Audit- Rccional Office No. 12 Period Covered: Q:.l2ll

ToUil No. of No. of Total No. Of No. of Controtcu

Total No. of No. of Sid Total No. of contracts
Tot~l Amount of No. of COntr~cts Total Amount of No. of Failed Contrxts thlt Awarded within
with amendments to
ApPfOYtd APP Awarded Contr11cts Awarded Biddincs prescribed

Funds eacludina Nati~l Competitive Blddina: (NCB) tontrKts; conversion to peso will be at BSP l'jtts at the time the bids/quotiltions wen submitted

O:rector 11110:c - Reg:onal D~ecto·

ANNEX C ( Backto
APCPI Revised Scoring and Rating System ~-----'

No. Assessm ent Conditions Poor/Not Compliant (0) Acceptable (1) Satisfactory (2) Very Satisfactory/Compliant (3)

I 0 1 2 3
Indicator 1. Com petitive Bidding as Default Method of Procurement
Percentage of competitive bidding and limited source bidding contracts in
1 Below 70.00% Between 70.00·80.99% Between 81.()()-90.99% Between 91.00-100%
terms of amount of total procurement
Percentage of competitive bidding and limited source bidding contracts in
2 Below 20.00% Between 20.QO- 39.99% Between 40.00-50.00% Above 50.00%
terms of volume of total Procurement

Indicator 2. Umited Use of Alternative Methods o f Procurement

3 Percentage of shopping contracts in terms of amount of total procurement Above 7.00% Between 5.00-7.00% Between 3.00-4.99 % Below 3.00%

4 Percentage of negotiated contracts in terms of amount of total procurement Above 15.00% Between 9.00 -15.00% Between 4.()()-8.99% Below4.00%

5 Percentage of direct contracting in terms of amount of t otal procurement Above4.00% Between 3.00-4.00% Between l.Q0-2.99% Below 1.00%

Percentage of repeat order contracts in terms of amount of total

6 Above4.00% Between 3.00-4.00% Between l.Q0-2.99% Below 1.00%
7 Compliance w ith Re peat Order procedures Not Compliant Compliant
8 Compliance with Limited Source Bidding procedures Not Compliant Compliant

Indicator 3. Competitiveness of the Bidding Process

9 Average number of entities who acquired bidd1ng documents Below 3.00 3.00-3.99 4.()()-5.99 6.00 and above
10 Average number of bi dders who submitted bids Below 2.00 2.00-2.99 3.00-4.99 5.00 and above
11 Average number of bidders who passed eligibility st age Below 1.00 1.00 - 1.99 2.00-2.99 3.00 and above

12 Sufficiency of period to prepare bids Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant

Use of proper and effective procurement documentation and technical

13 Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant


Indicator 4 . Presence of Procurement Organizati ons

14 Creation of Bids and Awards Committee(s) Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant

15 Presence of a BAC Secretariat or Procurement Unit Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant

Indicat or 5. Procurement Planni ng and Implem entation

16 An approved APP that includes all types of procurement Not Compliant Compliant
Preparation of Annual Procurement Plan for Common·Use Supplies and
17 Equipment (APP-CSE) and Procurement of Common-Use Supplies and Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
Equipment from the Procurement Service
18 Ex1sting Green Specifications for GPPB·identified non-CSE items are adopted Not Compliant Compliant

Indicator 6. Use of Government Electronic Procurement Syst em

19 Percentage of bid opportunities posted by t he PhiiGEPS·registered Agency Below 70.99% Between 7l.Q0-80.99% Between 81.00-90.99°& Above 91.00%

Percentage of contract award information posted by the PhiiGEPS·registered

20 Below 20.00% Between 20.00· 50.99% Between 51.00-80.00"1. Above 80.00%
'--- Agency
No. Assessment Conditions Poor/Not Compliant {0} Accept able (1) Satisfactory (2) Very satisfactory/Compliant {3)
0 1 2 3
Percentage of cont ract awards procured through alternative methods posted
21 Below 20.00% Between 20.00 - 50.99% Between 51.00-80.00% Above 80.00%
by t he PhiiGEPS-rel!ist ered Al!encv

Indicator 7. Syst em for Disseminating and Monitorinl! Procurement Informat ion

Presence of website that provides up-to-date procurement information easily
22 Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
accessible at no cost
Preparation of Procurement Monitoring Reports using the GPPB-prescribed
23 Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
format, submission to the GPPB, and posting in agency website


Indicator 8. Efficiency of Procurement Processes
Percentage of total amount of contracts signed within t he assessment year
24 Below 40.00% or above 100.00% Between 40.00· 60.99% Between 61.00% -80.00% Above 80.00%
against total amount in the approved APPs
Percentage of total number of contracts signed against total number of
25 Below 90.00% Between 90.00- 92.99% Between 93.00-95.00% Above 95.00%
procurement oro·ects done t hroul!h competitive biddinl!
Planned procurement activities achieved desired contract outcomes and
26 Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
obiectives within the target/allotted timeframe

Indicat or 9. Compliance with Procurement Timefram es

Percentage of contracts awarded within prescribed period of action to
27 Below 90.00% Between 90.00 to 95.99% Between 96.00 to 99.99% 100%
procure goods
Percentage of cont racts awarded within prescribed period of action to
28 Below 90.00% Between 90.00 to 95.99% Between 96.00 to 99.99% 100%
Iprocure infrastructure oro·ects
Percentage of contracts awarded within prescribed period of action to
29 Below 90.00% Between 90.00 to 95.99% Between 96.00 to 99.99% 100%
Iprocure consultinl! services

Indicator 10. Capacity Buildinl! for Government Personnel and Privat e Sector Participants
There is a system within the procuring entity to evaluate the performance of
30 Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
procurement personnel on a regular basis
Percentage of participation of procurement staff in procurement training
31 Less than 60.00% Trained Between 60.00-75.99% Trained Between 76-90% of staff trained Between 91.00-100% Trained
and/or professionalization program

The procuring entity has open dialogue with private sector and ensures access
32 Not Compliant Compliant
to the procurement opportunities of the procuring entity

Indicator 11. M anagement of Procurement and Contract Management Records

The BAC Secretariat has a system for keeping and maintaining procurement
33 Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
Implementing Units has and is implementing a system for keeping and
34 Not Compliant Part•ally Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
ma•ntaining complete and easily retrievable contract management records

Indicat or 12. Contract M anagement Pro cedures

Agency has defined procedures or standards in such areas as quahty control,
35 acceptance and inspection, supervision of works and evaluation of Not Compliant Part•ally Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
contractors' oerformance
36 T•mely Payment of Procurement Contracts After 45 days Between 38-45 davs Betwee n 31-37 days On or before 30 days


Indicat o r 13. Observer Participation in Public Biddinl!
No. Assessment Conditions Poor/Not Compliant (O) Acceptable (1) satisfactory (2) Very sat isfacto ry/Compliant {3)

0 1 2 3
Observers are invited to attend stages of procurement as prescribed in the
37 Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant

Indicator 14. Internal and External Audi t of Procurement Activi ties

Creation and operation of Internal Audit Unit (IAU) that performs specialized
38 Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
!procurement audits
39 Audit Reports on procurement related transactions Below 60% compliance Between 61-70.99% compliance Between 71-89.99% compliance Above 90-100% compliance

Indicat or 15. capacity t o Handle Procurement Related Complaints

The Procuring Entity has an efficient procurement complaints system and has
40 Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
the capacity to comply with procedural reQuirements

Indicator 16. Anti-CorrUj)tion Progr ams Relat ed t o Procurem ent

41 Agency has a specific anti-corruption program/s related to procurement Not Compliant Partially Compliant Substantially Compliant Fully Compliant
Annex D


Name of Agency: Commission on Audit- Regional Office No. 12 Period: CY 2021

Sub-Indicators Key Area for Development Proposed Actions to Address Key Areas Responsible Entity Timetable Resources Needed
Strengthen/Intensify procurement planning and increase coordination with
Percentage of competitive bidding and limited source bidding concerned units/division t o ensure t hat: a.) competitive bidding and limited Procurement Unit/End·
l.a 2022 onwards manpower/method
contracts in t erms of amount of total procurement source bidding is used primarily as procurement mode; and b.) proper users/BAC/BAC Secretariat
alternative mode is employed in case public bidding is not warranted.

Compliance with the use of alternative modes of procurement pursuant to

Republic Act No. 9184 and it s 2016 IRR is employed during the planning
Percentage of competitive bidding and limited source bidding Procurement Unit/ End·
l.b 2022 onwards manpower/method
contracts in terms of volume of t otal procurement Review previous procurements which can be done through public bidding. users/BAC/BAC Secretariat

Competitive Bidding and Umited Source Bidding will be adopted, if available

and feasible.

Percentage of shopping contracts in t erms of amount of total


Percentage of negotiated contract s in terms of amount of total Alternative Mode of Procurement will only be resorted to if Public Bidding Procurement Unit/End·
2.b 2022 onwards manpower/method
procurement or Umited Source Bidding is not applicable/feasible. users/BAC/BAC Secretariat

Percentage of direct contracting in terms of amount of total


Percentage of repeat order contracts in terms of amount of total


2.e Compliance wit h Repeat Order procedures

2.f Compliance wit h Umited Source Bidding procedures

Continue the agency's practice of posting lnvitatrons to Bid in the COA

3.a Average number of entit ies who acquired brdding documents website, t he PHILGEPS website and at conspicuous places at agency office BAC/ BAC Secretariat 2022 onwards m anpower/method
e rocunng tnmy l~tl ave a ways comp reo wrm me requrremems or '"'
9184 and its 20161RR. However, it has no control over the actrons of the
prospective bidders. Neverth eless, t he PE will obtarn feedback from the
3.b Average number of bidders who submitted bods prospective bidders who have attended the pre·b•d conference but dod not BAC/ BAC Secretariat 2022 onwards manpower/method
submit their bids as to their reason of not participating in t he bidding which
will provide input in revisit ing the provisions of the Philippine Brddrng
f<~rt; VII .T, .o.

Continue the agency's practice of discussing thoroughly dunng the pre-bod

conference every provision of the bidding documents relative to ellgrbrllty
checking and inquire/encourage the prospective bidders of any
3.c Average number of bidders who passed elrgrbrlrty stage BAC/ BAC Secretariat 2022 onwards manpower/method
clanfication(s). Remind prospective bidders of compliance wrth the
submission of the eligibility requirements as contarned in t he brodrng
documents and t he corresponding bid supplements.
3.d Sufficiency of period t o prepare bids

Use of proper and effective procurement documentation and

technical specifications/requirements

4.a Creation of Bids and Awards Committee(s)

4.b Presence of a BAC Secretariat or Procurement Unit

S.a An approved APP t hat includes all types of procurement

Preparation of Annual Procurement Plan for Common-Use

S.b Supplies and Equipment (APP-CSE) and Procurement of Common
Use Supplies and Equipment from the Procurement Service

Existing Green Specifications for GPPB-identified non-CSE items

are adopted

Percentage of bid opportunities posted by the PhiiGEPS· Ensure that all qualified bid opportunities are posted in the PhiiGEPS-
6.a SAC/ SAC Secretariat 2022 onwards logistics/stable internet connection
registered Agency registered Agency.

Percentage of contract award information posted by the

PhiiGEPS-registered Agency

Percentage of contract awards procured through alternative Ensure that all contract awards through alternative methods are posted in
G.c SAC/ SAC Secretariat 2022 onwards logistics/stable internet connection
methods posted by the PhiiGEPS-registered Agency the PhiiGEPS-registered Agency.

Presence of website that provides up-t o-date procurement

information easily accessible at no cost

Preparation of Procurement Monitoring Reports using th e GPPB-

7.b prescribed format, submission to the GPPB, and posting in
aRencv website

Percentage of total amount of contracts signed within t he

assessment year against total amount in the approved APPs

Percentage of total number of contracts signed agamst total

8.b number of procurement projects done through competitive

Planned procurement activities achieved desired contract

outcomes and objectives wit hin the t arget/allotted t1meframe

Percentage of contracts awarded within prescribed period of

action to procure goods

Percentage of contracts awarded within prescribed period of

action t o procure infrastructure projects

Percentage of contracts awarded within prescribed period of

act1on to procure consulting services
There is a system within the procuring entity to evaluate the
l O.a
performance of procurement personnel on a regular basis

Percentage of participation of procurement staff in procurement

training and/or professionalization program

The procuring entity has open dialogue with private sector and
l O.c ensures access to the procurement opportunities of the
procurinR entity

The BAC Secretariat has a system for keeping and maintaining

l l.a
procurement records
Implementing Units has and is implement ing a system for
l l.b keeping and maintaining complete and easily retrievable contract
manaRement records

Agency has defined procedures or standards in such areas as

12.a quality control, accept ance and inspection, supervision of works
and evaluation of contractors' performance

l2.b Timely Payment of Procurement Contracts

Observers are invited to attend stages of procurement as

prescribed in the IRR

Creation and operation of Internal Audit Unit (!AU) t hat performs

specialized procurement audits

14.b Audit Reports on procurement related transactions

The Procunng Entity has an efficient procurement complaints

lS.a system and has the capacity to comply with procedural

Agency has a specific anti-corruption program/s related to


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