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Coastal environment

 The coast is the area where the land meets the sea.
 Coral: a chain of rocks or coral or a ridge of sand at or near the surface
of water
 Erosi adalah proses pengikisan tanah, bisa disebabkan oleh alam
maupun manusia. Erosi yang terjadi di hulu telah menyumbat sungai dan
kanal kota Jakarta dan menyebabkan luapan air.
 Coastal erotion takes place in four main ways:
1. Hydraulic action
2. Abrasion
3. Attrition
4. Solution
 Tombolo

 Cliffs: A cliff is a mass of rock that rises very high and is almost vertical, or
straight up-and-down.
 Waves: waves develop when energy from wind blowing across seas and oceans is
transferred to the water surface.
 Coastal line important because coasts are dynamic, or constantly changing, they
are important ecosystems. They provide unique homes for marine plants, animals,
and insects. Coasts help us understand natural events, such as weather and
changing sea levels. During storms, coasts are the first places to be flooded.

two main types of soft engineering.

 Beach nourishment. This replaces beach or cliff material that has been
removed by erosion or longshore drift. ...
 Managed retreat. Areas of the coast are allowed to erode and flood naturally.

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