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Mariamne (Mary Magdalene) was born in prison in the year 5 before J-C. Her mother
Mariamne, Ménahem’s daughter, the reformer of the Essenean community, Princess of the
Asmonean House, had undergone the public death (rejection of the Queens) of her husband
King Herod.

Since then, she was a prisoner of the morbid jealousy of Herod and gave life to Mary-
Magdalene in these conditions.

She sent her to Bethania to join his brother Lazarus that Mariamne had subtracted a few
years earlier from the fury of Herod by hiding her its pregnancy and still remembered himself
the words stoned to death of her husband : " Every new child going out of your stomach will
be killed in the birth. Juda's throne cannot be torn as so many parts of a coat ".

Mariamne looked at her baby girl and had tears in the eyes. Such cruelty on behalf of the
man that she had so much loved.

During the journey of Herod in Rome, a few years before, she had fallen on a watchword: if
did not return Rome living, Mariamne, her children and her family must all be exterminated.

On the return to her husband, triumphing of the glory which Rome granted him by
maintaining him in the throne of Judea, Mariamne had opened to him of the watchword
whom she had discovered.

Furious, Herod refused to be understandable and of resentment, Mariamne through her tears
offended him : " do not forget that my people obey you only because you are allied by our
marriage to the Asmonean House. Your legitimacy, you hold it of me. You is only half Jewish,
you are Idumean! ".

Herod slapped Mariamne, and dragging her by hair precipitated her against the girder of the
window. " Look at the sun, dirty Jewish whore, you’ll never see it anymore".

Then it was the public death, the rabbinical court judged Mariamné on distorts and
ignominious charges and she was imprisoned from then on and had died in everybody's
view, King took the mourning and quickly consoled in the arms of his courtesans.

Every person approaching the "dead woman" could incur God's punishment, except those
who brought to her food and water.

The only one to break sometimes the prohibition was Herod himself who came, when he was
fairly under the wine influence, to quench his instincts and to cry on her breast having
violated and beaten her. Humbled, made dirty, Mariamne after the departure of Herod curled
up on its coat by crying. Who would come to deliver her from this hell?

Irony of the History, Herod had made " publicly, his wife die ", he broke the divine Law by
desecrating a "dead woman", it is him who was consumed by a skin disease close to the
leprosy and was devoured living by the worms which rotted in the stomach.

He never dared to appear publicly in front of his people and died in atrocious sufferings in 4
before J-C. Mariamne died in the next year, putting back peacefully her soul to God.

Mary-Magdalene, the attractive baby of Bethania, grows in the care freeness quite
appropriate to the early childhood. She was of a cheerful character and his brother Lazarus
always associated her to his playfellows, so that she learnt to rise to trees, to play dice …
She liked very much her distant Aunt, Marie, whom she called " Little Mother ".

The latter came from time to time with his sons Jacob (James) and Yeshuah (Jesus). Jacob
was as old as Lazarus and Jesus he, was very close to Mariamne because they were only
two years old of gap.
Together, they went to fields, picked flowers, made it crowns and made every effort to throw
them as high as possible towards the Sky by shouting: " For You Heavenly Father ".

Their games, their laughter filled the house and the garden. How fun it was when Mary,
James and Jesus were there!

Mariamne envied the black coat and the long red dress of her Aunt Mary.

"Please, Little Mother, when could I too wear the coat of the Nazarean Priestesses just like
you? ".

"Wait a little to grow up, my child, our Mother of Heavens will have the patience to see you
increasing before you really serve her ", murmured Mary by putting down a kiss in her
beautiful red hair.

In the year 2, Jesus was 9 years old. He entered apprenticed with his father Joseph, so
discovering his job of Builder and Carpenter. Contrary to what we could believe, to be
Carpenter includes many more talents in this period than nowadays.
According to the Nazarean rites, the spiritual responsibilities of the Builder touched the
Divine and the Creation. They became close to God by the use of the tools which spiritually
were of use to the Creation of the World.

Jesus liked the work of the wood, the intense physical activity and the enjoyment of the
creation. He dreamed one day to participate in the construction of a whole village, to get
involved in the other craftsmen and to learn their knowledges. Jesus was always thirsty to
learn and to meet currents of thought different from theirs.

In the year 6, his dream became a reality because Joseph and his apprentice, Jesus, were
called to the reconstruction of the city of Sephoris. This city where from was native her
mother, Mary, had almost been destroyed well before the birth of Jesus by the Roman
armies which repressed in the blood the Galilean revolt. Rubble of the burned city, in the
brought down and carbonized walls was evacuated at first and the cleared ground. It was a
heavy task to return to this city, formerly so beautiful, its magnificence of formerly.

But what an enjoyment to raise what is fallen! Jesus remembered himself the words of his
father during his apprenticed entrance : " My son, we build walls, we build of our hands, but
especially, spiritually, we raise the Man who is the magnificence and the glory of God, we
build, we build the Kingdom of God, we take integral part in its Creation ".

The same year, Lazarus, old enough to take wife, chooses a good and soft girl named
Martha. She was soft and full of tenderness. Straightaway, she took Mariamne, 11-year-old,
under her wing and she blooms in the soft atmosphere of love of her new home.

Marthe became fast the confidante of Mariamne and by growing up, Mariamne often said
that Martha was her sister so much love united them. Lazarus and Martha never had
children, also the latter postponed on Mariamne everything the desires of children that she
could repress and for three, they formed an affectionate family.

This year was the one of the first ritual pilgrimage of Jesus with his family, his cousins, his
uncles and aunts in the Temple of Jerusalem. Every faithful and pious Jew owed make the
pilgrimage in Jerusalem at least once a year and being Jesus old enough to make his Bar
Mitzvah and read for the first time in public the Torah, it is the a little squeezed heart of
emotion which achieved its man's first pilgrimage.
The troop was variegated, the religious songs of the pilgrims, the games and the laughter of
the small boys, the cheerful gossips of the women, the smell of pancakes and stew taking
out soup tureens, all this brought an incomparable atmosphere.

Jesus got involved to the crowd of the travellers with envy: " soon, I shall be tall, I can speak
about my journeys, I shall accompany certainly uncle Joseph (of Arimatia) in his caravans
and shall cross the known world by his/her side, selling or exchanging metals ". In the camp,
the Jesus the evening delighted in travel stories of his uncle in Gaul, in Spain, in Carthage …
Then, rolled up in his coat, he fell asleep the head full of dreams and journeys, adventure
and bandits intercepting the caravans of the desert.

The arrival to Jerusalem surpassed all that Jesus had been able to imagine. "The holy city ",
he repeated in the envy. Him, the small villager, had never seen so many people, crowd

around the stalls of the traders, sellers of offerings and sacrifices, changers … He turned the
head surprised by hearing to swear in the God's house a furious man : "All thieves!! ". This
violent reaction surprised him and he spoke about it to his father who answered him that the
reputation of the changers of money was not to make unfortunately any more. Jesus had
enough eyes to see everything.

Everything delighted him. He was going to enter for the first time in his life the square of the
Temple. He was thirsty to learn of the mouth of the Priests God's nature, saint, Blessed he is.
But his father had said to him that he would not have the right to speak to them, they were
very too important to stop and say a single word to a small boy who was soon going to enter
the Community of the Men.

The stay took place as a dream, and when the caravan of the pilgrims restarted for Nazareth
and its neighborhood, Jesus did not join it. He wanted his answers on God's nature. He
wanted that we speak to him about the Father, the Blessed, Shéla, the Strong, the Brave.

He skipped into the surrounding wall, persuaded that he would obtain his answer quickly and
that he would join then by running the caravan, but nobody was inclined to speak to him. All
fussed, Cohenim did not even seem to notice his presence.

He approached the wall the closest to the Holy of Holies, the surrounding wall in which he did
not have the right to approach and entering himself began praying. A High - Priest stopped
near the child and addressed him: " what did you come to make there? The square is not
opened to the visitors at the present time, you know it, go out from here ".

Jesus, keeping looking down there sign of respect answered: " No, Rabbi, I came to know
God's real nature, I shall not leave without knowing it ". The High - Priest burst out laughing: "
what God's nature! ". But the child pleased him, he took him with him to join his brothers who
rested in the room of clothes.

Jesus was dazzled by the internal dimensions of the building into which he was introduced.
He kept nevertheless a visible peace and remained concentrated on the objective of his
In the room of clothes, High - Priests got ready to serve the Eternal or left their civilian
clothes after the service and rested exchanging some words before going out again in the
merciless furnace of the sun in its noon.

The men questioned Jesus and were largely amazed to see him answering with so much
ease and a real concern of knowledge. The principles Israelites of the Questioning on God's
nature are essential in the office of the Jewish question.

Be Jewish, it is to understand, find, look for God's nature because our progress of life has to
be this one. When we shall know him, we can then return to his presence.

Jesus, in his child's passionate soul, wanted out to know at once and to master what requires
a whole life: know God's secret name.

The Doctors of the Law questioned him and were amused of his answers, then surprised and
finally in course of arguments eventually left teach by the promising child.

In the evening, Mary and Joseph very worried having turned back at noon, arrived within the
Temple where the guard who accompanied them led them with him. They were amazed to
see Jesus addressing so easily to High - Priests.

That is when Mary and Joseph really became aware that it was time to speak to Jesus of his
extraordinary birth and the announcement of his mission by the angel Gabriel. The time had
come for Jesus of knowledge that he was the Son of God. Such was his real nature.

Chapter 2: the silk route

When Jesus was 16 years old, he had the desire to leave Nazareth and to accompany the
caravan of the Silk route which got ready from Judea one month later. Everybody spoke
in young about it city and Jesus had a profound desire to join it and to cross the world
known for the East. Mary found him too young for such an adventure but allowed himself
no remark, Joseph said anything and took his son beloved on the mountain to pray.
There, knelt down the one next to the other one, they gave thanks to God for all the
already received graces and asked humbly Heavenly Father which was its will.
Appeared an angel then, reassured the father and encouraged the son on the divine
mission whom he was going to achieve there.

Back home, they found Mary who waited for them, united in the prayer. In the expression
transfigured by her son, she understood that he was really going to leave them. She
repressed her tears and kissed him tenderly. " Mother, my mission is only beginning, that
of tears you will overturn for me into your long life! Blessed you are for it! ".

It was decided that Joseph would accompany him until the departure of the caravan. They
left the next day saying to the neighbours that they left looking for a new building site.

Three weeks later, they joined the caravan. Joseph knelt down to the feet of Jesus and
asked him his blessing before its departure. Then, Jesus knelt down to the feet of
Joseph who blesses it for the continuity of the journey towards the East.

Jesus crossed many fascinating parts of countries and joined India one the year later. He
was 17 years old. All that he saw amazed him and he was particularly touched by the
kindness and the sweetness of Indians.

According to the apocryphal Gospel of Himis, guarded by Lhamas of the Tibet:

" People came of everywhere to listen to him, and they wondered speeches which resulted
from his child's mouth. All agreed to say that the Eternal Spirit lived in this child.

With the intention to perfect in Divine Verb and to study the laws of the big Buddha …

(Jesus) spent time in several old cities of India such as Benares. All loved him because Issa (
Jesus) was in peace with Vaishas and Shudras which he taught and because he helped.

But Brahmans and kshatriyas said to him that Brahma forbade those to approach those who
had been created outside the stomach and outside its feet. Vaishas had the permission
to listen to vedas only the feast days and the shudras not only had no right to be present
in the reading of Vedas, but they could not even look at them.

Issa (Jesus) said that the man had filled the temple of his abominations. To honour metals
and in stones, the man sacrificed his fellow men in whom lives a spark of the Supreme
Spirit. The man degrades those who work by the sweat of their brow, to incur the favour
of the pitiful which sits in a luxurious pension. But those who deprive their brothers of the
common blessing there will be sifted themselves.

Vaishas and Shudras were struck by surprise and asked for what they could make. Issa
(Jesus) asked them not to adore the idols. " Be not considered in the first one. Do not
humble your next one. Help the poor people. Support weak ones. Hurt nobody. Do not
desire what you do not possess and what is possessed by others ".

Issa rose strongly against the fact that assumes a man to sift his fellow men of their man's
rights; indeed, he said: " God the Father establishes no difference between his children
who are all also dear to him ".

" Be afraid of your God, bend the knees that in front of him only and bring only to him only
the offerings which result from your earnings ".

" The eternal Judge, the eternal Spirit compose the unique and inseparable soul of the
universe, which, only, create, contains and animates the whole. There is only he who
wanted and created, that he who exists since the eternity and the existence of which will
have no end; he has no fellow men either in heavens, or on earth. The big Creator
shared his power with nobody, even less with inanimate objects, as well as we taught
him to you, because only he possesses the omnipotence. He wanted, and the world
appeared; of a divine thought, he gathered waters and separated the dry part from it of
the globe. It is the cause of the mysterious life of the man in whom it blew a part of
sound to be. And he subordinated to the man lands, waters, animals and all that he
created and that himself preserve in an unchanging order, by fixing to every thing its
appropriate duration ".

A lot, by learning these words, decided to kill Issa. But warned, Issa left this place during

After that, Issa went to Nepal and to mounts Himalaya…

Issa says: the one who would have recovered his primitive purity, would die, having obtained
the forgiveness of its faults and would have the right to contemplate the majestic
appears of God. Eternal legislator is one; there are no other gods that he; he shared the
world with nobody, or maintained nobody of his intentions.

As well as a father would act to his children, of the same God will judge the people, after their
death, according to his merciful laws; never he will humble his child by making migrate
his soul, as in a purgatory, in the body of an animal. The celestial law, said the Creator,
by the mouth of Issa, feels reluctant at the immolation of human sacrifices in a statue or
in an animal; because, I, I sacrificed to the man all the animals and all that contains the
world. Everything was sacrificed to the man, who is to be me directly and confidentially
connected, to Me his Father, also that one will be severely judged and chastised by the
divine law which will have abducted from me my child ".

" Well, make us a miracle " asked for the servants of the Temple. Then Issa answered them: "
the miracles made their appearance from that very day where the world was created.
The one who cannot see them is deprived of the biggest present of the life. But
misfortune to you, enemies of the men, the misfortune to you, if you wait that he shows
his power by a miracle ".

Issa taught that the people did not have to try hard to contemplate the Eternal Spirit with the
own eyes, but to feel it with the heart and to become a pure and deserving soul …

At this moment, an old woman approached the crowd, but was pushed away. Then, said
Issa: " have of the reverence the Woman, a mother of the universe; in her is the key of
the creation. It is the foundation of all which is good and beautiful. It is the source of the
life and the death. On her base is the existence of the man, because it is the fruit of her
labour. She gives birth to you in the pain, she watches your growth. Bless her. Honour
her. Defend there. Love your wives and honour them, because tomorrow she will be
mothers, and later, procreators of the whole race. Their love ennobles the man, calms
the embittered heart and tames the animal. Wife and mother - they are the fineries of the
universe ".

" Quite as the light parts itself from darkness, so the woman possesses the gift to divide in
the man the right intention of the bad thought. Your best thoughts have to belong to the
woman. Take of them your moral strength, which you have to possess to support your
close relations. Do not humble it, because in it you will humble yourselves you even. And
all that you will make for a mother, a wife, a widow or another woman in effort - it, you
will also make it for the Spirit ".

Issa said: " It is not far the time when, by the Highest Will, people will be cleansed and united
in a single family ".

Near Lhasa was a temple of teaching with a big quantity of manuscripts. Jesus was going to
acquaint with it. Meng-Tse, a big wise person of all the East was in this temple.

Finally, Jesus reached a mountain pass and in the main city of Ladak, Leh, he was cheerfully
accepted by the monks and people of the low classes … And Jesus taught in
monasteries and general stores; where simple people met - there he taught.

" Deceive nobody, not to be deceived yourself; try to justify yourselves before the Last
Judgment, because then it will be too late. Do not give way to the debauchery because it
is to violate God's laws. You will reach the supreme bliss, not only by cleansing you

yourself, but still by guiding the others in the way which will allow them to conquer the
primitive perfection ".

Near this place lived a woman from whom the son had died and she brought him to Jesus.
And in the presence of a crowd, Jesus put the hand on the child, and the child got up
cured. And many brought their children and Jesus put the hands on them and cured

Jesus spent several days among Ladakhians to teach them. And they loved him, so that
when came the moment of its departure, they were saddened as children ".

" Jesus is alive in the heart of the Indians and the Buddhists, it is there that Jesus really lives
- in our heart in all " says Bock

22-year-old, Jesus decided to leave India and crossed Persia to join the Judea. There the
priests forbade Issa to preach and to the inhabitants to listen to him. The priests said to
him : " whom are you to dare here to blaspheme our God and to sow the doubt in the
heart of the believers (in Zoroastre)? " And Issa says to them: " it is not about a new god
that I speak, but of our celestial Father who existed before any beginning and who will
be even after eternal at the end. The eternal Being says to your people, through my
mouth: " you will not adore the Sun, because it is only a continent where I created for the
man. The Sun gets up to warm you during your work, it lies down to grant you the rest
which I fixed myself. It is that to me, and to me only, that you owe all that you possess,
all which is around you, either over you, or below ".

Both manuscripts, in which the lama of the convent of Himis read me all which concerned
Jesus, train collections of copies diverse papers in language of Thibet translations of
some rollers belonging to the library of Lassa and brought by India, by Nepal and by
Maghada, at about the year 200 After - J-C in a convent built in the mount Marbour. The
commentators were Buddhists belonging to the sect of the Buddha Gothama. (Nicolas
Notovitch - on 1887)

When he was 23 years old, Jesus joined his brother James and his cousin John, son of
Elisabeth and Zacharia at the School of studies of the Law of Essenians to Qumran. He
was not alone along the way, Jesus was accompanied with Jean, the son of Zebedee,
his cousin. He looked forward to reading the hidden sacred Writings reserved for

In front of him opened an academic cycle of three years, reserved for the people of the
Nazarean movement religious Israelite. He was going to enter as fellow craft, to become
Master then Grand Master and could then remain all his life dedicated to the Study of the
Law, in the celibacy, so forming the Essenian community, or return to the civil life and
become Rabbi and carry to the world the light of the Living God.

CHAPTER 3 : John the Baptist

John, son of Elizabeth, wanted to dedicate his life to the Study of the Law, in the perusal, the
fast and the prayer. Jesus, him, wanted to give the divine light to the peoples and to
carry his message until the borders of the known world. James, his brother, him,
followed the tradition, but preferred to become a peaceful Rabbi, a Judge in Israel, a
friendly and liking spiritual guide. John and James, his turbulent and joyful cousins,
suited badly to the rigidity of the Essenian frame, but were particularly enthused by this
change of temporary life: to preach the Kingdom of God, it was the dream of their
existence, to leave everything to preach the Word.

John, son of Elizabeth, left the Yeshiva of Qumran on the instigations of Sanhedrin after the
short cycle of his studies because he had to get ready to take back the responsibility of
Big Priest, his dead father, in the Temple. John did not intend to settle the service of the
Temple, he wanted to announce the Kingdom of God and to prepare the people for his
coming. He fasted for a long time in the desert, and understood where was his place and
thwarted the plans of Sanhedrin by not returning any more to Jerusalem. He began to
preach around the Jordan River calling the crowds of curious in to regret. His mission
snowballed quickly, little by little, its reputation grows and the people in crowd came to
ask for the baptism. In John's heart, nicknamed The Baptist, his mission was clear: he
prepared the people in to regret, baptized him and opened his heart to the reign of the
Messiah which was soon going to arrive. He announced the Kingdom.

Caiaphas, him, was not OK with this theory. He wanted that John the Baptist became Big -
Priest and proclaimed Messiah of his time. He thought that he would be the right man for
the job. To be chosen as Messiah, John had to marry Mary of Magdala. From tradition,
to become Messiah, it was necessary to belong at Home and to marry a Princess of
Benjamin's Tribe. Mary Magdalene was Princess de Benjamin because the royal
Asmonian family was downward tribes of Levi and Benjamin.

Mary Magdalene, her, had the other dreams. She knew that she had to marry the future
Messiah, but she also knew that John would never give up his studies and the desert.
She preferred her second cousin, Jesus of Nazareth. He had been the companion of his
children's games, he was the confidant of his youth and the subject of his first emotions.
She was secretly in love with him and dreamed to be his wife, even if she knew that it
would imply that she goes through all the Judea up and down, announcing the Kingdom
of God, because Jesus, him, was lived by the desire to preach to the world the Kingdom
of God.

The announcement of the marriage of John and Mary Magdalene had the bombshell in the
small group of the Nazarean community. This marriage implied that John would be the
new Messiah, the Prophet elected by God. Mary of Magdala was in tears, she saw all
her dreams collapsing. She knew little this future husband who throned in the room,
surrounded with his friends. Of a taciturn and touchy character, perpetually worried
about his Studies, John was not of a nice access. He entered into the spirit of the game
priests but did not want to settle messiah's task. It would never be the marionette of

Jesus, him, grumbled in his corner, he was promised to Mary Magdalene since his birth, he
loved her, he was furious to imagine her in a few hours in the arms of other one than
him. Jesus did not want to attend the wedding, but he did not have really had the choice.
Elizabeth, her aunt, had died since a few years, Zacharias had died many years
previously in God's Temple during its service in Perfumes. Mary, her mother, was thus
the only relative close to John. He had not wanted to take back the responsibility of Big -
Priest of his father and maintaining that he got married, he had asked to his aunt Mary to
organize the wedding. He had chosen the small village of Cana so that the guests gather
but do not stay too many days because John and his family was not enough silvered to
maintain dinner guests several lasting days. Cana was not very far from the
neighbouring cities and the dinner guests would not take the excuse of a long route to
stay too many days

Mary fussed, going of tables to tables and verified dishes in the kitchen. Had she thought of
everything? Was the number of the dinner guests exact? She had added well to the list a
virtual number of twenty guests more, but it was always difficult to establish an exact
account because the dinner guests were added often at the last minute.

Finally, the drums of the arrival of the wife beat cheerfully and filled the room. The small bride
penetrated into every girl under her veil of midnight blue wedding. " She is so young and
sad", thought Mary. She knew the secrets of the heart of the girl and tears rose in the
eyes. She fell tired on the seat of honour. This evening, Mary was on the place of the
mother of the Husband, but she was also the aunt of the Wife and her closest relative. It
is to her that returned the honour to reveal to the Husband the face of the bride by
raising the veil. The eyes of Mary Magdalene shone with reserved tears and did not dare
to arise on the assistance for fear of crying. " Where is Jesus? ", thought Mary
Magdalene. He felt ill at ease and pretended to laugh casually with his brothers and his
cousins. He tried in big effort to hide his confusion.

When the cook made Mary call up, she did not expect the piece of news. " We are going to
miss wine ", declared to her the busy cook, " fifty guests arrived moreover, and tanks are
almost empty, we are going to bring the stew, there will be no wine with the meat. " Mary
looked at him taken aback. What's to be done? She confided her confusion to Jesus
who of a fit of temper refused to get involved in it. She knew his effort not to be on the
place of the Husband and understood that he does not want to help her, but she also
knew his big heart and his generosity. She knew that once spent the first impression of
anger, he would return to better feelings and would make " a miracle " for the honour of
the House of David and Benjamin.

Mary, confident left the kitchen and asked the kitchen boys, that they obey in all to Jesus.
This last one went in the kitchen on an evasive pretext and ordered that they fill the
tanks of wine with some water freshly pulled, and to serve it at table with the stew. No
sooner said than done. The cooks bustled and tanks were soon performed but not with
water. The liquid which was now in tanks had changed in excellent wine. He ordered to
the kitchen boys to keep silent about the origin of the wine without which the reputation
of David's House would be soiled. It is the big heart that Jesus returned in the room to
the side of her mother. " Thank you, my Son " Mary said to him, by pressing the arm of
the hand, in discreet sign of gratitude. " Oh, Mother, Mary Magdalene was intended for
me, I have so much effort ". " I know, my Son, too, look at her, how sad she look like ! ".

The starry night did not manage to cheer up Mary Magdalene and its first feminine night was
the most unfortunate of all its life. John was indifferent and had no love for her. " Will my
whole life be only a long sob? " She thought. Mary Magdalene was 23 years old, we
were in the year 18 and she had the feeling that her future was henceforth closed in all
its dreams.

One week after his wedding, John returned in the desert. He did not appear to receive the
Big - Priesthood and started again preaching on the banks of the Jordan. Mary
Magdalene was alone at home, more only still than when she was in the house of his
brother. Martha missed her. She had nobody with whom to speak.

The very prolonged absences of John the Baptist did not allow Mary Magdalene to be
pregnant and Sanhedrin had no envisaged Messiah. He had to be a father and Big -
priest to aspire to the Holy throne Caiaphas got impatient. " It is not nevertheless difficult
to know a woman and to put her pregnant!! This man loves only the grasshoppers and
the pebbles of the desert! ". Mary Magdalene risked to be rejected because she was not
still expecting of child and Jean was not considered as a full Priest if he had no lineage.

John granted to stay this time a little longer with his wife, and two years after his marriage, in
the year 20, Mary Magdalene gave birth to baby John Junior, Son of John. The baby
was brown and hairy as his father, with the proud glance and a small pronounced chin
which he threw forward when he cried to demand the breast of her mother. " Fortunately,
in my misfortune, the Almighty blessed me, He gave me a son. It will be the pride of her
abandoned mother " sighed Mary Magdalene full of delight by looking at the newborn
child calmed in the arms.

Jesus, him, after the wedding at Cana, came back to the Qumran’s Yeshiva and chose to
deepen the Study of the Law. Because he would not be the Messiah waited by the
community, he would preach to the world the Kingdom and for it he needed to forget his
love of youth and to find the serenity.

In the year 19, he left for a while the Studies because his father Joseph came to die from old
age. When he arrived at Nazareth, all the people in the house held his breath: " Jesus

would arrive in time to bless his dying father ". In another family than his, blessing that
must go rather from the father dying to his sons and for the others, Joseph had settled
its task, but he said " that being the son of God, Jesus was oldest that Joseph, he thus
had to accompany his father in the grave by giving him his blessing. Joseph welcomed
Jesus in a breath: " My son, you are my Father, bless me please so that I enter the Life
with my share of inheritance".

Jesus retained a sob by seeing his august father so sick and fleshless. How many times he
had asked, child, that his father takes him on his shoulders, and now it was him who
tightened him the shoulder so that he lifts up himself little on his bed. Jesus and his
brothers laid on hands on Joseph's head and Jesus pronounced the blessing so waited
by this liking father. Tears flowed on the face of Jesus, but he achieved his task with all
the love which he had for Joseph and his mother: " O my Father and the Father of any
mercy, the Father of the Truth! Listen to me who am your beloved Son, whereas I
implore for the work of your hands, for my father on earth Joseph, asking you to send
me one numerous angels' chorus, with Michael the dispenser of the Kindness, Gabriel
the messenger of Light. That they accompany the soul of my father Joseph, until it
overtook the darkness. Be merciful for the soul of my father Joseph, who goes towards
your holy hands, because It is the moment when he needs your mercy ". When the
blessing was finished, he helped Joseph to lie down again, the good old man closed
eyes and in an expression of unspeakable peace gave up the ghost. Jesus embraced
him and Joseph's soul left its body and was taken by Michael, the Ancient of days.

John the Baptist refused to enter the frame required by Sanhedrin, he refused any
compromise. Caiaphas was furious and began to think that we could expect for nothing
from David's House: all mules. Jesus, initially had to take the royal responsibility
whereas John would have taken on the coat of the Big royal Priesthood, to them two,
they should have represented the Messiah King and Priest of the Kingdom of Israel, but
Jesus refused to dispute the political power in position and John refused since he had
married Mary Magdalene to assume messiah's responsibility Priest because he had
received the revelation that the power of heavens would not be on the head but that he
had to bring the people to recognize the Messiah King when he would come. In brief,
John made false voucher for Sanhedrin and Jesus was not enough a waverer to make
conquering King.

In the year 26, John the Baptist died beheaded on order of Herod and Mary Magdalene cried
this almost imperceptible husband whom she had served without managed to love
because he was never present. Jesus left then Qumran and went away 40 days in the
desert. He wanted to know the will of his Heavenly Father and to achieve it. Did the
intentions of God join those of Sanhedrin? Did he have to become a political Messiah
and conquer the independence of Israel at sword's point? Did he have to succeed of
John and to baptize the people? Did he have to look for his own way? So many
questions which required not the answers of the people but those of God.


When he left the desert, Jesus knew finally for what Heavenly Father really expected from
him and he put himself on the field to gather around him his future followers. These were
chosen at first among his cousins (John and James), his family (His brothers Jude and
Simon) and their relations (Peter, Andrew). Jesus, to become Rabbi itinerant Teacher,
had to be married.

It had been for him a thorny problem because his heart was lived only by Mary Magdalena,
but the Law wanted that the widow of John the Baptist marries a close relative of her
husband to achieve the Law of Levirat. Jesus had to marry her, being his cousin and
John the Baptist having no brother. This situation was received by the community as a
deep act of faith and humility on behalf of the future husband and both lovers were finally
combined with the blessing of all the community.

Jesus adopted small John, Son of John, and gave him his name. During the ceremony of the
official adoption of small John by Jesus, this last one gave to the child the birthright and
a new name: Yeshuah - David. David whom the title means " the elder son " and
Yeshuah wanting to say Jesus in Hebrew. Mary brought Mary Magdalene to Jesus in the
evening of the marriage and this time, when the bride lifted her veil, all the audience
noticed his profound joy. The ceremony and the wedding took place to Tabgha in the

year 26 in soft sunbeams of the end of the summer. " Well, you are mine now "
murmured Jesus by tightening Mary Madgalene on his breast.

This day Jesus was called Shepherd of Israel (that is itinerant Moralizer) and Mary
Magdalene received the honorary title of "Migdal-Eder", that is of " Tower of the Herd ".
Her task thus was to accompany her husband in its preachings, educating the women
more particularly on their responsibilities. And so Gospel translated Migdal-Eder by
Magdala and Mariamne became for many Christians: Mary of Magdala or Mary

Of this beautiful wedding was born the little baby girl Sarah - Damaris next year. Jesus
chosed to call her Sarah who wanted to say Princess and Damaris who wanted to say
Palm tree because he augured that of her daughter would result a big lineage which
would never go out, quite as the palm tree which persists and transplants itself
constantly. When Mary Magdalene was pregnant, she did not accompany Jesus and her
followers in her journeys of evangelization through the Judea. She stayed quietly in the
house of Bethania with Martha her sister-in-law and with his brother Lazarus. Jesus
missed her terribly and the reverse was the also true. Jesus often spent a few days to
Bethanie and each of his departures were a tearing.

On the occasion of the Presentation of Sarah-Damaris’Name to God, Jesus stayed several

days at Bethania. Martha was very busy because she wanted that everything was
perfect. Mary Magdalene, her, did not leave "her" Jesus.

She broke a vase of alabaster filled with perfume (which had confided her Salomea the
daughter-in-law of Herod, that one even who had asked on the instigation of her mother
for the head of john the Baptist) on the feet of Jesus. She murmured to its ear: " I break
the vase and apologize to you in the name of the one who offers you this perfume, she is
repentant and ask you humbly for forgiveness. She recognizes you as Messiah, Christ
and Rescuer, Amen ". Jesus knew Salomea, she was a friend of her mother and had
wished one time to become Nazarean Priestess but Herodiad her mother had opposed
to this desire. Now, she lived hidden and tourmented by sorrow. Jesus made a sign that
he forgave her with all his heart because he knew that John's murder had not been
stirred up by Salomea but by Herodiad. She was only the victim of the manipulation of
the power.

The ceremony of Presentation of the name began and the baby girl Sarah-Damaris received
a very soft and penetrating blessing. Jesus was so proud of her small princess; Mary
Magdalene remained in his feet subjected by his great man, drinking his words.

Martha fussed and asked to Jesus that Mary Magdalene came to help her, but Jesus said to
her with affection: " Martha, you are so in action, but Mary chose the best part ". Martha
was surprised with this answer, then entering in herself, she understood that this day
was a unique day in the life of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, a unique day for baby Sarah,
a day when all the family was gathered in the enjoyment. Then, she looked at the
preparations for the meal and began laughing at her natural cheerfulness: " he is right,
no matter so today we serve a little bit cold meals, it’s time to gather with the Lord, a
time for the enjoyment to be together! ".

The journeys of preaching of Jesus were very exalting. Mary Magdalene liking so much
seeing Jesus preaching the Kingdom of God and inciting his contemporaries to regret
and to turn their hearts to God. When Jesus spoke, he irradiated of him an undefinable
and nevertheless real light, a divine light giving evidence of the truthfulness of his words.

His publics were captivated and as long as he spoke about the assembled people
listened to him, nobody would have had the idea to go away.

Mary Magdalene was faithful, loving there, being of use him along the way and to the
evening stage, leaving him free of his time and even if often he spent his nights aside in
prayer, she did not complain. Wound into a ball in her Nazarean’s Priestess long black
coat, she often made a pretence of sleeping in the camp, but prayed in secret,
awakened all night long, in communion of thoughts with the one that she loved so much:
" for Your Son, For Your Reign, Heavenly Father ", she murmured with submission to the
divine will.

She anticipated that the future of Jesus would exceed the executive of the simple preaching.
The miracles made by Jesus multiplied as so many signs of the nearness of the
Kingdom. Mary Magdalene could not refrain from being afraid for the life of Jesus, he
attracted the crowds but he had so many detractors among them Levitate.

In 32, Yeshuah-David was 12 years old. It was the opportunity for him to enter officially the
community of the men by making his Bar-Mitzvah. Mary Magdalene and Mary spun with
love its shawl of light and Mary Magdalene made so many wishes for his son as she
spent of blue threads in the spotless wool shawl. " Already twelve years, how time goes
by. We cannot more retain it than the wind ", she thought.

When she was again encircled, she had again to leave temporarily the field of the Mission
and to return to lead the peaceful existence of Bethania. Martha knew how to only make
to delight her sister-in-law who first months missed so much appetite. " Please me,
another narrow-minded, in his return, your husband will find you thin as a cuckoo and he
will blame me for this lack of care to you. Do you want that he competes for me? Let us
go, another narrow-minded, make it for me ".

Martha might find full of arguments, the food did not pass or everything at least did not stay
in the stomach of this poor Mary Magdalene, already so small and maintaining made
thinner. The baby took her all her energy, more than during her first two pregnancies. "
He would be big and strong as his father, this one ", she said herself!


The summer 33 augured to be warm because the spring already began to show the
forerunners. Jesus got ready be 40 years old. It was the age in which King de Juda took on
officially Messiah's responsibility of their people.

Jesus knew that his hour had come. He chose last week of February to make his triumphant
entrance in Jerusalem. Sanhedrin was on the boil, " what is he going to make? To challenge
the order Romain or to break the legitimacy of Sanhedrin? " Thought Caïaphas. Jesus was
surrounded with a police contingent of Sicarians, he said to himself spiritual Manager … All
this must be quickly repressed to avoid that the people forget where was the spiritual power
to which he must be subjected.

Mary Magdalene was going to deliver. It was not the pregnancy which oppressed her, she
had the presentiment that Jesus was for a bend of his existence, that after this week, nothing
more in their life would be as before. Was he going to become King? She doubted it hardly
because it did not suit in the state of mind of Jesus.

" I am there to make the will of My Father " as Jesus had answered her, in the evening of his
arrival to Jerusalem gone up on an ass.

A the next time, he had said that only the one who eats his flesh and drinks its blood will
have the eternal life. All this looked like more an ascent towards the sacrifice, Jesus would
offer himself maybe as sacrificial victim? The time of the soft happiness was certainly spent.

In the evening of thursday, Jesus gathered his followers and began to wash them feet.

" I gathered them all, because the moment had come for my Church to appear to the world
and, for all the ewes, not to have more than a single Pasteur. I also wanted to show in the
souls that, even when they are in charge of the gravest sins, I never refuse them my grace
and I do not separate them from those who I love with preference. I kept them in my heart,
both, to give to each the help necessary for his state …

But which was my pain by seeing, represented by the unfortunate Judas, so many souls,
often gathered in my feet, washed by my Blood and running) however to their eternal loss.

I would like to make them understand that it is not because they are in a state of sin that they
have to go away from me. That they do not think that there is not remedy anymore and that
never they will be loved as they were her formerly … No, poor souls, such are not the
feelings of a God who is going to spread all his blood for you.

All to me come and be not afraid because I love you! I shall cleanse you of my Blood and
you will become whiter than the snow. Your sins will be flooded in the water where myself I
shall wash you, you nothing will be capable of breaking of my Heart the love which it has for
you ".

" I washed myself the feet of my apostles, so that in my example, those who dedicate
themselves to the apostolic works, know how to humble themselves at the sinners as at the
other souls which are confided(entrusted) to them and to handle them quite softly. I put
around of a linen to show them that the Apostle has to put around of humiliations and self-
abnegations, if he wants to reach effectively souls … I wanted to teach them also the mutual
charity, still ready to wash the faults of the next fellow man, that is to hide them, to excuse
them without revealing them ever.

Finally, the water which I poured on the feet of my apostles, was the image of the zeal which
consumed my Heart for the Salute of the world … My Heart was not able to contain so much
heat and my infinite Love for the men people was not able to be resolved to leave them

Then, to prove them this love and remain with them until the consumption of the centuries, I
wanted to be made their food, their support, their Life and them everything …

I saw at the moment the first Last Supper, through centuries, all those who would feed of my
Body, would quench thirst of my Blood and divine Fruits that they would take in it …

Who can penetrate into the feelings which invaded then my Heart? Feelings of enjoyment,
love, tenderness … But who can understand also his bitterness?

The Holy Cene is the invention of the Love! At this moment, I saw all the privileged souls
which fed on my Body and on my Blood, and would find the some, the remedy in their
weakness, the others the fire there to consume their poverty and fire them of love … I shall

warm those who need heat and my Sacred Body would be the Sun which would refresh

The Love fired me of the desire to be the food of these souls, because if I stayed among the
people, it was not only to live with the perfects, but also to support weaks and feed them. It is
me who shall make them grow and shall strengthen them ". (Words of Jesus written in " A
appeal to the Love ", taken in by Sister Joséfa Menedez).

This evening, Mary Magdalene understood that the hour of the sacrifice had come when she
heard Jesus to compare himself with the bread without yeast of the holiday of Pessah, the
bread of the haste. Jesus made a new Jewish religious movement germinate in which it
would represent himself the passage of the slavery to the freedom, the wine of the holiday
would be the blood of Jesus, this blood which would be spread on the altar of the sacrifice.
Everything got ready for a big and last sacrifice to save the world of the sin.

Mary Magdalene was frightened, she did not dare to imagine that she caught a glimpse of
the fate of her husband. A kick of the baby in the stomach returned her to more material

Mary either was not quiet. She who was normally so joyful by making the preparations for the
holiday of the next day!


Jesus, before going out to pray this evening, embraced tenderly his mother, his wife and his
children, then he knelt down to the feet of Mary Magdalene and kissed her stomach. She
was extremely surprised because it was not in the Jewish custom in which the woman
wearing the life could be approached only women, men risking to get defiled in her contact
until this one made the rites of purifications (after the birth of the child) in the ritual bath.

Mary Magdalene watched at him going out. She had tears in the eyes: " O Eternal Father,
that your will be made. Bless and protect the Saint of God ". She thought of the tight throat,
" Feel sorry for us poor fishermen ". Mary, from her part, left the rest of the arrangement of
the Upper House for a while, and, entering the room of the women, knelt down and has
raised to the Eternal Father a silent prayer.

The night would be long, it was the night of the delivery, at night when the big and last
Sacrifice was going to pass on the World.

She dreaded this night, but she liked his Heavenly Father who, allowed that in this night, the
world is saved. She knew that it was so that comes true this night, that Jesus had been born,
had taken flesh in her, and that he would offer himself in sacrificial victim for his people.
Jesus had spoken to her about the importance of this sacrifice. She knew that he was ready
for it and that he needed the love of both only women for him to have the courage to achieve
his sacrifice.

Juda also knew the importance of this night, but he believed only that Teacher wanted to
provoke the confrontation with Sanhedrin, it was necessary in one thousand leagues to
imagine that he would deliver Teacher to the death. Jesus had spoken to him about the
importance that he is delivered to Sanhedrin and had appointed him to arouse the interview.
Juda did not know about it more, but in good obedient sicarian, he made his task.

Jesus realized in this night the big and only one expiatory sacrifice for the salute of all his
brothers and sisters of spirit of all the generations of time. He both had to suffer and his
sweat changed in blood and an angel appeared to him to comfort him on the importance of
what he achieved. He doubted maybe, but the Father never left him.

Slowly, in the disappearance of their remarkable humility and their love for us, the Heavenly
Father and Heavenly Mother poured torrents of tears in this night and in the daytime which

" I withdrew in the garden of Gethsemani, that is in the solitude. The soul looks for his God
far from everything, inside from itself. To find him, it imposes silence on all the excitements of
the nature, so often battling against the Grace. It silences the reasonings of the self-esteem
or the sensualism which try ceaselessly to suppress the inspirations of the Grace and which
oppose in it to God's meeting. Like its intentions on you whatever they are and that all your
being prostrates itself as it is advisable in the creature in the presence of his Creator!

And so I offered myself to achieve the work of the Redemption of the world. At the same
moment, I saw dwelling on me all the agonies of the Passion: slanders, insults whips and
crown of thorns the thirst the cross all these pains hurried up for me, at the same time as the
multitude of the insults, the sins and the crimes which would compromise through centuries
… Not only I saw them, but I was taken on in it …

And, under this burden of ignominies, I had to appear at my Holiest Father to implore Mercy.
Under the weight of so many crimes, my human nature was seized with such an anxiety and
with it too reviled mortal, as all my Body was covered with a sweat of blood. Submerged by
an ocean of sadness, I fetched three followers whom I left with some distance.

I had chosen them, to rest me near them by making them share my prayer and my anxiety.
How to say what tried) my Heart when I went to look for them and when I found them
plunged into the sleep? What saddens, for the one who loves, to be alone and not to be able
to entrust in his! …

Returning to my prayer, I prostrated myself again. I liked my Father and I implored his help. I
do not say to him : " My God ", but " My Father ". When your heart suffers more, it is then
that you also have to call God, your Father. Beg him to help you, expose him your sufferings,
your fears, your desires and by the shout of your pain, remind him that you are his child. Say
to him that your body is exhausted, that your heart is oppressed until die from it, that your
soul seems to experiment that is the sweat of blood. Ask him with a confidence of child and
wait for everything of that who is your Father. Himself will relieve you and will give you the
necessary strength to cross the adversities or the suffering.

My soul, sad and distraught, was going to suffer from a more mortal anxiety still, because
under the weight of the injustices of the humanity and in return so much of the sufferings and
so much love, I saw only insults and ingratitudes. The blood which poured all my pores and
which would soon spring from all my wounds, would remain useless for so many souls many
would get lost the others in largest number would offend me and multitudes would not even
know me! I would spread this blood for all and my merits would be offered to each … Divine
Blood! Infinite merits! Useless however for so much and so many souls!

Yes, for all I would pour my Blood and all would be liked by the big Love. All this was then
present for me and in my heart. What's to be done? To move back? To ask to my Father to
deliver myself from this anxiety? … To represent him the uselessness of my Sacrifice for so
many souls? … No, I submitted myself again to his very holy will and I accepted this chalice
to exhaust him up to the dregs.

I made him to learn you not to move back in front of the suffering. Never consider it useless,
even if you do not see the result : subject your judgment and let the divine will act and come
true in you.

The arrest

For me, I did not want either to put off, or to run away. And knowing that there, in this
garden, my enemies were going to seize me, I remained there. Comforted by the Messenger
of my Father, I saw sudden coming Judas, one of my twelve apostles and, to his
continuation, those who had to seize Me. They were armed with sticks and with stones, in
charge of chains and ropes to seize me and bind me. I got up and, approaching me, I say to
them: " Who do you look? " Then, Judas putting hands on my shoulders, kissed me! Ah,
Judas, whom do you make and whom means this kiss?

When the soldiers advanced to seize me, I say to them " It is me! " After he had given me
this kiss, Judas went out of the garden and, understanding the extent of its crime, he
despaired. Who can measure my pain when I saw my apostle walking to his eternal loss!!

The hour came however and, quite freeing the soldiers, I was surrended with everything the
obedience of a lamb. They dragged me immediately at Home of Caiaphas, where I was
received by mockeries and insults, and where one of the servants gave me the first bellows!
In this first bellows, I saw the first mortal sin of so many souls until then in a state of grace.
And after the first one, how many others! …

My apostles gave up me … Only Peter, pulled by the curiosity, but filled with fear, hides
himself in the middle of the servants.

Around me, only around false witness who accumulate lie on lie to instigate the anger of the
inequitable judges. Those even lips of which applauded so often my miracles, are made
today my accusers. They call me disruptive, profaner of the Sabbath, false prophet … Where
thus were you, Apostles and Followers, witnesses of my life, of my teachings, my miracles?
Regrettably! Of all those from whom I waited for some proof of love, nobody is there to
defend me.

I am alone, accused of the most mean crimes, surrounded with soldiers as with voracious
wolves all mistreat me the one strikes me the face, the other one throws me its saliva and
this other one turns me in mockery! And whereas my heart offers itself to all these tortures to
deliver the souls of the captivity of the sin: Peter, who few hours previously, promised to
follow me up to the death, Peter who has the opportunity to make me testimony, answers a
simple request by a first renunciation. And as the question is renewed and what the fright
seizes more and more him, he swears that he has never known me and that he was never
my follower! … Ah! Peter, you swear that you do not know your Teacher! No, only you swear
him, but third time you deny him by horrible curses …

The prison

Whereas the soldiers led me to the prison, I perceived Peter in the middle of the servants
and my eyes settled on him. He looked at me and cried bitterly his sin.

I spent one long night part in the prison. It is there that the soldiers, joining the words to acts,
came to offend me, to laugh at me, to offend me, and to strike me in the head and on all the
body … Tired finally, they abandoned me alone and bound, in this dark and wet place.

For seat, they gave me a stone where my painful body was seized by the cold. Finally, in the
prison, when they pushed me and dropped me on the ground, bound and without strengths
… I saw so many souls preferring one day their satisfaction. Chain me by their ingratitudes,
push away me and renew my painful fall by prolonging my solitude.

In the prison, what consumed me of love and deepened in me a new thirst of pains, it was
the thought of so much and so many souls as I would later attract to follow my tracks. I saw
them, for my Love, go as far as sacrificing itself for them, as myself sacrificed myself for the
salute of those who so treated me.

I saw them, supported by my grace, answering the divine Call, embracing the state of
perfection, imprisoning in the solitude, being themselves bound by the chains of the love,
giving up all that they liked legally, to bear with courage the uprisings of their own nature,

being allowed judge, agree even to be disdained, slandered and their life considered as
madness and to keep their heart through everything, confidentially united with their God and
Lord. May your heart unites more confidentially with God, the unique object of your love and
repair his) Glory offended by so many sins!

So, in the middle of the insults and the vile treatments, the love consumed me of the desire
to achieve the will of my Father, and my Heart, strictly united with him for these hours of
solitude and pains, offered to repair its Glory. At the dawn of the next day, Caiaphas gave
the order to lead me to Pilate so that he decided against me the judgment of death.

Herod and Pilate

Pilate questioned me with ingenuity, to discover a real motive for condemnation, but by
finding nobody, he soon felt his consciousness frightened by the injustice that he was going
to commit. So, to get rid of me, he ordered to send to me to Herod.

And so the soul has to answer with energy and generosity: " No, my kingdom is not of this
world, that is why I do not look for the favour of the people. I go to my real homeland where
are waiting for me the rest and the happiness. Down here, I do not have to take into account
the opinion of the world, but to carry out the duty faithfully ".

Herod was a perverse man who tried only to satisfy his muddled passions. He is delighted to
see me appearing in his court, hoping to distract my words and my miracles. Meanwhile, my
Heart was confidentially united with my Heavenly Father. The desire to look to the souls
which I like so much, to the last drop of my Blood, consumed me. The thought of all those
who would follow me one day, subjected by my example and my generosity, fired me of love!

Having undergone the most ignominious insults in the most perfect silence, I was allowed
deal with madman! And, dressed in the white dress in sign of mockery, I was brought to
Pilate in the middle of the shouts of the multitude.

I was allowed lead with the sweetness of a lamb to the terrible torture of the whipping. On my
body covered with bruises and broken by fatigue, the executioners unburden, with the
cruellest frenzy, their rod and their whips … All my bones are shaken in the most terrible pain
of the fragments of my divine flesh fly taken by rod the blood springs from all my members
and I am soon reduced to a so pathetic state as I have even no more the appearance of a
man! …

Look at me and be allowed guide by the Grace and by the desire to console me in this
victim's state. Be not afraid. Your suffering will never equal mine! And for all that I shall ask
for you, my Grace will assist you.

When the executioners had grown tired due to striking, they braided a crown of thorns,
pushed it on my head and scrolled me by saying: " King! We greet you! … ". Some men
offended me, the others struck me in the head and each added a new pain to those who
already exhausted my body.

Yes, me who am the Son of God, the Support of the universe, I wanted to pass with the eyes
of the people as the last one and the most despicable of all. Far from avoiding the
humiliation, I embraced it to pay for the sins of pride and pull souls by my example. I allowed
that my head was crowned with thorns and that I support it to repair the sins of so many

souls which refuse to accept what lowers them with the eyes of creatures. No! No road, no
state is mean or humiliating, as soon as it is a question of following God's will.

It is thus crowned with thorns and dressed in a coat of purple which the soldiers returned me
to Pilate, by swamping me everywhere with shouts, with insults and with mockeries. Pilate,
finding in me no crime deserving of punishment, questioned me again and he asked me why,
knowing that he had any power on me, I answered him nothing.

Then, going out of my silence, I say to him: " You would have no power if it had not been
given to you of Heaven, but have Scriptures to come true " and, closing again lips, I gave
way … Pilate, disturbed by the warning of his wife, pulled enters remorse of its
consciousness and the fear of seeing the unchained people lifting up itself against him, if he
refused himself in my death, presented me to the crowd in the pathetic state where we had
reduced me and suggested freeing me by condemning for my place Barabbas, which was a
badge thief.

But the multitude exclaimed with fury and with one voice: " That he dies … We want that he
dies and that Barabbas is freed! " .Think one moment the suffering of my heart supremely
soft and delicate, when he lives to prefer Barabbas and when, seeing me disdained so … I
was pierced in the most intimate of the soul by the shouts of my crowd which asked for my

The cross

As I remembered myself the tendernesses of my mother when she tightene) me on her heart
… Tire them and the care of my foster father had been led for my love! … How I ironed
benefactions so liberally spread on his people the sight made to the blind persons the health
to the patients the use of their members in counter the crowds fed in the desert the deaths
themselves resuscitated! And now, contemplate me, reduced to the state the most
despicable object more than any other one of the hatred of the people and the condemned
person as the vile thief! The multitude asked for my death and Pilate pronounced the

Whereas the eternal loss of Judas plunged my heart into an abyss of sadness, the
executioners, insensible in my pain, placed on my bruised shoulders, the hard and heavy
cross on which was going to consume the mystery of the Redemption of the world.

Angels of the sky, contemplate this God in front of whom you are prostrated in constant
worship … See the Creator of all the marvels of this world, rise towards the Calvary, under
the holy and blessed wood which is going to receive its dying breath.

I’m so tired and the cross is so heavy, as I fall failing halfway … See then these inhuman
people recovering me brutally: the one pulls me by an arm, the other one by my clothes
which are stuck on my wounds this one squeezes me in the throat that one seizes me by the
hair of the others swamp me with blows of fists and with feet. The cross falls again on me,
erasing me of all its weight. Stones of the road bruise my face. The sand and the dust get
involved in my blood to darken my eyes and stick to my face: I am the most despicable being
of the earth!

Still move forward with me … In some not farther, you will meet my very Holy Mother… Her
Heart pierced by pain. Consider the martyr of these two hearts: for my Mother, the one that
she loves chiefly, it is his son and far from being able to relieve him she knows on the
contrary all that her presence adds to my sufferings.

For me, the one that I love most to the world, it is my mother! And not only I may not console
her, but the pathetic state where she sees me reduced, pierces her of a pain similar to mine,
because the death which I suffer in my body, my mother carries it in her heart.

Ah! As the eyes become attached to me and as mine, darkened and stained with blood,
settle on her! No word is pronounced, but that of things say themselves our two hearts in this
painful interview!

All the agonies of my Passion were present in the spirit of my mother by divine revelation.
Some of my followers, although by far, by fear of the Jews, also tried to inquire of what took
place to bring back it to her … As soon as she knew that my judgment of death was
pronounced, she went out on my meeting and did not leave me any more until they led me in
the sepulchar.

Meanwhile, the procession advances on the road of the Calvary. These man inequitable,
being afraid of seeing me dying before the term, agree between them to look for somebody
who helps me to carry the cross. It is then that they requisition for a reasonable price, a man
of neighbourhood called Simon.

Now we approach the Calvary. The crowd stirs, whereas I move forward only hard … And
soon, exhausted by fatigue, I fall for the third time.

My first fall will obtain to the sinners rooted in the habit of the evil, forces them to be
converted. The second will encourage the weak souls, blinded by the sadness and the

anxiety, to get up and to take back with a new heat the road of the virtue … The third will
help souls to regret at the supreme hour of the death.

Some seize the cross and spread it towards the ground the others tear away my clothes. My
wounds reopen and the blood flows again. Consider, souls which love me, which was not my
shame by seeing me so exposed in front of the multitude! What a pain for my body and what
a confusion for my soul!

The hour is sounded! The executioners spread me on the cross. They seize my arms and
stretch them, so that my hands can reach holes already dug in the wood. In every shock, my
head is shaken here and there and the thorns of the crown penetrate there more profoundly.
Every time of hammer heavens shiver and the angels prostrate themselves before such a

For me, I keep the most profound silence and no complaint does not escape from my lips.
Having nailed my hands, they pull cruelly my feet: wounds reopen, nerves break, bones
dislocate themselves, the pain is intense! My feet are pierced and my blood bathes the

And whereas the nails of hammer resound throughout the space, the world trembles, the sky
puts on the most rigorous silence, all the angelic spirits prostrate themselves in worship … A
God is nailed on the cross! It is the love which is going to lead me to the death.

Here is the hour of the Redemption of the world! They are going to raise me of the ground
and to offer me in show of mockery to the crowd but also to the admiration of souls! The
world found the Peace! This cross which, until then, was the instrument of torture where
expired the criminals, becomes the light of the world and the object of the most profound
worship! In my sacred wounds, the sinners will draw the forgiveness and the life. My blood
will wash and will erase all their stains. In my sacred wounds, the pure souls will come to
quench thirst and to be fired with love. There, they will take refuge and will fix for ever their
house. The world found his Redeemer and the chosen souls, the model which they have to

- O my Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they make.

No! They did not know the one who is their life. They unburdened on him all the fury of their
injustices. But, I beg you, O my Father, unburden on them all the strength of your Mercy!

- Today you will be with me in Paradise.

Because your faith in the Mercy of your Rescuer erased all your crimes and it is it which
leads you to the eternal life.

- Woman, here is your son!

O my mother! Here is my brothers, keep them, love them. You are not alone any more, O
you for whom I gave my life! You have now a mother to whom you can turn in all your

- My God! Why did you abandon me?

Yes, the soul has henceforth the right to say to his God " why did you abandon me? "
Because after the consumption of the mystery of the Redemption, the man became a son of
God, brother of Jesus Christ, heir of the eternal life.

- I am thirsty!

O my Father! I am thirsty of your Glory and now the hour came! Henceforth, by seeing the
realization of my Words, the world will know that it is you who sent to me and you will be
glorified! I am thirsty souls and, to calm this thirst, I looked to the last drop of my blood.

That is why I may say:

- Everything is consumed.

Now is finished the big mystery of Love in which a God delivers to the death his own son, to
return the life to the man. I came in the world to make your will: O my father, it is achieved!

- In your hands, I put back my soul and, to you, I deliver my spirit.

So, the souls which achieved my will they can say really: " everything is consumed! My Lord
and my God, receive my soul, I put back it between your hands ". (Words of Jesus pulled of "
A call to the Love ", taken in by Sister Josefa Menendez).

When Jesus gave up his soul, Heavenly Father tore his garment in sign of mourning and the
veil of the Temple tore from top to bottom. Jesus was not any more, but his universal work
was only beginning. Mary Magdalene, Mary, Mary-Salomea (sister of Jesus) and Joh were
near the cross, in tears there, they prayed every under a pouring rain.

The crowd had left, " the show was finished " and everybody got ready to celebrate the meal
of Seder and the exit of the Jewish people of the slavery of Egypt.

The Grave and Resurrection

More than ever, Jesus in this evening of Seder represented the sacrificed lamb and his
blood, the protective blood which passed on the girder of the doors of the Israelites to protect
the first ones arisen from the death at night of the delivery of Easter. Jesus, in himself
recapitulated all the history of the Salute and raised it towards the Father.

At the moment, Joseph d' Arimatie, Ha Rama Théo, that is the spiritual Manager of the
Nazarean community, hurried up to ask Pilate, before the day fall, the authorization to take
the body of Jesus and to put it in the grave.

Mary Magdalene pressed on her heart the cup which she had taken deftly that very afternoon
to make drink Jesus. She did not have been able to approach him, but when after his death,
the centurion Longinus had pierced the side of Jesus to make sure of his death, she had
collected in the cup a part of the blood and the water which escaped from the wound.

To resuscitate, Jesus had to have a complete body and the humors and the blood which
escaped of his body must be collected and buried with him.

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimatia, old childhood friends and High Priests, united their
efforts to bury Jesus and give him a correct grave. He was washed and prepared to receive
the ritual embalming two days later at the time of the levying of the Sabbath.

Jesus was washed, prepared and wrapped with strips. The cup was placed in its feet.

Everything had been too fast for Juda, of all in that he was expected, nothing had taken
place decently. He wished that Teacher is understandable in front of Sanhedrin: in exchange,
Jesus had pronounced no word, he had been dragged towards Herod: he had not demanded
Juda's throne, Pilate had received him and he had him to condemn. He had dared to
condemn Teacher!!

Then, the incredible had occurred: Jesus had been crucified between two criminals for the
motive for charge that he said to himself King of Jews. Juda did not stop repeating: " I did not
want it ". He had thrown the money which had given him Sanhedrin to have delivered Jesus.
This money burned his fingers. He wanted that Heavenly Father stroke him on the spot but
no cloud on the horizon overestimated that the lightning can fall on him.

" Why kept silent about me let make that to your Son? " He shouted close to tears to
Heavenly Father. Those who saw him roaming believed that he was drunk or that he raved,
but in fact, he was drunk with sadness and with pain. If drunk with pain that he stumbled at
the end of the city, fell behind and smashed the head on a rock. "Thank you" was his last
word. Heavenly Father had answered him.

Very sad Seder for the small community gathered in the literary set. There, all grouped in the
most complete confusion, the followers, the women and the children waited terrorized.

What was it going to happen? Were the troops of Herod or Pilate going to come to look for
them and to throw them in prison, so destroying all the rising spiritual movement which Jesus
had initialized? All the followers were afraid for their life and barricaded doors during two
days which followed.

Mary and Mary Magdalene waited in the faith and the confident prayer for the return of
Teacher, they did not doubt that God would bless his Saint and would glorify him, they did
not simply know when it would occur.

The first day of the week, Mary Magdalene, Mary-Salomea and Mary-Jacobea (the sister of
Mary) went to the grave early in the morning. The stone of the grave was removed when
three women arrived.

They saw an angel who warns them that they must not be frightened and whom Jesus was
not any more there but whom he was resuscitated. This piece of news is enough for Mary-
Salomea and Mary-Jacobea who distraught of enjoyment ran to warn the followers of it.

But Mary Magdalene, upset by so much sorrow and the announcement of a so big piece of
news knelt down and began crying. So, the Saint of God would not wait in the grave for the
Resurrection of the deaths to return with them to the life, he was already resuscitated, the
third day after his death?! All this was so sudden?

Plunged into her thoughts, she felt the rustle of a tunic with her and understanding that she
was not alone. She said to the person who was by her side: " if it is you who took him, say to
me where you put him, I shall come to take back him ".

Wild, she raised eyes defiantly and was suddenly dazzled by a halo of light: - "Mary
Magdalene" says the voice of the one who was next to her.

- "Rabbouni" exclaimed in a surge of grateful happiness. She dashed and embraced the
divine feet of Jesus drilled by the nails of the cross, her husband had returned to the life.
What an enjoyment!

- " Do not retain me, I did not return towards the Father yet " roared Jesus, the sparkling eyes
of love for his beloved wife. Mary Magdalene understood fast that it had not returned that for
her, he had a mission to be achieved for his brothers with the Father.

Her sorrow was deprived of her in succession and it is in apostle of Lord Resurrected that
she left the garden of the grave. He was not any more there, he was resuscitated well.

Her heart beat overjoyed. When she spoke to her brothers about the followers about it, they
were able to believe in " this madness ". Mary, her, knelt down and, of gratitude to the
extreme kindness of the Father, made a long prayer of action of grace.

In the following evening, Jesus appeared to the apostles gathered in the cenacle. He showed
them the hands, his feet, his pierced side and all were delighted recognizing in him their Lord
resurrected. They did not apologize to the women for not having believed them. But the
opposite had amazed them!

" My friends, we are going to prepare the Kingdom and to announce in all the earth that the
death is overcome and that the Salute entered the World " declared Jesus with strength and
all the affection of his heart.

Then, began 40 glorious days in the course of which the apostles banished any fear. During
this period was born baby Yeshuah-Joseph (Joseph wanting to say "younger child"("junior").

Jesus made the ceremony of presentation of the name for his son, producing thanks to the
Father to have allowed him to be there for this big and ultimate family enjoyment there.


Jesus established his Church and organized it:

Jesus put James, his brother in the head of the Church, with Peter as First Councillor and
John as the Second Councillor. The apostles received all a call to the Mission except
three Presidents of the Church who had to stay in Jerusalem.

James managed the Church until the repression of the year 55 in Jerusalem, and was
recognized and respected by the other rabbis as being a big spiritual manager. “We saw
him from morning till night praying on the knees every day in the Temple and later” (the
Jewish Historian Flavius Joseph will say about him that he stayed so much time on the
knees in prayer as the knees were also calloused as those of a camel).

The doggedness of Sanhedrin against Jesus did not take place in first time of the Church. It
seemed that the Priests were overwhelmed by the wave of craze which aroused the
"good news” (Gospel) and hanging a few years, the leaders of the Church benefited
from a relative tranquillity. It happened that they were forbidden to preach in the Temple
or synagogue, that they were beaten or imprisoned, but they were quickly relaxed and
the Church prospered slowly.

Mary Magdalena was named Apostle and Clerk of the court. She held the book of
constitutions and the Missions. She registered it the instructions of Jesus and the places
of mission of the apostles and 70.

The day before the Ascension Day of Our Lord Jesus-Christ in heavens, he gave his orders
in passionate Bartholomew. To moderate his touchy character, he would be
accompanied with Mary Magdalena and with baby Yeshuah-Joseph (as if it was about
his wife and about his child) and of Philipp, the brother of Mary Magdalena in the Faith.
They would go to preach the Kingdom in Nubia. Sarah-Damaris would go to live with
Lazarus and Martha to Bethania, whereas Yeshuah-David would become an apprentice
fisherman in the company of Peter and Andrew.

Mary Magdalena was excited at the idea of returning on roads to preach the Gospel. She
was delighted to make it with Bartholomew, this big kind and irascible giant who
eradicated a tree of the hands and who had a golden heart. Philipp was the Hellenist of
the group. He was the only one to philosophize in Greek language with Mary Magdalena
and so could touch foreign crowds speaking or including Greek. Some of the apostles
saw there a certain superiority and made smell to Philipp and to Mary Magdalena for
whom they should not try to get noticed by their knowledge.

Then Jesus said his farewells to his family, squeezing each individually in the arms. He gave
a blessing to each. All those to whom he laid on hands in a fit of love to bless them were
touched and to feel the streaming of its divine Love on their soul. Jesus augured on the
fate of each, so preparing them to face the events of the life before his big return in

Jesus took Mary Magdalena then to part. He had to explain her the particular fate of his
children, his role and the impulse which he was going to give them throughout their lives.
" You remember yourself the cup of blood and water which you placed by my side in the
grave? Here it is. There is no more track of my blood there, but this cup shall protect you
during your journeys.

It is very ordinary one and will not attract the greeds. It is the new Ark of the Covenant,
sealed with my own blood. Everywhere where our family will go, the cup has to
accompany you. Later, you will confide it to Yeshuah-Joseph. He will know which use to
make it. His lineage will be responsible for staying up the Ark of the New Convenant until
the angels come on my behalf to demand it ".

Then he murmured as a promise to her ear: " I shall never leave you, you are in my heart
and I love you. Touch my heart, you are there, inside. You will always feell the flame of
my love burning in your heart. I shall be at any time with you. You are my beloved wife,

never you will feel the space of my absence. We shall always be side by side even if, in
this life with the eyes of the world, you are alone. I love you and I shall always love you ".
He kissed Mary Magdalena tenderly and said his farewells to her mother then to his

Jesus rose in heavens in big dazzle of light and celestial music. The angels surrounded him.
Then, Jesus disappeared at sight of all and the emotion of the departure adapt to feel in
crowd the assembly spontaneously at sight of the Ascension Day of Our Lord.

Still in the delight of divine vision, the apostles are mirrored to speak in languages which to
there were unknown them and the assembled crowd remained speechless to see these
Galilean Jews expressing himself in so many diverse languages.


The call to the Mission had been felt and it was time to leave two by two to preach the
Gospel of God's Love for the people. It is only later that the apostles realized, that in this
day, they had received Holy Ghost in each of them and that it would not leave them any
more alone, helping them to show so of the Father and the Son and to open the most
reluctant hearts.

Having left 6-year-old Sarah-Damaris to Bethania with Martha and Lazarus, Mary Magdalena
started with Bartholomew, Philipp and baby Yeshuah-Joseph for the Nubia. This
adventure showed itself very fruitful and fascinating. Along the way, they spoke about the
Good news of the Gospel.

Everywhere they stayed, the populations were interested and thanked God to meet the
apostles. They had no enemies among the met peoples but met a lot of opposition on
behalf of the Opponent who sent them fatal visions, night-frights and strange diseases
which disappeared by the prayer and the laying on of hands. The small troop made the
inverse road of the Exodus and joined Egypt few months later.

From there, Mary Magdalena and her companions went down in Nubia where they received
a very good welcome. The populations had kept the memory of the magnificence of King
Salomon and its extreme wisdom, the wise men still spoke to the children of the coming
of their big Queen, the Queen of Sheba, in Jerusalem and the torrents of wisdom which
she had reported to her people in her return. The Gospel fitted easily into these simple
hearts in the joyful nature.

Three companions so realized that these people of Africa practised certain Jewish customs
of the Abrahamical Covenant and it allowed them to find hearts already prepared to
receive the New Covenant in their hearts. The Mission of three companions lasted
almost 10 years.

Since the Nubia, Mary Magdalena and her friends went back up in Egypt where they met a
real governmental opposition. They were imprisoned in Alexandria because they
preached the Gospel of Love and because the husbands were afraid that his wives are
not any more subjected to them if they were converted to the Kingdom. The men of the
richest classes demanded that prisoners were racked and killed in public to discourage
any desire of conversion in the Christianity.

The history does not say to us where was then 9-year-old and half Yehsuah-Joseph, but
however he was not suspected. During their confinement, Mary Magdalena and his
companions united in prayer so that the Lord could free them or give them a holy death
susceptible to convert hearts.

The day of their tortures, Mary Magdalena, Philipp and Bartholomew were exposed in front of
the crowd of Alexandria. Both men were hard tormented and burned from everywhere.
Mary Magdalena was been undressed and she stayed humbly in front of her Judges. But
as she was undressed, her hair grew and came to cover her body chastely up to the
ankles. Then, she began shining with a blinding light, so much and so that her Judges
made her dress again to question her.

She was sentenced to death as her two companions when came the apostle John taken on
an aura light which freed them by the strength of conviction of its word. All the small
troop came back to Judea by the sea. We were already in the year 43.


During this lapse of time of 10 years, certain events occurred in the life of the family of
Jesus :

In 35, the President of the Church, James, the brother of Jesus, visited Great Britain
accompanied with Joseph of Arimatia. They preached the Gospel of Love there and
received a good favor and courteous echo on behalf of the populations and the Celtic
monastic communities.

The Druids and the Archi-Druids were carriers of a knowledge equivalent to that of Essenians
men and their sciences got them common points with teachings dispensed by James.
He thus received the agreement of authorized druidic to implant a small Christian
community in Great Britain to Glastonbury and James asked Joseph of Arimatia to
create this small praying colony. Joseph set to work at once and in a few months, small
Qumran in Celtic earth received its first hermits.

In the year 38, Martha and Lazarus celebrated Bat-Mitzvah of Sarah-Damaris. She was so
beautiful with her wreath of fresh flowers braided by Martha with so much love. " Well,
my small darling is a woman, praises is returned to the quite powerful God and to the
Lamb " thought of fond Martha.

By this ceremony, the girl Sarah, 11-year-old, took on her the responsibilities of the Girls of
Israel, the mothers, the wives and the girls of God. She made a commitment in front of
the Torah to respect the divine laws and to raise her future children in the fear and love
of God.

The same year, James the brother of Jesus, made a second apostolic journey. He left
Jerusalem to go in Spain by the sea, in a merchant ship which made the coastal
transport. He landed to Alicante and tried to evangelize Spain. He met the hostility of
certain peoples and was chased away little by little from a village to the other one, but
his words of love found little by little an echo among the peoples of Celtic origin who
lived in the regions of Galicia. He spoke with their druids and the contact as in Great
Britain was good in time.

In 41, James left Spain to preach the Gospel in Gaul, in Brittany and in Venetia. His
preaching was welcomed with a deep interest and he sometimes had difficulty in leaving
his new converts.

Chapter 7: The second generation

In the year 43, on the return to Mary Magdalena and his companions in Jerusalem, Joseph of
Arimatia took Yehsuah-Joseph with him. He thus left with the caravan of brass business with
his great-uncle and arrived at the end of a few months in Brittany.

Joseph of Arimatia had planned to admit Yeshuah-Joseph to the Druidic University of

Brittany because the Essenian Center of Qumran was confronted to the Roman persecutions
and represented a potential danger for the young man.

In this university, Yeshuah-Joseph with access to mathematics lessons, Astronomy, Physics,

Movement of bodies and weights, Masonry, Studies of the ancient religions, History of the
peoples, Big Work. Yeshuah-Joseph was only 10 years old, but it was time that he made
solid studies which would honour his august father. Yeshuah-Joseph was called to a great
destiny, he would be the spiritual leader of the lineage of the Holy Grail and must be
spiritually formed.

Yeshuah-David, was 23 years old. He was strapping solid and brave man. He was a
fisherman. He had been trained by Peter, the follower of his father and the fisherman of
fishes became little by little a fisherman of people. He would have wanted to preach the
Gospel, but all the community considered that it was important to protect him and thus not to
let him expose himself pointlessly.

Peter had always had an immense worship for John the Baptist and for Jesus. The fact that
Yeshuah-David is the biological son of the one and the foster son of the other one returned
infinitely precious Yeshuah-David in his eyes. Furthermore, nobody was without knowing that
being the elder son of Master, he could succeed him in the throne of Judea if this last one
was called chargeable to Messiah.

Yeshuah-David was thus formed in the secret and the intimacy of the Apostles, he
accompanied them as servant when Peter and Andrew were going to preach. He took part in
the discussions concerning the legitimacy of Paul as self-proclaimed apostle. He did not
accompany Peter in Rome during the martyr of the first Christians under the reign of Néron.

Quite as his foster father to Nazareth, he lived hidden during the first years of his life in
Galilee. It suited in the secret and silent nature of this man. He was contemplative and liked
to pray and to take in himself in the night last hours and to stay in the worship of the marvels
of the Creator in the rise there of dawn.

For him, every new day was God's blessing and in any new dawn he saw the figure of the
return of the Messiah. Yeshuah-David had a charming and respectful character, and
everybody loved him.

In the year 44, the Roman pressures against the family of Jesus increased. Mary of Magdala
was warned in dream that she quickly had to leave the Judea and take the boat. Coast was
also guarded, it was necessary to her one to let pass. She made the request for her nephew
Hérode-Aggrippa the Second who was favorable to the Christian movement.

He let her leave accompanied with Sarah-Damaris, Martha, Lazarus, Mary-Salomea, Mary-
Jacobea, Longinus who (having pierced the side of crucified Jesus) had been converted to
the Christianity under the first name of Maximus among very first and Sidonius the blind
person of Jericho cured by Jesus. They embarked at night and having left the coast, the
travellers raised up their voices and their hymns of praise for divine protection which they
enjoyed. The boat, guided by the wind and the angels, arrived on a warm morning of May in
a small bank of south of the Gaul which will be later named Saintes Maries de la Mer.

Very fast, the small group splits:

Mary Magdalena and Sarah-Damaris climb the mountain and settle down in the place called
from then on Saint Baume, in memory of their presence and of the Holy Grail which she had
brought with her.

It was a kind of cave dwelling which held warmly the winter and isolated from the strong heat
the summer. Both women furnished simply the house with two beds stocked with leaves and
with pine needles which embalmed and left the appropriate place and made flee insects. A
small chest stored the Gospel of Love there (written by the hand of Jesus) and the Holy
Grail. A small necessities of cooking (tumblers of earth, pot, dish, small jar, knife and seal
ended the equipment. Both women lived a simple, almost monachal life and the cheerfulness
of character of Sarah-Damaris embellished everything.

One day, a small shepherd came to pass, he looked for an ewe. He was late and the child
was starved. Mary Magdalena kept him for night and gave to him to eat. She offered him her
bed and wrapped it with a soft blanket of skin. At dawn, Mary Magdalena woke the child and
says to him where was its ewe. " Go fast, the Lord showed me in a dream where was your
ewe. She is cold and she calls you. Go fast small shepherd " she says to him.

After this adventure the reputation of Mary Magdalena quickly spread in the Leases. A seer
had taken up residence in the mountain. The shepherds, the farmers came more and more
numerous to ask from her advice and her reputation increases.

She always took advantage of these moments to teach some example pulled by the life of
Jesus (without saying that she was his wife). She looked after the patients by putting some
water in the cup of the Holy Grail and by moistening a linen in the cup before applying it to
the wound which they presented her. She said that the balm of Love of Jesus looked after
the poor men and after the humble of heart.

Martha, her, went to Tarascon where she was going to settle down in hermit not far from the
city. In this time, in Tarascon, they spoke only about Tarasque. This amphibian monster
which lives in waters of the Rhône and sometimes wasted children and cattle looked like a
dragon of huge Komodo. Martha was called in for help by the frightened population: because
she was holy one hermit, by her prayer she had to free the city of the monster. Martha spent
all night in prayer, she fasted and begged the Christ to free the city of Tarasque. The next
day, sure of the supernatural support of Jesus, Martha went out early in the morning of her
hut and went on the bank of the Rhône.

There, she addressed Tarasque and gave it the order in the name of Jesus Christ to come
and see her. The powerful monster came out of the water and came to lie down in its feet.
Martha calmed it with a sign of the cross on it forehead and the animal went away definitively
and will not feed any more human beings but vegetables. Martha will dedicate all the rest of
her life to the evangelization of the city where she was buried at her death.

Lazarus, as for him, went to Marseille where he will be a bishop and Longinus who took the
first name of Maximus (Maximin) after its baptism will go to Aix to preach the Gospel.

Mary Jacobea and Mary Salomea remained spot, near the sea, there where they had
accosted. They preached the Gospel there. Both women were very listened to because they
testified of what they had seen: Jesus in cross, resuscitated Jesus. They realized miracles in
the name of Jesus Christ. Fishermen's small harbour was not fed with tap water for several
years. The population had to go very far to reach a source.

Mary-Jacobea and Mary-Salomea felt sorry of the population and prayed, asking to the Lord
for one source of running water to quench the fishermen. The water began springing and a
small subterranean source appeared enough so that the population digs a well and drinks
durably. The well is still visible in the current church. Mary Jacobea and Mary Salomea lived
very old and died a few months away from interval. Saint Trophimus, came from Arles, gave
them last rites and attended credibly their burial.

When Sarah-Damaris died she was buried with her aunts. The Holy women were all three
interred near the small oratory which they had built in the small village said about "Saintes
Maries de la Mer".

In the year 45, Yeshuah-Joseph made its Bar-Mitzvah in Gaul, within the small Jewish
community. He read with emotion the Torah for the first time in the presence of the men to
the Synagogue and commented on it. His emotion was big, he knew that he achieved an act
crowned in the presence of Heavenly Father and of his father Jesus Christ, who looked at
him (he was certain about it) down from the sky. Yeshuah-Joseph was now a man.

Kings and chiefs of the tribes of Gaul sometimes came to meet the Seer of Saint Baume,
asking from her advice on the behaviour to be adopted towards their neighbours, the political
arrangements, the alliances of clan to be established. Mary Magdalena never nearly spoke
them about the Gospel and about the Jesus. She advised them and managed them
spiritually on the way of God's Wisdom.

Chapter 8: The lineage of Zara

King Franc, named Chlodomer, was touched by the reserved character and the sweetness of
Mariamné (Mary Magdalene). He followed its councils and had of the success in the holding
of the affairs. He deducted that from it would be good for his family to join to that of
Mariamné. He thought that become allied a seer by wedding ring between his son and the
girl of this one would bring an additional prestige to his lineage.

He thus proposed to Mariamné, an union between Sarah-Damaris, then 18-year-old, and his
son Anthénor.

He explained that his ancestors were just like Sarah-Damaris descendants of Juda's House,
by the branch of Zarah, a brief historic outline of which he gave.

" When Juda, son of Jacob, our father in all met Tamar, she conceived two sons, the one
was called Pharès (Peretz), it is the ancestor of the House of King David, and the other one
was named Zarah (Zerach). Both brothers, born in Goshem, on the ground of Egypt, grew
unite. But Pharaoh spread more and more his dominion on the children of Israel.

Zarah received one night the visit of an angel who warned him of the imminent danger of the
next beginning of slavery for his people. He gave him the order in the name of God to leave
Goshem with his House, his sons and his daughters, his herds and his servants.

The angel reassured him, he says to him: " I shall be with you during your journey. I shall
walk in front of you and shall guide you in the country of your inheritance. The very high God

whom I serve wants that the yoke of the slavery does not pass on your spinal column and
that your lineage serves him faithfully ".

Zarah warned his father and his brother. " Because such is God's will, you have to go my son
and be afraid of nothing. Receive my patriarchal blessing and leave the home of your father
to settle your lineage in foreign earth. The Lord will feel sorry for Israel, he will free his people
in the fixed time and any time we shall bless the Lord, in the enjoyment and in the sadness,
in the wealthiness and in the destitution because he is a God ".

It was the last words that Zarah heard from the lips of his dear father. That very evening,
when the night of east made thick, he got out from Goshem with all his family and never saw
again this ground which he loved.

The road was long and painful, but the faith of Zarah does not weaken. At the end of one and
a half year, having crossed many kingdoms and parts of the country by following the coast,
the angel stopped the convoy in a luxuriant earth (current Dardania).

The angel says to Zarah: " take, please, care of the earth which the Eternal entrusts you.
Rent the Eternal everywhere and in all time, never averts your gaze of its face and serve him
as all your heart, with all your soul and as all your strengths. I establish you Patriarch of your
House, It will prosper just like its loyalty to the Eternal and anything nor anybody of will erase
it of the earth. Be afraid of God, he will always work with you ". The angel disappeared and
Zarah built an altar in honour of the God of Jacob.

Zarah lived very old, his white hair did not pull him towards the grave. He died in 400 years
just like the Patriarchs of the ancient time. The population was born, grew, aged and died,
but King was always the same. Zarah took the name of Zeus (easier to pronounce by the
autochtonous populations) and served his people with love and loyalty as loving father. He
was tenderly loved by his people and worshipped because he never seemed to die.

His sons and his daughters made origin in the region and created colonies in this earth of
promission which the Lord had given them. Zarah had a son in his old age which he named
Dardanos (it is to him that we attribute the name of the region where he was a king:
Dardania). Dardanos was a good and cheerful man. He was not belligerent and all the
people loved him. Of its loins was born Tros who had built a rich and prosperous city, the city
of Troy and placed the throne of his power there. From him come Kings of Troy. After the war
which fired Greece and Troy, Priam left the city and began nomad's life of our family.

Our ancestors followed the coast of the Black Sea, planted their tents there and prospered
for centuries. Of wars in travels, they entered into an alliance with numerous peoples and
mixed their populations, sometimes they were even for a while their kings (in Serbia, in
Germany) and were called the Scythians, then the Sicambers. Our people settled down at
the edge of the Rhine and did not pay any more the tax to Ceasars. They left the tents of
their adversities which they had drawn up during 300 years and built definitive houses. They
fixed the borders of their lands and protected their interests. They entered into an alliance
with numerous peoples and lived peacefully.

Here is our history, we are the heirs of the noble family of Juda's House, we are your cousins
by Zarah the Wise person and Dardanos the Jew. By marrying your daughter, my son reties
the threads who connect him to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and here we are
again in God's breast as promised it the angel in our father Zarah.

Mariamné (Mary Magdalene) was in the surprise by hearing the history of this Frankish tribe
and granted the hand of Sarah-Damaris to Anthénor, sure that there was the will of his father
and God.

Chapter 9: the Weddings into the Holy Grail bloodline family

In the year 45, Sarah-Damaris thus married Anthenor the IVth and conceived a son to whom
we gave the name of Ratherius. Big festivities celebrated the event and the people from this
day had a big love Sarah-Damaris and small Ratherius. Anthenor the IVth succeeded his
father a few years later and became one just and fair King. There were no great wars during
the reign and the people were grateful to him for it. Everybody attributed this peace to the
soft influence of his wife.

Sarah-Damaris who had the concern of the well-being of her new people, emitted the desire
to make apostles of his father come to teach the Gospel to king and to his people. Anthenor
loved his wife and respected her opinion. He accepted and received respectfully next year
Andrew and Thomas, the followers of Jesus. The apostles of Jesus preached the Gospel to
the Sicamber people and to King with all the love of their heart for God's work. They spoke
for a long time about Jesus, about his miracles, about his love for all the men.

They called Sarah-Damaris to become Missionary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this earth
of adoption and undertook her to compile for benefaction of the future generations the
revelations that she received in humble sound heart. Indeed, Sarah was as their mother, she
had the gift of prediction.

The Gospel of Jesus was received with a lot of enjoyment by Sicambers which took almost
unanimously the baptism of water and spirit. Small praying communities built up themselves
around the personality of their king and their queen, daughter of Jesus the resuscitated
Messiah. In this period, the Christian religious practices were not fixed yet. They
corresponded to mooses of the heart and the people of the baptized followed king as
representative of the order bequeathed by Jesus on the earth. Once a month, king judged his
people and managed the various between the persons.

Every Sunday, after the narrative of the stories of the life of Jesus, King appointed by God,
cured, by laying on of hands, the patients assembled in the court of his residence and
enclosed the ceremony by hymns in honour of great King of the Sky. Holy Mass was not a
wide-spread practice and the cult was there only for its stammerings. That is why during the
centuries which followed, Merovingian kings were considered as heathen by the Roman
Catholic Church the cult of which had got organized.

For the Popes, the gift of cure attributed to Kings Merovingians could be only a practice of
witchcraft because it was not made by a Roman catholic priest, and they attributed very fast
this power in the long run hair of sicambers kings then to their descendants Merovingian

In 46, Yeshuah-David asked in marriage the girl of Nicodeme, the friend of his father who
had assisted Joseph of Arimatia to bury Jesus in his grave. Nicodeme was very honored
with this alliance and accepted with a deep enjoyment. " My Lord asks me for my younger
daughter to establish a lineage between his son and her. That he is rented for ever for the
big enjoyment which it makes me in my old age! " He declared with an infinite gratitude.

In 47, Yeshuah-David and the girl of Nicodeme had a beautiful little boy whom they named
Alain. Yeshuah-David augured on this child, the east towards the sky and dedicating him to
the Lord: " O Lord, King of all the universe, I dedicate you this child, Alain, my born first one
so that he is the enjoyment of your heart, so that he is of use to you all his life and recovers
from to you all his actions. He will defend the Faith throughout his life and will concern him
your Holy Name. Accept, O Lord the offering of love which we make you in the person of this
child today ".

Alain grew in the fear and the love of God and Jesus Christ. He will work and walk with
dignity on the tracks of his father and will serve God until his last breath. He dedicated his
whole existence to the study of Writings and to the prayer.

The year 53 was a decisive year for Yeshuah-David: he was proclaimed Crown Prince of the
Lineage of David and anointed in the synagogue of Corinth. He received the name of
Yeshuah-The Tzadik there, that is: " Jesus the Just man ".

In 55, in Jerusalem, the Roman repressions against the Jews and the Christians were such
as it became clear that the siege of the church of Jesus must be moved in another country.

Peter had undergone the martyr in Rome and John was expelled and maintained in
residence in Ephesus, where he settled down with Mary, mother of Jesus.

James asked Simeon his brother to manage the community of the Christians of Jerusalem
and bless him: " Simeon, I call you to fill the responsibility of Pastor of the ewes of the Lord
here, in Jerusalem. You will make increase and prosper the Church of the Lord, but are

careful and watchful, do not expose your ewes to the vindication of the Jewish and Roman
World. Live and carry the Gospel in your heart, be brave and do not weaken. Words of the
Lord ".

Chapter 10 : Glastonbury

After heart-rending good-byes to the small Christian community of Jerusalem and Judea,
James left with his family, Joseph of Arimatia and his daughters, Yeshuah-David, his wife
and his small Alan. They went to Glastonbury where James had acquired the right to settle a
small praying colony in Great Britain.

He thus transferred the siege of the Church of Jesus Christ to Glastonbury and called Joseph
of Arimatia as First Councillor and Yeshuah-The Tzadik as the Second Councillor. They were
surrounded with twelve apostles whose names did not reach us but which are indicated by
Celtic archives as “The hermits of Glastonbury ".

The same year, Yeshuah-Joseph got married, but the history did not keep the name of his

In 60, Mary, the mother of the Rescuer, fell asleep peacefully and did not wake up. She had
kept the soft face rested by her youth and by most years had come out of her in an instant.
Beautiful, she rested for the earth, waiting for the resurrection of bodies on the return to her

John was upset and cried for a long time this mother that Jesus had confided to him. His
heart was in the anxiety because he knew the growing opposition against the Christians and
dreaded that the body of the holy mother of Jesus be found and desecrated as it was the
case of certain Christian graves in this period.

Making a deep prayer, John was begging God to help him to find the place of the rest of the
Virgo. Suddenly, he was surrounded with light and with a soft celestial music.

The angels came, carrying a spotless shroud and, taking the Virgo in the arms, put her
delicately on the sheet.

" Please, don’t fear, man of the earth, we bring up the Mother of God in the sky so that she
rests in the arms of her Son Jesus ". Saying these words, the angels disappeared with
Mary's body and left in the room the track of their passage, a soft perfume of lily and roses.

The same year, the wife of Yeshuah-Joseph brought into the world a charming baby who
was called José. This first name had been carried by one of the brothers of Jesus and
Yeshuah-Joseph wished that the child has the same beautiful moral qualities.

" My beloved son, you will be a seer and revelation, you will see what the others mortal
people do not see, not for your own glory but for the glory of God and to serve him better. He
is your Father, wants on the Faith that He bequeaths you in inheritance and never weake.
You will be the Carrier of the Blood of the Christ, it will guide you for the fate of his people.
Never prove unworthy and God will excite you in top. ".

Which strange thing, thought then Yeshuah-Joseph by returning José to her mother. I
pronounce a blessing to the newborn child and I see in front of me the man that he is going
to become. What a favour the All mighty Lord makes for my soul!

James The Major, the President of the Church, died in 62, during its apostolic journey which
he made in Jerusalem. He had been called by his brother Simeon to resolve internal
problems and testify with strength of Lord Jesus-Christ.

Some of the brothers of the Church asserted that Jesus being Son of God had not died on
the cross and that being a God himself it had returned towards the Father without suffering
the death. Simeon was about to excommunicate them and he needed his brother James to
give evidence of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, of his Glorious the Resurrection and of his
Ascension Day towards the Sky and to return the brothers to the reason.

James gave evidence with strength of the death and the resurrection of Jesus and returned
in the church some of the brothers who deviated from it, but the schism they had begun to
build up. In fact, several Christians were daylight in the first years the Christian era and the
religions of the new baptized coloured their Christian faiths of the practices of past. The
coeducations of thoughts made the religious base Christian first very unstable time.

One day, while James preached in the Temple of Jerusalem, a group of Cohenim took him to
party and bringing out him with violence of the sacred surrounding wall bound his hands and
stoned him to death along the outside wall. James undergoes the martyr with a lot of total
abstinence and kindness to his aggressors. He prayed for the salute of their souls and,
getting damaged in the prayer, fell asleep under the knocks repeated by the missiles who
bruised his old body. He gave up his soul to God peacefully whereas his brother Simeon,
alerted by neighbours arrived too late.

He railed the saying murderesses : " do not you know why the Christ Jesus died in cross,
here, in the Golgotha? It is for your sins and those of the past and future generations. Jesus
suffered his Passion so that you have the life. Are you only grateful for him for it? Oh, men of
not enough Faith, you practise what you do not even recognize. Moses raised the snake of
bronze in the desert and the Hebrew cured bites of the snakes of fire by looking at it. The
Eternal raised Jesus on the wood of the cross so that by looking at him you recognized that
you are siners and that you live. What do you make? You kill his Prophet and you believe to

be cleansed of his blood by the Law of Moses? You seem to forget that Jesus the Christ
recapitulated in himself the Law of Moses and achieved it in his flesh! ".

He got up and removed, by means of his tearful friends, the body of his brother James. The
audience remained speechless and silent there.

After the funeral ceremony, James's body was placed in a chest of cedar. A Phoenician
trader, a friend of Simeon agreed to take it on his boat with the body of his brother. Simeon
wanted to send it in Galicia because James had lived very much enjoyments there to preach
the Gospel of Jesus. He said goodbye to his small community and blessed it before taking
the sea to Ashdod.

The journey was made without block and an angel warns Simeon in dream for which he had
to ask the boat to accost in Galicia in the fishermen's small village named la Coruna. He
walked then to feet, the chest containing the rests of his brother perched on a donkey. One
night, he had the visit from the angel who indicated the field (where will be built the future
village of Compostella) where should be deposited James the Major's body. The next day,
Simeon arrived there and left the body of his brother to the small Christian community which
James had evangelized a few years before. James's body is still worshipped there

Having learnt James's death, it is Joseph of Arimatia who became the President of the
Church and Yeshuah-David was called the First Councillor. But the second Councillor was
missing and the Church began to deviate from the plan indicated by Jesus:

" You have to be three, quite as we are three: the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost. And so
we can show ourselves to you and manage the Church " had recommended Jesus before his
Ascension Day.

Maybe Joseph wanted to wait that Yeshuah-Joseph was old enough to take this place of the
Second Councillor? The history does not say it to us. However it was a big error there.

Chapter 11: The bend

In 63, Mariamné (Mary Magdalene) was tired well. She felts her strengths declining and
made her daughter Sarah-Damaris call up . This last one arrived a few weeks later and
tightened her mother in the arms. She cried for sorrow to see her so old and so fragile. Her
body had lost weight a lot and she was so small as we had told to embrace child.

" My darling, I made you come because I have to put back to you the Gospel of Love drafted
by the hand of your father. No, does not cry my darling, this day is a day of enjoyment, I am
going to join your dear father. I ended my work on the earth, I can finally rest between the
arms. Preserve the Gospel of Love in your family, love it and preach it in all the magnificent
truth. Take the cup of the Holy Grail. When your brother Yeshuah-Joseph will be married and
made Priest, kept silent will put back it to him on my behalf. He will serve it throughout his
life. It is the Ark of the New Covenance. His descendants will serve it until the angels come
and take it.

Sarah-Damaris kissed the hands of her mother and did not succeed in stopping crying. But
Mariamné (Mary Magdalene) was serene.

" Indeed, my darling, maintaining lets me rest and asks to my brother Lazarus to come to
bless me at the time of my death which is close. My darling goes, does not hold you, I am
happy to know you at home ".

Sarah-Damaris left her mother reluctantly and joined her uncle Lazarus so that he goes to
see her mother before it is too late. Upset, Lazarus started but when he arrived Mariamné
(Mary Magdalene) was already in the arms of Jesus. Lazarus interred the body of Mariamné
and blesses her grave to protect her from any evil.

He transformed the cave into small hermitage and placed a community of some praying men
group there so that this place is always known and worshipped and so that all those who
would go to it can obtain so much favor after the death of Mariamné which they received
from it in his lifetime.

When the news arrived at Glastonbury, the community was in mourning and cried the loss of
one so great lady. Joseph of Arimatia suggested to Yeshuah Tzadik building a chapel in
memory of her very loving mother.

They built the stone chapel. The construction lasted four years and was inaugurated and
named Holy Mary Chapel. Yeshuah-David so realized his Big Work with his own hands. This
experiment enriches him largely and it so seemed to him to get closer more Jesus the
Builder of the Faith, the Great Master of all, who liked his builder's job and handled the
compass and the set square for the Glory of God.

In 70, the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed and the ornaments of the Temple were taken
as trophies to serve as levy to Titus the Roman emperor. The devastation was total and
many Priests defending the Temple were massacred. The destruction of the Temple was a
political symbol. The violation of this sacred place where no non-Jew had the right to
penetrate, symbolized the will of omnipotence of the Roman occupant on the Jewish nation
which had no more the right to express himself.

Dark days extended over the population of the Judea and soon, the massacre of the last
Jewish opponents of the Roman dictatorship to Massada was going to reduce to nothing the
hope of return on the throne of David de Yeshuah-David.

The legitimist partisans who wished his succession understood while all their hope of
restoring was vain. Furthermore, the massacres of the Christians began to become
institutionalized in Judea and the atmosphere for the small Christian community of Jerusalem
became unbreathable.

Chapter 12: the Lineage of Joseph of Arimatia

Joseph of Arimatia was the son of Matthat Ben Levi, he was the brother of the father of Mary
the mother of Jesus. He was born in 40 before Christ and died to Glastonbury on July 27th,
82. He thus lived 122 years.

During all these years, he was extremely active. Spiritual Head of the Nazarean community,
he sat in Sanhedrin as Wise person Instructor and was Judge in Israel.

He had married in 20 years a very beautiful woman, a girl of Eleazar the High - Priest and of
this union had arisen from the sons and the girls. He was an important character of the
Cohenim community and was very close to Nicodeme. It is him who presented Nicodeme to
Jesus. If Caïphas orchestrated the capture of Jesus during night and if he convened of night
certain members of the Sanhedrin, it was to avoid that Joseph, Nicodeme and the partisans
of Jesus in Sanhedrin defend Jesus.

Joseph was a salesman of metals through all the Mediterranean sea. He organized every
year a caravan which crossed countries known about the time, by avoiding Italy the taxes of
passage of which were exaggerated. He returned every year in Israel during the period of the
holidays in the course of which he sold his products resulting from crossed countries and
also participated in the decisions of Sanhedrin.

One night, he had the visit from a blazing angel, who pronounced these words:

" be not afraid of visiting the islands of Brittany and of taking with you your daughter Anna.
High King will be touched by his beauty and kept silent will give her to him in marriage. He
will be Son of Israel by his forefathers who left their earth before the slavery of Babylon.
Anna will be connected with this branch cut by the Sons of Jacob and will renew by his
marriage the union of the Lord with his people scattered Israel".

Joseph was seized with surprise and woke his wife to announce her the visit of the angel.
She cried at the idea of parting from her dear elder daughter, but produced thanks to the
Lord of the fact that He fancied his child.

The next day, Joseph warns Anna, telling her to prepare her clothes and necessary because
the departure of the caravan was close and because she had to accompany him. Anna knew
how to only think. A girl did not accompany his father in journey on the condition that he does
not intend to marry her with a parent remote from his place of life. She sat down and prayed,
by recovering with loyalty in God's will.

Before leaving, he saw that Anna was in distress by finishing luggage. " Poor girl, " he
thought " she worries in front of the uncertain future that I am offer. Come here, dear Anna,
approach, the Lord inspires me to give you his blessing ".

Anna left her some effects on the ground and knelt down to the feet of his father that she
loved so much and that she served since the death of her mother.

" Loyal Anna, your faith is equal to that of Lea, our mother, wife of Jacob and mother of Juda.
You are soft and, faithful and respectful wise of the law. As Lea was largely liked by the
Eternal for her loyalty, you are blessed and favored by God. Your Father in heavens knows
your anguish and your confusion. Be afraid of nothing, your future is big and your lineage will
be prestigious. You will be the mother of a vast nation which will spread its branches
throughout the world, crossing the big sea beyond the mediterranean sea”.

“Your loyalty, and the strength of your faith will bless you throughout your life and you will
draw your enjoyment to the springs of the Salute. This journey intends you a foreign
husband, going down sons of Isaac, branch cut by the tribes of Israel since the slavery in
Babylon. So the children be without fear, who are promised to you will be Jewish by you and
burning to defend the faith. That your heart calms down, your future is in the arms of your
Heavenly Father. ".

By pronouncing these quite right words brought out of God's mouth, Joseph, eyes full of
tears, thanked the Eternal which forgets none of his faithful children and never nearly blesses
them after the numerous sufferings of the life.

He also understood that it was useless to be afraid for the future of Anna because the Lord
intended her to be a mother of people numerous.

He looked at her, and sighed: " O Lord full of favor and the truth, how much your ways are
foreign to us, thank you for guiding us always in your love ".

The caravan moved off the next day. Their journey lasted six months and when they arrived
in Great Britain, on the lands of King Lud, son of the “Great” Beli of Brittany.

Joseph knew that they had arrived at destination. The caravan went to the palace of King
Lud because Joseph wanted to seek the business with his territories and to settle the
granting on this remote earth. King received them with warmheartedness and was largely
surprised learning that the caravan came from Judea.

" you come from distant lands of my ancestors, the Sons of Isaac, where from comes to you
the desire to visit my parts of the country? " Lud wondered.

" Majesty, I seek the right to spread my business connections with your kingdom ".

King Lud did not listen to already any more the answer of his host so much he was subjected
by Anna's beauty.

" the woman who accompanies you, who is she? It Is your wife? " Did he ask?

" It is my daughter, Lord, she accompanies me " answered Joseph.

" In that case, I grant you quite the rights of business which you wish provided that you give
me your daughter for woman " decreed Lud determinedly.

" I shall grant on it Majesty, if my daughter learning to know you agrees to give himself to you
for wife " moved forward Joseph.
" In that case, remain to live at home some time and she will have leisure to choose "
proposed Lud.

Anna thus stayed one month with his old father. She learnt to discover the personality of this
foreign king, childless widower, older than her of 35 years, good-humoured and just, soft and
obliging with her.

One day, she becomes bolder to offer him a floral wreath which she had just made with the
surrounding wild flowers. He smiles and put it on his head, saying to her : " so, I would be
King of your heart? ".

She took then the hands of King in hers and said to him : " an angel, several months ago had
warned my father that I had to accompany him in journey to meet my future husband, Son of
Isaac, in the other end of the known earth, in Great Britain there. When I learnt it of the
mouth of my father, I was subjected to the will of the angel, but I did not imagine that my
heart would so speak loudly by seeing you. I have the other desire no than to fill your days
and to offer you a heir, if such is always your desire ".

Lud was largely touched by the modesty and the simplicity of Anna's heart. He made at once
Joseph come and him asked to marry them according to cult of the ancient of Israel. Joseph
subscribed to his expectations while asking them at first to kneel down with him to return
favor all together to the God of Israel who unites those who he loves.

" I shall remember myself always this beautiful day of February, when in the room of the
council of the palace of Lud your father, we three all knelt down. I raised the head to produce
thanks to my Creator, when suddenly I saw a sunbeam haloing the head of your father and
remaining composed as a promise of blessing there, until the prayer of your grandfather
ends " liked telling Anna to his daughter Penardim when this one was the age old to ask

The nuptials of King Lud de Bretagne and Anna took place in the year 6 before Christ. Of this
union, was born in November an only but wonderful child in all whom she would achieve.
King Lud gave her the name of Penardim.

It was the consolation of the old days of king and the happiness of her mother. When king
Lud died, king Lear, cousin of the father of Penardim, suggested taking his crown and
enlarging so his possessions by marrying Penardim.

He was big, strong and had 32 years old and numerous conquests. Penardim was 21 years
old. Her sweetness equalled that of her mother and she had the eyes of a penetrating brown.
She rained at once to king, who, to please his small wife agreed to welcome in her palace
Anna, so that she always lives with her mother.

Penardim was cheerful and she knew how to give enjoyment and love to this big king in the
unstable and disrupted spirit. As the young person David relieved the sufferings and the
mood swings of king Saül, just had Penardim to approach and to caress the forehead of her
husband to relieve him.

When Joseph of Arimatia made cross his caravan every year in Great Britain, it did not miss
to stay some time with his son-in-law and with his daughter Anna. Then it is for the court of
King Lear that he made stopover.

He was the guardian of Yeshuah-Joseph and watched that he receives an education

deserving of a prince.

When Joseph of Arimatia left the Judea and left settling down to Glastonbury. He was gone
alone. His wife had died a few years before the crucifixion of Jesus and it is without family tie
that he left the earth of his ancestors.

Of the union of Penardim and King Lear was born, in the year 12 in Wales, the little boy: Beli
Nouer. He received the first name of his grandfather Beli The Great, father of King Lud de
Bretagne and Nouer is the second first name that was added by king Lear his father.

He grew in the court of his father and often showed courage. He married Enygeus, last girl of
Joseph of Arimatia in 27. It was Anna who had wished this union so strengthening the clan "
of Arimatia " in the soil of Brittany. Of these unions, that of the Anna and that of Enygeus,
with Breton kings, would be born the beautiful legends of the origins of Grail, to hide the real
origin of the family of the Carriers of the Holy Grail: that of the descendants of the Christ and
his wife Mary-Magdalene.

Beli Nouer was 15 years old and his wife had 33 of it. But she was very small and had a face
so fresh and soft with long lashes looking like the velvet. Beli fell in love at once with her.

Of their union was born a prince of big good name: Caradoc, King of Small Brittany. Born in
28, he reigned over Brittany and died in captivity in Rome in 55 because he had refused to
submit itself to the authority of the Emperor.

During his reign, he married Princess Eurgain of Brittany who brought into the world the
Great Celtic King Coellyn.

Chapter 13: the Cup of the Holy Grail

In 74, Yeshuah-Joseph, 40-year-old spent, received hands of Joseph of Arimatia the

Melchizedek’s Priesthood. He was called to continue the work of his father through his
lineage. He received the responsibility for reconstructing the Temple of the very High God
and for carrying the light of the Gospel of the Love to the world.

On his knees, in the Holy Mary’s Chapel, dedicated to her mother, surrounded with his
brother Yeshuah le Tzadik, and with Apostles, he received Bishop's Ordination and Spiritual
Keys in the goal of building the Temple of the New Covenance and Elie's Power to seal the
generations. His apostolic life was going to begin.

Before leaving for the Middle East, Yeshuah-Joseph made stage in France to visit her sister
Sarah-Damaris who had asked him to come to see her.

" Dear brother, I emitted the desire to see you, because before leaving this earth, our mother
handed me the Cup of the Holy Grail to confide it to you when you would have God's Holy
and High Priesthood. Now, this great day came. It is a day crowned for you and for all our

“In the name of Jesus Christ, our father, I hand you the Cup of its invaluable Blood. This Cup
is the Arc of the New Covenance as the Hebrew were protected in their exodus by the Holy
Arc which preceded them everywhere, the Cup of the Holy Grail will be in front of you as the
Arc, it will bless you, will feed you, will protect you from any sadness and will guide your
lineage in the Justice and the Holiness. The cup(cutting) of the Holy Grail will be honored in

the Temple which you will build for its divine service and all the angels of the Sky will sing the
praises of Eternal Father in front of it ".

By pronouncing these words, Sarah was conscious that she achieved a sacred act and his
brother received the Saint Cup with a deep emotion.

He remained some time with her sister, teaching the Gospel uninhibitedly and a real
charisma. When he spoke about acts of the life of Jesus, all his public was in breath. He
knew how to captivate those who listened to him by arousing in mind of each the beautiful
images of these narratives.

Yeshuah-Joseph took the sea with his son José Faye on a Phoenician boat and accosted in
the Lebanon. He transmitted the message of the Good News with all the love of his heart and
strengthened the faith of the long-time Christians. He became Bishop of the community of
Sarras and began the construction of the Spiritual Palace which had to shelter the Holy Grail.

To build a Temple is not easy matter and the work lasted 15 years. The building was in
stones joined exactly. His whiteness did not pass unnoticed.

Companions builders stone-cutters testify in the Masonic Will transmitted by the Great Lodge
of the Scotland: " and it was asked to us to go through the whole world in search of Saint
Rock or Mount of Diamond (The Spiritual Palace). Having crossed summits and mountains,
vast deserts and big dangers, we saw Saint Rock of our salute and the side of the rock, a
fountain sprang and the voice of the Lamb said: " Come and drink ".

And on this Rock was built a big Church in a big city (Sarras). And the city had been
established neither in the blood, nor in the injustice, but in the righteousness and the truth.
Because it is said: " the stone will spring from the wall and the beam springing from the trunk
will answer him. Shame to the one who built a city by the blood and establishes a city by the
injustice. The righteousness and the truth are stable as the Rock. " The City was lived by
relatives, languages and nations and it was guarded by a company of angels armed with

In its center, a big church had the shape of a cross. It was aligned east-west in its length,
because the Glory of God appears to the east and disappears in the west. In width it went
from north to south and was not measurable in height. Its depth was fathomless ".

He placed the Cup of the Holy Grail in the center of the Spiritual Palace and assured his
service every day, giving thanks to God for the Arc of the New Covenance, for the expiatory
Sacrifice of Jesus, the lineage of the children of Jesus on the earth and the divine fate of all
the children of the men.

It is during one of its long days before in front of the Holy Grail that Yeshuah-Joseph
received the stigmas of the Passion of his Father. During his Worship, the Christ
appeared and said to him : " My beloved Son, I hand you the marks of my Passion, it
will be a sign for the peoples to the front of whom you will go, show yourself
deserving of this badge honor and knows that all those whom you will forgive on my
behalf, their sins will be handed. Me, the Lord, I shall not remember it myself any
more. My son goes, and serves the Eternal Father as I did it with the most perfect love
". The vision disappeared and Yeshuah-Joseph collapsed under the influence of the
severe pain which pierced the hands, his feet and his side.

He acquired fast the reputation of one Holy Man. He was friend with Evelake King of Sarras
who allowed him to evangelize his people but remained refractory himself in the baptism.

It was necessary to wait that King Evelake is in digital inferiority for the fight against king
Tholomer, so that he agrees to line up as for the Lord by letting José affix on his shield the
sign of the cross drawn with the blood of Yeshuah-Joseph escaping from his part. José, then
Deacon, also recommended to King to ask the Lord at the time of the battle.

The confrontation of both armies was terrible, every fighter of the army of King Evelake
fought against 10! But the armies of the angels were with them and at the end of the fight,
king Evelake really had the testimony that Lord Jesus-Christ had blessed him. He made
come in big haste Yeshuah-Joseph and José Faye.

In front of the excitement of king, Yeshuah-Joseph and José Faye were seized with surprise.
"Dear friends, I produce thanks to Lord Jesus-Christ for the victory which he granted me and
I wish to commit from now on to the side of the Cross and to receive the baptism of your
hands" said king by indicating Yeshuah-Joseph, his old friend.

And so King received the baptism in the sea that very day. Coming out of the water, King
Evelake who took from now on the name of Mordrain raised eyes towards the sky. It is there
that he has seen heavens to open and stayed in the pondering over a vision which did not
leave any more its heart: he has seen an army of angels singing victory and praise to the
God Almighty.

On July 27th, 82, Joseph of Arimatia died, 122-year-old, in his sleep. When we penetrated
into its room into the next day, one strong perfume of rose embalmed the atmosphere.

His gathered companions knelt down near his bed and crying this good old man who had
guided them so many years with loyalty to the Christ, asked for the rest of its soul and its
enjoyment to find finally his Creator.

The day before his death, he had had the premonition of it, it seems, because he had warned
his companions the Apostles that he would not be any more on earth than for a little of time.
They should warn Yeshuah-Joseph to leave his bishop de Sarraz's responsibility to come to
join them as soon as possible to gather the Middle College and elect, supervised by Saint
Esprit, a new Head of the Apostles.

The piece of news arrived three and a half months later at Yeshuah-Joseph who cried the
loss of a so excellent uncle. He announced to José that it was necessary to them to start
immediately to join the siege of the Church to Glastonbury. Yeshuah-Joseph handed the
community of Sarraz in the hands of another bishop than he called in the name of Jesus
Christ, huged in the arms his friends and having blessed them left with José.

The journey was slow and painful. Yeshuah-Joseph had closed behind him the Spiritual
Palace and taken the Cup of the Holy Grail in his wanderings. They did not travel only
because 400 companions accompanied them. A troop so important does not cross unnoticed
and very often kings of the parts of the country whom they crossed peacefully got ready for
the fight because a detachment so numerous could remind a royal escort invading a new

When they put the foot in Great Britain, they fell to the hands of deceptive and cruel king who
imprisoned them. Yehsuah-Joseph, José and their companions during their captivity almost
starved, but the Cup of the Holy Grail got for them of what to feed.

On the edge of the Cup, every morning, a fine film of basket settled and fed the poor
unfortunates. Their reclusion lasted several months but the heart of each remained joyful and
in peace in the Christ. Very fast the news spread far off that José and his father were in
prison. Mordrain and Nascien, his brother-in-law crossed the sea to come to help them and
to free them.

When they had freed Yeshuah-Joseph, José and their companions, kings Mordrain and
Nascien did not want to return to Sarraz. They preferred to contact the community of
Glastonbury and to build a small village around the monastery.

Yeshuah-Joseph and José was received with open arms by Yeshuah-David. All the small
apostolic community put itself immediately in prayer in front of the Holy Grail to receive from
the Holy Spirit the necessary indications when in the management of the Church and the
naming of the new President.

After three days of fast and sincere prayer, all received the confirmation of Saint Esprit. They
elected Yeshuah-David, said Tzadik “President of the Church”, with Yeshuah-Joseph as First
Councillor and Alain " the Anchorite ", son of Yeshuah-Le Tzadik, as Head of the Apostles.

Chapter 14 : The Desposynical Church

Yeshuah-Joseph was officially named Ha Rama Theo of the Nazarean movement. The
leaders of the Church were now every sons and a grandson of Jesus. While to there the
Church remained based on teachings and the organization wanted by Jesus, it was
henceforth going to slide towards the schism and to become a Church of dynastic chap: the
Desposynical Church.

Yeshuah Tzadik became Melekh (King) and Yeshuah-Joseph Sadok (High Priest) on the
same model as that of their father Jesus when he and his cousin Jean (the Baptist) were
respectively Melekh and Sadok, and when to them two, according to the Nazarean tradition,
they formed together " the Messiah " of their period.

This organization in two heads did not delay degenerating and the Holy Spirit carried folds
God's instructions in the Church because we did not really listen to it any more with attention.
The decisions were taken in family and the apostles were afterward informed.

A few years later, Yeshuah-le Tzadik asked to be deposited by its president's responsibility of
the Church and handed the appeal of Melekh to his son Alain. Yeshuah-Joseph, handed
himself the responsibility of Sadok to José Faye his son and left Glastonbury to join the

Yeshuah-Joseph left Glastonbury, the stick in the hand, in pilgrim and crossed the sea, the
rivers, the rivers, the mountains and the hills in the direction of the East.

Everywhere where he passed, he met peoples who spoke to him about his father and who
believed to see him alive because quite as him, he carried the stigmas of the crucifixion.

He arrived in India at the end of one and a half year. There, he went of stage to stage,
begging his bread against some daily work and told the stories of the Gospel to the met

So, he learnt little by little the language and preached in some synagogues scattered by
tribes lost by Israel. Indeed, some said tribes lost by Israel had left Babylonia under the
Reign of Sargon II in 721 and had come become established in India where they became
skillful storekeepers and silversmiths looked for their talent.

Contemporaries of Yeshuah-Joseph told certain episodes of his journey:

King took the name of Gopananda and put himself in the work in the valley of the Kashmir.

During his reign, a lot of temples were raised and brought up and repaired. During this period
Yeshuah-Joseph ( Yuz Asaf) arrived and proclaimed its quality of Prophet in the valley of the

He dedicated his days and his nights to the prayers and behaved with devotion and holiness.
He carried God's word to the people of the Kashmir. Many people became his followers.
King asked him to lead the Indians on the straight and narrow path.

Shalewahin (been born in 50 after J-C), grandson of Bikramajit, assumed the government.

He pushed away the hostile troops of the Chinese, Parthians and the Scythians.

One day, Shalewahin left for the mountains of Himalaya; there, in full country of Huns,
powerful King lives a distinguished character sat near a mountain.

The Saint had the clear complexion, he wore white clothes. King Shalewahin asked him
whom he was. He answered gladly: " I am known as the Son of God ".

King asked him to explain better the teachings of his religion, and the Saint says to him:

" Teach the love, the truth, the purity of heart. Teach the people to serve God, who is in the
center of the Sun and the elements. And God and elements will always exist ". King left,
having sworn obedience to the Saint. ( Sanskrit " Bhavishya Mahaparana " epic drafted by
Viyas in 115 later J-C)

King Shalewa offered to Yeshuah-Joseph fifty women. Yeshuah-Joseph answered him that it
needed it of nobody, that nobody had to work for him.

Yeshuah-Joseph married Marjan and had children of their union. She was humble one
shepherdess of the valley of Pahalgam, descendant of Manassé des Bneï's tribe Israel
emigrants of Babylonia.

Yuz Asaf is known under the name of Saint Issa by the Muslims:

" Saint Issa lived to Ishbar on the bank of the Lake Dal in the Kashmir. The reputation of this
saint was big; his sermons were listened to by all and he pulled in his suite many
sanctimonious persons”.

“ Sandiman, also conscript Sandimati, one of his main followers, was imprisoned during ten
years, then he was crucified.

Saint Issa ran up and read three judgments written on the forehead of Sandiman:

1/ This man will live in the poverty;

2/ At the end of ten years of prison, will be crucified;

3/ After its resurrection, he will be King.

Sandiman was crucified in an enclosed surrounding wall and the crowd attended its torture.

During the night, holy women came and surrounded his body. Saint Issa, very sad, ran up in
this place, and the third day, Sandiman returned to the life.

Stunned, people ran up to see him and offered him the throne of the Kashmir. He pushed
away this offer. But people did not let him leave and he eventually agreed to be their King.
("Rajatarangini" of Kalhana writes in 1128)

" Yeshuah-Joseph feeling coming the death, sent to look for his follower Ba' Bat and became
known to him its last wills so that he can provide in the completion of his mission.

He asked Ba' Bat to build a grave on his body in the precise place where he would expire.
Then he extended, legs westward, head eastward, and died ". ( Shaikh al Sa''s " Ikmal-ud-
Din " id - customs(US) - Sadiq pages 357 and 358)

The grave is situated in Khanyar, in full city center of Srinagar, capital of the Kashmir.

Epitaph of Yuz Asaf in Rozabal (grave of Srinagar): " a man named Yuz Asaf came. It was
the prince of noble lineage who turned away from all the society lifes and was a legislator. He
asked God day and night. He meditated long moments. After the big torrent of the Kashmir,
when the population had dedicated itself to the worship of the idols, Yuz Asaf was sent as
Prophet to preach in front of the people of the Kashmir.

He proclaimed God's uniqueness up to his death. He was buried to Mohalla Khanyar on the
bank of the lake, to the place called "Rozabal". Manuscript of preservation of Rozabal
published(edited) in 1766.

Descendants of Yeshuah-Joseph still exist to Srinagar. They are the official guards of the
Grave Rozabal and their current representative is Sahibzada Basharat Saleem. He detains
the complete family tree of his family of Yuz Assaf until himself.

The father of Sahibzada Basharat Saleem and his grandfather were admired men; we
remember in the Kashmir their exceptional gifts of quacks.

Sahibzada Basharat Saleem, who is known of all to Srinagar told that a day a man, having
known about whom he was the son, knelt down before him and says to him that he had a
son seriously sick and that the doctors could not cure him(it) any more.

He asked then advice from the father of Sahibzada Basharat Saleem; this one says to him
that he would pray for him; he sent back him at him by asking him to pray also.

Suddenly, at midnight, the boy, who was dying, asked for some milk; the morning, cured, he
got up.

Chapter 15 : Yeshuah the Tzadik goes to Japan

The responsibility of Melekh pressed on the shoulders of Yeshuah-Le Tzadik. He had never
been in mission abroad and he burned with the desire to carry the Gospel in the borders of
the known world. A night, while it was knelt down in prayer, a celestial messenger seemed to
him and brought him the peace.

The angel called him to leave for Mission towards the East, to join the tribe of Zabulon and to
live there till the end of his days. Yehsuah-David was surprised hearing about this tribe and
even more at the idea of not returning any more. Maybe a page of its life was shot?

The death of his wife had left a big space in its heart and it seemed to him in it too that no
more retained him here. Much later that the Angel had left the room, he stayed in prayers
and got ready for the interview which he would have with Alain his son whom he had to
prepare to succeed him.

The next day, Yeshuah-David contemplated the dawn and found it magnificently beautiful.
He made Alain come after the morning prayer and says to him : " Dear son, The Almighty
calls me to serve him by leaving this place to go to join its spirit in East, on the island of the
sea where the Tribe of Zabulon emigrated. I am delighted at this favor and hand you the keys
of the spiritual responsibility which fell to me until now. You are called to become Melekh of
your generation beside your cousin José Faye who will be your Sadok. Blessed you are for
the trust which the Almighty has in your person ".

Alain was petrified by the responsibility which belonged to him by the laying on of hands of
his father. From now on, he would carry King Priest's responsibility of David's House
whereas José Faye his cousin would be the Priest-King of David's House. Together, they
would represent the hope in exile of David's House, they would be the Messiah of their

Both cousins served God with all the moose of their hearts unites in the same spirit, until day,
when, in the adulthood, Alain felt too the appeal to the mission, and the desire to hand his
responsibility to go to join his father in East on the islands of the sea.

When Yeshuah-Le Tzadik left to join the Tribe of Zabulon, he crossed Europe, Siberia,
Alaska and took a boat which the convenient winds guided towards the borders of the East.
He accosted in Japan. The contrast between the landscapes crossed up to there was
important but it felt a peace convenient to the meditation and to the prayer there which
transported its heart. A profound peace feeling invaded him and he knew in his heart that he
had arrived. He began by learning the language, working with the fishermen on the coast of
the northeast of the archipelago and studying with the wise person monk who lived in the

It is the same wise person who informed him about the presence of the Tribe of Zabulon on
the island. He had to cross the province of Mutsu. There, he would find the final destination
of his journey. Three years had passed by since his arrival to Japan and he began even to
write this beautiful but difficult language. He walked for a long time and such a pilgrim was
fed and accommodated thanks to the proverbial hospitality of these simple and welcoming
people. All had tears in the eyes when in the evening he told them the life of Jesus.

Yeshuah-Le Tzadik was a good, taciturn and humble, discreet and silent man. The Japanese
character was a rare correspondent in the soul pure and erased by Yehsuah-David. He
conceived a very big love for these people, settled down in the municipality of Aomori in the
small village of Héraï ( current Shingo). There, he began to plant some rice and to cultivate.
He met a young woman of the tribe of Zabulon and was seduced by her soft manners and
her kindness. She was not frightened by this man who came by far and let him tell her his life
with admiration. She was called Miyuko.

Yeshuah-Le Tzadik took the Japanese name of Daitenku Jurai and married Miyuko. She
conceived three girls who delighted the old age of Yeshuah-Le Tzadik. Is it the happiness
which gave him an extraordinary longevity? Nobody knows it, however Yeshuah-Le Tzadik
mourût in 106 years satisfied with days and happy. Yeshuah-Le Tzadik has even nowadays
descendants whom Junichiro Sawaguchi makes left.

In the village of Shingo, a museum was opened concerning the family of the descendants of
Yeshuah-Le Tzadik and their traditions. A Shinto festival is organized every year to honor the
ancestors of this family. On the occasion of this ceremony, songs the meaning of which got
lost as time goes by are respectfully repeated: " Naniyaa dorayayo, Naniyaa donasare inokie,
Naniyaa doyarayo ".

The descendants of Yeshuah-Le Tzadik preserved for a long time the Jewish traditions in
their family, but the religious repressions against the religions others than that of the
Emperors forced the descendants to practise the State’s cult and little by little the Messianic
Jewish practices got lost.

Only signs of their passages: the children receive Tav (final letter of the Hebrew alphabet, in
the shape of cross) on the forehead with some ash at the age of week, symbol to regret very
usual to Essenians and traditional costume of the inhabitants of the village of compound
Héraï of garments for the men people and for the women and the tunic lined for the children
appropriate for the Hebrew children of the first century.

Several years passed by during which Alain " the Anchorite " dedicated in its appeal in the
service of God. He felt one day, in the depths of its heart the appeal to the evangelic mission
and handed the management of the Church to his cousin José Faye who became only Seer
and Revelator for its generation. José Faye became then Guard of the Holy Graill and only
Spiritual Guide of the Desposynical Church.

We lose Alain's track at this moment, but it is likely that he joined his father Yeshuah-Le
Tzadik in Japan.

José Faye's friendship with Mordrain and Nascien, his brother-in-law, continued up to its
death. When José was on his deathbed, Mordrain, understanding that he was going to leave
this world, came with him by crying, and says to him : " Lord, and you abandon me! I am
going to remain alone in this country, me who for the love of you, left my kingdom and my
homeland which I liked so much! But, because it is necessary to you to leave this world,
leave me at least something who allows me to preserve your memory after your death ".
José ordered that we bring him the shield of Mordrain, and as he bled abundantly of the
nose, he took then the shield and drew with his blood the sign of the cross there.

Chapter 16 : The Desposynical Church

José le Faye was extremely famous in the legend of Graal. Sung by the troubadours,
celebrated for his faith, he always lives in the imagination of many people under the
contracted name of “Joséphé”.

In the Quest for the Holy Grail, it is said about him:

" One of the seats of this table (the Round Table) was reserved for Joséphé, and it was
established that only he could sit down there, him, their Master and their Minister who had
been crowned and blessed by the hand of Jesus Christ, as reports it the history and who had
received from him the responsibility of the Christian people”.

“Our Lord himself had placed him there and nobody thus had enough boldness to sit down
there. This seat had been made just like this on it Our Lord took place, the day of the Last
Supper, when he sat down in the middle of his followers, as their Master and their Minister.
Now, also, Joséphé had to guide all those who took place at the table of the Holy Grail and to
be the Lord and Teacher ".

José, in his glorified body, will come to look for Galahad at the end of the epic of the Holy
Grail to make, in the World of the Spirits, his Companion of service. So, he will receive from
Lord Jésus the favor to begin the epic of the Carriers du Grail and to conclude it, quite as the
Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, José and the first Carrier and he returns to take with him
the last Carrier of the Grail.

By his humility, José had always lived in the ways of God and after him his descendants
were passed on the Holy Grail and were called "King Fishermen” “Carriers of the Holy Grail".
They were Kings, but their first responsibility was to manage their kingdom as fathers
affectionate for their peoples, steering with righteousness and looking after the patients. They
were called fishermen because quite as Pierre (the fisherman of men, they baptized their
people and taught him the Gospel dedicatedly.

Here are the names of Kings fishermen after José Faye:

Aminadab, Catheloys, Manael, Titurel, Frimutel, Boaz Anfortas, Frotmund, Pharamond,


Frédémond was born in 390 in Wales, but ceaseless wars with the Roman occupant forced
King Fishermen to leave the country. He settled down in the South of France and died there.

His son Nascien Irst named as Gondicaire of Septimanie lived to Narbonne. He was light
auburn as Jesus and imposed the respect by his size and his look. Nasi is the translating of
Prince in Hebrew, Nascien was thus the gallicized title Nasi. He was the first King Fisherman
be recognized Crown Prince of David's House and to obtain the right to govern a small

independent Jewish state in French earth which he named Septimanie, because it
corresponded to the seventh of surface of the French territory of time period.

His son, Chlodion Gonderic de Septimanie, been born in 430, was nominated by Emperor of
Rome “Magister Militum Galliarum” in 463. He reigned over Septimanie and spread his
possessions. He was named by his people unanimously: King of the Burgundies.

His son Galains is the last descendant of Jesus known by the legend. But Galains was not
Carrier of Graal, it is to his brother Godomar Lambor of Septimanie and to his descendants
up to his grand son Aedalric Pelles of Septimanie that the responsibility was handed.

Galains had a first name which made him famous as King of the Burgundies, it was known
under the name of Godogisel of Geneva.

In fact, the Church of Rome began at about the year 300 to standardize the catholic cult in all
the regions under imperial dominion. The descendants of Jesus, those of Joseph of Arimatia
and Kings Fishermen were very fast the target chosen to destroy a risk of rebellion in the
Catholic Church. The descendants of Joseph of Arimatia were protected for a long time by
the Celtic Christian Clergy who refused to adopt completely the Roman Catholic cult.

The Popes dreaded to see one day drawing up themselves in front of them of the direct
descendants of the Messiah (that they included under the naming of Desposyni) and demand
the management of the Church of Rome with for reason the blood relationships. Kings
Fishermen entered little by little in the anonymity and took on only their Royal Burgundy title.
It is so the History does not come down more low that Galains whose identity was not proved
and did not make the link with Burgundy King Godogisel of Geneva.

Kings Fishermen spoke about the Franc, about the Latin, about the Greek and Hebrew. They
practised the Hebrew Cult in family and recognized Jesus Christ as the Messiah. They
waited for his triumphant return and served the Cup of the Holy Grail which they considered
as the Ark of the New Covenant. He protected Jews who lived in their territories and
exempted them from tax.

Desposyni continued to respect the Jewish rites of circumcision, Bar-mitzvah, the ritual Baths
of the women (Mikveh), the marriages and the burials, but they made all this in the name of
Lord Jésus-Christ. They respected the Jewish holidays and refused to fight during these.
This tradition remained until William of Orange who was very known for his respect for the
Jewish holidays and impeccable Hebrew sound.

All this does not allow to brush a completely linear picture of the debuts of the Christendom.
Especially if we bend over the descendants of Jesus. It is true that so that the catholic cult is
really fixed, were needed several councils and of great shifts of thoughts. It is that in the 5th
century when the Roman catholic cult really got organized and extended in everything
regions dependent on Rome.

Before it, Emperor Constantin had already begun to harmonize the common various Roman
Christians, to choose the Cannon of Holy Scriptures such as we know them in the Bible, with
an Old Testament including several Books of the Torah and a New Testament containing
Four gospel, the Acts of the Apostles, Paul's Letters, letters of the other Apostles and the
Apocalypse. He needed to sort out and to choose among more than about sixty gospel and it
was the time of the big orthodox splits which refused to abandon reading of some.

It is in this politico-religious climate that the descendants of Jesus had to navigate and for
them the only real anchor was represented by the Jewish Cult, because Jesus during his
mortal life had said that no line of letter of the Law would pass as long as it would not return
in glory.

His children and later their descendants respected this deposit in secret when it was
dangerous to assert its Judaism and even more its relationship with the Messiah. But
Burgundies smelt faster where from came the wind that Merovingians Kings.

Clovis, descendant of the Merovingians was considered as a heathen because he refused

the baptism of the Roman Catholic Church. While Clothide, Burgundy Princess had received
the baptism in her early youth because his father knew that it was the only road for the
princes to keep their thrones and that they are not seized by too diligent kings. Clovis thus
had to face the evidence: if he wanted to reign over Francs, he had to be baptized by a
representative of the Roman Catholic Church. It is what he made in 493, by marrying
Clothilde " The beauty with the long fair plaits ".

Chapter 17: Alliances

In 104, the girl Athildis was born. It was a small button of rose in the arms of her nursemaid.
His father was the Great Coel I King of Camulot going down Great Kings Pendragon (that is
Unifiers) from tribes of Great Britain. His wife Ystradwl of Silurie was the girl of Caradoc of

She was thus downward of Joseph d' Arimatie (see chapter 10). Ystradwl was a rangy
woman, always dressed in dark, midnight blue, dark green, black, Burgundy. Her brown hair,
gathered in long braid stressed the length of its look. She had the eyes of a penetrating
green and her quiet and grave voice added to her mystery.

Coel loved her of all his heart, even if he was surrounded with favorites, the queen had the
treasure of his heart. The girl Athildis did not look like her mother. She was as well fair as her
mother was brown. So pink as her mother was pale. She had the red and circled face of his
father and even by increasing, she preserved her rash and cheerful character which made of
her a cheerful sunbeam and a fighter.

It was decided that she would marry her taken away cousin Marcomir the Fifth of the name,
future King Pré-Mérovingien, descendant of Sarah-Damaris. Both young people got married
in 120, when Athildis was 16 years old. She liked taking part in the affairs of the kingdom and
often advised her husband the King. But as it was good advice, she pulled her people only
towards the way of the progress and towards the improvement of her way of living. That is
why, Athildis was very loved, both by King and by people. Her nature delighted all those who
approached her.

The descendants of Jesus rather tended to get married between them. The priests held
faithfully the registers of relationship and the cousins got married between them, the uncles
married the nieces widows (according to the custom of Levirate), but the brothers never
married the sisters. The detail of the most illustrious family unions is exposed in the
Chronology presented in the beginning of work.

For them, it was essential to protect the purity of the blood of the Christ in the veins of his
descendants. But it was able to come true only during some hundreds of years. Then, the
lineage of Kings of France, those of Brittany, England, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany,
Austria, Spain, Ireland, Country of Walles and the Scotland were quite constituted in the root
by ancestors stemming from the family of Jesus and from Joseph of Arimatia.

Chapter 18: Queens of Avallon

Merlin the Wizard, the Fairy Viviane, the Fairy Morgana, King Arthur … So many names
which fill our imagination of dreams and fancies. But let us be a little bit realistic and we shall
see that the reality removes not at all the magic of the History.

As we can see it in the presentation on the Nazareans rituals, the introduced women held
personal meetings and respected a large number of rules and rites. These lunar rites
reached us in the form of fragments hardly detectable at first sight, but it would seem that
they continued in the person of Queens of Avallon who, for the European imagination were
fairies in the real but unknown powers.

Taliesin the Bard whose legend will depict heroic deeds as Majesty Merlin the Wizard, skillful
Councillor of young King Arthur Pendragon, was Archi-Druid and descendant of Yeshuah-
Joseph. He married in 555, Avallon del Acqs's beautiful Viviane-Charis Queen, girl of
supreme King of Avallon.

We know hardly few things of this kingdom of Avallon and his King, if it is, that in its death he
handed his throne to his daughter Viviane-Charis and that the Salic law was not current in its
kingdom. Viviane-Charis thus received Queen's responsibility and from High Priestess of
Avallon at the same time. Quite as his father had exercised during numerous years the same
royal and religious responsibility surrounded with companions, Viviane, her, surrounded
himself with young Priestesses.

I have no sources to go back up the lineage of King Supreme of Avallon, but the political and
religious organization of this man at once King and Priest, reminded that of the antique
Jewish monarchy, with its messianic royal distribution ( Michpat) and of Priest ( Tzedek).

This King thus had to belong to the family of David's House or to the Asmonean House, with
which King also performed the office of Priest. We could even suppose that when John the
Hirkan annexed Auvergne in the Rhineland for the Tribe Sicambre, he left a descendant in
the South of France, transmitted him the royal responsibility and Priest and handed him the
Nazareans secrets. This branch cut by the Asmonean House would then have continued up
to this King Supreme of Avallon.

However the rites and the gifts inherent to the Nazareans Seers meet with a big neatness
700 years later with Viviane-Charis of Avallon. Furthermore, the family of Jesus being always
worried that his descendants get married only between them, the theory of an alliance
between David's House and the Asmonean House would come to reproduce the plan of the
marriage of Jesus with Marie-Madeleine and this idea would be rather attractive.

In brief, from there, both Houses, that of David and that of Avallon were going to unite their
descendants strictly until form the lineage of Kings Unifiers of Small French Brittany whose
first known ancestor will be Nominöé.

Viviane-Charis received the badge royal of the Bee, because becoming Queen, she became
officially the "Bee queen". She so promised to her people to stay up him until the Sacrifice of
herself. The bee was thus the symbol of its Consecration.

She was then taken on in the red dress of the royal lineage of Eve and in a long black cape
with hood representing her attachment to Nazarean Holy Order. She knew that she would
reach the highest rank of the High Priesthood only having brought into the world her first
child, that is when Co-Creator with God, her would have realized his High Work by giving

She then took the oath to serve always the Cult of the Goddess, Divine Presence (Shékinah
Celestial Mother).

This cult, was bound to the moon and to the morning star and practised between Sisters.
However, it is advisable to underline that the Celtic rites of the cycle of the Earth were added
to the nazareans rites of the Priestesses of Avallon, what prevents from highlighting exactly
the loans of the initial rites.

Morgana The Faye, the girl of Ygerne of Avallon and Gwyr Llew, Duke of Carlisle, the mother
of Mordred son of Arthur Pendragon, Morgana will be the last Priestess d' Avalon.

The Cult returned in Divine presence had for main symbols the Moon (image of Shékinah),
the Morning star (image of Shékinah), the spiritual language of the nature, the water, the
wind and the cycle of the life. Nazareans were convinced that the Earth must be served by
the Priestesses so that she in his turn can serve the children of the people and what the
cycle of the seasons is not interrupted nor disrupted.

Viviane II Queen of Avallon del Acqs, the younger daughter of King Supreme of Avallon,
married Banns Bénoïc de Septimanie and brought into the world in 560: Lancelot del Acqs
(more known under the name of Lancelot du Lac). Lancelot will be the bravest of the ground
knights, but he lost the right for the Celestial Chivalry because of his lack of chastity.

Chapter 19: the Celestial Chivalry

Kings Fisherman detaining the Ark of the New Covenance reserved a room which belonged
only to its service. The Cup of the Holy Grail was put down. Any oath, any alliance was
contracted in the presence of the Holy Grail.

The Initiatories were given in the form of initiation called Terrestrial Chivalry. If the Terrestrial
Knight respected his oath and his covenances it was allowed to see spending the service of
Grail at the time of Noon and in front of its door received his Endowment Celestial Chivalry.

Only Kings of the Family of Jesus having received their Celestial Chivalry could claim to be
allowed in the presence of the Ark of the New Covenance and it was then a God himself by
Saint Esprit who indicated the successor of the Carrier of present Grail.

The Carrier of Grail benefited from a big prestige in the family because they had to live a just
life and had the reputation to be Saints on the earth. Lancelot was intended to receive the
responsibility of Carrier of Grail from time immemorial, but he had failed in his oath of
chastity. He had fallen in love with Queen Guinevere marry of King Arthur and diverted her
from the duty with complete impunity because he enjoyed the friendship of King.

Lancelot did not thus receive the Celestial Chivalry and carried the pain throughout his life.
He married Elaine de Septimanie girl of King Pelles the last Carrier of the Grail in 582. Arthur
competed for the title of Carrier of Grail following King Pelles, but to become Pendragon he
had sacrificed to the classic art Celtic tradition to have his first sexual intercourse with the Big
Priestess of Avalon. This rite dedicated the earth to federative King of all the Bretons of
Great and Small Brittany, but was against the oath of chastity contracted to receive the
Terrestrial Chivalry. Arthur had thus eliminated himself and conceived a contained fury.

One day, it seemed to him to see appearing the Cup of the Holy Grail at the time of the rise,
over the Priest Catholic who celebrated the mass. He deducted that from it he had to be next
King Fisherman Carrier of the Grail and threw his knights in search of the sacred Cup. But
Grail could not be contained by greed.

The Philistines had captured the Ark of the Covenant during their war against the Hebrew
and they had removed only famine from it, plague and sadness. Also, King Arthur, by his
greed, received many misfortunes in his life, in particular by having no heir of his union with
Guinevere, by suffering multiple warlike chesses at the end of his life and by dying in the fight
pulling the sword against Mordred, his son whom he had had incestuously with Morgana the
Faye his half sister.

In 583, of his union with Elaine de Septimanie, Lancelot Del Acqs had the enjoyment to have
a beautiful small heir whom he named Galahad. He blesses it by giving him his name and
here is the words which he pronounced: " my dear son, pride of my old age, you will grow
and will be a subject of enjoyment in heavens. You will achieve that your father had no
strength to realize. You were born on this earth to achieve the intentions of the very high God
and always, throughout your life, He will bless you. You have the beauty of your mother, the
wisdom of your grand-father King Pelles and you will follow, spotless, God's paths. Be afraid
of nothing, your faith will guide you and will help you to surmount all the tests. Your glance
will remain pure and your crystal clear soul because you are a son of God, Son of the Light ".
He sealed his blessing and looked his wife: she wept with joy. A new era had just opened,
full of hope.

Chapter 20: the youth of Garin Loherain de Monglane

Two years later, Garin de Monglane, said Loherrain, was born.

He was the son of Hervis of Geneva, says Hervis of Metz (because he was the Lord of Metz)
and of Lady Béatrix de Tyr descendant of the Exarchs of Babylon. Garin, small joyful and
noisy baby, lives in the daytime in a very numerous family. His father and her mother loved
each other and multiplied the children as so many promises of love to come.

It was a loving and warm family: father Hervis was a strapping lad always ready to laugh and
to feast, his weak point was in its taste of the spending to please, her always soft and
cheerful mother, sang all day long and rocked her children even already big because she
said that the love has no age limit.

Hervis, in the evening, liked to tell his children how he had known their mother: " I was at the
fair to sell the goods of my father Galain of Geneva, I had collected a full golden stock
exchange. I had to with the money buy a herd for my father when I saw that an obnoxious
trader wanted to sell a poor girl. I approached and spoke a little with the young lady in tears.

She had been deprived of her family by bandits of big roads and was of noble birth. I
resolved to buy the young lady to save her from a cruel fate. All the golden stock exchange
passed there. I did not dare to surrender with my father after that, especially since it was not
the first time when I spent all his money. "

Hervis left in a giggle which put in him with tears in the eyes : " your grandfather, on the
petitions of your grandmother, a holy woman, saved me from a certain danger and eases the
heart of my father so that he granted to give me this beautiful young lady in marriage. The
young lady so saved and dressed in attires deserving of her rank stopped crying and
revealed us her name: she was called Béatrix de Tyr and his father was King de Tyr and of
Aquitaine. I shall never regret the volley of the green wood which my father made smell in my
ribs in my return of the fair!!! Go to bed my darlings. ".

The life passed by slowly, between narratives of chivalry, trainings in weapons and on by
horse for the boys, and works of needle, singing songs and music for the girls. Garin was as
his cousins Galahad and Bohort de Gaunes and his brothers Bégon and Agloval, he
dreamed about adventures and to receive the Terrestrial Chivalry in 16 years.

Garin was a boy cheerful and precipitated into all that he made. He never waited that a
sentence is ended before dashing to make although it is. The legend will mention him
Perceval the Welshman, because his ancestor was Yeshuah-Joseph on whom the
descendants lived in Wales before emigrating into France.

He received the Terrestrial Chivalry of the hands of Urien de Goure, the husband of Morgane
the Faye, Grand Master of the rite Nazarean. He received his sword of Chivalry of the hands
of King Pelles de Septimanie, father of Elaine the wife of Lancelot Del Acqs, but did not know
how to question as it is necessary King about the Holy Grail and lost of this fact the
opportunity to become the new Carrier of Grail of the family. The stages of his initiation into
the Terrestrial Chivalry are described in Perceval's narrative the Welshman told by Chrétien
de Troyes.

Chapter 21: Galahad

Bohort and Lionel de Gaunes were Galahad's witnesses in his ordination in the priesthood
and in its pre-prescription of Terrestrial Knight. It is Lancelot del Acqs, his father who made of
Galaad Master of the Nazareans secrets in 17 years.

He is indicated during the quest as the unique knight among whom the purity and the faith
moves closer to him most Jesus: " your coming, although it does not equal him in
importance, offers a so big resemblance with that of Jesus Christ. And, as well as the
Prophets, who lived good for a long time before him, announced the coming of Jesus Christ
and predicted that he would deliver the humanity of the chains of the hell, also the hermits
and the saints announced your coming for more than twenty years ".

Galahad was called one day by his grandfather king Pelles of Septimanie who, putting
Galahad's hand on its heart, says to him : " my child, the evil governs the earth and the
children of the Christ tear to whom will receive after my death the badge honor to guard
Grail. To be nobody on the earth cannot carry him to part you and your two cousins Garin
and Bohort. But you have to distrust the greed and Arthur's pride which does not look for the
service of Graal but its honor. You go to cross the vast sea and to return Holy Cup of the
Grail to the Lord to the Spiritual Palace of Sarraz. It was created to welcome it, he has to
receive it within it.

The History of the carriers of the Grail ends because the evil took up the earth. The Dark
Ages stride up and our children will not know any more the peace before the return of our
divine Master and Father Jesus-Christ. Go, leave without waiting, say your farewells to those
who you love, it is possible that you do not come back from this adventure, and now, receive,
dear child, my blessing ".

It is Dandrane, his fiancée, a sister of Garin, who brought the nave intended to take three
companions to Sarraz. There, she became known to them the secrets of the Creation and
the Sacred Role of the sons of Adam and Eve. Dandrane advanced the quest with giant step
because she detained the ultimate secret which could allow them to receive the Celestial
Chivalry: the self-sacrifice until die. Indeed, Dandrane gave her life during a stopover so that
three knights can escape and join the spiritual palace of Sarraz.

Galahad's holiness was so great as he realized a miracle of cure at the end of quest by
making get up to itself a paralytic to help him to carry the table on which the cup of Holy-Grail
is written : " in his awakening, he looked in front of him and lives the city of Sarras. A voice
came down then on them who says to them:

“Knights of Jesus Christ, go out of this nave! Take to you three the table of silver, carry it in
the city such as it is furnished but do not put it on the ground before having arrived at the
spiritual palace, there where the Lord dedicated José Faye, the first bishop”.

They brought out then the table of the nave. But, arrived near the door, Galaad began to
yield under the rather considerable weight of the table. He perceived then a beggar with his
stands who was held at feet of the door to ask for the charity to the passers-by. These made
it to him gladly for God's sake. " nice man, (says to him Galaad), come here and help me to
carry this table up to the castle. - Ha! Lord, whom do you say, in the name of God? It has
been nearly ten years since I cannot walk without help! - do not worry, (answered Galaad),
but get up without fear because you are cured. Immediately the man tried to get up and,
making it, he felt so strong as if he had never been sick. ".

Galahad was called in the Quest for the Holy Grail: " the wished knight, the one who comes
down from the noble race of king David and from the chalk-lining of Joseph d' Arimathie.
Here, it is necessary to read the "Joseph Ha Rama Théo", that is Yeshuah-Joseph, the
younger son of Jesus, Ha Rama Théo of its generation.

Galaad was also called " the soldier of Christ, the heir of the siege of Joséphé " (José Faye)
and he was endowed with the wisdom of king Salomon.

Arrived at Sarraz, three knights were thrown for one and a half year in prison by king
Escorant. Freed in the death of king, the knights transfer their companion Galahad elected
King de Sarraz by the people: " once Master of the kingdom, Galaad made bring up on the
table of silver an arc of gold and precious stones (symbol of the New Eternal Covenant of the
atonement of our Lord Jesus-Christ whom it contained which recovered the Holy Cup. Every
morning in his awakening he came with his companions in front of Saint-Grail and there, they
said all their prayers ".

In 608, Galahad received then with his companions his Endowment that is about 8 years
after the beginning of the quest for the Holy Grail. " We penetrated in white clothes spotless
as our heart in the Big Chamber of the Secrets (Celestial Room).

There we knelt down to us and made the promise to God defend always his reign and the
justice to the last drop from our blood. Three characters then appeared to us and received
our oath with all the value which it took on with God's eyes. Then, the sky opened over us
and José Faye appeared at us.

He says to Galahad that he would be henceforth his companion of service in the work of the
Lord: " do you Know whom I am? I am Joséphé, Our Lord sent to me to be your companion.
Why I more than the other one? Because you looked like me on two points: you saw, quite

as me, the secrets of the Holy Grail and quite as me, you remained [chaste]. It is thus just
that we are gathered by this virtue ".

A celestial choir was listened and his melodious accents fills our hearts of enjoyment. The
angels approached the Arc of the New Covenant, opened him with a lot of delicacy and
seized the Sacred Cup of the Holy Grail in a white linen, one such whiteness that it dazzled
eyes. Galahad was happy, for the first time since the death of his dear Dandrane, he showed
a quite crowned enjoyment. He knelt down and his prostrated with a big reverence in the
passage of divine Cup then collapsed. He gave up the soul under our eyes with in the glance
an unspeakable bliss ".

It was very there the desire of Galahad's heart. He did not want to survive the removal of the
Cup of the Holy Grail and Lord Jesus-Christ had heard his prayer. That is why, he had sent
him José to come to look for him and to make of him his companion of service.

Bohort of Gaunes and Garin de Monglane buried Galahad in the garden which adjoined the
Spiritual Palace and Garin remained another three years to stay up the Palace and to ask to
God that it was its will concerning him. It was henceforth one of three last ones endowed with
the Celestial Chivalry in the World and he was certain that this privilege was not reserved for
him so that it made nothing.

According to the request which Galaad had made to the Lord not survive after the Cup of
Saint-Graal was removed by the earth, he expired in celestial room. The angels came to
collect his soul, then the Saint Cup was taken in the sky and the Priesthood was removed by
the earth.

Chapter 22: Bohors de Gaunes and his descendants

Bohors, he, left Sarraz by taking the Gospel of the Love written by the hand of Jesus Christ
and left for Armenia to join the mother of his Son, Elyan the White, Terrestrial Knight as his
father. He became Exarch of Africa and took the name of his father-in-law Héraklius. Elyan
took the name of Héraklius I, founder of the dynasty of Héraclides in Constantinople.

In 614, the Persians took Jerusalem and seized the holy cross. The church of the Holy
Sepulchre made burned after their passage.

Héraklius Ist settled a sense of honor to go to free the holy cross. He raised the first crusade
of the History. This one was not often evoked because this crusade was not organized by the

In 630, Héraklius Ist gained a victory against the Persians in Jerusalem, freed the city and
made rebuild the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. When he penetrated within Salomon's
stables, he discovered it the real Cross, left there as a rebus. He knelt down and got
damaged in a fervent prayer: " o my august Father, you who gave birth to me in plenitude, I
make you favor to give me the opportunity to free the Cross of your Son, to raise his church

and to make you the honor which all your sons owe you. I make you one thousand favor for
all the gifts which you grant us. Infinitely good father, I ask you very humbly your divine for
protection for all my descendants who will concern them with dignity your holy name ".

Then, he undressed of his royal ornaments and it is in linen shirt, and barefoot as Jesus
made him to go to the Golgotha, which Héraklius Ist carried the cross with loyalty and
worship up to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and placed it in the cave which is situated
below the building, inside a marble chest. He knelt down and in a solemn prayer, made a
commitment to protect the truths faith up to the death.

Héraklius Ist transmitted to his descendants the gospel of love until Justinien II, last Emperor
de Byzance leaves for exile and transmits the principles of the Faith to the Christ view by the
disappeared Desposynical Church. Two hundred years later, this Bulgarian said church will
spread out through all Europe under the naming of Church Bogomile (Church of the Friends
of God), and will wear ferments of the Cathar religious movement.

The Gospel of love written by the hand of Jesus Christ will be the unique relic of Cathars. It is
in the basket, embraced well by a girl, that it will leave Monségur the night preceding the final
assault of the citadel. We lose then its track in the official History and it is certain that the
Gospel of Jesus left with four survivors of Monségur who went to take refuge in Portugal. We
lost the track of the Gospel of Love, it would seem that it was deposited under the guarding
of the monks of Montserrat's monastery, but the History does not say about it more.

It reappeared nevertheless under another shape: the Christ revealed the contents and
dictated pages in humble one religious of the Convent of Feuillants of Poitiers, Sister Joséfa
Menendez in 1923. It is now the property of the Roman Catholic Church and the Work of the
Society of the Sacred - Heart and has for title " A call to the Love ". The pages of the
message of Jesus concerning his passion are affectedly copied out in the pages of the
Chapter 4 of this narrative.

Chapter 23: ageing Garin

Garin fasted three days and three nights, staying in prayer in the Spiritual Palace to know
God's will concerning him.

A voice reached him : " you did well, my son to consult me. Go and carry the rites of your
fathers in the builders which of the hands build and build, so that they also learn to build the
Man. That the secrets are revealed only to them only quite as it belonged to the builders of
Salomon's Temple. Pierre and the Man with the chisel goes and restores and the set

Garin closed the Spiritual Palace behind him and started. Suddenly, he heard a big wind to
blow passionately behind him. He turned around and lives the Spiritual Palace in flames. He
understood while the Lord having kidnapped the Holy Grail could not leave his case on the
earth at the mercy of the nasty men.

In his return in France, Garin convened Masters Nazareans, such as Urien de Goure and all
his companions. He gave them the message of the will of the Almighty and his intention to
create among the people a Masonic Lodge including builders who would be subjected to the

nazareans rites and would receive the antique ranks quite as them had received it during
their successive initiatories.

After multiple deliberations, it was concluded that the company was wise and that the rites
bequeathed by God to Adam and Eve did not have to disappear but on the contrary be finally
transmitted to the world and more be the property of some men chosen by our family.

How he made it, we do not know, but Garin constituted the first Lodge of Trade Guild of Duty
and handed it all the rites, the signs and the sacred secrets of God.

Regrettably, Garin paid of its life its loyalty to the intention of God. The Church Roman
discovered a few years later than the builders of their basilicas, chapels and monasteries
possessed henceforth a new architectural knowledge.

We do not know how the messengers of the Pope had knowledge of the relationship of Garin
in this movement. However the bishop of Metz, Lancelin made translate Garin as Apostate
and seized him his lands. This last one had to promise to commit to the crusade to raise the

But the bishop had not finished it with him. He called Guillaume l' Orgueilleux, of Monclin,
Count Fromont and his son Fromondin. He summoned Garin in an ambush. In full church,
Garin appeared.

Count Guillaume struck his accomplice in the back, giving him a big blow of the spear from
Poitou. Garin fell on the ground. But Garin was a real Goliath, he got up on his feet and
pulled the sword striking terrible knocks.

Fourteen persons fell under his knocks. Bishop Lancelin struck him, as well as the old man
Fromont and his son Fromondin imposing him the death of the brave and the believer Hiram,
the Builder. Receiving these knocks which distinguished in the death as the faithful heir of
the nazareans rites, he closed eyes slowly and pronounced in a last groan: "thank you".
Garin had just received the peace kiss of Jesus.


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