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Common Themes:-

The common themes across all the diaries are as follow:

 Participation:
After analysing all the diaries it can be stated that in every single workshop the
active participation of the participants was the most salient feature of each
session. Some of the participants preliminarily seemed to be supressed, much
quieter, subdued but eventually after few weeks they too became positively
extrovert, opened up and participated in the session much enthusiastically. So
the engagement level of almost all the workshops was quite appropriate. This
active participation turned out to be the source of success of these workshops.
Initially, participant’s engagement began with basic introductions like their
identities, home town, language, culture, traditions and by group activities the
bond among the participants grew stronger.

 The Constraints:
Nothing is perfect in this world, if things happened to be perfect then nobody
would ever strive to do better. Nevertheless, different constraints could be
spotted out in the diaries. Many barriers were faced during the sessions.
Constraints like hearing issues, mental health issues, technical hitches, noisy
environments, staff mismanagement, and time challenges. These challenges
helped the management to look for their drawbacks, which would help them in
their future workshops.

 Layout:
Planning and running a workshop is indeed a big task. Every workshop
was planned effectively. The layout of every week’s session was well
structured. Highly creative activities, recreational activities, history
related work, all of which paved path for participants to think out of the
box. The layouts proved to be the reason for productive workshops.

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