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the soul can walk alone

anyway,this is the first time in this life.

It’s begin when I was 13 years old,stepping my first middle school.

I was born with active,exstrovert personality.

I met my bestfriend in my new school,we never apart

We doing anything together,go to the bathroom together,to the canteen together,skipping class
together,hangout together,confuse together,everythings was together.

In fact,I was thinking: “what I will be if I don’t have friends or being lonely like freak people?”

It’s because the way people thinks being lonely is poor things,so I end up making friends as many as I

2 half years I live my life with that mindset until then there’s the time changed 350degrees.

We end up separate because some argument and conflict,

I quite from formal-school,

What I do in daily suddenly stop in that time.

For a moment,it’s really hard it’s feel weird for me…each day each morning each night i don’t do
anything,since that my feeling begin numb.

In my life there nothing worst than feeling numb followed by another problem.

I was blaming my self for everything that happened

I hold everythings my with my soul,I don’t have a bestfriend again to talk or at least 1 human I can
talk to,but the fact there is no one.


One day it’s start to change slowly.and I start looking for new answer.

Since the times,I have been an introvert. I don’t like to communicate with stranger all over my body is
“im afraid” afraid of being comfortable after what I face alone by myself

Even it’s give me bad effect it’s nothing to compare to the good side,for what am I now.

Cities are places where millions of lonely people live together,what makes loneliness bad is because
we are afraid of loneliness,instead of living with person/one person it’s better to live generously.

You think their world is too lonely but they thinks your world is wasting time,you have run out.

Don’t worry about relationship and communicate that make you tired for run from loneliness

Loneliness is not terrible. It depends on how you adapt to it, it’s not terrible not to have friends.

All I write in here is the answaer to myself that I have been asking my self of scared being alone,and
now I answering all my question

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