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Chapter no 2 Design view form and query

Grade8 old book

Answer the questions

Question no1

a. Describe the four parts of the Field Definition Grid.?


The four parts of Field Definition Grid are

1. Field selector : In data sheet, Column heading is called field selector.We can click on any firld selector
to select a field. We can then insert a row above the selected field, delete a row, or drag a row up or
down to reposition tge field in the table. The field selector box also identifies the primary key field of tye
table by displaying the primary key icon.

2. Field Name : Here, we can list the field names for the table thatvwe want to create.

3. Data Type : Here , we specify the type of data that tye field can contain. When we create a new field,
by default the datatype is short text data type.

4. Description : It contains an optional description of the field.

Question no 2

b. What are the different ways of setting a field as a primary key?


There are two ways of setting the primary key in an Access 2013 table. The first method is as follows:

1. Select the field to be set as primary key.

2. Click Primary Key in the Tools group on the DESIGN tab.


1. Right-click the field selector of the column that will be the primary key.

2. Select Primary Key from the context menu .

After you set the primary key, a key icon will appear in the grey selector area to the left of the field's

Question no 4

c. Why is a form preferred over the Datasheet View for entering data? d. How will you switch from
Datasheet View to Design View and vice versa?


form preferred over the Datasheet View for entering data

Form is preferred over the Datasheet View for entering data because forms provide an easy way to
enter, edit, delete and view data in a table. One is told or reminded what information has to be
supplied. There is uniformity, for convenience in processing.

switch from Datasheet View to Design View and vice versa

When working with tables, there are two views available: Design and Datasheet. One easy way to switch
between the views by clicking the down arrow next to the View button on the toolbar (it's the leftmost
button). Then select the view you want from the drop-down list that appears.. Click the View drop-down
menu arrow in the Views group on the DESIGN tab Select Datasheet View.

Question no5

e. What do you understand by the AutoNumber field in Access? Can you change the data type of any
field to AutoNumber?



AutoNumber is a type of data used in Microsoft Access tables to generate an automatically incremented
numeric counter. It may be used to create an identity column which uniquely identifies each record of a
table. Only one AutoNumber is allowed in each table

change the data type of any field to AutoNumber

No, we cannot change the datatype of any other field to AutoNumber.

Except in case ,When you save a table without creating a primary key, you allow Access to automatically
create a primary key field named ID of AutoNumber data type.

Question no 6

f. Give a validation rule such that a user can enter only the values 1, 2, or 3?


you can use i>=1 or i<=3 or you can use range(1,4) range is a function u can use in the programming

Validation Rule->=1 and <= 4

Question no 7

What are queries or desribe method of creating a query



An Access query is a method of getting answers to questions about data. The query can involve a
single table or multiple tables to answer a question about data.

There are two methods of creating a query:

through Query Design and through the Query Wizard.

Question no 8

Describe Access 2013 field properties such as size, format, input mask, and validation rule. ?


Field sizeThis is the maximum size for data stored in the Text or Number fields. For Text data, the field
size determines the maximum number of characters. The Short Text data type has a maximum of 255
Format This specifies how data will be displayed.Number and Currency Formals You can choose from
seven pre-defined formats, i.e., General Number, Currency, Euro, Fixed, Standard, Percent, and

Input Mask This facilitates data entry and controls what the user enters in the field. For example, the
input mask for a phone number could be (....).

Validation Rule A validation rule limits the value that the field will accept.

For example, if the validation rule for a field is <= 100, it means that the field must contain a value less
than or equal to 100. If you enter a value greater than 100, you will get an error message.

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