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Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah

Silvia Malasari, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN

“Assignments Writing”

Fa’izah Nur Afifah

RA Ilmu Keperawatan
Fakultas Keperawatan
Universitas Hasanuddin

Some people say that the main health problem of our society is the loss of active life-styles.
Others say that many health problems due to lack of exercise.

To what extent do you agree of disagree about this?

• Mind Mapping

• Essay 300 – 500 words with citation from other authors

Active life-styles have a big impact in our life at many situations, including physical
and psychological health. Accordingly, supporting people in adhering to a physically active
lifestyle can be considered a worthwhile goal of our societies (World Health Organization,
2018). An active lifestyle is defined as a physical activity that is integrated into everyday
life, which can be compiled by oneself and the social environment (Rochman, 2021). Active
life-styles also known as doing physical activity on a regular basis to maintaining body
functions and social health that leads to a better quality of life (Dorak, 2017).

However, many people do not recognize it as an important thing to do and not even
consider it as a top-prioritize problem. Indonesia has a society with a physical activity level
of 66,5% in the moderate category and a low position (Kemenkes, 2018). They choose to
continue their life just like how they usually do even though it might bring bad impact to their
An active lifestyle plays a central role in the management of obesity, favouring the
maintenance of weight loss and reducing the health risk associated with the condition (Dalle
Grave, R, 2018). It shows that active life-styles have role in health management. If active
life-styles not being implemented, it might causes more health risk than just an obesity. Many
Indonesians are unable to do certain recommended physical activities for health, which has
increasing cases of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, and diabetes in Indonesia.

Actually, physical activity habits including exercising also take part into human health
process. In fact, building a routine such as light and essentials exercise, been shown to reduce
the risk of being in a pathological state. Health problem occured from the result of various
environmental and physical problems, regardless if they are natural or artificial. This can not
be avoided, but sometimes it can be prevented. Unfortunately, many people do not have the
motivation to change their bad habits and start exercising so they can support the idea of
active life-style.

Based on explanation before, I strongly support the fact that the loss of active life-styles
is the main health problem. The relation between active life-styles and exercise actually exist,
inseparable from the fact that one way to carry out an active lifestyle is do exercise regularly.
In conclusion, one of the main reason why many people suffer from health problem is lack of
active-lifestyle implemented in their society.
My Sources

World Health Organization. (2018). ‘Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030’.
More Active People for a Healthier World. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Rochman, Taupik. (2021). ‘Indonesian Community Active Lifestyle: Between Expectations

and Reality’. Jurnal Maenpo: Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, 11(1).

Dorak, F. (2017). ‘The Effect of a 12-Week Physical Exercise Program in Adults on

Satisfaction with Life, Self-Esteem, Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Perceived Social
Support’. The Anthropologist, 19(2).

Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. (2018). Hasil Utama Rikesdas 2018. Jakarta:
Kemenkes RI.

Dalle Grave, R. (2018). Module 3: Developing an Active Lifestyle. In: Treating Obesity with
Personalized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Springer, Cham.

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