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Personal Philosophy of Health Education

The World Health Organization defines health education as any combination of learning

experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing

their knowledge or influencing their attitudes. Health education is important because it allows

others to learn how to be healthier or prevent certain diseases through small changes to their

daily lifestyle. Not only does it help with the prevention of disease, but it can also improve ones

quality of life. The framework for quality of life is comprised of four concepts: physical,

emotional, mental, and social functioning (Healthy People, 2014). The importance of quality of

life cannot be stressed enough because a shift in the balance of these concepts can cause ones

health deteriorate. Seeing how crucial this paradigm is to daily life can be a form of two of the

concepts to others quality of life as well. Emotional and social functioning can include how one

feels through interacting and connecting with others, for some, seeing people living with lesser

than equal health and education opportunities due to uncontrollable factors can deteriorate their

wellbeing. Happiness can stem from many things and helping others is an action that holds true

to this notion. There is a saying: if you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone. Helping

others can be a hobby, a passion, or a life calling; and to use it for improving the health for just

an individual, a community, or the future of mankind itself is admirable.


Health education. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2017, from

Health-related quality of life and well-being. (2014). Retrieved February 12, 2017, from

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