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SEPTEMBER 2022 Semester 4


LEARNING CENTRE : Sibu Learning Centre

Table of contents

1.0 Task 1 2-6

References 6

2.0 Task 2 7 - 10

References 10

Task 1

Question 1:
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and each
component is essential to achieving it. The WHO (World Health Organization) defines health
as 'a positive dynamic capacity to evaluate and control one's own emotions and environment.
It has to do with the ability to perform consistently with the desired values in life.' In other
words, health is a way of living so that you can have a healthy impact on your environment.
Health and wellbeing represent statements that are frequently interchanged, but their origins and
meanings are distinct. As demonstrated by the WHO in the decades, wellness is referred to as,
“"Health" can be defined as the state of complete physical health, mental health and social well-being,
and not merely the absence of illness and infirmity.” Although the explanation has been criticised for
being too comprehensive and unattainable, particularly as it relates to the word “complete,” very
importantly, it widens the medical definition of well-being beyond the simple lack of illness.
According to the WHO, the main determinants of health include the social, economic, and physical
environments, and that individual’s personal features and behaviours. This care and transformation of
well-being, Consequently, depends not only on external or environmental factors (including those
systems of attention), but also on those efforts and smart lifestyle choices of the person. As a matter of
fact, it depends on health.

Physical health is characterised as the state of the body, taking into consideration
factors like the absence of illness and level of exercise. A person's physical health is essential
to their entire well-being and can be affected by their lifestyle, biology, environment, and
access to medical care. Physical and mental health are closely related to one another. A
person who is mentally unwell is more likely to have chronic physical illnesses. Additionally,
a higher likelihood of poor mental health is associated with persistent physical illnesses. This
link between physical and mental health is also evident. All of the other aspects of health are
related to physical health. The relationship between physical health and the other aspects of
well-being shows how important it is. There are several activities that one can engage in to
maintain physical health. For example, Aerobic Activities which required the body's vast
muscles to move. Examples of aerobic exercises include biking, swimming, running, and
walking. Improved cardiovascular health and a reduced risk of various chronic diseases,
including type 2 diabetes and heart disease, are two benefits of aerobic exercise. Muscle-
strengthening activities also often include resistance or weights. They demand the body to
exert resistance to external force or weight. Exercises that build muscles include pushups,
situps, squats, and weight training. Strength and muscle mass are maintained or increased
through these exercises. A physically health person exhibits a number of important traits in

daily life like healthy lifestyle. The way of life of this person encourages movement and
wellness. A physically healthy person will engage in everyday activities rather than being
inactive. Healthy diet also important, a physically healthy person will consume a balanced
diet. Lean proteins, whole grains, and a variety of fruits and vegetables are all part of this
diet. It is a low-sugar, low-saturated-fat diet. Physical health encompasses a variety of facets
of life, including adequate rest, a healthy diet, exercise, excellent hygiene, and downtime.

Figure 1: example of physical health

Mental health which includes our emotional and psychological. It influences our
thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. The "Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-
2030," which aims to enhance mental health by bolstering effective leadership, is being
implemented by all WHO Member States. Additionally, it influences how we respond to
stress, interact with others, and make decisions. Every period of life, from childhood and
adolescence to maturity, is vital for mental health. Both physical and mental health are crucial
aspects of overall health. For instance, depression raises the danger of many different
physical health issues, especially chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. In a
similar vein, having chronic illnesses raises your likelihood of developing mental disease.
Numerous individual, social, and structural factors may interact throughout our lives to
support or undermine our mental health and cause a change in where we fall on the mental
health continuum. People may be more susceptible to mental health issues due to personal
psychological and biological characteristics like emotional intelligence, substance use, and
heredity. Stress is a natural part of life, like it or not. In order to maintain your mental health,
you must understand how to control it. You can strive to avoid a stressful scenario, but just
like everyone else, there are some situations that stress you out. You must identify the reason
of your stress and develop the most effective coping mechanisms if you are forced to deal

with the situation or person that makes you anxious. For instance, if you are aware that tests
because you worry, you should learn how to see them objectively and avoid letting them have
an effect on you. This is due to the fact that you cannot avoid exams. Find your stress-
management techniques so you can look after yourself better. Talking to a buddy, having
confidence in oneself, playing with pets, going for a nature walk, listening to music, and
doing Tai Chi are a few examples. Also, don't forget to laugh and find the humour in
everything. The protection and promotion of everyone's mental health as well as meeting the
needs of those who have mental health disorders are essential in the context of national
initiatives to improve mental health. Community-based mental health care should be used for
this because it is more readily available and acceptable than institutional care, contributes to
the prevention of human rights violations, and offers better recovery outcomes for those who
suffer from mental health conditions.

Social well-being refers to our interpersonal connections and communication style.

Our relationships can be a source of comfort during trying times. Building wholesome,
nurturing, and supporting relationships as well as creating a sincere connection with those
around you are both essential components of social wellness. Learning how to reconcile your
social life with your academic and professional lives requires conscious action. Balancing the
special requirements of romantic relationships with other aspects of your life is another
aspect of social wellbeing. Historically, studies in the economic sciences have
operationalized social well-being using objective criteria like gross domestic product (GDP),
which reflects the relative prosperity of communities and societies. Social well-being has
been operationalized in social science research in terms of actions that represent community.
Is Social Wellness Important? Answer is yes. You can create healthy interactions with others
when your social wellness is at its highest degree. You can learn assertiveness and become at
ease with who you are in social circumstances by having a supportive social network. Having
a supportive social network around you boosts your self-esteem. You may establish limits
that promote dialogue, mutual trust, and effective conflict resolution thanks to social
wellness. Building emotional resilience requires having a strong social wellbeing. The
fundamental component of wellbeing is how we perceive the world, thus I feel lonely as a
result of a combination of objective facts, my blood pressure, and subjective views. Our
physical health, as well as our surroundings, the people in our lives, and the decisions we
make that alter our environment, all have an impact on how we perceive the world. One of
the type of social well-being is Emotional well-being. The capacity to securely express or

manage your emotions as well as produce pleasant emotions is referred to as emotional well-
being. It starts with becoming conscious of your feelings. Physical well –being, relates to
physical health, include your eating habits, exercise routine, and sleeping habits. Because
your body and mind are interconnected and affect one another to determine your health,
maintaining both is crucial. You've probably noticed how restoring a good night's sleep can
be to your body and mind, as well as how much happier you feel when maintaining a regular
workout schedule. Increasing hydration and keeping an eye on your caffeine, sugar, and
alcohol intake will help you function at your physical best. We must also make room for
others and nurture good, mutually beneficial relationships. Be attentive when someone
expresses their feelings, details their experience, or offers their point of view.

In conclusion, being disease-free is only one aspect of being healthy. It is about

having the best possible physical, mental, and social well-being so that you may enjoy life,
deal with setbacks, and avoid collapsing when they happen. Our physical condition is not the
sole factor affecting our health. Numerous factors, like our education, where we live, where
we work, and what we do, to name a few, might have an impact. Therefore, it's crucial to take
care of our entire selves, including our physical health, mental health, and social well-being,
in order to maintain a good balance between our mind, body, and soul. Life is valuable, yet it
only happens once. In order to have more energy to spend more time with your family and
people who care for you, you need be healthy in all respects.

EUPATI. (n.d.). Physical health. Retrieved from

Sinclair, J. (2021, February 15). What is social well-being? Definition, types, and how to achieve it.
Retrieved from

Tee-Melegrito, A. F. (2022, July 28). What is mental health? Retrieved from

WHO. (n.d.). Health and Well-Being. Retrieved from

健康 [jiàn kāng]. (2011). Retrieved from

Task 2

Question 2

People are increasingly putting their jobs before their health, whether it is by working
late to finish projects, skipping lunch, or even by reporting to work when they should be off
sick. Although this method of working is frequently regarded as admirable by social norms, it
can spell tragedy. Always put your own well-being first. A person who is emotionally and
physically well not only has a higher quality of life, but they also perform better at work. The
aim that individuals have been working for is health. A person should be quite proud of
themselves if they have a healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy spirit. Physical, mental,
and ideological health set the way for our development and lay the groundwork for a happy
existence in the future. Youth is a tremendous and immeasurably magnificent gift that life
bestows upon us. Youth is a time when we are strong, full of hopes and ambitions, full of
expectations, and full of passion to pursue knowledge and struggle. Being physically,
emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually healthy is referred to as personal wellness. To reach
wellbeing, a healthy lifestyle balances all these factors. Your short-term and long-term heath
will be impacted by your choices and decisions. In order to maximise your chances of
academic success in your educational programme and profit the most from it, it is crucial to
take your general level of wellbeing into account. You will discover some of the numerous
factors influencing your wellness in this part, including diet, exercise, and lifestyle selections.
You will evaluate your level of personal wellness and set improvement targets.

Wellness benefits and healthy habits can reduce the risk of various diseases, including those
that may effected your family. In a recent study, for instance, persons who ate a typical American diet
for 8 weeks which one high in fruits and vegetables had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
According to a 2020 studyTrusted Source, there is a 25% reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes for
every 66-gram more of fruit and vegetables consumed daily. Exercise for as little as 11 minutes every
day can lengthen your life. Over 44,000 persons were tracked in a 2020 study by academics. Those
who engaged in moderate-to-vigorous exercise for 11 minutes a day had a lower risk of passing away
than those who only did so for 2 minutes. Even if people sat for 8.5 hours a day, this comparison still
held true. A longer lifespan is associated with basic healthy behaviors. You may live up to 14 years
longer if, at age 50, you have never smoked, maintain a healthy weight, engage in regular physical
activity, use alcohol in moderation, and follow a balanced diet. Your longevity might be increased if
you implement even a handful of these adjustments.

Your body is constantly in a fight-or-flight state while you are under chronic stress. Your
immune system is strained and you become more vulnerable to health issues, such as heart disease,
diabetes, digestive problems, depression, and high blood pressure. Wellness programme can help to
reduces the stress level. While there is some stress at work, a wellness programme can help to lessen
or even eliminate it, which would then result in less productivity and unneeded absenteeism due to
illness. You may enhance the effectiveness of your team and employee retention by developing a
wellness programme that is centred on lowering workplace stress. Through the release of stored
energy, exercise can assist alleviate stress. Endorphins are mood-enhancing chemicals that can be
released more readily after physical activity. Others may find relief from stress through mindfulness
exercises like journaling, deep breathing, meditation, or time spent in nature. A friend's advice is also
helpful. Consider counselling if you'd like further assistance in managing your stress. You can acquire
new stress-management techniques and work through issues in life by consulting with a qualified
psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist.

Personal well-being can make us always have a goal to work towards. Achieving a healthy
lifestyle touches many areas of your life such as how you eat, how you move, and how you engage in
self-care activities. Try to improve one area at a time by setting goals. Reaching your goals can help
you feel accomplished and boost your overall self-confidence. Be sure to make your goals SMART.
So the strength and stamina can be increased. Your body is able to use more of the nutrients in the
food you eat to build and maintain more muscle tissue. It also strengthens existing organizations. As
muscles get stronger, they can be used for longer periods of time. Use a healthy lifestyle to make
exercise more enjoyable and more rewarding. The more you exercise, the stronger your muscles will
become. Also includes your heart. Strengthening your heart and other muscles allows you to perform
more activities for longer periods of time while being less prone to injury. Whether it's exercising
three times a week or doing home and work-related tasks, you'll feel less tired. It feels like there is
more to accomplish at the end of the day. Not only does this type of goal setting help improve your
health, but it is directly linked to improved workplace performance. According to research, people
who are healthier tend to be more productive at work because they are better rested, more energised,
and more driven to complete their tasks. Employees who take part in wellness initiatives at work stay
committed to practising good habits like exercise, which has been found to enhance sleep and boost

Living a healthy lifestyle does not mean have to give up the things that may be considered
“bad habits.” You can live a healthy lifestyle while also enjoying cookies, skipping a workout, or
drinking wine with dinner. In fact, occasionally indulging in a pleasure can make it easier for you to
maintain a balanced diet. It typically backfires to have an all-or-nothing mentality where you can only
consume "good" meals and never eat "poor" ones. Being healthy includes being able to enjoy every
bite of high calories food like kampua. A healthy lifestyle can not only make you feel better, but it can

also extend your life, lower your risk of contracting certain diseases, protect the environment, and
save you money. Whatever you describe as a healthy lifestyle is your version of it. You don't have to
do anything in particular to be healthy. Find out what makes you happy and what gives you the most
satisfaction. Then, when you make modifications, start out small. This will increase your chances of
success and modest gains will snowball into bigger advantages. Of course, everyone will occasionally
stray from good practises in several of these areas of personal wellness (physical health, mental health
and social well-being). However, it's wise to keep them in check and be aware of how your lifestyle
decisions are affecting others. Anything that is present in excess might become a negative influence in
your life.

PURPOSE. Retrieved from

Jantra. (2022, March 18). Key steps for implementing a corporate wellness program. Retrieved from

Risher, B. (2021, January 6). Healthy Lifestyle Benefits: 5 Tips for Living Your Strongest, Healthiest Life
Yet. Retrieved from

Shier, M. (2014). Personal Wellness. Retrieved from


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