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Physical and Mental Health of Teenagers

Everyone have heard of the stigmatation nowsdays that many teens are extremely mentally weak and
are more prone to mental and physical illness more than ever. But what are the reasons?
Lets first start by what is Physical and mental health and what is the definition of a teenager? Physical
health according to NZDF Health, Physical health can be defined as the normal functioning of the
body. Representing one dimension of total well-being, it's about how your body grows, feels and
moves, how you care for it, and what you put into it. Mental health according to CDC is Mental health
includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It
also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choice. Latsly teenagers
according to Oxford Dictionary is, a person aged between 13 and 19 years old.
With this in mind what the pillars to physical health and mental health. To achieve Physical health you
need enough sleep and recovery, as it enhances your health and performances and can prevent excess
weight gain.heart diseases and other diseases. By good Nutrition, it will provide the body with the
nutrients and fuel needed to perform and recover. It also can reduce stress and inflammation in the
body, which is also asscoiated with injury,ilness and mental health. By doing physical acitivity, the
lack of exercise can decrease the range of motion within the body joints and can lead to a decline in
physical.mental and physciological health. Both Physical and Mental health correlates as it is an
major component of overall health.
Some factors that contribute to mental ilness are, Adverse childhood experiences, such as trauma and
a history of abuse. It also could be exposure to adversity, pressure to conform with peers and
exploration of identity. Media influence and gender norms can affect their reality and their perception
or aspirations for thr future. Their home life and enviroment could also affect as well as
socioeconomic problems.

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