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Dear MSC Family Member,

While it is the duty of our medical providers to inform you on what a COVID-19 vaccine is, how it works and
what the side-effects could be before you receive it, we would like to make you aware of some general
information about these vaccines so that you can indicate your consent to take part in our COVID-19
vaccination programme.

Vaccination Information
‘What is a vaccine and how does it work? Vaccination is a safe, simple and effective way to protect people from a
disease before actual exposure to it. Vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies and other cells that
fight disease, just as if a person was exposed to the disease itself. When a vaccine is given, the immune system responds
• Recognising the germ (bacteria or virus) as foreign and identifying it;
• Producing antibodies. These are proteins produced naturally by the immune system to fight disease; and
• Remembering the disease and how to fight it. If the body sees the same germ again, it can recognise it and
fight it quickly to stop the illness.

Vaccines only contain killed or weakened germs (bacteria or viruses), or material that mimics the germ. Therefore, a
vaccine cannot cause the disease itself. However, it is not uncommon to have a mild reaction after a vaccine as the body
responds to the introduction of something recognised as foreign. Some require just one injection, others need more than
one in a short time frame, annual doses, or multiple doses over many years.

Types of Vaccine
Viral Vector: Oxford/AstraZeneca; Sputnik V/Gamaleya; Johnson & Johnson; CanSinoBIO
These contain a safe version of a live virus that does not cause harm, with genetic material from the COVID-19 virus
inserted. Once inside the cells, the genetic material carried gives cells instructions to make a protein, usually the spike
protein, unique to the COVID-19 virus. Using these instructions, the cells make copies of the protein that are recognised
as foreign and stimulate an immune response. This technology has been successfully used in the Ebola vaccine and
gene therapy.
Nucleic acid (mRNA or DNA): Pfizer BioNTech; Moderna
These contain genetic material from the virus that instructs human cells to make the spike protein. Once made, the viral
genetic material is destroyed. The body then recognises the protein produced as foreign and stimulates an immune
response. This type of vaccine is safe and does not affect the person’s genes in any way. ‘ (International Chamber of
Shipping, ITF, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccination for Seafarers and Shipping Companies: A Practical Guide)

Vaccine Side effects

‘COVID-19 vaccines can cause mild side effects, such as a low-grade fever or pain or redness at the injection site. Most
reactions to vaccines are mild and go away within a few days on their own. More serious or long-lasting side effects to
vaccines are possible but extremely rare. Vaccines are continually monitored to detect rare adverse events.

Reported side effects to COVID-19 vaccines have mostly been mild to moderate and short-lasting. They include fever,
fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, diarrhoea, and pain at the injection site. (WHO,

The above information do not replace or are in lieu of the full set of information to be provided by the Medical
providers prior or at the time of the COVID-19 vaccination. MSC Cruise strongly recommend that each crew member
require all information directly to the medical providers.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the above information about the
COVID-19 vaccinations that are intended to be part of MSC Cruises vaccination programme.

Date: MSC Number:

Surname, First Name: Signature:

Dear MSC Family Member,

Consent to take part to MSC’s Vaccination Programme

MSC Cruises will be facilitating a the Covid-19 vaccination programme for its Crew which will take
place either in your home country before embarkation, or upon embarkation onboard one of our
ships. We kindly ask that you support us and your fellow crew by accepting this offer to have a
Covid-19 vaccination in order to create a safe and healthy working and living environment
onboard. Full details of the particular vaccine will be given by the medical provider. However, this
form is to confirm your general consent to be vaccinated and to proceed with the next step in the
vaccination programme

I consent to having a COVID-19 vaccination as part of MSC Cruises COVID-19

vaccination programme.

Date: MSC Number:

Surname, First Name: Signature:

IF you do NOT want to be vaccinated please sign here, for those who do refuse the
COVID-19 vaccination we will apply the MSC Cruises strict health protocol
specifically designed for non-vaccinated Crew to ensure the health and safety of the
Guests and Crew.

I hereby refuse the COVID-19 vaccination that will be facilitated by MSC Cruises.

Date: MSC Number:

Surname, First Name: Signature:

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