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The Cell: Anatomy and Division

Anatomy of the Composite Cell

1. Define the following terms:

Organelle: Organized intracellular structure that perform specific function of the cell.
And it’s a specialized cellular part such as a mitochondrion, chloroplast, or nucleus
that has a specific function and is considered analogous to an organ. Also organelle
is define as a little organs.

Cell: : It is the structure of unit of cell living things. Also it is the smallest common
denominator of life.

2. Although cells have differences that reflect their specific functions in the body,
what functions do they have in common?

- Cells are the smallest unit of life. Cells are composed of different types of
organelles which are often specialized for their functions. This relates to the idea
that the structure of a specific cell correlates to its function.

3. Identify the following cell parts:

Plasma membrane 1. external boundary of cell; regulates flow of materials into and
out of the cell; site of cell


Lysosomes 2. contains digestive enzymes of many varieties; “suicide sac” of the


Mitochondria 3. scattered throughout the cell; major site of ATP synthesis.

Microvilli 4. slender extensions of the plasma membrane that increase its surface

Golgi apparatus 5. membranous system consisting of flattened sacs and vesicles;

packages proteins for export

Nucleus 6. control center of the cell; necessary for cell division and cell life

Centrioles 7. two rod-shaped bodies near the nucleus; direct formation of the
mitotic spindle

Nucleolus 8. dense, darkly staining nuclear body; packaging site for ribosomes

Endoplasmic Reticulum or Rough ER 9. membranous system; involved in intracellular

transport of proteins and synthesis of membrane lipids

Ribosome 10. attached to membrane systems or scattered in the cytoplasm;

synthesize proteins

4. In the following diagram, label all parts provided with a leader line.

1. Nucleolus

2. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

3. Cytosol

4 Lysosome

5. Centrioles

6. Microvilli

7. Microtubule

8. Intermediate filaments

9. Peroxisome

10. Mitochondria
11. Golgi apparatus

12. Ribosomes

13. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

14. Nucleus

15. Plasma membrane

16. Chromatin

17. Nuclear Envelope

5. Complete the following statements:

Division of the _CELL_________ is referred to as mitosis. Cytokinesis is division of the

__CYTOPLASM________. The major structural difference between chromatin and
chromosomes is that the latter are _COILED_________. Chromosomes attach to the
spindle fibers by undivided structures called _CENTROMERE_________. If a cell
undergoes mitosis but not cytokinesis, the product is MULTINUCLEATED
CELL__________. The structure that acts as a scaffolding for chromosomal attachment
and movement is called the _SPINDLE________. INTERPHRASE__________ is the period
of cell life when the cell is not involved in division. Two cell populations in the body
that do not routinely undergo cell division are RED BLOOD CELL__________ and

6. Define the following terms.

a. diffusion – it is a passive transport area of greater concentration to lessen


b. osmosis – it is a simple defined through selective permeable membrane.

c. simple diffusion - it is the process in which solutes are passed through the
concentration gradient in a solution across a semipermeable membrane.
d. filtration – it is the process of applying a pressure difference across the filter
material, which drives the separation of particles such as cells and depositing on the
filter as filter from the fluid which passes through the filter and becomes the filtrate.

e. active transport – it is the process of moving molecules across a cellular

membrane through the use of cellular energy.

7. Define tissue.

- it is the group of cell with the similar structure and function and it is distinct type of
material consisting of specialized cells their products.

8. Identify the type of tissue shown below.

a. Simple columnar epithelium
b. Pseudostratified epithelium
c. Smooth muscle tissue
d. Transitional Epithelium
e. Areolar connective tissue
f. Dense fibrous connective tissue
g. Bone (osseous tissue)
h. Hyaline cartilage
i. Adipose tissue
j. Stratified squamous epithelium
k. Skeletal muscle tissue
l. Cardiac muscle tissue

9. List the five major function of epithelium in the body

1. Protection
2. Absorption
3. Filtration
4. Excretion
5. Secretion

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