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Mechanism of Sweat Stimulation

- Heat stimulates — Preoptic area of Anterior hypothalamus — stimulates ANS — Sympathetic

NS (Epi/Norepi) — Cholinergic fibers — Acetylcholine — Stimulate sweat glands in dermis
via M3 receptors — Absorption of Na & Cl from ductal portion — Hypotonic sweat secretion

- Unacclimatized person sweat less but has T NaCl concentration

- Acclimatized person exposed to warm weather for 1-6 weeks sweat more — } Evaporation —
cool down faster

- Acclimatized person has less Na in sweat due to reabsorption of Na by Aldosterone

- Acclimatized person has lower body temperature and heart rate
- Sweating — dehydration — | ECF volume — Hypertonic Volume Contraction
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