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Postdates Pregnancy
D. Jill Mallory, MD


Postdates or postterm pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy Nutrition
that extends to or beyond 42 weeks of gestation (294 days Pineapple
or estimated date of delivery [EDD] plus 14 days). A nor-
mal pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks from the start Pineapple (Ananas comosus), which contains the com-
of a woman’s last menstrual period, but any pregnancy pound bromelain, has historical medicinal use both as
that lasts between 37 and 42 weeks is considered normal. a whole food and in extract form. Bromelain has been
Approximately 4%–7% of all singleton pregnancies extend proposed as the active ingredient, and it is present only
to 42 weeks or 14 days beyond the EDD.1 in the fresh fruit because the canning process destroys it.
Postterm pregnancy is associated with a higher peri- Bromelain has been used to elicit uterine contractions
natal mortality rate (stillbirth and newborn death within as a means of shortening labor. Some animal model
the first week) and a higher risk for complications during research suggests that instead of increasing cervical
delivery, such as an emergency cesarean delivery, shoulder prostaglandins, bromelain may actually inhibit them.8
dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, birth asphyxia, meco- No research is available on the possible effectiveness of
nium aspiration syndrome, and neonatal birth injury.2 bromelain for induction of human uterine contractions,
Current research suggests that the lowest infant mortality although this use is widely suggested in lay pregnancy
rate is achieved when pregnant women have completed resources. Some investigators suggest that pineapple’s
at least 41 weeks of gestation before labor is induced and effects on labor may result from gastrointestinal stimula-
when induction occurs before or at 42 weeks of gestation, tion by fiber and sugar, thus affecting local neural path-
although the absolute risk for problems from delivering ways.9 No known risks are associated with pineapple use
beyond 42 weeks is low.2 The overall risk for perinatal in pregnancy.
death is estimated at 0.4% in women who deliver beyond
42 weeks of gestation and 0.3% for women who deliver
between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation.3 Supplements
Because of this small increase in perinatal mortality, the Castor Oil
induction of labor is widely practiced at or before 42 weeks
of gestation, and postterm pregnancy has become the Castor oil, derived from the bean of the castor plant (Ric-
most common reason for induction.4 Unfortunately, labor inus communis), has a very rich history of use for labor
induction itself is not without risks. Obstetric problems stimulation that dates back to ancient Egypt. One sur-
associated with induction of labor in postterm pregnancy vey completed in 1999 found that 93% of U.S. midwives
include cesarean section, prolonged labor, postpartum reported using castor oil to induce labor.10 Despite this
hemorrhage, and traumatic birth. These problems are prevalence, research into the use of castor oil has been
more likely to result from induction when the uterus and limited. A recent study in mice found that the castor oil
cervix are not ready for labor.2 Furthermore, induction of metabolite ricinoleic acid activated intestinal and uter-
labor brings with it increased risks of uterine rupture, uter- ine smooth muscle cells via prostaglandin E2 recep-
ine hyperstimulation, fetal distress, and instrumentation.5 tor 3 (EP3) prostanoid receptors.11 This may explain
Very few studies have considered women’s experiences its mechanism of action in humans. Three trials were
and opinions when it comes to the timing of inducing included in a recent Cochrane review looking at castor
labor, and for women seeking a natural, unmedicated labor oil for labor induction.12 It included 233 women at term
and birth, induction poses many philosophical challenges. and compared ingestion of castor oil with no treatment/
Accurate dating is obviously important for reducing the placebo. Outcomes evaluated included cesarean section
need of induction, and studies have shown that early ultra- rate, meconium staining of amniotic fluid, instrumental
sound is associated with a reduced incidence of pregnancies delivery, and Apgar scores. All women who ingested cas-
misclassified as postterm.6 When women have accurate tor oil had nausea; otherwise, outcomes were not signifi-
pregnancy dating and are approaching 41 weeks of gesta- cantly different from those in women who did not ingest
tion, many may seek nonpharmaceutical measures of cer- castor oil. A retrospective observational study done in
vical ripening and labor induction. One small study of 50 Thailand of 612 women looked at the timing of delivery,
women showed that many were opposed to medical induc- fetal distress, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, tachy-
tion of labor, yet they used self-help measures to stimulate systole of the uterus, uterine rupture, abnormal mater-
labor at home.7 More research is needed in the realm of nal blood pressure during labor, Apgar scores, neonatal
nonpharmaceutical cervical ripening and labor induction resuscitation, stillbirth, postpartum hemorrhage, severe
options for women who have postdate pregnancies. diarrhea, and maternal death.13 No differences were seen

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