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Class name and date

First Grade General Music Schedule and General Lesson Plan:

9/27/2022 5 minute lesson

1. Little Sally

PEDAGOGY THREADS: Grade 1, 1.3 singing 3 note melodies, 1.5 perform eighth and quarter notes


-perform 8th notes and sing 3 note melodies, sol, la, mi
-clap on quarter notes
-play the game while the sing the notes

Assessment Strategies:
Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in formal assessment by:
I will ask certain students to clap on quarter notes
Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in informal assessment by:
Listening to them while they sing

Start Timings Activity or Piece Developmental Hierarchy Differentiation

Time Totals Level/Chunks, Plan and Sequence

Time: (:30/5:00) Activity 1: sit in a Chunk 1: Learn the solfege and text of
circle and listen song

Activity 2: repeat
solfege back

2:30/5:00 Activity 3: repeat

solfege and text Chunk 2: Performing song while playing
back the game

3:30/5:00 Activity 4: play

game while singing
Add clapping on quarter notes for students
that would like to do something with their


So, So, La, La, So, So, Mi, Mi, So, So, La, La, So, Mi
Little Sally lost her wallet, Little Johnny found it
Not a penny was there in it, only rhythms round it

Chunk 1: Welcome and Goals

1s. Sing the solfege for them with hand signs and then have them sing back the first verse. Students
then listen to the second verse and then repeat it back

Chunk 2:
Teach the game while singing the song. Have the students play the game and sing the song on their
own while I observe. Students can choose to clap on quarter notes

TRANSITION WITH: 1d. Please echo me: Singing solfege

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