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Announcements: Try to add at least like, 6 lines each guys. Try to check at least once every day..

Hope this arrangement is okay! I (Julie) will print 3 copies of this. 1 for Greer (yellow group), 1 for Eilya (green?), and 1 for everyone else (red group!). Were going to work on it all of lunch time. Only Sarah needs to memorize words. Everyone else, follow what she is saying but make sure you read through first to know. Group: Greer Ido Alex Eliya Sarah Julie Characters: Narrator - Sarah Sky (Masculine) - Ido Earth (Feminine) - Julie Tree of Life - Eliya - Greer Tree of Hope/Remnant - Alex Requirements: a monologue - narrator! (paragraphs) synchronized flocking - tree growing, tree dying 1. 3. 3.a. tableau - at the end of Sky/Idos long, angry shout during which the Tree of life withers. 3. 4. sound circle - in the beginning, when the tree is born and everything is fruitful (like a peaceful, happy, memory setting). Example sounds: children laughing, birds chirping, trees rustling, creek water. 1. think of a concept (make up myth or combine myths) combine the two tree pictures. birth (construction) and death (destruction) Narration: Long ago, before humans first breathed, there existed only Sky and Earth. They were very much in love, and it was in their love that the Tree of Life was birthed. GROW TREE FLOCKING. Sky cried tears of joy, raining water that in turn helped their offspring to grow. He let the sun -- his happiness -- shine down for Earth to be warm. HAPPY CHILDHOOD SOUDS SOUD CIRCLE. Everything was well, until one day Sky saw that Earth no longer loved him as she did before. SOUND CIRCLE FADE AWAY BEGIN .He was furious. And he realized, as he looked back, that she no longer looked at him affectionately, but at the children. She no longer smiled dearly

at him, but at the children. She no longer caressed him lovingly, as she did the children. How could he have let this happen? SOUND CIRCLE FADE END Sky stopped shining the sun -- his happiness -- and Earth quickly grew cold. Tears of joy were replaced by tears of resentment, and the tree withered away WITHER TREE - FLOCKING. in the bitter weather. IDO's SCREAM - TABLEAU. Earth begged Sky to forgive her. She promised a new life and a change of her heart. Sky was touched by her pleas, and the ice around his heart began to soften. (MINIMAL) GROW TREE - FLOCKING. WITH FACIAL EXPRESSION, FREEZE. But Earth was still too busy. Her heart could not be split in two. And so, UFNREEZE. as life went on, the same would happen time after time. Summer. the Fall. Winter. and Spring. Earth, and Sky, and their darling Tree of Life.

THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN ABANDONED: Story: Sky and Earth fell in love and gave birth to the Tree of Life. The fruit of the tree of life was the beginning of all things beautiful on Earth. And everything was in perfect harmony until Sky felt that Earth no longer cared for him. He kept giving and giving his sunlight and water and Earth kept taking and taking to feed the Tree of Life. So Skys tears turned from tears of joy and laughter to tears of sad resentment. (Thus came hail and snow, ) when he cried he also hoped it might freeze Life over so Earth would once again be only his. But Earth only fought back, putting up barriers to keep her children alive. So Sky, in anger, flared the hot sun, only to have Earth put up another barrier (aka. the ozone layer!!) So the two fought and fought until finally Earth pleaded that he have mercy on her and their children. Everything was dead. But little did they know, that a new tree was budding. And this was the tree of hope. Seeing this, Sky gave in, but still punishes them twice a year with scorching heat or freezing coldness.

Scenes: Narrator walks and talks as Sky and

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