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Types of societies
Development of Society through Technology
Gerhard lenski

● A contributing factor for social development.

● Sends ripples of change to a society’s way of life.
● The more technology a society has, the faster it
Types of societies

01 02 03 04
Hunting and horticultural pastoral agrarian
Types of societies

05 06
Industrial post-industrial
Hunting and gathering societies

● Egalitarian Society
● The simplest of all societies.
● Oldest mode of making a living.
● Hunters and Gatherers are NOMADIC
Moving from one place to another
● They rarely form permanent settlements
● They have simple tools and weapons
● Practice ANIMISM
Spirits inhabit the world
Horticultural society

● Society whose primary mode of food cultivation is

hand tools and small gardens
Allowed people to grow their own food
● They formed permanent settlements except when soil
nutrients are depleted
● First horticultural gardens were in the Middle East and
Latin America
GOD as creator
pastoral society
● A nomadic group of people who travel with a herd
of domesticated animals
● 'Pastoral' - Latin root word pastor = 'shepherd.'
● Nomadic at the same time horticulturist
● GOD being directly involved in the well-being of the
entire world.
○ Concept of modern religion came from this
● Two patterns:
○ Transhumans
○ Pastoral Nomadism
Two patterns

transhumance Pastoral nomadism

Seasonal movement of livestock and Entire group of people move together
small group of people between with their livestock throughout the
mountain and lowland pastures either year. A way of life for people who do
under the care of herders or in not live continually in the same place.
company with the owners. Most people They highly depend on domesticated
stay at the village to tend crops and livestock or hunting methods.
other animals.
agrarian society

● In an agrarian society the majority of the population

lives and works on the land and produces its own food.
● Started the “Dawn of Civilization”.
● Permanent settlements
● Innovation of farming tools
● Large scale cultivation Increase in production
Distinct occupations Specialization of tasks
Social Inequality
industrial society
● Industrial society is one that uses advances in technology to drive
a strong manufacturing industry.
● Characteristics:
○ The use of iron and steel
○ The use of coal, the steam engine, electricity,
internal-combustion engine, etc.
○ Invention of new machines
○ Factory system (division of labour and specialization of
○ Important developments in transportation and communication
(steamship, automobile, airplane, telegraph, and radio)
○ Increasing application of science to industry.
post-industrial society

● A society marked by a transition from a manufacturing-based

economy to a service-based economy.
● The service sector, made up of people such as nurses, teachers,
researchers, social workers, and lawyers, among others, accounts for
more of the economic growth and wealth.
Recap! Types of societies

01 02 03 04
Hunting and horticultural pastoral agrarian
Recap! Types of societies

05 06
Industrial post-industrial
Society and Culture Module (2022)
Mohd Hakimi - Hunting and Gathering Video. Youtube. (2019) - Gerhard Lenski and Society Development

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