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Reflection Paper on Digital Banking’s effect on Branch Banking

Investment and Portfolio Management (Topic: Banking)

1. Suggested spacing: Double Space
2. Indent the 1st word in every paragraph
3. Times New Roman, Font Size 12
4. Single-inch margin on top, bottom an


Student Name:
 Title
 Introduction
 Body Paragraphs
 Conclusion

You will write a reflection paper on 2 short videos regarding digital banking rise and its effect on
branch banking. Provide your views, insights or what specific topics that was discussed that you
agree or disagree with.
I want you to also consider including on your write-up and reflection the following: (1) Will
digital banking totally replace branch banking in the near future? (2) What is your preferred
banking transaction of the two? (3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of both banking
business models for you? In your opinion, will there an expected changes in investment
selections with the popularity of Digital Banks?
All insights and views will be respected and appreciated.
I will not require minimum no. of words. I am expecting you to give your best effort in terms of
making your reflection paper interesting and informative to read.

Date of Submission: September 26, 2022 11:59:59 pm

File Name Convention: Surname_IPM_Activity2

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