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Teaching Theories: Conditioning & Behaviorist Theory:

- in teaching it is called pedagogical - Naturalistic Theory - Frued (1966), believed that human
knowledge - Apperception Theory behavior is made up of inner forces
- Cognitive Theory that reflect psychical energy. While
IN GREEK: - Conditioning & Behaviorist Theory Skinner (1968) believed that
- Peda means children - Maturation & Readiness Theory motivation is a result of outer forces,
called stimuli that moves humans.
- Gogy means arts & science of Naturalistic Theory: - In act of classical conditioning the
teaching - 18th century Swiss-born philosopher learner comes to respond to stimuli
Jean-Jacques Rousseau also started other than the one originally calling
- pedagogy is art & science of teaching from the assumption that humans for the response. For example, as
children conform to nature. The child when dogs are taught to salivate at
develops inevitably as a product of the sound of the bell one says in such
LEE SHULMAN – termed the expert nature, and the main function of the a situation that a new stimulus is
knowledge as pedagogical content- teacher is to provide the optimum learned. For instance, learning new
knowledge conditions for that development. vocabularies, new terms, and
- According to Shulman, teachers need - That view leads to the theory that the conventions or algebraic expressions
to master content specific child experience is essential thing. or chemical symbols all involve
pedagogical knowledge to achieve classical conditioning.
desired learning outcomes. Cognitive Theory: - Operant conditioning which involves
- Piaget (1962), pointed out that a material or an instrument to
The basic insight of PCK (pedagogical people’s relations to events are respond. For instance, reinforcement
content-knowledge): determined by schemas, which such as rewards, helps in learning. In
- Is to teach content to students in reflect an individual’s total other terms it involves a relationship
particular teaching procedure with a knowledge developing through between a response and a stimulus.
reason to visualize or transform the maturation. He offered the first
abstract idea of content to concreate penetrating account of that kind of
- Hence, there is a process and intellectual growth. Maturation & Readiness Theory:
product - Cognitive theories are appropriate to - The Italian educator Maria
the school situation, for they are Montessori (187-1952) claimed that a
Model for Good Teaching Practice by Lee concerned with knowing and child passes through all stages of
Shulman: thinking. development in reaching maturity.
- Comprehension – understanding the - Readiness theory of learning depends
purpose of teaching Apperception Theory: on the concept of maturation in
- Transformation – aligning content to - The English philosopher John Locke stages of biological and mental
meet the need of the learner assumed that human learning development. The teacher finds out
- Instruction – act of teaching, in itself consisted essentially of building up what a child is ready for and then
- Evaluation – where teachers test and associations between different ideas devises appropriate materials and
evaluate an extension of teaching and experiences. The mechanism in methods of their interest.
- Reflection – critically analyzing one’s which new ideas became associated
teaching and making necessary with existing ideas is called
changes apperception mass. Piaget argued
that accommodation of the
established ideas to the new
experiences was also required.

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