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Republic of the Philippines


ACCESS CAMPUS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City
College of Health Sciences


DATE: 10/04/22

1. Nurse Red, who just finished her job orientation, is assessing the patient prior to surgical
procedure and documented her assessment at the nurse’s notes on the surgical admission sheet
on patient's chart. The unit clerk and long-time nurse onthe unit remarked that Dr. Juan, the
physician doing the surgical consultation,should be named Dr. Juan of the jungle because he
often humiliates new nurses.He yells at them even in the tiniest mistake. Based on previous
reports by other nurses on the unit, Nurse Janine the charge nurse knows that Dr. Juan has the
reputation of being demeaning and inappropriately demanding when interacting with new nurses.
An hour later, Dr. Juan appears on the unit and asked to see the nurse who did the surgical
admission sheet. What would you do if you wereNurse Janine? How would you approach Dr.

As the charge nurse, who will be equally accountable and responsible for the care of both
the patient and the new nurses. Make sure you comprehend why a medical professional, such as
Dr. Juan, might insult you before you take action to deal with such behavior. In order to
communicate with him, I would first ask him to explain his motivations and to weigh the pros and
cons of his course of action. I would also mention the doctor's particular behavior to the new staff
nurse who is in charge of the surgical admission sheet so that she would be aware of it and be
able to decide how to act around Dr. Juan. You can decide whether to take action or remain silent
by discovering the motivations behind certain behaviors. However, in these situations, you must
first be observed and notify your coworkers. It's crucial to realize that an insult depends on who
is hearing it (or seeing it).
The fact that you feel insulted does not necessarily mean that the person who said or
wrote the insult intended to offend or irritate you. Anyone is capable of saying or acting in a rude
or insulting manner without intending to. Recognize that there are different levels of insults.At one
extreme, an insult might simply be the result of someone having a really bad, exhausting day,
Republic of the Philippines
ACCESS CAMPUS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City
College of Health Sciences

which led them to say or do something offensive. A bully who intentionally intimidates others by
using insults is at the other end of that spectrum. Both of these situations are unacceptable from
a medical perspective. However, this does not imply that Dr. Juan is a doctor with high standards
who can simply insult or act inappropriately toward nurses because verbally harassing nurses in
public places or hospitals is also a form of violence and must be immediately addressed by the
head nurse and chief nurse as they are the ones who must also take responsibility for the specific
situation. Prior to taking actions, you should consult with higher-ups so that they are aware. It's
also important to explain to foster good communication and a therapeutic approach. Also speak
up, but avoid being confrontational. Be respectful and speak quietly enough to avoid being
overheard by the provider's coworkers. While you can report a doctor for being rude, it might not
be the best course of action in this case. Your intention is not to embarrass the provider; rather,
it is to let them know the impact their words have had on you. Hospital employees work long hours
and are under a lot of pressure. The rudeness might not have been intended for you or wasn't
even directed at you.

2. A nurse is making rounds on her new postoperative kidney transplant patient. As she enters
the room, the patient begins to bleed from his side incision. The nurse applies direct pressure with
one hand and calls for assistance. Help arrives and the patient was taken to operating room with
the nurse still maintaining the pressure on the bleeding site. The patient lives and goes home a
few days later. What leadership characteristics does this nurse demonstrate? Why is leadership
at all levels throughout a healthcare organization? How can a nursedevelop this type of leadership

Being a committed, ambitious, and responsible leader are among the qualities possessed
by nurses who display leadership. A true calling, nursing is so much more than a career.
Caregiving requires a particular combination of a compassionate personality, a cool head, and
intestinal fortitude. Being stubborn is not a trait that a nurse needs. It can occasionally be very
unpredictable and dynamic to deliver excellent healthcare. A great nurse is ready, willing, and
able to adjust to any unforeseen situation.It is up to nurses to juggle hectic schedules and
conflicting demands in the day-to-day delivery of healthcare, to make calm decisions and
effectively respond to unexpected events, and frequently to find innovative ways to make a
Republic of the Philippines
ACCESS CAMPUS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City
College of Health Sciences

difference for patients in the limited time you are able to spend with them. But as a nursing quality,
caring makes all the difference to patients.
A nurse's success in the nursing field will be greatly influenced by how naturally inclined
they are to genuinely care about how their patients feel (and, consequently, how well they perform
their job).Undoubtedly, nurses are under a great deal of pressure as they attempt to balance
following doctors' orders with using their own knowledge, skills, and critical judgment to provide
the best possible patient care. When multiple patients are being cared for at once, the possibility
of human error can seem almost inevitable.A good nurse is aware of the risks involved and that,
unlike in most other professions, they are accountable for the health and, more importantly, the
lives of their patients. One of the nurse personality traits that can quickly and easily determine
how successful they'll be in their role is having a strong attention to detail.While clinical training
and knowledge are imparted to nurses throughout their education, the best way to develop a
nurse's problem-solving abilities is through on-the-job training. Although years of practice can aid
in honing this ability, some nurses are born with better problem-solving abilities as part of their
qualities and traits. Given that nurses spend the most one-on-one time with patients and are
frequently in charge of making the majority of the decisions regarding their care, problem-solving
abilities are crucial in the nursing profession. Even seemingly insignificant choices, if made
incorrectly, can have significant effects and lead to negative patient outcomes.

3. Why it has been said that the most important aspect of emotional intelligence fora leader
to make effective decisions are self-awareness, communication and influence and
commitment and integrity?

When they're feeling down or burned out. They can take action to comprehend their
feelings and regulate their responses. Even though a mental health professional should be
consulted when dealing with depressive disorders, nurses may be better able to recognize their
own emotions and know when to seek assistance. Nurses can take the necessary action to
mentally re-center themselves if they are aware of when their emotions are being taxed. The
patients they look after benefit from their ability to control their reaction to frequently negative
emotions. In stressful situations, including those involving life or death, nurses must maintain
Republic of the Philippines
ACCESS CAMPUS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City
College of Health Sciences

composure. Nurses can understand their emotions and control their reactions with awareness
and emotional control. Self-awareness is the capacity for and process of consciously looking

Self-awareness is the capacity and process of consciously looking at oneself objectively and to
identify and process information important to one's well-being. It enables nurses to understand
the emotions they're feeling and temper their reactions for the best possible outcome. The
biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence self-development. The capacity
to recognize and assess the effects of internal and external stimuli is a component of self-
awareness. These stimuli include interactions with one's environment as well as behavior, needs,
motives, attitudes, values, feelings, perceptions, assumptions, thoughts, and beliefs. Nurses can
interact professionally with a diverse patient population and change their behavior as necessary
by having a strong sense of self-awareness. Nurse leaders can reduce the likelihood of
misunderstandings and ensure that information is not lost in medical jargon by speaking in a
measured, calm manner and using a respectful tone. Nurses can help one another and enhance
patient care by fostering a culture of mutual respect and open communication.

4. Discuss your answers.

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