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Explain how maturation is related to heredity and how learning is
related to environment.

- Maturation plays a vital role in heredity and heredity also plays a
vital role in maturation. These two, no matter how different their
definition is, we cannot still deny the fact that they have this
indestructible relationship. It is because of the following reason;
maturation can only happen if there is something that we can
drive to mature. For example, just like the mango fruit. Mango
fruit will not be able to grow unless its seed is planted in a
healthy soil and environment. We can view the Mango seed as the
inherited genes of the mango tree and the photosynthesis of that
mango seed as the maturation process. The construction of the
seed’s cells, its components, it is all up to the genes that is passed
on to that seed. We cannot make that mango seed turn into an
apple no matter what maturation process we can do to that
mango seed because only the genes that is passed on to that seed
will grow. Now, going on to the photosynthesis of the mango
seed (or we can view this as the maturation process) the process of
mango seed having its leaves, becoming taller and then eventually
the branches will occur that is according to the genetic code of
that seed is what we call ‘maturation’. Here’s the key concept
about this. A living organism is bound to mature but, they are
only bound to mature according to what their genes are encoded
to do. If they inherited the genes of having a blue eye from both of
their parents, that characteristic will mature and be dominant
eventually. And if a living organism mature into its tallest state,
that is because it has inherited the ‘tall’ genetic code to its parents.
- Learning for me, is having the intention of engaging yourself to
the field that you are fond of, or you are aiming to achieve. For
example, I want to finish this degree. For me to finish this degree,
I need to have the intention of gaining all the knowledge related
to this degree. Environment however is the physical state we are
in. E.g., quiet, or chaotic. No matter how slow or fast-paced
learner we are, our environment can still either help us or hinder
us to learn. That is why there are various tips and ways being
uploaded in internet as to how we can ‘effectively’ learn. And most
of them are environment related. For example, go to a quiet place
where you can focus, use a green light for intense concentration,
avoid places that’s near to doorways to avoid distraction etc.
Moreover, environment also plays an important role as to what
the living organism will learn. For an instance, an organism
(human) is being put into a winter environment. As time goes by,
he will eventually learn all the ways to survive winter but, if you
put that human to summer or hot environment, he will not
probably survive because he did not experience to live in a
summer environment. The key takeaways for this are, the amount
of learnings depend on the environment that we have, and our
environment will most likely dictate what we will learn
throughout our entire life whatever aspect it may be.

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