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Individual Responsibility on their Health

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Individual Responsibility on their Health

A person’s health is majorly their responsibility at all levels of life. Healthy lives begin

with the individual’s effort to achieve it. A healthy life is productive and satisfying to live. It

takes a lot attain a healthy life. There are several contributors to our health, however, we have the

primary responsibility to keep quality health. Health of individuals depend on a variety of factors

ranging from personal responsibilities, to social, environment and the health workers. The

society has a sole responsibility to promote the health of the individuals within it. Even as we

view health promotion of as a responsibility of the society, the individual contributions to the

role is critical in achieving the results at the society level. We have the opportunity to be solely

responsible for our health through a number of ways.

Firstly, we can contribute to our own health through pollution control. Environmental

pollution is only experienced through human activities. Several diseases are acquired from the

environment which are all contributed to by humans. The way we manage waste products matter

a lot in relation to our health. Proper ways of waste disposal is critical to having a safe

environment that promotes our health. A clean environment limits our exposure to halogens that

contribute to infections.

Secondly, lifestyles have contributed to the health of almost every individual on the

globe. The industrialized nations are leading in terms of the factors that lead to poor health

conditions. The positive thing about lifestyle is that it is in our control. We have a say on the

kind of life we wish or want to live. The leading lifestyle factors to health include; smoking,

obesity, alcohol consumption and high blood pressure. It is the responsibility of each person to

control these lifestyle factors. We have the chance to limit or stop some of these hazardous

lifestyle that can cost us our lives. There is need that lifestyle at individual point change before

campaigns for that of the entire society.

Thirdly, exercise make part of the health promotion activities the individuals should

engage in. it saves one from a number of activities including; stroke, heart diseases and cancer.

Regular health exercises boost cardia among other advantages. Body flexibility and fitness saves

one from orthopedic injuries as they have control over their bodies and are least likely to fall.

Weight losing exercise is highly recommended to obese individuals to keep them safe from

infections such as heart diseases. Arthritis caused by weight injuries in this case are avoidable.

Individuals should commit themselves to regular screening for infections. Attending clinics helps

in early diagnosis of infections. It is through early diagnosis that diseases such as cancer can be

treated and eliminated before advancing to stages that cannot be treated. Cancer screening is

critical for individuals who are beyond fifty years. Regular screening has saved a lot of lives;

individuals who began their medications and treatments early enough before the disease could


In conclusion, our health begins with our efforts before the efforts by others and the

government come into play. The focus should on health promotion rather than treatment of

already existing diseases. We appreciate the efforts by other participants in health promotion and

taking care of our health. However, their efforts may not be successful in the moment we fail to

take care of ourselves.



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