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Techniques for Improving Memory

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Techniques for Improving Memory

Memory make an important aspect of our daily learning; gaining of skills and knowledge.

Learning may look so useless without the memory of the previously learnt idea. The learning

process is continuous and interconnects hence the need for the learners to work on improving

their memory. Improving memory improves learning and consequently desired results are

obtained at the end of the learning process. Mastery of content is one of the ways to that learners

can be evaluated. Most people suffer memory lapses indicated through forgetting concepts,

names and misplacing objects. We have a chance to save the brain from cognitive decline. The

techniques are discussed below.

Firstly, brain training, as in muscles, need to be used frequently to remain functional and

healthy. Performing mental workouts improves the functionality of the gray matter. Frequently

challenging the mind makes it grow and consequently improving memory. Brains exposed to

more mathematical problems work better and have greater memory compared to those exposed

to crossword puzzles alone as per the researchers. The challenges help a person to recall details

about a topic very fast and have quick memory patterns.

Secondly, physical exercise is found to directly affect the brain and its functions. Regular

exercises reduce the decline of cognitive function especially among the aging population. The

degeneration process of the brain cells is reduced with regular exercise. In Alzheimer’s disease

regular aerobic exercise has shown positive results.

Meditation is one of the important ways of improving memory of a person. Meditation is

only important in this concept when it is mindful. Meditation has a lot to do with the brain

functioning and the cells. It reduces the markers of brain degeneration while improving the long

term as well as the working memory. Studies reveal increased brain plasticity with the

individuals who practice regular meditation hence promoting brain health.

Notably, adequate sleep is crucial for healthy and normal functioning of the brain.

Disruption of the normal sleep cycle lead to impairment in the cognitive function of the brain.

Interruption of sleeps interrupts the process for creation of memories. Creating a long term

memories require a sleep for between 7 and 9 hours a day among adults.

Monitoring our diet can also improve our cognitive function hence better memory. The

research done in animals indicated high sugary drinks and meals had links to Alzheimer’s

disease. The total brain volumes of individuals doing very sugary foods is small compared to that

of normal beings. The risk of the cognitive impairments can be reduced by reducing

consumption of the sugary foods. Natural foods that are sugary would work better for such

individual who look find fun in sugary foods. High calorie diet is also a major concern with the

brain health and mental issues. High calorie foods are linked with memory damage and obesity.

High calorie diet cause inflammation in the sections of the brain, interfering with the brain health

and consequently interfering with the memory.

Consumption of caffeine and dark chocolate have shown a great improvement in the

memory of individuals with memory issues. Caffeine boosts both the short and long-term

memories in individuals who use it. Individuals yet to have a test benefit much from the caffeine

consumption prior to studying. Likewise, cocoa flavonoids activate and boost the brain function.

It makes the active part of coffee. It also improves blood flow into the brain.

In conclusion, boosting our memory lies within the normal daily activities of man. Man,

therefore, has the power to improve most of the memory issues they undergo and which are not



Upadhyay, S. (2021). Brain Based Learning Techniques for Managing Cognitive Overload and

Improving Working Memory amongst Undergraduates.

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