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Tour to Panama La Vieja and the museum of the main square

Paola Centeno 12ºC

To start, they gave us a tour by cart to get to where the tower of

Panama La Vieja is, then they began with the tour where they also
they took us to climb more than 150 steps, to be able to observe
the entire city of Panama. They explained their history to us, how
they destroyed it, etc. They showed us the main square where
different activities such as events and bullfights were held.
After that they took us to the Plaza Mayor Museum, what caught
my attention the most was the ceramics they made at that time,
their designs and shapes.
The stories of how they lived, their clothes, their cutlery, kitchen utensils,
etc. the great model of Panama Viejo as it was in the 17th century.

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