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Eryn Stanton

September 18, 2022

OGL 481

Arizona State University

Political PCA

Within the company there has been one individual that is thought to have more power

than what he is granted. My father started this company over twenty years ago and Doug

continues to think that he knows just as much, if not more, than my father. He has made

degrading remarks to the women that work there along with the women that come in from other

companies. The mindset that he has that “women serve men” is not something that is accepted in

this century, nor should it go unnoticed.

The politics of the organization influenced this situation because the problem was never

separated from the people. There was never a time where the problem was tried to be solved

because of the longevity of the relationship along with the comments not going any further than

that. This may seem harmless but in fact it is quite the opposite, comments can lead to much

more than that. When it comes to politics within an organization this is an example of how it is

poorly used.

Just because there is a relationship between two parties does not mean that it makes it

okay when things are done wrong. Oftentimes, people think that just because they have a good

relationship with someone in power they can get away with more than others can. This is false

because it does not matter who you are within the company, if you are not beneficial then there

needs to be change that is made. The politics of organizations can help with these actions that

need to be taken.
I would use organizational politics for an alternative course of action regarding my case

by doing what I had originally said. I would separate the people from the problem and find a

solution. If that solution is removing that person from the organization then that is what needs to

be done. Emotions and feelings need to be taken out of the picture because that affects judgment

when in these cases there needs to be a clear mind.

Also, setting new goals for the company that does not allow for extra time to make these

comments to others is helpful. By setting goals it keeps employees busy and always on task to

make the company better than it was the day before. There have been multiple times where

companies have let emotions for their employees affect what could be rather than what is. This is

a perfect example because having Doug as an employee of the company, he is taking money

away from the company that could be put to more beneficial things.

I am still unsure of what I would do differently in this situation other than have a more

serious sit down talk with my father about the whole situation. There could have been a

compromise made about what Doug is useful for and if he is a real asset to the company. In the

long term, I think that there needs to be more goals set for the employees including monthly

reviews of what they have been doing. Employees should want to make the company a better

place to work in that allows for more opportunity and benefits.

Overall, politics plays a very positive or very negative role in organizations. When it

comes to employee performance, politics needs to be strict and emotions need to be obsolete. In

order to build an honest business there needs to be no under the table deals that do not benefit the

company in the long run. Politics, when handled correctly, have many benefits to companies that

can lead to opportunities if there are shared interests with other companies.

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