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Ines Sinthya Br pandia, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed.

Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni


English is a subject that must be studied by students in Indonesia, but many students have difficulty mastering
this subject because they are not equipped with it from an early age. The purpose of this paper is to add insight
into the importance of introducing English from an early age to children. This paper also aims to introduce
what teaching methods and modules are effective in teaching early childhood and what competencies must be
possessed to teach English to young learners .

Keywords: Teaching English, Young Learners

PRELIMINARY proficiency. Likewise, in Asia, Indonesia is placed

in the 13th place out of 21 countries which also
In predominantly English-speaking categorizes Indonesia of having a low proficiency.
countries, languages other than English have been Thus, it is crucial to teach English as early as
historically and primarily regarded as a problem to possible. However, teachers of EYL all over the
be remedied by the schools (Ruiz 1984). Improving world, including Indonesia are facing some
the English language proficiency of immigrant challenges in carrying out their profession. In
children from newly decolonised territories was Indonesia, specifically, the challenges or problems
high on the national development agendas of come from the status of English in Indonesia,
BANA countries in the 1950s. In the case of the teachers’ pedagogical competency, and parents’
UK, it was expected that immigrant children should socio-economic background.
become ‘truly integrated’ into the community ‘as
soon as possible’ (Derrick 1977, p. 16). ESL, as it Young learner need a special teaching
was known until the late 1980s, took the form of method when learning second language the
separate language provision outside the regular communicative context is of vital importance.
school curriculum. It was usually delivered through youngsters between the ages of 3 and 10 in
full-time or part-time reception ESL classes, and kindergarten and primary school, which are two
conducted by specialist teachers where resources very different contexts for language acquisition and
were available. The assumption was that these teaching. In Germany, for instance, the term
young learners would impede the academic kindergarten refers to an informal setting in which
progress of local students and should join the the children do not receive any formal teaching
mainstream classes when they were adequately and, for that matter, no formal second language
prepared. Leung and Franson (2001a) pointed out teaching.
that ESL provision in the 1950s and 60s in BANA
Two specific programmes in Germany. The
countries was found to be limited and
first one, referred to as early start, points to the fact
compartmentalised. Using a language-as-structure
that Eng- lish is now introduced three and a half
approach as informed by native-speaker norms, it
years earlier than before when the nation-wide start
was a short-term intensive form of initial provision
was grade 5 in Germany. In two steps, the start for
often carried out in isolation from the child’s
English language teaching was first set at grade 3
school (Leung 2016).
in the early 2000s and was shifted to the second
The consideration of English to be half of the first year in the Bundesland of North-
introduced at the earlier age has been arisen, Rhine Westphalia and even to the onset of primary
especially in Indonesia. EF EPI in 2018 shows that school in Baden-Württemberg in 2008, offering the
Indonesia is in the 51st place out of 88 countries 6 to 10-year-olds two hours of English per week
which indicates as having a low English from grades 1 to 4. The second type is content-
based English teaching, i.e. pro- grammes in which There are some importance of teaching English
one or more subjects are taught through the to young learners such as The earlier the onset of
medium of English. Such programmes are referred foreign language learning, the greater the chances
to as CLIL (Marsh & Langé 2000) or, if more than for language proficiency. The learners have great
50% of the curriculum is taught in the L2, as opportunity to have native-like pronunciation;
immersion pro- grammes (Genesee 1987). improving overall school performance and superior
problem-solving skills; Development of lifelong
METHOD ability to communicate with more people; Better
understanding of other cultures.On the other hand,
This type of research is library research. The teaching to young learners will be fail if the
literature research in question is a research teachers are not able to provide them with pleasant
conducted to collect and analyze data sourced from learning situations that the teachers may lead young
books, magazines, newspapers, and other scientific learners into feeling of hatred toward the language.
works. Literature research uses a qualitative Here are some possible risks can occur during
approach, because qualitative is centered on theory teaching English to young learners which have
based on the concepts to be discussed. (Sugiyono, been described by Sutrisno (2013) such as (1) The
2013) Literature research has uses to solve teachers can put the young learners in a risky
problems that are not clear, dynamic, complex, situation if those learners are taught by anybody
holistic, and have meaning from written sources without any education skill or adequate training;
(Khoirunnisa, 2018). This study analyzes (2). The young learners run the risk of losing the
"Optimization of Child Development Psychology opportunity to acquire pronunciation if those
in the Family Environment". learners copy the inappropriate pronunciation as
exemplified by teachers. Based on the Critical
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Period Hypothesis theory, this could make potential
risk for those young learners because it causes
Results and discussions that can be analyzed the
fossilization for them or their potential to acquire
author has several studies, namely the importance
the language might go in vain. This is also caused
of learning English for young learners, effective
when the teachers give assessments which fail to
methods and modules for young learners and
measure what learners have learned; (3). Another
qualifications that teachers must have to teach
risk, which might arise from teaching English for
English to young learners.
young learners is the choice of instructional
1. The Importance of Learning materials. As we know, there have been a huge
number of English books for primary school
English for Young Learners
available everywhere. Some are poorly written and
The consideration of English to be introduced some are very well designed. Should teachers not
at the earlier age has been arisen, especially in select the book needed for their students carefully,
Indonesia. EF EPI in 2018 shows that Indonesia is they may not give a good foundation for the
in the 51st place out of 88 countries which learners. They may contribute problems in the
indicates as having a low English proficiency. process of learning, instead.
Likewise, in Asia, Indonesia is placed in the 13th
Over the last fifty years or so, physcholinguists
place out of 21 countries which also categorizes
have learned much about children’s language
Indonesia of having a low proficiency. Thus, it is
learning. In addition, Cameron (2001) as cited in
crucial to teach English as early as possible.
Hashemi and Azizinezhad (2011), says that the
However, teachers of EYL all over the world,
differences between teaching a foreign language to
including Indonesia are facing some challenges in
young learners, in contrast to adults are obvious.
carrying out their profession. In Indonesia,
Children are often more enthusiastic and livelier as
specifically, the challenges or problems come from
learners than adults, and children often seem less
the status of English in Indonesia, teachers’
embarrassed than adults at talking in a new
pedagogical competency, and parents’ socio-
language. All normally developing children master
economic background.
the complexity of pronunciation, grammar, and
vocabulary of their first language within the first
four or five years. Not only do children learn to use
highly sophisticated grammatical forms of their hatched ducks see a moving object (whether it
first language, they also develop an impressive be their mom, the leg of a farmer or the broom),
vocabulary. During particularly intense periods of they start walking behind that object. Thus, it
language learning, such as toddlerhood, young can be concluded that ducks “learn” to follow
children learn a new word every waking hour of the moving objects. However, it is important to
their day. realize that ducks cannot help this behavior,
because it is genetically pre-determined. All
There is an assumption that young children baby ducks follow a moving object, provided
facile language as like Eric Lenneberg (1960s) as they see it shortly aftery they are hatched. This
cited in Gordon (2007) where he studied about Lennerberg’s term is well known with language
certain behaviors shared a number of species. In instinct. Lenneberg argued that just as a
particular, he was interested in behaviors that are: duckling cannot help following its mother, a
child cannot help learning a mother tongue.
1. shared by an entire species;
Pointing out that human speech develops in all
2. learned at around the same time by all the members of the human species, that humans
members of the species; begin to speak roughly around the same age,
3. learned following a rigid and predictable and that human language learning follows a
schedule when no amount of instruction predictable sequence of developmental steps,
would make any difference; Lenneberg hypothesized that human language
4. learned instinctively, because members of the ability is innate. In other words, children learn
species cannot help developing this particular language quickly and easily, simply because
trait. they cannot help it (children’s facility with
language can be explained as stemming from
Introducing English at an earlier age is children’s genetic predisposition for language
important. Cameron (2001) suggests that learning).
starting to learn foreign language at the earlier However, Noam Chomsky made explanation
age results benefits to some areas of language about which aspects of the language system are
skills, i.e. listening comprehension and innate (congenital). His theory is
pronunciation. Curtain (1990) explains that the
students who start their language learning in popularly known as universal grammar.
their primary school have a better chance to Chomksy hypothesized that children are quick
have a high level of language proficiency to master the grammars of their languages,
compared to those who just start theirs in the because their capacity to generate
secondary school. These are in line with the grammatically structured speech is innate and
survey of Policy and Practice in Primary because a special grammatical blueprint is
English Language Teaching Worldwide done prewired into children’s brains. He also pointed
by British Council (2013) to 66 respondents of out that children who are as young as three or
66 countries (including Indonesia) on the four years old learn basic rules of sentence
demand of teaching English to young learners formation and effortlessly produce structurally
(TEYL) which shows that one third of the complex sentences. (Even when children make
respondents and one sixth of the respondents errors and produce patterns such as *helded or
reveal the policy change of lowering the age of *Did you did it? They only produce language
starting English in all or part of the context and patterns that are potentially consistent with the
making English compulsory at primary level, grammatical patterns to be found in the
respectively. language.

2. Methods and Modules Teaching It is obviously observed that in learning

English for Young Learners language, children begin learning simple
As a result, Lenneberg concluded that if a expressions by means it is extremely important
behavior in a species meets all these criteria, that teachers not only get children to learn
that behavior is congenitial or innate. It can be language, but also encourage them to learn it
observed in baby ducks’ behavior. When newly positively. Scott and Lisbeth (1992) which has
been cited in Hashemi and Azizinezhad (2011) if they spend sufficient time and writing and if
present some characteristics of young learners-8 they derive pleasure out of these activities.
to 10 years old such as: However, Gordon (2007) said that literacy
• They are mature enough instruction should start early in English
• They have particular point of view classroom because writing is less threatening
• They are able to describe the difference than speaking in that children need to be afraid
between facts and fictions of mispronunciacing an unfamiliar word,
• They are curious of asking questions children can have their first experiences of
• They believe in what is said and the real producing written statements in English well
world to express and comprehend before they speaking in target language.
meaning/message Here are some strategies in literacy instruction
• They have distinct opinions about what they in the English Language Classroom. One of
like and what they dislike these is using whole language in authentic
• They are open to what happens in the literacy events. Teachers encourage children to
classroom and begin asking a teacher’s use oral and written language the way it is used
decision in real life. Language learners need to
• They can cooperate with each other and participate in authentic literacy events for both
learn from others. reading and writing activitie that they can gain
from newspaper, magazine, articles, fairy tales,
However, in teaching English to young learners advertisement, prescriptions, song lyrics,
needs good teaching skills, creativity, thorough poems, and etc. The words are availabe in these
preparation and patience. Teachers must have literary works sometimes are repeated several
all these attributes in order to make young times. The teachers should stay away from
learners keep motivated. Also, teachers should practicing the reading of disjointed
consider about another characteristics which decontextualized target language list, nor do
distinguish them from teenagers and adults. they ask students to practice writing word lists
Those characteristics are described below: made of items such as the or in. In addition,
• Young learners have a short attention span teachers shuld encourage learners to use whole
• Young learners are very active, imaginative, pieces of written language while reading for
and egocentric meaning and writing for communication.
• Young learners love praise and reward The other strategy is creating a literate
• Young learners are less shy than older classroom environment. Here, the classroom
learners environment is conducive to reading and
• Young learners enjoy imitating and are writing if the classroom is converted into a
skillful in listening accurately virtual dictionary with the help of labels and
• Young learners enjoy learning poster size pictionaries. Poster size pictionaries
through playing, acting, making and doing are helpful
• Young learners understand language as units
not separate words resources, not pieces of decoration, and it is
• Young learners interpret meaning without important that children understand their role in
necessarily understanding the individual the classroom. When implementing a writing
word activity, the teacher asks students to identify a
• Young learners learn indirectly rather than pictionary that might help them work on a given
directly piece of writing. Another strategy include
• Young learners develop physically, language Experience Approach (LEA) and
mentally, and conceptually. dictated stories. Language experience approach
integrates teaching reading and writing with
Some spects of TEYL which should be taken some type of a lived experience. It is also
into consideration are the teaching of listening, commonly referred to under the name of
reading comprehension, and Speaking to young Dictated Stories. The LEA activity consists of
learners because language learners are likely to four steps such as experience, description,
experience success in learning to read and write transcription, and reading. First step is the
teacher engages children in a group activity, • Have sense of humor
then children describe the activity they just • Use body language when necessary
experienced in their own words. In the third • Get your real objects to the class
transcription step, the teacher transcribes the • Let them listen to music and watch
stories as the children tell them. Then, the final cartoons in English
one is the children read the texts they have • Make a list of classroom language for each
created. Unlike the LEA which provides about activity and prepare to use it during the day
the activity, dictated stories provide personal • Use wall charts or posters to help children
information or describe objects such as a class remember that you are doing English
trip, a class pet, and etc. Dictated stories that are • Encourage children to use English for
authored by children and portray children’s own routine classroom requests by praising any
experiences make excellent reading materials. effort they make
The last possible strategy is using pattern texts • Make a list of everyday instructions
approach. In this case, shared reading of pattern The issues of assessing English as a foreign
books, such as short stories, fairy tales, poems, language for young learners might be
or songs that contain a recurrent pattern of challenging and offer some practical
words, phrases, or sentences are also effective suggestions. English is taught to learners at an
in the primary level because their repetitive ever earlier stage of their education. Parents
structure scaffolds text prediction. For example: often attach a great deal of importance to how
poems and songs contain a simple, easy to well their children are progressing in English.
follow, repetitive langauge pattern can also This situation presents teachers with the
work as pattern books. Another example is challenge of having to assess young learners.
personal narratives created by teachers make According to Rea-Dickins and Rixon (1999)
excellent pattern books. This pattern texts will clarify teachers assessed their young learners by
be beneficial to language learner needs if it is using grammar and vocabulary tests, single
syntactically simple, natural, and reflective of sentence exercises, gap- filling, vocabulary
the kind of language that children are likely to matching, restricted dialogues to test speaking,
hear in their day-to-day communication. listening skills were not mentioned. These
following assessments seemly leave some
DISCUSSION valuable commentary such as there is a risk that
the types of tasks and tests described may not
According to Harmer (2001: 38) as cited in be the best in terms of motivating and
Hashemi and Azizinezhad (2011) clearly stimulating young learners, the assessment
defines that young learners learn differently might be cognitively beyond young learners,
from adult learners because they easily get and probably these tasks could be boring for
bored, losing interest after a short of period of young learners and may affect their enjoyment
time. It is recommended that teachers keep of learning English. In addition, teachers should
children active and motivated by using songs, consider about some ways to assess young
story, game or a teacher-made activity. TPR learners’ academic process and language
(Total Physical Response) which is a method is mastery, deals with assessment instruments that
developed by James Asher’s (1977) describes are used with young English langauge learners,
chilren listen and physically respond to a series and also discuss some new trends in the
of instruction or commands from the teacher.
The more fun the activities, the better they will assessment of the language and academic
remember the language materials presented. attaintment of young English langauge learners.
Therefore, in teaching English to young learners In addition, McKay (2006) proposes classroom
should be enjoyable, interesting, repetitive and assessment include the following ones.
understandable. Here are some ideas that can be Teachers assess learners at the start of the year
engaged into classroom activities such as to identify student’s strengths and weakness.
• Switch to simple English in the class During the year teachers can use the results of
• Speak clearly and concisely tests to help teachers make decisions about what
• Use enjoyable language learning games to teach next and what we need to revise.
Teachers are able to collect some information something or build something. The responses
about children to share with parents, and of are more complicated than those elicited
course with the children themselves. Teachers through listen-and-do tasks. The prompts in
use assessments to provide evidence of student these tasks are requests or commands. The
progress. These assessments can be required by requests can be simple, such as “stand up and
local authorities and teachers must base their then sit down”. Or they can be composed of a
assessments on a local or national curriculum. series of more complicated instructions. In
Classroom assessment can also be summative. doing these techniques, the teachers can be used
Children can be given a mark or a grade at the the following question types for assessing
end of the school year. listening such as: True/false tasks, noting down
Furthermore, in assessing four language skills specific information, completing grids and
such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening charts, matching tasks, aural cloze, and spot the
probably are difficult one for teachers to find mistake. Reading assessment tasks for young
interesting and age-appropriate tasks which learners are implied by using these techniques
integrated the four skills. Even more, teachers such as read-and-do tasks, reading and retelling,
tend to use the same activities to assess young read-and-do tasks requiring a short written
learners both as individual skills and together. answer, reading and picture-matching, reading
Based on McKay (2006) in the research of and completing chart-information transfer.
University of Huddersfield proposes types of Writing assessment tasks for young learners can
four skills assessment tasks for young learners be done by the following techniques: writing in
such as oral assessment task for young learners response to a picture, completing a story, and
in which young learner speaking can be re-forming a text.
assessed using the techniques like news telling
which involves children telling other children CONCLUSION
what they have done recently. It may be done in
a whole class setting, in a small group or in However, in assessing young learners, the
partners. This task assesses children’s ability to teacher also consider about the characteristics
do this in a way that conveys information to the of assessment instruments used because
audience with adequate detail, in an appropriate language or tests can be good or poor.
sequence. The abilities of children in the According to Gordon (2007), there are some of
audience to listen critically for detail, and to the criteria that dermine reliability of
generate questions can be assessed. assessment instruments meant for young
Children’s ability to tell a story can be assessed language learners include the language test
with the use of illustrations cut away and which has clear directions. It should tell
laminated into a book. It is best to show the language learners what exactly they need to do
entire sequence of the pictures first, and ask for in simple, clear, unambiguous language. The
the story, because if children tell the story from test is made of tasks that are free of ambiguity
page to page, they tend to treat each picture as a and easy to interpret. The print and graphic
separate unit, losing the sense of the connected materials are user-friendly; its pages do not look
story in their storytelling. For example, the overcrowded; its graphics are lean, simple, and
children could divide pictures of animals into attractive. The language test is neither too short
two groups – those which hibernate and those nor too long. (If the test contains too few tasks,
do not. These tasks can integrate learning from students might get an inaccurately low score by
other school lessons such as science. Oral inadvertently getting just one answer wrong or
presentation which can be supported with an inaccurately high score by accidentally
pictures or objects In the case of listening getting just one answer right). The well-made
assessment tasks, teaching English for young assessment instrument also has provisions for
learners can be implied by using the following reliable scoring. By providing scoring rubrics
techniques covering listen-and-do, action task, and unambiguous scoring
and TPR task. In this case, the responding
through actions, the responses are non-verbal
and minimal.Children could be asked to draw
guidelines, it enables the test reader to interpret
test results accurately and to assign correct
scores to test takers.


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