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Before magnolia tagged as the third largest producer of ice cream, They face challenges like:

1. Brand name/ Trademark

-this Issue was resolved in Los Angeles central district court wherein San Miguel corporation, the
mother company of Magnolia Inc. submitted a declaratory relief action for trademark non-
infringement against Ramar Int’l and they won.

2. Sale Issue/ Competition

-in order to save the company Magnolia Inc. they sell their stake and joint venture with Nestle of
Switzerland instead of declaring bankruptcy. Restructuring Help and save the looming sales of
Magnolia. Allowing Nestle to put the Magnolia brand in all the products of the company. And
the company will stop from selling ice cream under any brand from 1998-2000+. It saved the
company but was out of sight for 5 years die to their agreement between Nestle

3. Labor
-Magnolia Inc was tagged as labor-only policy for their plenty warehouse Department and Labor
and Employment placed them on the 12 th spot. Magnolia Inc do the internal checking to ease
the tension which has also allowed them to coordinate and clear things with the govt.

4. Brand Introductions
- Magnolia starts from the scratch to catch up in market, They do advertising and promotion,
re started the ice cream parlor. Modifying packing by putting more colors that are attractive
to present generations, sold in tubes as Filipinos are fond of eating together. And on 2008,
Magnolia Ice cream sales increase by 2% of the market share and then 10% the following
year. They aim to be the #1 instead they became the 3 rd largest producer of ice cream in the

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