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Series Title: Miss S 旗袍美探
Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


94 sec Opening Credits 00:00:00:00 00:01:44:00

1 Waterdrop from the fountain 00:01:44:00 00:01:57:00
Hanrong’s Mansion A lady’s choosing clothes 00:01:57:00 00:02:06:04
02:16 Hanrong: 00:02:06:04 00:02:08:20
Zilong, help me with this.

03:13 Is this bright yellow or apricot? 00:02:08:22 00:02:12:10

01:21 Zilong: 00:02:14:04 00:02:16:00

I think...

01:00 it's apricot. 00:02:16:02 00:02:17:02

01:11 Hanrong: 00:02:17:04 00:02:18:15

I can't wear this then.

01:20 Do you know? Duchess Dou 00:02:18:17 00:02:20:12

01:16 is the mother of 00:02:20:14 00:02:22:05

02:01 I have to wear bright yellow. 00:02:22:07 00:02:24:08

02:08 Zilong: 00:02:25:14 00:02:27:22

Mum. It's just a dinner party.

01:11 Any dress will do. 00:02:27:24 00:02:29:10

01:10 Hanrong: 00:02:29:12 00:02:30:22

That won't do.

03:03 I'm telling you. I'm considering 00:02:30:24 00:02:34:02

to portray She Taijun

03:01 or... Old Madam Cui. 00:02:34:04 00:02:37:05

01:15 Zilong: 00:02:37:07 00:02:38:22

If that's the case

01:19 I have to pick a good one for you. 00:02:38:24 00:02:40:18

03:03 Hanrong: 00:02:44:02 00:02:47:05

-Not this one.
-I think this suits you the most.

01:05 Hanrong: 00:02:50:17 00:02:51:22

Grandmother Jia?

01:03 Zilong: 00:02:51:24 00:02:53:02

That's a given.

03:16 You are the head of the household 00:02:53:04 00:02:56:20

for our big family.

02:23 You have to wear this 00:02:56:22 00:02:59:20

for your birthday dinner.

02:03 Hanrong: 00:03:04:02 00:03:06:05

Zilong. The night after tomorrow

02:05 is your engagement dinner with Yaqi. 00:03:06:07 00:03:08:12

02:13 It's also my birthday dinner. 00:03:08:14 00:03:11:02

03:16 That means our family 00:03:11:04 00:03:14:20

is having a double celebration.

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Series Title: Miss S 旗袍美探
Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


02:11 I beg you. Please do a good job. 00:03:14:22 00:03:17:08

02:02 Don't embarrass our family. 00:03:17:10 00:03:19:12

02:19 Zilong: 00:03:19:14 00:03:22:08

My good mother.
Do you not trust your son?

01:15 Everything is in order. 00:03:22:10 00:03:24:00

01:23 Don't you worry the slightest bit. 00:03:24:02 00:03:26:00

03:10 Yaqi... 00:03:26:02 00:03:29:12

01:13 Don't pronounce it wrongly anymore. 00:03:29:14 00:03:31:02

03:14 Hanrong: 00:03:35:04 00:03:38:18

There's one thing
that I have to remind you.

03:15 Yaqi is very wilful. 00:03:38:20 00:03:42:10

01:21 You must keep an eye on her. 00:03:42:12 00:03:44:08

02:05 You can't let her 00:03:44:10 00:03:46:15

do whatever she wants.

02:23 Zilong: 00:03:47:24 00:03:50:22

Yes... I know. I promise you.

02:19 I will keep an eye on her. 00:03:50:24 00:03:53:18

01:02 Hanrong: 00:03:53:20 00:03:54:22

I hope so.

01:04 Zilong: 00:03:56:14 00:03:57:18

I think this is
the most suitable one.

02:02 Hanrong: 00:03:57:20 00:03:59:22

I will try it on.
The colour might be too dark.

01:03 Xiang. 00:03:59:24 00:04:01:02

01:06 Xiang. 00:04:02:02 00:04:03:08

01:08 Zilong: 00:04:04:14 00:04:05:22

What about this?

01:05 Hanrong: 00:04:06:22 00:04:08:02


02:06 Where did that girl go? 00:04:08:04 00:04:10:10

I'll check on her.

01:03 Xiang! 00:04:10:12 00:04:11:15

01:03 Xiang. 00:04:13:17 00:04:14:20

01:03 Zilong: 00:04:16:07 00:04:17:10


01:01 Yaqi! 00:04:18:07 00:04:19:08

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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


03:01 Hanrong: 00:04:19:24 00:04:23:00

2 A young man eating candy 00:04:23:00 00:04:30:22
Hanrong's Garden 01:03 Zihao? 00:04:30:22 00:04:32:00

01:08 Zihao. 00:04:35:07 00:04:36:15

Zihao’s shaking legs 00:04:36:15 00:04:42:12

Threw out the candy
01:13 Zihao. 00:04:42:12 00:04:44:00

01:01 Zi... 00:04:45:04 00:04:46:05

03:05 Zihao, why did you wander around 00:04:48:22 00:04:52:02

and sit right here?

01:18 Come. Let me see. 00:04:52:04 00:04:53:22

What are you eating?

01:09 What are you eating? 00:04:53:24 00:04:55:08

01:15 How many times have I told you? 00:04:58:12 00:05:00:02

01:11 Don't just eat whatever you want. 00:05:00:04 00:05:01:15

02:08 Why won't you listen to me? 00:05:01:17 00:05:04:00

01:08 What? 00:05:04:02 00:05:05:10

02:00 Zihao: 00:05:05:12 00:05:07:12

Don't wake Xiang up.

02:16 She's asleep. 00:05:07:14 00:05:10:05

03:13 -Xiang is sleeping. 00:05:10:07 00:05:13:20

-Xiang is sleeping.

01:21 I am looking for her. 00:05:14:24 00:05:16:20

02:00 Where is she sleeping? 00:05:16:22 00:05:18:22

01:10 Where is she sleeping? 00:05:19:20 00:05:21:05

Zihao pinches his nose 00:05:21:05 00:05:25:04

01:01 Swimming? 00:05:25:04 00:05:26:05

01:14 Where is she swimming? 00:05:28:04 00:05:29:18

Zihao pointing at somewhere 00:05:29:18 00:05:36:00

Hanrong stands up and walks towards 00:05:36:00 00:05:55:07
the fountain

01:01 Discovered a body in the fountain Oh, my gosh. 00:05:55:07 00:05:56:08

Being frightened, stands still starring 00:05:56:08 00:06:15:00
at the body
3 Wenli’s trying out a dress 00:06:15:00 00:06:21:04
Wenli’s Mansion 02:06 Taozi: 00:06:21:04 00:06:23:10
Mu Guiying is formidable and dashing.

01:18 Shall I ask Inspector Luo 00:06:23:12 00:06:25:05

to come in and have a look?

02:15 Wenli: 00:06:25:07 00:06:27:22

No. It's going to scare him.

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Series Title: Miss S 旗袍美探
Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


01:21 This costume is too elaborate. 00:06:27:24 00:06:29:20

01:23 I'll see if there's anything better. 00:06:29:22 00:06:31:20

03:18 Taozi: 00:06:31:22 00:06:35:15

Which one are you wearing?
Wu Zetian or Bai Suzhen?

01:13 Wenli: 00:06:35:17 00:06:37:05

I haven't decided yet.

01:11 I don't understand 00:06:37:07 00:06:38:18

Aunt Hanrong's mind.

01:05 Why does it have to 00:06:38:20 00:06:40:00

be a Chinese opera costume party

01:18 for her birthday celebration? 00:06:40:02 00:06:41:20

02:05 It must be her son, 00:06:41:22 00:06:44:02

Qiu Zilong's idea.

01:18 That fellow is not young anymore. 00:06:44:04 00:06:45:22

01:11 But he just couldn't settle down 00:06:45:24 00:06:47:10

and find a good job.

02:18 He always carries a birdcage, eats, 00:06:47:12 00:06:50:05

drinks and be merry all the time.

01:13 Taozi: 00:06:50:07 00:06:51:20

I read in the newspaper

01:23 about Mrs. Qiu's birthday dinner 00:06:51:22 00:06:53:20

02:18 and her eldest son's engagement. 00:06:53:22 00:06:56:15

01:13 Butler: 00:06:57:12 00:06:59:00


01:23 -the car is ready. 00:06:59:02 00:07:01:00


01:08 Taozi: 00:07:01:02 00:07:02:10

Are you heading to
Aunt Hanrong's house?

03:00 Wenli: 00:07:02:12 00:07:05:12

Yes. Didn't we promise
to have lunch at her house

01:16 and discuss the birthday party? 00:07:05:14 00:07:07:05

02:01 Everyone has to go and help. 00:07:07:07 00:07:09:08

01:15 Suyun: 00:07:09:10 00:07:11:00

That's great. I get to have fun.

02:16 Taozi: 00:07:11:02 00:07:13:18

Is that so?
But have you done your homework?

03:00 Wenli: 00:07:14:12 00:07:17:12

Right, Uncle Xiang. My car

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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


won't break down again today, right?

01:11 Butler: 00:07:17:14 00:07:19:00

Don't worry, miss. I guarantee

02:13 that your car will be 00:07:19:02 00:07:21:15

as quick as Mu Guiying's warhorse.

02:00 Are you going there 00:07:22:10 00:07:24:10

with that costume?

01:13 Wenli: 00:07:24:12 00:07:26:00

Of course not.

Taozi picked up the phone 00:07:26:00 00:07:29:02

01:06 Taozi: 00:07:29:02 00:07:30:08

01:08 Miss. 00:07:32:04 00:07:33:12

01:16 You have a phone call. 00:07:33:14 00:07:35:05

Wenli goes to answer her call 00:07:35:05 00:07:39:02

01:06 Wenli: 00:07:39:02 00:07:40:08

01:23 Aunt Hanrong, what's the matter? 00:07:40:10 00:07:42:08

02:15 The lunch is cancelled? What a pity. 00:07:43:10 00:07:46:00

02:13 I even bought you 00:07:46:02 00:07:48:15

desserts from Kaisiling.

Wenli heard something happened 00:07:48:15 00:07:56:20

01:15 Have you called the police? 00:07:56:20 00:07:58:10

02:11 Okay, let me call the police... 00:07:59:14 00:08:02:00

All right.

Wenli makes a call to the police 00:08:02:00 00:08:12:22

02:00 I wonder who Inspector Luo is 00:08:12:22 00:08:14:22

talking to on the phone for so long.

02:11 He never talked to me on the phone 00:08:14:24 00:08:17:10

for more than a minute.

4 A red car passes by 00:08:17:10 00:08:29:00

On the street Wenli's driving

5 Wenli's car went into the mansion 00:08:29:00 00:08:41:22

Hanrong’s Mansion
02:13 Zilong: 00:08:41:22 00:08:44:10
Mum, stop pacing around.
You are giving me a headache.

Hanrong’s pacing around 00:08:44:10 00:08:53:10

01:00 Wenli: 00:08:53:10 00:08:54:10


01:21 Hanrong: 00:08:57:24 00:08:59:20


01:11 Wenli: 00:08:59:22 00:09:01:08

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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


Here. Let me give you a hug.

04:05 Hanrong: 00:09:02:10 00:09:06:15

Wenli, tell me what did I do wrong
in my previous life?

02:05 We are having a dinner party 00:09:06:17 00:09:08:22

in two days.

01:13 But something like this happened 00:09:08:24 00:09:10:12

out of the blue.

02:08 You know what? I'm seriously jinxed! 00:09:10:14 00:09:12:22

01:03 This is strange. 00:09:12:24 00:09:14:02

01:11 -Xiang was very... 00:09:14:04 00:09:15:15


01:01 Don't worry. 00:09:15:17 00:09:16:18

03:13 Your birthday party 00:09:16:20 00:09:20:08

will commence on as planned.

01:00 Hanrong: 00:09:20:10 00:09:21:10

No, I don't want to
celebrate it anymore.

02:03 Zilong: 00:09:21:12 00:09:23:15

Wenli, long time no see.

02:08 My mum was always mentioning you. 00:09:23:17 00:09:26:00

01:16 This should be your bosom friend 00:09:26:02 00:09:27:18

01:20 that you've always mentioned, Taozi. 00:09:27:20 00:09:29:15

02:18 Wenli: 00:09:29:17 00:09:32:10

Taozi, this is my cousin, Qiu Zilong.

01:10 Taozi: 00:09:32:12 00:09:33:22

Young master, nice to meet you.

02:16 Zilong: 00:09:33:24 00:09:36:15

Don't call me young master.
Just call me Zilong.

02:03 I am an easy-going person. 00:09:36:17 00:09:38:20

01:19 Wenli 00:09:41:24 00:09:43:18

01:13 you are getting prettier. 00:09:43:20 00:09:45:08

01:02 Even your bosom friend is beautiful. 00:09:45:10 00:09:46:12

01:21 You should have 00:09:46:14 00:09:48:10

introduced her to me sooner.

01:03 Wenli: 00:09:48:12 00:09:49:15

I will introduce both of you now.

02:18 Zilong: 00:09:49:17 00:09:52:10

-All right...
-The good girl, Taozi.

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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


02:00 The womanizer, Qiu Zilong. 00:09:52:12 00:09:54:12

02:23 Aunt, where did the incident happen? 00:09:56:04 00:09:59:02

Let's go and have a look.

01:11 Hanrong: 00:09:59:04 00:10:00:15

I'll bring you there.

Hanrong brings Wenli heading to the 00:10:00:15 00:10:07:00

A police car’s driving into the mansion 00:10:07:00 00:10:17:22

6 03:11 Wenli: 00:10:17:22 00:10:21:08

Hanrong's Garden Aunt, how long have Xiang
been working here?

04:02 Hanrong: 00:10:21:10 00:10:25:12

Actually, she was the daughter
of my chauffeur, Li.

01:13 She came to Shanghai with her father 00:10:25:14 00:10:27:02

from the village

02:01 and they both worked very hard. 00:10:27:04 00:10:29:05

02:03 I thought she was a good girl. 00:10:29:07 00:10:31:10

02:23 So, I kept her as a servant. 00:10:31:12 00:10:34:10

02:15 Wenli: 00:10:34:12 00:10:37:02

Do you want to inform her family?

03:02 Hanrong: 00:10:38:10 00:10:41:12

That poor girl lost her mother
since she was little.

04:23 But I've already sent someone 00:10:41:14 00:10:46:12

to inform her father.

01:06 Wenli: 00:10:46:14 00:10:47:20

I'll take a look.

02:11 Hanrong: 00:10:47:22 00:10:50:08

-You'll start without the police?
-It's fine.

Wenli pulled the sheet off and looks 00:10:50:08 00:10:56:24

at the body
01:13 She was pretty. 00:10:56:24 00:10:58:12

02:23 At most, she was 17 to 18 years old. 00:10:58:14 00:11:01:12

01:11 Inspector Luo: 00:11:01:14 00:11:03:00

Mrs. Qiu, good morning.

02:05 Hanrong: 00:11:03:20 00:11:06:00

Good morning, Inspector Luo.

02:06 I knew when Wenli is here 00:11:06:02 00:11:08:08

02:02 you'd be the police officer 00:11:08:10 00:11:10:12

who comes after that.

01:16 I appreciate your help, 00:11:10:14 00:11:12:05

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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


Inspector Luo.

01:23 Inspector Luo: 00:11:13:24 00:11:15:22

My station is nearer.
How did you arrive first?

02:01 You must have 00:11:15:24 00:11:18:00

gone over the speed limit.

01:23 Wenli: 00:11:18:02 00:11:20:00

I took a shortcut.

01:16 Inspector Luo: 00:11:20:02 00:11:21:18

More like you opened up
a new road for yourself.

Inspector Luo starts checking the 00:11:21:18 00:11:32:02

01:03 Hanrong: 00:11:32:02 00:11:33:05
I remember very clearly.

02:01 I was strolling through the garden 00:11:33:07 00:11:35:08

around 8.00am.

01:17 Everything was normal. 00:11:35:10 00:11:37:02

01:16 Inspector Luo: 00:11:37:04 00:11:38:20

It appeared you were not the one
who discovered the body.

02:03 Who was the first person 00:11:38:22 00:11:41:00

to discover the body?

01:06 Zilong: 00:11:43:12 00:11:44:18

It's me.
Everyone looked at Zilong 00:11:44:18 00:11:47:12

02:21 I came to the garden 00:11:47:12 00:11:50:08

to take a walk this morning.

01:05 Initially, I was going to 00:11:50:10 00:11:51:15

check on Yaqi

02:05 to see if she is awake 00:11:51:17 00:11:53:22

after the walk.

03:01 But I never thought 00:11:53:24 00:11:57:00

I would see Xiang...

01:10 It really is a pity. 00:12:00:02 00:12:01:12

02:23 Xiang was obedient and capable. 00:12:01:14 00:12:04:12

02:08 Inspector Luo: 00:12:04:14 00:12:06:22

What time was it when you found her?

01:16 Zilong: 00:12:06:24 00:12:08:15

It was...

01:08 around 9.30am. 00:12:08:17 00:12:10:00

01:20 Inspector Luo: 00:12:11:02 00:12:12:22

Did you see the injury
on her head, then?

03:10 Hanrong: 00:12:16:02 00:12:19:12

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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


Could it be that
the fountain was too slippery?

02:23 So, she slipped 00:12:19:14 00:12:22:12

and hit her head on the edge.

02:08 Then, she drowned and collapsed. 00:12:22:14 00:12:24:22

02:11 Zilong: 00:12:24:24 00:12:27:10

Yes, mum. That must be it.

01:13 All right. Don't be sad. 00:12:27:12 00:12:29:00

02:16 I will bring you to your room 00:12:29:02 00:12:31:18

to get some rest.

02:00 Wenli: 00:12:31:20 00:12:33:20

You should get back in first, aunt.

02:00 Hanrong: 00:12:33:22 00:12:35:22

I will get going.

Zilong brings Hanrong back 00:12:35:22 00:12:43:04

01:14 Wenli: 00:12:43:04 00:12:44:18

Inspector Luo

01:05 what do you think? 00:12:44:20 00:12:46:00

02:01 Inspector Luo: 00:12:50:04 00:12:52:05

The head injury isn't fatal.

02:20 Even if she did 00:12:53:07 00:12:56:02

fall into the fountain

01:06 she could climb out 00:12:56:04 00:12:57:10

02:10 of this shallow water 00:12:57:12 00:12:59:22

even if she got choked.

They check the body again and 00:12:59:22 00:13:16:24

noticed a strangled mark on neck
01:21 Xiaoan. Send her to the coroner. 00:13:16:24 00:13:18:20

01:00 Xiaoan: 00:13:18:22 00:13:19:22

Xiaoan covered the body 00:13:19:22 00:13:25:14

7 01:06 Hanrong: 00:13:25:14 00:13:26:20

Hanrong's living room Murder?

01:20 At my house? 00:13:28:02 00:13:29:22

01:01 This is unbelievable. 00:13:29:24 00:13:31:00

02:00 Wenli: 00:13:31:02 00:13:33:02

Aunt, don't get too distressed.

03:04 It can only be confirmed 00:13:33:04 00:13:36:08

after the coroner's examination.

02:17 But after 00:13:36:10 00:13:39:02

our preliminary investigation

02:11 we will be ruling out suicide. 00:13:39:04 00:13:41:15

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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


02:05 Inspector Luo: 00:13:41:17 00:13:43:22

How was Xiang's
emotional state lately?

01:09 Hanrong: 00:13:45:24 00:13:47:08

Since you asked

03:17 I do recall 00:13:47:10 00:13:51:02

she was out of sort lately.

02:23 And she was in low spirits. 00:13:51:04 00:13:54:02

03:11 It was like she had 00:13:54:04 00:13:57:15

a lot of worries on her mind.

03:13 Inspector Luo: 00:13:57:17 00:14:01:05

When was the last time
you saw Xiang? This morning?

01:23 Hanrong: 00:14:02:12 00:14:04:10

I didn't see her this morning.

02:04 Inspector Luo: 00:14:07:04 00:14:09:08

Then, who was
the last person she saw?

02:08 Hanrong: 00:14:10:17 00:14:13:00

Besides Xiang,
my housekeeper, Madam Wu

03:06 would usually 00:14:13:02 00:14:16:08

wake up early for work, too.

01:00 Wenli, my good girl. 00:14:16:10 00:14:17:10

02:00 Go to the kitchen 00:14:17:12 00:14:19:12

and call for Madam Wu.

01:04 Wenli: 00:14:19:14 00:14:20:18


Wenli walked away 00:14:20:18 00:14:28:17

Zihao came downstairs
01:13 Hanrong: 00:14:28:17 00:14:30:05

03:11 No. Why didn't you stay in the room? 00:14:30:07 00:14:33:18
Why did you come down?

01:13 Zihao: 00:14:33:20 00:14:35:08

I'm looking for Xiang.

02:13 Xiang is sleeping. 00:14:37:14 00:14:40:02

02:06 Hanrong: 00:14:40:04 00:14:42:10

She can't play with you.

02:06 Zihao: 00:14:42:12 00:14:44:18

She was swimming just now.

03:10 Hanrong: 00:14:47:12 00:14:50:22

Look who is here.

01:09 Zihao: 00:14:50:24 00:14:52:08


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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


02:10 -Wenli. 00:14:52:10 00:14:54:20

-Zihao, come here.

02:10 I have a present for you. 00:14:56:10 00:14:58:20

03:23 Hanrong: 00:14:58:22 00:15:02:20

No. You can only eat it
if you go back to your room.

02:10 Wenli: 00:15:05:12 00:15:07:22

Listen to your mother. Go upstairs.

Zihao went up 00:15:07:22 00:15:26:10

03:00 Hanrong: 00:15:26:10 00:15:29:10

I'm sorry that
you have to see this, officers.

02:00 They say keep unpleasant 00:15:29:12 00:15:31:12

family matters behind closed doors.

04:01 But since both of you saw it, 00:15:31:14 00:15:35:15

I'll be honest with you.

04:10 Zihao came down with a fever 00:15:37:02 00:15:41:12

since he was born.

01:16 The fever just wouldn't go away. 00:15:41:14 00:15:43:05

02:01 So, it damaged his brain. 00:15:43:07 00:15:45:08

03:02 His intelligence level is similar 00:15:45:10 00:15:48:12

to that of a 5 or 6-year-old child.

02:08 Usually, I wouldn't let him out. 00:15:48:14 00:15:50:22

03:03 I would keep him in a room 00:15:50:24 00:15:54:02

if I have friends coming over.

03:09 Inspector Luo: 00:15:56:24 00:16:00:08

Mrs. Qiu,
this is not something unpleasant.

01:18 Hanrong: 00:16:02:17 00:16:04:10

You don't know

03:15 how hard it has been 00:16:04:12 00:16:08:02

for me to raise this kid.

03:21 But he is especially close to Xiang. 00:16:08:04 00:16:12:00

01:23 So, I beg you. 00:16:12:02 00:16:14:00

01:23 Please don't let him know that 00:16:14:02 00:16:16:00

01:23 Xiang is dead, okay? 00:16:16:02 00:16:18:00

02:08 Inspector Luo: 00:16:18:02 00:16:20:10

I understand. But as a procedure

02:13 we have to 00:16:20:12 00:16:23:00

question everyone at the scene

01:06 including Zihao. 00:16:23:02 00:16:24:08

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01:11 Hanrong: 00:16:26:07 00:16:27:18

I understand.

02:00 This is your job. 00:16:27:20 00:16:29:20

02:05 Inspector Luo: 00:16:29:22 00:16:32:02

You said that Li is your chauffeur.

01:21 Then, where is he now? 00:16:32:04 00:16:34:00

02:10 Hanrong: 00:16:34:02 00:16:36:12

He... he stays in the garage.

01:19 The garage is at the back garden. 00:16:36:14 00:16:38:08

01:12 I will have Madam Wu to lead the way 00:16:38:10 00:16:39:22

01:03 Wenli: 00:16:39:24 00:16:41:02

Aunt, I have something to tell you.

02:14 I went to the kitchen, 00:16:41:04 00:16:43:18

but Madam Wu wasn't there.

02:00 Hanrong: 00:16:43:20 00:16:45:20

Something this terrible
has happened in our house.

02:05 How could she not be there? 00:16:45:22 00:16:48:02

01:06 Please wait for a moment. 00:16:48:04 00:16:49:10

02:21 Madam Wu... 00:16:49:12 00:16:52:08

01:21 Wenli: 00:16:55:22 00:16:57:18

Li is Xiang's only family.

02:07 You might get some clues from him. 00:16:57:20 00:17:00:02

8 01:23 Inspector Luo: 00:17:02:14 00:17:04:12

In the garage Please accept our condolences.

02:08 But we have some questions for you. 00:17:04:14 00:17:06:22

03:00 Li: 00:17:09:20 00:17:12:20

I know what you want to ask.

02:11 Her mother died 00:17:12:22 00:17:15:08

01:15 when she was very little. 00:17:15:10 00:17:17:00

02:18 I brought her up single-handedly. 00:17:17:02 00:17:19:20

02:00 Then, I came to Shanghai to work 00:17:19:22 00:17:21:22

02:06 and left her with her grandmother 00:17:23:24 00:17:26:05

at the village.

02:10 But she just wouldn't agree to it. 00:17:27:10 00:17:29:20

02:00 She insisted on 00:17:29:22 00:17:31:22

coming to Shanghai to look for me.

01:11 In the end, Mrs. Qiu liked her 00:17:31:24 00:17:33:10

01:15 and kept her as a servant. 00:17:33:12 00:17:35:02

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02:16 She was just 18 years old 00:17:37:17 00:17:40:08

02:05 and she just died like that. 00:17:40:10 00:17:42:15

03:00 How am I supposed to 00:17:44:20 00:17:47:20

face her late mother?

01:19 Inspector Luo: 00:17:48:24 00:17:50:18

How was her emotional state lately?

01:23 Was there something troubling her? 00:17:50:20 00:17:52:18

01:01 Li: 00:17:55:14 00:17:56:15


01:03 Inspector Luo: 00:18:03:02 00:18:04:05

Was there or not?

01:15 Li: 00:18:06:12 00:18:08:02

I'll be honest with you.

02:08 I really have no idea. 00:18:08:04 00:18:10:12

03:06 Since she became a servant 00:18:10:14 00:18:13:20

03:18 she had been staying 00:18:13:22 00:18:17:15

in the servants' room in that block.

03:13 Inspector Luo: 00:18:17:17 00:18:21:05

When was the last time you saw her?

01:11 Li: 00:18:21:07 00:18:22:18

Last night.

02:23 She would come and talk to me 00:18:24:12 00:18:27:10

02:06 every night before she went to sleep. 00:18:27:12 00:18:29:18

02:21 Inspector Luo: 00:18:31:22 00:18:34:18

Was she acting differently last night?

Li shakes his head 00:18:34:18 00:18:42:07

01:13 Even though you are her father 00:18:42:07 00:18:43:20

03:13 we have to know what was 00:18:43:22 00:18:47:10

everyone doing when it happened.

03:00 What were you doing this morning 00:18:47:12 00:18:50:12

between 8.30am to 9.30am?

02:05 Li: 00:18:51:20 00:18:54:00

As usual.

01:00 I was washing the car. 00:18:54:02 00:18:55:02

Inspector Luo looks at the car 00:18:55:02 00:19:01:02

02:13 Inspector Luo: 00:19:01:02 00:19:03:15
The car is quite clean.

02:13 Are you sure 00:19:03:17 00:19:06:05

you washed it this morning?
Inspector Luo found some stains 00:19:06:05 00:19:08:14
on the door handle
02:01 Li: 00:19:08:14 00:19:10:15
Are you saying that I lied to you?

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01:16 Inspector Luo: 00:19:13:02 00:19:14:18

Who can be your alibi?

02:02 Li: 00:19:14:20 00:19:16:22

There is.
The eldest young master was here.

02:01 Inspector Luo: 00:19:19:14 00:19:21:15

He was here?

01:23 Why did he come here? 00:19:21:17 00:19:23:15

01:20 Li: 00:19:23:17 00:19:25:12

He wanted me to clean the car

03:08 so that he could bring his wife 00:19:25:14 00:19:28:22

for a ride to the riverside.

02:06 Inspector Luo: 00:19:28:24 00:19:31:05

He is married?

04:01 Li: 00:19:31:07 00:19:35:08

Not yet.
That woman comes here every day

02:23 without worrying 00:19:35:10 00:19:38:08

what other people will say.

01:12 But Mrs. Qiu 00:19:38:10 00:19:39:22

wouldn't let us talk about it.

01:09 She was afraid 00:19:39:24 00:19:41:08

that we would bring her shame.

01:03 Inspector Luo: 00:19:43:02 00:19:44:05

All right.

Inspector Luo and Xiaoan left 00:19:44:05 00:19:51:07

02:08 Xiaoan: 00:19:51:07 00:19:53:15

He doesn't look like
someone who just lost his daughter.

9 Zilong’s lying on the sofa 00:19:57:00 00:19:59:04

Hanrong's living room
01:18 Inspector Luo: 00:19:59:04 00:20:00:22
What did you do this morning

01:19 after you woke up? 00:20:00:24 00:20:02:18

01:20 Zilong: 00:20:02:20 00:20:04:15

I had breakfast in my room.

01:18 Inspector Luo: 00:20:04:17 00:20:06:10

What time was it?

01:08 Zilong: 00:20:06:12 00:20:07:20

Around 8.00am.

01:23 Wenli: 00:20:07:22 00:20:09:20

Don't you always wake up late?

01:21 Why did you wake up so early today? 00:20:09:22 00:20:11:18

01:13 Zilong: 00:20:13:02 00:20:14:15

To help choose the costume

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02:20 for my mum's party in two days' time. 00:20:14:17 00:20:17:12

01:06 After I had breakfast 00:20:17:14 00:20:18:20

02:21 I took a walk in the garden. 00:20:18:22 00:20:21:18

01:10 Inspector Luo: 00:20:21:20 00:20:23:05

You even went to the garage?

03:03 Zilong: 00:20:25:17 00:20:28:20

You reminded me.
I did go to the garage.

01:18 Inspector Luo: 00:20:30:02 00:20:31:20

Approximately what time was it?

01:13 Zilong: 00:20:31:22 00:20:33:10

I don't wear a watch.

01:00 You won't keep looking at the watch 00:20:33:12 00:20:34:12

01:13 when you are at home, right? 00:20:34:14 00:20:36:02

02:08 Inspector Luo: 00:20:37:10 00:20:39:18

Was there someone else in the garage?

01:10 Zilong: 00:20:39:20 00:20:41:05

Who else could there be?

02:01 Li was there. 00:20:41:07 00:20:43:08

02:10 I know you want to ask about Li. 00:20:43:10 00:20:45:20

03:18 You're right. 00:20:45:22 00:20:49:15

Since it was his daughter who died.

01:03 Wenli knows that 00:20:49:17 00:20:50:20

01:11 my mum is compassionate. 00:20:50:22 00:20:52:08

02:02 She would take people in 00:20:52:10 00:20:54:12

when she takes pity on them.

02:13 Don't be fooled by Li's fierce look. 00:20:54:14 00:20:57:02

03:06 He is truly an expert in cars. 00:20:57:04 00:21:00:10

01:16 Do you guys really think that 00:21:05:17 00:21:07:08

02:05 Li has something to do 00:21:07:10 00:21:09:15

with his daughter's death?

01:20 Inspector Luo: 00:21:09:17 00:21:11:12

We could only find out
if he is suspicious

02:08 after investigating everyone. 00:21:11:14 00:21:13:22

01:19 You could be suspicious, too. 00:21:13:24 00:21:15:18

01:07 Zilong: 00:21:15:20 00:21:17:02


01:04 Wenli. 00:21:19:04 00:21:20:08

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01:05 Don't tell me that 00:21:20:10 00:21:21:15

02:10 you are suspecting your cousin, too? 00:21:21:17 00:21:24:02

01:23 Wenli: 00:21:24:04 00:21:26:02

It's standard procedure.

02:23 Before we find any firm evidence 00:21:26:04 00:21:29:02

to clear your suspicion

02:21 even your mother 00:21:29:04 00:21:32:00

is considered a suspect.

03:13 Zilong: 00:21:32:02 00:21:35:15

Oh, my gosh. Why would you
like a job this merciless?

02:18 Why don't you have more coffee with 00:21:35:17 00:21:38:10
if you have the time?

02:00 Inspector Luo: 00:21:40:02 00:21:42:02

Can I talk to your fiancee?

01:06 Zilong: 00:21:45:02 00:21:46:08

I don't mind.

02:12 As long as she is willing to do so. 00:21:46:10 00:21:48:22

Wenli takes the teacup and drink 00:21:48:22 00:21:53:00

10 Yaqi’s having her fruits 00:21:53:00 00:21:57:22

On the balcony
02:03 Wenli: 00:21:57:22 00:22:00:00
Hi, Yaqi.

02:08 I am Zilong's cousin, Su Wenli. 00:22:00:02 00:22:02:10

01:18 Yaqi: 00:22:04:02 00:22:05:20


02:00 Zilong has always talked about you. 00:22:05:22 00:22:07:22

03:01 The famous female detective 00:22:07:24 00:22:11:00

in Shanghai.

01:06 When are you free 00:22:11:02 00:22:12:08

03:05 to tell me 00:22:12:10 00:22:15:15

all your bizarre detective stories?

02:23 Wenli: 00:22:15:17 00:22:18:15

Actually, we have met before.
You might not remember it.

02:08 Two months ago, I saw you tap dancing 00:22:18:17 00:22:21:00

02:00 at a ball organised by Lu Xiaoman. 00:22:21:02 00:22:23:02

01:23 Yaqi: 00:22:23:04 00:22:25:02


02:16 I met Zilong on that day. 00:22:25:04 00:22:27:20

01:13 Wenli: 00:22:29:02 00:22:30:15

Zilong got drunk that night.

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01:23 He almost started to strip dance. 00:22:30:17 00:22:32:15

02:06 Yaqi: 00:22:34:12 00:22:36:18

That's not it.
He just took off his clothes.

01:13 He didn't get to dance yet. 00:22:36:20 00:22:38:08

01:08 Zilong: 00:22:38:10 00:22:39:18

What are you girls talking about?

02:23 I can hear you girls laughing 00:22:39:20 00:22:42:18

from afar.

01:02 Yaqi: 00:22:42:20 00:22:43:22


04:03 She is helping us to recall 00:22:46:02 00:22:50:05

what happened when we first met.

02:13 If it wasn't because 00:22:51:02 00:22:53:15

that unsuccessful strip dance

02:01 I wouldn't be interested in you. 00:22:53:17 00:22:55:18

02:20 I don't like men who aren't fit. 00:22:55:20 00:22:58:15

02:10 Zilong: 00:22:58:17 00:23:01:02

I don't like
women who aren't fit, too.

05:21 That night, you were wearing 00:23:01:04 00:23:07:00

a really short skirt.

01:10 Yaqi: 00:23:07:02 00:23:08:12

We are a match made in heaven.
They kissed 00:23:08:12 00:23:11:14

02:23 Wenli: 00:23:11:14 00:23:14:12

I'm sorry for interrupting.

02:21 Yaqi, there are two police officers 00:23:14:14 00:23:17:10

waiting for you downstairs.

01:16 Yaqi: 00:23:18:17 00:23:20:08

The police are waiting for me?

01:02 Are they handsome? 00:23:20:10 00:23:21:12

11 Inspector Luo and Xiaoan are waiting 00:23:21:12 00:23:33:04

Hanrong's living room 02:14 Yaqi: 00:23:33:04 00:23:35:18
Hello, officers.

Yaqi walks down 00:23:35:18 00:23:40:04

02:16 Inspector Luo: 00:23:40:04 00:23:42:20

Miss Yaqi, we are from
the Central Police Division.

02:03 We have some questions for you. 00:23:42:22 00:23:45:00

01:01 Yaqi: 00:23:47:04 00:23:48:05


01:23 I heard that there are 00:23:48:07 00:23:50:05

two handsome officers here

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01:15 to investigate the case. 00:23:50:07 00:23:51:22

01:21 You guys are handsome indeed. 00:23:51:24 00:23:53:20

01:05 Who first? 00:23:57:17 00:23:58:22

Xiaoan’s pen dropped 00:23:58:22 00:24:07:24

01:23 Xiaoan: 00:24:07:24 00:24:09:22

Thank you, Inspector.

12 02:16 Hanrong: 00:24:09:24 00:24:12:15

On the balcony Look at both of them.

02:23 She's just a pretty face. 00:24:12:17 00:24:15:15

01:23 But Zilong loves her so much. 00:24:15:17 00:24:17:15

02:03 I have no idea 00:24:17:17 00:24:19:20

what does he see in her.

01:13 She comes to our house every day. 00:24:19:22 00:24:21:10

02:08 She is frivolous and ill-mannered. 00:24:21:12 00:24:23:20

01:15 Luckily, the walls are tall enough 00:24:23:22 00:24:25:12

01:01 to prevent people 00:24:25:14 00:24:26:15

from looking inside.

02:13 Or I will be so embarrassed 00:24:26:17 00:24:29:05

if someone sees this.

02:11 Wenli: 00:24:29:07 00:24:31:18

Aunt, they don't feel
embarrassed themselves.

02:23 -Why are you embarrassed instead? 00:24:31:20 00:24:34:18

-I am!

02:15 Wenli: 00:24:34:20 00:24:37:10

There's one more thing.

02:21 No matter what, 00:24:37:12 00:24:40:08

the dinner party has to proceed.

01:00 Listen to me. 00:24:40:10 00:24:41:10

01:23 First, this is your 55th birthday. 00:24:41:12 00:24:43:10

01:21 We, as the younger ones, 00:24:43:12 00:24:45:08

have to do something for you

01:10 and organise the party. 00:24:45:10 00:24:46:20

03:08 Secondly, getting married 00:24:46:22 00:24:50:05

is something huge for Zilong.

02:03 He would want to 00:24:50:07 00:24:52:10

02:00 make it big no matter how. 00:24:52:12 00:24:54:12

Am I right?

03:04 Besides, many of your relatives 00:24:54:14 00:24:57:18

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and friends have been informed.

01:10 They are all ready for the party. 00:24:57:20 00:24:59:05

01:03 But if you cancelled it 00:24:59:07 00:25:00:10

all of a sudden

02:18 it would be inappropriate, right? 00:25:00:12 00:25:03:05

02:01 Hanrong: 00:25:03:07 00:25:05:08

Then, what should I do?

02:08 Two of my most capable servants 00:25:05:10 00:25:07:18

02:02 is dead and missing respectively. 00:25:07:20 00:25:09:22

01:16 What am I to do? 00:25:09:24 00:25:11:15

03:05 Wenli: 00:25:11:17 00:25:14:22

I have some people at home
who can lend you a helping hand.

13 01:11 Inspector Luo: 00:25:17:22 00:25:19:08

Hanrong's living room Forgive my rudeness

01:20 but do you live here? 00:25:19:10 00:25:21:05

02:23 Yaqi: 00:25:21:07 00:25:24:05

Of course not.
I came here in the morning.

01:05 Inspector Luo: 00:25:24:07 00:25:25:12

What time was it?

01:13 Yaqi: 00:25:27:02 00:25:28:15

Around 8.00am.

02:01 Zilong was having breakfast 00:25:28:17 00:25:30:18

01:13 and I was hungry, too. 00:25:30:20 00:25:32:08

02:05 So, I ate with him. 00:25:32:10 00:25:34:15

01:16 Inspector Luo: 00:25:34:17 00:25:36:08

Then, what did you two do?

01:17 Yaqi: 00:25:36:10 00:25:38:02

Zilong went downstairs

02:08 and I got tired after breakfast. 00:25:38:04 00:25:40:12

01:21 So, I took a nap in his room. 00:25:40:14 00:25:42:10

02:23 After I woke up, 00:25:42:12 00:25:45:10

I went upstairs to sunbathe

01:03 and read the newspaper. 00:25:45:12 00:25:46:15

02:10 Then, I heard that a servant is dead 00:25:46:17 00:25:49:02

02:18 and I was being summoned to be here 00:25:49:04 00:25:51:22

Inspector Luo looked at Xiaoan: 00:25:51:22 00:25:56:10

03:02 Inspector Luo: 00:25:56:10 00:25:59:12
Officer Shen.
Note down her testimony.

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Xiaoan jot down the statement 00:25:59:12 00:26:04:00

14 Wenli and Taozi were looking around 00:26:04:00 00:26:17:12

Hanrong's Garden
03:10 Taozi: 00:26:17:12 00:26:20:22
Miss, there was no sign of a struggle
on this side of the grass.

01:19 It means that Xiang didn't resist 00:26:20:24 00:26:22:18

01:15 when she died. 00:26:22:20 00:26:24:10

01:20 When you examined her body 00:26:27:02 00:26:28:22

02:16 there was an obvious rope burn 00:26:28:24 00:26:31:15

on her neck.

03:18 But we don't see any related ropes 00:26:31:17 00:26:35:10

or other objects.

02:10 Wenli: 00:26:36:20 00:26:39:05

This indicates that

02:15 this may not be 00:26:39:07 00:26:41:22

the first crime scene.

01:23 If the coroner can prove that 00:26:43:07 00:26:45:05

01:18 Xiang was strangled to death 00:26:45:07 00:26:47:00

02:23 Xiang was very likely 00:26:47:02 00:26:50:00

to be strangled at another place

03:03 before being moved here. 00:26:50:02 00:26:53:05

01:23 Xiaoan: 00:26:53:07 00:26:55:05

Miss Su.

01:13 Wenli: 00:26:55:07 00:26:56:20

How did the questioning go?

02:18 Inspector Luo: 00:26:58:04 00:27:00:22

Qiu Zilong and Li's testimonies
were consistent.

02:09 They both provided an alibi 00:27:00:24 00:27:03:08

for each other.

01:20 Between 8.30am to 9.30am 00:27:03:10 00:27:05:05

01:20 Li was washing the car in the garage. 00:27:05:07 00:27:07:02

03:23 Qiu Zilong was there to ask him a lot 00:27:07:04 00:27:11:02
about cars and car maintenance.

02:01 Wenli: 00:27:11:04 00:27:13:05

That's impossible.

02:01 Even though my cousin 00:27:13:07 00:27:15:08

likes to fool around

01:17 and is interested in everything, 00:27:15:10 00:27:17:02

he's not a fan of cars.

03:14 It's even less likely more him to 00:27:17:04 00:27:20:18

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talk about cars with his chauffeur.

04:00 Inspector Luo: 00:27:20:20 00:27:24:20

-He is colour blind. He can't drive!

02:08 Inspector Luo: 00:27:24:22 00:27:27:05

You know a lot about him.

01:23 Wenli: 00:27:27:07 00:27:29:05

I suspect that
they are colluding with each other.

01:23 He parties until late night 00:27:29:07 00:27:31:05

02:20 and only wakes up 00:27:31:07 00:27:34:02

when it's past noon every day.

02:14 Why did he wake up so early 00:27:34:04 00:27:36:18

on this particular morning?

02:13 He even took a walk 00:27:36:20 00:27:39:08

around the garden and had breakfast.

01:00 I don't believe that. 00:27:39:10 00:27:40:10

01:21 Xiaoan, have you checked the records? 00:27:43:22 00:27:45:18

02:02 Did you question everyone 00:27:45:20 00:27:47:22

in the house?

02:23 Xiaoan: 00:27:47:24 00:27:50:22

We did. Besides Madam Wu.

01:13 Wenli: 00:27:50:24 00:27:52:12

-Madam Wu?
Inspector Luo:
-As the housekeeper

02:16 Madam Wu is highly suspicious for 00:27:52:14 00:27:55:05

disappearing at this point of time.

02:15 Apparently, 00:27:55:07 00:27:57:22

she got along very well with Xiang.

01:09 She just liked to nag 00:27:57:24 00:27:59:08

03:12 and educate her 00:27:59:10 00:28:02:22

on how to be a virtuous woman.

02:16 Wenli: 00:28:02:24 00:28:05:15

Madam Wu is not back yet.

01:18 Did she go back to her hometown? 00:28:05:17 00:28:07:10

02:03 Xiaoan: 00:28:07:12 00:28:09:15

The Qiu Family
doesn't know her address.

02:01 Inspector Luo: 00:28:11:14 00:28:13:15

We will head back
to the police division and check.

02:08 Miss Su, stay here and see 00:28:13:17 00:28:16:00

if there are any other leads.

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01:16 We will leave first. 00:28:16:02 00:28:17:18

01:13 Wenli: 00:28:17:20 00:28:19:08

Have some lunch before you go.

01:12 Inspector Luo: 00:28:19:10 00:28:20:22

It's fine. I still have work to do.

01:13 Wenli: 00:28:20:24 00:28:22:12


01:08 Xiaoan: 00:28:22:14 00:28:23:22

I have to get going now.

01:03 Wenli: 00:28:23:24 00:28:25:02


01:13 What happened 00:28:26:22 00:28:28:10

to your Inspector today?

01:03 He doesn't look happy. 00:28:28:12 00:28:29:15

01:05 Xiaoan: 00:28:29:17 00:28:30:22

He might get a promotion.

02:21 Wenli: 00:28:30:24 00:28:33:20

What? How come I didn't know?

02:21 Taozi: 00:28:34:12 00:28:37:08

Miss, is the Inspector
not in a good mood today?

02:17 Wenli: 00:28:37:10 00:28:40:02

Yes. I wonder what that means.

01:21 Get... Getting promoted? 00:28:40:04 00:28:42:00

01:16 He's not happy 00:28:42:02 00:28:43:18

even though he is getting promoted?

02:15 What a difficult person. 00:28:43:20 00:28:46:10

01:00 Forget about him. 00:28:46:12 00:28:47:12

Wenli and Taozi keep looking around 00:28:47:12 00:28:58:00

Taozi found something under a tree 00:28:58:00 00:29:04:02

01:10 Taozi: 00:29:04:02 00:29:05:12


01:16 there is 00:29:05:14 00:29:07:05

a candied hawthorn stick here.

They looked at each other and the 00:29:07:05 00:29:19:00

candy stick
15 People walking on the street 00:29:19:00 00:29:22:00
Police Station
16 Inspector Luo’s staring blanky at the 00:29:22:00 00:29:27:20
Inspector Luo’s office window
02:15 Xiaoan: 00:29:27:20 00:29:30:10
Inspector, the autopsy report is out.

01:00 It's homicide. 00:29:30:12 00:29:31:12

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Xiaoan left 00:29:31:12 00:29:43:07

Wenli comes
03:11 Wenli: 00:29:43:07 00:29:46:18
This candied hawthorn stick
is found near the body.

01:13 Inspector Luo: 00:29:48:24 00:29:50:12

The autopsy report is out.

02:23 Wenli: 00:29:53:12 00:29:56:10

<i>There is a slight scrape
on her forehead.</i>

03:03 <i>Her neck and trachea 00:29:56:12 00:29:59:15

have serious bruises.</i>

03:13 <i>She was most likely 00:29:59:17 00:30:03:05

strangled to death.</i>

01:15 It's just like what we analysed. 00:30:03:07 00:30:04:22

01:03 Inspector Luo: 00:30:04:24 00:30:06:02

Carry on.

01:20 Wenli: 00:30:09:07 00:30:11:02

<i>There are whip marks on her back.</i>

02:18 Inspector Luo: 00:30:11:04 00:30:13:22

The victim was whipped
before she died.

02:09 Wenli: 00:30:13:24 00:30:16:08

Besides her biological father

02:10 and her kind master in the house, 00:30:16:10 00:30:18:20

who would hit her?

02:18 <i>She wasn't raped before she died</ 00:30:21:04 00:30:23:22

02:21 <i>but she had engaged 00:30:23:24 00:30:26:20

in sexual activity before.</i>

01:11 Inspector Luo: 00:30:26:22 00:30:28:08

A drug test confirmed that

02:17 she consumed a large amount 00:30:28:10 00:30:31:02

of alcohol the night before.

01:23 Wenli: 00:30:31:04 00:30:33:02

It seems like this girl

03:08 was not an ordinary girl 00:30:33:04 00:30:36:12

who had come from the countryside.

01:16 Inspector Luo: 00:30:36:14 00:30:38:05


01:13 I'll leave it to you. 00:30:38:07 00:30:39:20

01:15 Wenli: 00:30:44:12 00:30:46:02

I heard that
you are getting promoted.

02:16 Inspector Luo: 00:30:47:04 00:30:49:20

Don't listen to Xiaoan.
I think this place is just fine.

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02:03 Wenli: 00:30:49:22 00:30:52:00

This is good news. Congratulations.
Wenli left 00:30:52:00 00:30:57:00

17 02:05 Butler: 00:30:59:07 00:31:01:12

Wenli’s Mansion Here... the last dish.

02:16 Braised carp. 00:31:01:14 00:31:04:05

01:01 Tan: 00:31:04:07 00:31:05:08

Uncle Xiang, have a seat.
Stop serving us.

02:23 Butler: 00:31:05:10 00:31:08:08

-Dig in...
-Tan, try to learn from Uncle Xiang.

02:05 Tan: 00:31:08:10 00:31:10:15

I was just going to say that.

02:08 Taozi: 00:31:10:17 00:31:13:00

In two days,
it's Aunt Hanrong's birthday dinner

02:08 and Young Master Qiu's 00:31:13:02 00:31:15:10

engagement dinner.

02:00 But something happened at her house 00:31:15:12 00:31:17:12

so they are short of staff.

01:04 Miss Su gave her order. 00:31:17:14 00:31:18:18

01:20 That everyone must help out. 00:31:18:20 00:31:20:15

02:20 Tan: 00:31:20:17 00:31:23:12

I think that old woman
is pretentious.

01:01 If it wasn't because of Miss Su 00:31:23:14 00:31:24:15

01:05 I wouldn't bother to serve her. 00:31:24:17 00:31:25:22

01:19 Taozi: 00:31:25:24 00:31:27:18

You have to eat a lot today.

02:23 We have work to do tomorrow. 00:31:27:20 00:31:30:18

Don't just think of eating.

02:10 Tan: 00:31:30:20 00:31:33:05

Taozi, listen to yourself.

02:08 Do you believe that 00:31:33:07 00:31:35:15

I would throw up what I just ate

01:10 if Miss Su ordered me to? 00:31:35:17 00:31:37:02

01:01 Taozi: 00:31:37:04 00:31:38:05

Try throwing up now.

02:13 Tan: 00:31:38:07 00:31:40:20

-Hurry up.

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02:03 Butler: 00:31:40:22 00:31:43:00

All right... come...

03:18 Here. All of us have worked hard. 00:31:43:02 00:31:46:20

01:08 Taozi: 00:31:46:22 00:31:48:05

Don't drink too much.

18 Puts wines on the table

Hanrong’s Mansion 01:01 Hanrong: 00:31:50:07 00:31:51:08
All right...

01:20 You... what's your name again? 00:31:51:10 00:31:53:05

02:15 Move the flower pot to the right. 00:31:53:07 00:31:55:22

Place it there.

01:06 That's right... 00:31:55:24 00:31:57:05

02:10 Thank you... 00:31:59:02 00:32:01:12

01:15 Wenli: 00:32:03:12 00:32:05:02


01:04 we are here. 00:32:05:04 00:32:06:08

01:23 Hanrong: 00:32:08:10 00:32:10:08

The backups are here.

02:05 This is great... 00:32:10:10 00:32:12:15

02:05 Suyun: 00:32:12:17 00:32:14:22

Can I put this flower basket here?

01:09 Hanrong: 00:32:14:24 00:32:16:08


01:02 Right here. 00:32:16:10 00:32:17:12

02:08 Thank you. 00:32:17:14 00:32:19:22

02:23 Young lady, you are getting prettier. 00:32:19:24 00:32:22:22

01:09 Suyun: 00:32:22:24 00:32:24:08

-Thank you, grandaunt.
-Good girl.

02:20 Butler: 00:32:24:10 00:32:27:05

Madam. The suckling pig is ready.

01:08 It will be ready for the oven 00:32:27:07 00:32:28:15

01:05 after brushing it with some oil. 00:32:28:17 00:32:29:22

02:12 Hanrong: 00:32:32:10 00:32:34:22

Does Uncle Xiang know
how to roast a suckling pig?

01:09 How impressive. 00:32:34:24 00:32:36:08

01:20 No wonder Wenli is so happy 00:32:36:10 00:32:38:05

02:11 when Uncle Xiang is here. 00:32:38:07 00:32:40:18

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02:17 Wenli: 00:32:40:20 00:32:43:12

But our oven is not as huge as yours.

03:05 Hanrong: 00:32:46:20 00:32:50:00

Then, you can come
and eat at my house every day

01:00 -Okay? 00:32:50:02 00:32:51:02


01:08 If you don't get sick of me. 00:32:51:04 00:32:52:12

01:23 Hanrong: 00:32:52:14 00:32:54:12

I won't...

02:13 Butler: 00:32:54:14 00:32:57:02

Madam, we will go and prepare it now.

01:23 -Let's go. 00:32:57:04 00:32:59:02

-That way. Thank you.

01:23 Right, didn't you say 00:33:00:04 00:33:02:02

you have another

01:21 two young manual workers? 00:33:02:04 00:33:04:00

01:06 Wenli: 00:33:04:02 00:33:05:08

Yes, they went to carry the wine.

01:20 They will be here soon. 00:33:05:10 00:33:07:05

01:03 Hanrong: 00:33:07:07 00:33:08:10

Who are they?

01:10 Wenli: 00:33:08:12 00:33:09:22

Song and Tan.

01:18 Hanrong: 00:33:13:02 00:33:14:20

Are you saying those two delinquents?

01:03 Wenli: 00:33:14:22 00:33:16:00


03:16 They are people who have 00:33:16:02 00:33:19:18

their strength and ability, okay?

01:17 Didn't you have one more day? 00:33:19:20 00:33:21:12

01:08 You can give them proper training. 00:33:21:14 00:33:22:22

01:06 Hanrong: 00:33:22:24 00:33:24:05

How am I supposed to?

01:01 How will two days be enough? 00:33:24:07 00:33:25:08

03:00 Wenli: 00:33:25:10 00:33:28:10

It's enough for someone
is capable like you.

01:03 Song: 00:33:30:07 00:33:31:10

Hi, Aunt Hanrong.

Song’s sweat sheds onto the table 00:33:31:10 00:33:36:10

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02:23 Hantong: 00:33:36:10 00:33:39:08

Gentlemen... be careful...

02:10 Be gentle... 00:33:39:10 00:33:41:20

01:13 Gentlemen, nice to meet you. 00:33:41:22 00:33:43:10

02:10 Please be gentler 00:33:43:12 00:33:45:22

when you are placing things down.

03:16 Don't ever 00:33:45:24 00:33:49:15

break my wine glasses, okay?

01:20 Tan: 00:33:49:17 00:33:51:12

Aren't these just wine glasses?

02:13 Hanrong: 00:33:52:20 00:33:55:08

They are no ordinary wine glasses.

01:13 They are 00:33:55:24 00:33:57:12

03:19 Bohemian crystal glasses. 00:33:57:14 00:34:01:08

01:11 They are made in the Czech Republic. 00:34:02:24 00:34:04:10

01:23 Song: 00:34:04:12 00:34:06:10

Why not just
drink the bottle instead?

01:21 Wenli: 00:34:06:12 00:34:08:08

Stop spouting nonsense. Get to work.

01:12 Tan: 00:34:08:10 00:34:09:22

Okay. There are
two more boxes of rice wine.

01:09 I'll go and get them. 00:34:09:24 00:34:11:08

03:00 Wenli: 00:34:11:10 00:34:14:10

-Be careful and gentler.

01:21 Hanrong: 00:34:14:12 00:34:16:08

I told you they are unreliable.

02:21 -What? Look... 00:34:17:04 00:34:20:00

-You don't have to worry.

02:13 -You can train them. 00:34:20:02 00:34:22:15

-I can't.
Yaqi comes out from the house 00:34:22:15 00:34:23:14
02:08 Yaqi: 00:34:23:14 00:34:25:22
Hi, cousin sister!

01:23 Wenli: 00:34:25:24 00:34:27:22

Hi, Yaqi.

01:21 Aunt, I don't know 00:34:29:14 00:34:31:10

Chinese opera that well.

02:00 What is she dressing up as? 00:34:31:12 00:34:33:12

03:04 Hanrong: 00:34:33:14 00:34:36:18

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-Pan Jinlian.
-Cousin sister.

02:13 Yaqi: 00:34:36:20 00:34:39:08

Look. What do you think of my look?

01:05 Do I look pretty? 00:34:39:10 00:34:40:15

01:23 Wenli: 00:34:41:22 00:34:43:20

You're very pretty.

01:15 Hanrong: 00:34:43:22 00:34:45:12

Yaqi, come here.

01:11 Tomorrow's dinner party 00:34:45:14 00:34:47:00

03:03 will be attended 00:34:47:02 00:34:50:05

by many distinguished guests.

04:23 Therefore, all of us here 00:34:50:07 00:34:55:05

must be more appropriate

03:11 in terms of 00:34:55:07 00:34:58:18

picking a costume and a character.

01:10 Yaqi: 00:34:58:20 00:35:00:05

What's wrong with Pan Jinlian?

01:08 She was a free spirit 00:35:00:07 00:35:01:15

01:05 who was not afraid to love or hate. 00:35:01:17 00:35:02:22

03:14 Hanrong: 00:35:04:04 00:35:07:18

This is something
that I have never heard of it...

02:17 Yaqi: 00:35:07:20 00:35:10:12

That's because your way of thinking
is too outdated.

01:08 Besides 00:35:10:14 00:35:11:22

02:16 I don't like 00:35:11:24 00:35:14:15

those Chinese opera at all.

01:16 They speak in a funny tone. 00:35:14:17 00:35:16:08

02:17 It's far more fun to dance and sing. 00:35:16:10 00:35:19:02

01:07 Hanrong: 00:35:20:20 00:35:22:02

Listen carefully.

03:21 You must obey my words 00:35:22:04 00:35:26:00

for tomorrow's dinner party.

03:10 Yaqi: 00:35:26:02 00:35:29:12

One more thing,
I don't drink those rice wine.

03:11 Luckily, Zilong brought me 00:35:29:14 00:35:33:00

some red wine.

04:10 Oh, right. We have to keep 00:35:33:02 00:35:37:12

those red wine and rice wine away.

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02:11 We can't let that chauffeur, 00:35:37:14 00:35:40:00

Li take them.

01:23 Wenli: 00:35:40:02 00:35:42:00

Why would a chauffeur steal wine?

02:13 Yaqi: 00:35:42:02 00:35:44:15

I know, right?

01:16 Poor Xiang. 00:35:44:17 00:35:46:08

01:08 She was still so young 00:35:46:10 00:35:47:18

01:17 when she was abused 00:35:47:20 00:35:49:12

by an alcoholic father.

01:11 Hanrong: 00:35:49:14 00:35:51:00

What nonsense are you talking about?

01:16 Yaqi: 00:35:51:02 00:35:52:18

I'm not talking nonsense.

02:05 Zilong heard it himself. 00:35:52:20 00:35:55:00

02:21 He even used a horsewhip. 00:35:56:12 00:35:59:08

01:12 That's horrible. 00:35:59:10 00:36:00:22

01:17 I'm not going to say anything else. 00:36:02:10 00:36:04:02

01:08 Go and ask Zilong yourself. 00:36:04:04 00:36:05:12

02:04 Hanrong: 00:36:05:14 00:36:07:18

I'm telling you. Stop these nonsense.

04:07 I have never heard Li hitting 00:36:07:20 00:36:12:02

his daughter, Xiang with a horsewhip!

01:01 How absurd. 00:36:12:04 00:36:13:05

01:00 Inspector Luo gets down from car Wenli: 00:36:13:22 00:36:14:22

02:06 How are you? Are you in a good mood 00:36:18:12 00:36:20:18

01:20 Inspector Luo: 00:36:20:20 00:36:22:15

I'm in a good mood
every day, Miss Su.

01:20 Wenli: 00:36:22:17 00:36:24:12

Is that so?

01:21 Unlike somebody 00:36:24:14 00:36:26:10

who puts on a solemn face

01:18 like everyone owed him something. 00:36:26:12 00:36:28:05

01:08 Inspector Luo: 00:36:28:07 00:36:29:15

-Never mind.

01:18 Let's not bother ourselves with them. 00:36:29:17 00:36:31:10

01:18 Li isn't being honest with us. 00:36:31:12 00:36:33:05

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01:20 Let's go and look for him. 00:36:33:07 00:36:35:02

02:01 Inspector Luo: 00:36:35:04 00:36:37:05

-I think so, too.
-All right.

20 01:00 Open Li’s door Inspector Luo: 00:36:39:12 00:36:40:12

In the garage Li.

01:18 Wenli: 00:36:45:07 00:36:47:00

The room reeks.

01:16 Inspector Luo: 00:36:48:17 00:36:50:08

I checked him out.

03:12 He was a cavalry under Han Fuju. 00:36:50:10 00:36:53:22

01:13 He's good at riding horses. 00:36:53:24 00:36:55:12

02:01 Wenli: 00:36:56:24 00:36:59:00

No wonder he would
whip his daughter with a whip.

01:08 How could he? 00:36:59:02 00:37:00:10

01:17 It's obvious that he is an alcoholic. 00:37:02:10 00:37:04:02

01:16 All he drank were some cheap alcohol. 00:37:04:04 00:37:05:20

Saw some wines under the bed 00:37:05:20 00:37:09:22

01:23 Inspector Luo: 00:37:09:22 00:37:11:20

A good one once in a while.

01:05 Like this one. 00:37:13:17 00:37:14:22

01:13 Red wine imported from Australia. 00:37:14:24 00:37:16:12

02:10 Wenli: 00:37:17:12 00:37:19:22

A chauffeur
who drinks Australian red wine.

01:21 Isn't that a little strange? 00:37:19:24 00:37:21:20

Li comes in 00:37:21:20 00:37:27:12

02:21 Li: 00:37:27:12 00:37:30:08

How did you two get in?
Is there anything?

03:20 Wenli: 00:37:30:10 00:37:34:05

Li, where did you get this bottle
of Australian red wine?

01:01 Li: 00:37:38:04 00:37:39:05

I bought it myself.

01:05 Wenli: 00:37:39:07 00:37:40:12

Then, I'll give you some money.

01:11 Buy me a few bottles. 00:37:40:14 00:37:42:00

03:01 This wine cannot be bought 00:37:44:24 00:37:48:00

from the stores.

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01:18 It is imported. 00:37:48:02 00:37:49:20

01:15 My aunt said that 00:37:50:22 00:37:52:12

01:11 she is having 00:37:52:14 00:37:54:00

a birthday party these few days.

02:18 But a few bottles have been missing 00:37:54:02 00:37:56:20

from the ones she bought.

01:00 Li: 00:37:58:12 00:37:59:12

I didn't steal it.

01:21 The eldest young master 00:37:59:14 00:38:01:10

gave it to me.

03:15 Wenli: 00:38:02:07 00:38:05:22

I didn't know
he could be this generous.

02:09 Li: 00:38:08:24 00:38:11:08

I took good care of his sports car

01:05 so he gave it to me. 00:38:11:10 00:38:12:15

02:18 Inspector Luo: 00:38:15:17 00:38:18:10

Tell me honestly.

01:18 Was Xiang being abused 00:38:19:22 00:38:21:15

before she died?

01:10 Li: 00:38:23:02 00:38:24:12

No one abused her.

02:01 Everyone was kind to her. 00:38:24:14 00:38:26:15

01:13 Inspector Luo: 00:38:26:17 00:38:28:05

Is that so?

02:08 Then, why did she have whipped mark 00:38:28:07 00:38:30:15
on her back?

05:01 Wenli: 00:38:33:24 00:38:39:00

Or did you take Xiang as your horse

01:18 and give her a beating with a whip? 00:38:39:02 00:38:40:20

03:01 Inspector Luo: 00:38:44:07 00:38:47:08

Someone saw you hitting her
with a whip.

02:00 She came for you at night 00:38:47:10 00:38:49:10

02:03 to receive a beating from you? 00:38:49:12 00:38:51:15

01:08 Li: 00:38:56:02 00:38:57:10

I admit it.

02:13 I did hit her twice. 00:38:57:12 00:39:00:00

01:16 But it's for her own good. 00:39:00:02 00:39:01:18

02:17 She came from the countryside and 00:39:01:20 00:39:04:12

wasn't wise in the ways of the world.

03:11 There were always some indecent guys 00:39:04:14 00:39:08:00

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buzzing around her.

01:23 I worried that she couldn't 00:39:08:02 00:39:10:00

take good care of herself.

03:06 If she got pregnant, 00:39:10:02 00:39:13:08

things would get out of hand.

01:23 So, I wanted to teach her a lesson. 00:39:13:10 00:39:15:08

01:15 Inspector Luo: 00:39:15:10 00:39:17:00

Who are those indecent guys?

02:23 Li: 00:39:18:14 00:39:21:12

What's the point of saying these?
She is dead.

01:20 Sir 00:39:27:02 00:39:28:22

02:11 if there's nothing else, 00:39:28:24 00:39:31:10

I'll get back to work.

Li walked out 00:39:31:10 00:39:38:17

03:16 Wenli: 00:39:38:17 00:39:42:08
I've never seen a father who would
hit his daughter with a whip.

02:10 Inspector Luo: 00:39:42:10 00:39:44:20

Xiang's injuries on the back
should be caused by him.

01:13 But she was still his daughter 00:39:44:22 00:39:46:10

01:15 so he wouldn't go as far to kill her. 00:39:46:12 00:39:48:02

02:01 Someone else killed her. 00:39:48:04 00:39:50:05

02:11 Wenli: 00:39:50:07 00:39:52:18

I have a feeling that

03:20 he is colluding with my cousin. 00:39:52:20 00:39:56:15

01:16 Inspector Luo: 00:39:57:24 00:39:59:15

Or could it be the other way round?

02:08 Li is covering up for Qiu Zilong. 00:39:59:17 00:40:02:00

01:06 Xiaoan: 00:40:03:24 00:40:05:05

Here you are, Inspector.

01:08 I checked in the police division. 00:40:06:17 00:40:08:00

01:20 Madam Wu is not a native here. 00:40:08:02 00:40:09:22

There's no other information.

02:10 Inspector Luo: 00:40:15:20 00:40:18:05

Xiang got murdered and Madam Wu
disappeared on the same day.

01:15 This is too strange. 00:40:18:07 00:40:19:22

01:23 It's either 00:40:19:24 00:40:21:22

Madam Wu has been murdered

01:03 with her body hidden away. 00:40:21:24 00:40:23:02

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03:11 Or Madam Wu found out 00:40:23:04 00:40:26:15

about something and ran away.

02:05 We have to find Madam Wu. 00:40:26:17 00:40:28:22

03:06 Wenli: 00:40:28:24 00:40:32:05

Xiaoan, have you questioned
everyone in the house?

01:01 Xiaoan: 00:40:32:07 00:40:33:08

I did.

01:13 Wenli: 00:40:34:20 00:40:36:08

It looks like

03:15 I have to make use of the power of 00:40:36:10 00:40:40:00

the people in Miss S Detective Agency.

Wenli walked out 00:40:40:00 00:40:47:00

21 Holding a bottle of wine 00:40:47:00 00:40:50:14

Dining room 01:23 Hanrong: 00:40:50:14 00:40:52:12
Taozi, place this at the centre.

01:06 -At the centre. 00:40:52:14 00:40:53:20

-All right.

01:00 Hanrong: 00:40:53:22 00:40:54:22

Be careful of the glasses.

03:03 Hey, Song, Tan. 00:40:54:24 00:40:58:02

01:08 Place the cakes here. 00:40:58:04 00:40:59:12

01:14 Wenli: 00:41:00:04 00:41:01:18


03:23 The police division 00:41:01:20 00:41:05:18

is always missing something.

02:00 Today, we are going to 00:41:05:20 00:41:07:20

use the power of the people

01:23 to fill in that void. 00:41:07:22 00:41:09:20

01:03 Song: 00:41:09:22 00:41:11:00

What do we need to do? Just tell us.

02:20 Wenli: 00:41:11:02 00:41:13:22

Look. The housekeeper, Madam Wu

02:06 disappeared the very morning 00:41:13:24 00:41:16:05

when Xiang was murdered.

01:11 We still don't know where is she now. 00:41:16:07 00:41:17:18

02:05 She is either related to this case 00:41:17:20 00:41:20:00

01:20 or something bad has happened to her 00:41:20:02 00:41:21:22

01:19 Anyhow, she is related to this case. 00:41:21:24 00:41:23:18

03:17 I want everyone to try your best 00:41:23:20 00:41:27:12

to find this person.

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Episode #: 27
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02:11 Tan: 00:41:27:14 00:41:30:00

Dead or alive.

01:10 Suyun: 00:41:30:02 00:41:31:12

You're exaggerating.

02:19 Wenli: 00:41:32:24 00:41:35:18

Aunt, where is Madam Wu's hometown?

01:02 Hanrong: 00:41:35:20 00:41:36:22

She is from Wuxian, Suzhou.

04:01 From what I know, 00:41:36:24 00:41:41:00

she has a son and a grandson.

02:20 But I don't really know 00:41:41:02 00:41:43:22

where they live.

02:01 Wenli: 00:41:43:24 00:41:46:00

Do you know if she has any hobbies?

02:03 Who does she usually talk to? 00:41:46:02 00:41:48:05

02:03 Where does she usually go? 00:41:48:07 00:41:50:10

02:06 Hanrong: 00:41:50:12 00:41:52:18

She doesn't have any hobbies.

02:02 She believes in Bodhisattva. 00:41:52:20 00:41:54:22

01:13 She will go to the temple 00:41:54:24 00:41:56:12

01:23 to offer joss sticks 00:41:56:14 00:41:58:12

and things like that.

02:08 As to where she usually went... 00:41:58:14 00:42:00:22

02:16 The market. Because she has to 00:42:00:24 00:42:03:15

buy groceries every day.

01:05 Wenli: 00:42:03:17 00:42:04:22

The market?

02:03 Song, Tan. After you've 00:42:04:24 00:42:07:02

finished your work here

02:06 go to the market 00:42:07:04 00:42:09:10

on Seymour Road tomorrow morning.

01:21 Ask every stall. 00:42:09:12 00:42:11:08

02:23 There might be some hawkers who are 00:42:11:10 00:42:14:08

close to her and know where she is.

05:00 Song and Tan: 00:42:14:10 00:42:19:10

-The nearest temple is Yuanming Hall.

01:00 Tomorrow is 00:42:19:12 00:42:20:12

the 15th on the lunar calendar.

01:21 It's a perfect day 00:42:20:14 00:42:22:10

to offer joss sticks and pray.

02:21 Suyun, you will 00:42:22:12 00:42:25:08

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follow Taozi to Yuanming Hall

01:15 and look carefully. 00:42:25:10 00:42:27:00

03:00 Taozi: 00:42:27:02 00:42:30:02

Sure... this suits me.

01:04 Wenli: 00:42:30:04 00:42:31:08

Uncle Xiang, you are from Wuxian.

02:20 And I know you are classmates 00:42:31:10 00:42:34:05

with the mayor.

02:08 If I can't find any leads in Shanghai 00:42:34:07 00:42:36:15

02:08 you will have to make a trip 00:42:36:17 00:42:39:00

back to your hometown

01:03 and look for the mayor. 00:42:39:02 00:42:40:05

03:13 Search every Wu Family 00:42:40:07 00:42:43:20

that lives in that area.

01:23 Butler: 00:42:43:22 00:42:45:20

Roger that, Miss.

01:21 Wenli: 00:42:45:22 00:42:47:18

All right.
Everyone has received their missions.

02:05 We will strive to 00:42:47:20 00:42:50:00

complete these missions.

01:00 To boost everyone's morale 00:42:50:02 00:42:51:02

03:23 let's drink some of 00:42:51:04 00:42:55:02

aunt's imported Australian red wine.

02:01 Song and Tan: 00:42:55:04 00:42:57:05

-All right.
-Uncle Xiang just opened one of them.

01:11 Here. 00:42:57:07 00:42:58:18

01:10 Butler: 00:42:58:20 00:43:00:05

It smells so good.
Zihao’s room 01:08 Suyun: 00:43:01:22 00:43:03:05
A horizontal stroke.

02:00 A left-falling stroke. 00:43:05:20 00:43:07:20

01:03 Zihao: 00:43:07:22 00:43:09:00

Left-falling stroke.

01:23 Suyun: 00:43:11:12 00:43:13:10

A press-down stroke.

01:00 Zihao: 00:43:13:12 00:43:14:12

Press-down stroke.

01:18 Suyun: 00:43:16:22 00:43:18:15

Yes. This is the letter "big".

01:20 Big for big bad wolf. 00:43:18:17 00:43:20:12

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01:16 Zihao: 00:43:20:14 00:43:22:05


02:01 Big for big bad wolf. 00:43:22:07 00:43:24:08

01:05 Suyun: 00:43:24:10 00:43:25:15

You are great.

01:10 Zihao: 00:43:25:17 00:43:27:02

-I am great. Big.

02:16 Zihao: 00:43:28:17 00:43:31:08

Big. Big for big bad wolf.

02:10 Suyun: 00:43:31:10 00:43:33:20

Little for little bunny.

04:08 Wenli: 00:43:33:22 00:43:38:05

Were these written by Zihao?
That's great.

01:15 Zihao: 00:43:38:07 00:43:39:22

There's also the word "little".

02:13 Little... 00:43:39:24 00:43:42:12

02:19 Wenli: 00:43:43:14 00:43:46:08

Who gave you this present?

01:10 Zihao: 00:43:46:10 00:43:47:20


03:01 Wenli: 00:43:48:17 00:43:51:18

Zihao, it's your mother's
birthday tomorrow.

02:07 What are you dressing up as? 00:43:51:20 00:43:54:02

03:01 Are you wearing this mask? 00:43:56:14 00:43:59:15

02:18 It matches the opera-themed dinner. 00:43:59:17 00:44:02:10

02:21 Zihao: 00:44:05:14 00:44:08:10

Mum doesn't let me go down.

03:21 Xiang will stay in the room with me. 00:44:08:12 00:44:12:08

03:21 Wenli: 00:44:15:24 00:44:19:20

Zihao, Xiang is not here anymore.

01:11 Zihao: 00:44:19:22 00:44:21:08

Where did she go?

03:10 Wenli: 00:44:22:10 00:44:25:20

Xiang went somewhere far, far away.

01:11 She wouldn't come back anymore. 00:44:25:22 00:44:27:08

01:23 Zihao: 00:44:29:14 00:44:31:12

Is it because of me?

02:08 Wenli: 00:44:31:14 00:44:33:22

Of course not.

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02:16 Zihao: 00:44:33:24 00:44:36:15

It must be because of me.

03:03 I didn't give her 00:44:36:17 00:44:39:20

the candied hawthorn.

01:23 I didn't mean it. 00:44:39:22 00:44:41:20

01:23 Mum doesn't let me 00:44:41:22 00:44:43:20

eat candied hawthorn.

05:00 Besides, Xiang was sleeping. 00:44:43:22 00:44:48:22

01:21 Wenli: 00:44:48:24 00:44:50:20

Xiang was sleeping?

02:03 Zihao, tell me. 00:44:54:17 00:44:56:20

02:03 Where did you see Xiang sleeping? 00:44:56:22 00:44:59:00

Hanrong comes 00:44:59:00 00:45:04:02

02:10 You saw Xiang? 00:45:04:02 00:45:06:12

02:13 Did you see her? 00:45:06:14 00:45:09:02

01:18 Zihao: 00:45:09:04 00:45:10:22

She was sleeping.

01:13 -She was sleeping. 00:45:10:24 00:45:12:12


02:19 Come on out. 00:45:12:14 00:45:15:08

01:17 Suyun: 00:45:15:10 00:45:17:02

Second young master...

01:01 This is not urgent. 00:45:17:04 00:45:18:05

02:13 We will continue 00:45:18:07 00:45:20:20

to practise writing, okay?

01:01 Zihao: 00:45:22:14 00:45:23:15


23 02:03 Wenli: 00:45:27:24 00:45:30:02

At the corridor Aunt

02:06 you lied to me and Inspector Luo. 00:45:30:04 00:45:32:10

03:16 The first person who discovered 00:45:33:14 00:45:37:05

the body was Zihao, not Zilong.

01:01 Am I right? 00:45:37:07 00:45:38:08

02:16 Why did you lie to us? 00:45:41:14 00:45:44:05

03:03 Hanrong: 00:45:44:07 00:45:47:10

I didn't want Zihao
to be involved in this.

02:23 He wouldn't be able to take this. 00:45:47:12 00:45:50:10

03:21 He had been heavily relying on Xiang 00:45:50:12 00:45:54:08

to take care of him these days.

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02:02 They were really close. 00:45:54:10 00:45:56:12

02:01 Up until today 00:45:56:14 00:45:58:15

03:03 he still doesn't know 00:45:58:17 00:46:01:20

that Xiang is dead.

03:18 I really hope 00:46:01:22 00:46:05:15

he won't know about this ever.

01:13 Wenli: 00:46:05:17 00:46:07:05

You can't hide this.

02:13 Zihao has the right to know. 00:46:07:07 00:46:09:20

01:00 Hanrong: 00:46:09:22 00:46:10:22

You have no idea.

02:20 He is not normal. 00:46:13:17 00:46:16:12

01:16 You can't expect him 00:46:16:14 00:46:18:05

02:23 to be like us. Do you know that? 00:46:18:07 00:46:21:05

01:18 Wenli, let me ask you. 00:46:25:07 00:46:27:00

01:20 How long has it been 00:46:27:02 00:46:28:22

since your sister disappeared?

Wenli’s in silence 00:46:28:22 00:46:36:22

01:15 Think about it. 00:46:36:22 00:46:38:12

02:11 It's been so long. 00:46:38:14 00:46:41:00

02:10 Every time Zihao has a nightmare 00:46:41:02 00:46:43:12

04:23 he would keep yelling, "Wenfei..." 00:46:43:14 00:46:48:12

02:06 Wenli: 00:46:48:14 00:46:50:20

All right.
Let's not bring up the past.

03:08 Nevertheless, I still think 00:46:50:22 00:46:54:05

03:05 it's not right 00:46:54:07 00:46:57:12

to keep this from Zihao.

Zihao cried suddenly 00:46:57:12 00:47:01:10

24 01:20 Hanrong: 00:47:01:10 00:47:03:05
Zihao’s room Zihao...

02:08 What happened? 00:47:04:10 00:47:06:18

01:23 Wenli: 00:47:06:20 00:47:08:18

Okay... What's wrong, Zihao?

02:10 Hanrong: 00:47:08:20 00:47:11:05

-Stop it...
-What happened, Suyun?

01:18 Hanrong: 00:47:11:07 00:47:13:00

You scared me...

01:06 It's fine... 00:47:13:02 00:47:14:08

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01:10 Good boy. I am here. 00:47:14:10 00:47:15:20

01:11 Wenli: 00:47:15:22 00:47:17:08

-What happened?
-Don't be scared...

02:05 Suyun: 00:47:17:10 00:47:19:15

I just taught him to write your name.

03:23 -He just wrote "Wen"... 00:47:19:17 00:47:23:15

-It's okay. I am here...

01:08 Good boy... 00:47:23:17 00:47:25:00

01:20 Good boy... 00:47:26:07 00:47:28:02

02:11 Good boy. Stop crying... 00:47:28:04 00:47:30:15

05:03 Good boy... 00:47:30:17 00:47:35:20

01:11 Wenli: 00:47:35:22 00:47:37:08

He just wrote "Wen"

02:08 and it makes him think of Wenfei. 00:47:37:10 00:47:39:18

01:10 Zihao: 00:47:39:20 00:47:41:05

It's him.

05:13 The person selling 00:47:41:07 00:47:46:20

the candied hawthorn took Wenfei away.

02:21 Suyun: 00:47:46:22 00:47:49:18

Is he mistaken?
Shouldn't it be Xiang?

04:15 Zihao: 00:47:49:20 00:47:54:10

The person selling
the candied hawthorn took her away.

01:23 Wenli: 00:47:56:04 00:47:58:02


03:14 Xiang was also taken by that person? 00:47:58:04 00:48:01:18

03:00 Suyun: 00:48:03:20 00:48:06:20

Was it Xiang or Wenfei?

02:05 Hanrong: 00:48:06:22 00:48:09:02

Nobody was selling
any candied hawthorn.

02:04 Listen to your mother. 00:48:09:04 00:48:11:08

Stop spouting nonsense!

02:15 Zihao: 00:48:11:10 00:48:14:00

I didn't!

02:18 He took Wenfei away. 00:48:14:02 00:48:16:20

04:08 I saw him in the garden again. 00:48:16:22 00:48:21:05

Zihao cried badly 00:48:21:05 00:48:38:04

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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


Forest behind Hanrong’s Mansio 01:11 Wenli: 00:48:38:04 00:48:39:15
Is it here?
Zihao nodded 00:48:39:15 00:48:43:02
01:06 Where were you back then? 00:48:43:02 00:48:44:08

Zihao's thinking then pointed to a tree 00:48:44:08 00:48:50:07

01:23 You were behind the trees? 00:48:50:07 00:48:52:05

02:15 You were hiding? 00:48:52:07 00:48:54:22

02:01 Zihao: 00:48:54:24 00:48:57:00

He had a lot of candied hawthorns.

01:23 He gave me one of them 00:48:57:02 00:48:59:00

01:10 and asked me to go. 00:48:59:02 00:49:00:12

03:23 I didn't. I hid instead. 00:49:00:14 00:49:04:12

01:11 Wenli: 00:49:04:14 00:49:06:00

Then, what did you see?

01:01 Zihao: 00:49:08:24 00:49:10:00

Zihao recalled what he saw that day 00:49:10:00 00:49:44:04
Xiang being snatched
Wenli looks around
01:14 Hanrong: 00:49:44:04 00:49:45:18
It's all right now...

Wenli found a rope 00:49:45:18 00:50:11:04

Wenli picks up the rope
02:01 Wenli: 00:50:11:04 00:50:13:05
Zihao is right.

02:03 This rope was 00:50:13:07 00:50:15:10

coated with sugar syrup.

03:10 He might have used this rope 00:50:18:12 00:50:21:22

01:19 to strangle Xiang to death here. 00:50:21:24 00:50:23:18

02:21 Zihao: 00:50:24:24 00:50:27:20

Mum. Xiang wasn't sleeping.

04:08 She was killed by the person selling 00:50:27:22 00:50:32:05

the candied hawthorn, wasn't she?

01:03 Hanrong: 00:50:32:07 00:50:33:10


01:01 Hanrong and Wenli: 00:50:37:04 00:50:38:05


02:03 Hanrong: 00:50:38:07 00:50:40:10

-Zihao. Be good.
-I'm going to kill him.

01:10 Hanrong: 00:50:40:12 00:50:41:22

You can't.
You can't say things like that.

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Episode #: 27
Episode Title: N.A.


01:11 You are a good kid. Do you hear me? 00:50:41:24 00:50:43:10

02:13 You can't say things like that. 00:50:43:12 00:50:46:00

01:10 Wenli: 00:50:46:02 00:50:47:12

Give the rope to me.

01:19 Let me ask you. 00:50:47:14 00:50:49:08

02:08 Did you see 00:50:49:10 00:50:51:18

how that person look like?

02:23 Was it someone you know? 00:50:53:04 00:50:56:02

01:18 Was it Xiang's father? 00:50:56:04 00:50:57:22

01:23 Or someone else you know? 00:50:59:17 00:51:01:15

01:23 How did he look like? 00:51:05:07 00:51:07:05

Zihao tried to recall 00:51:07:05 00:51:09:20

01:15 Was he fat or skinny? 00:51:09:20 00:51:11:10

01:08 Tall or short? 00:51:11:12 00:51:12:20

04:00 Was it someone 00:51:14:02 00:51:18:02

your mother's age or my age?

03:01 Zihao: 00:51:18:04 00:51:21:05

No, he took Wenfei away.

01:08 Hanrong: 00:51:21:07 00:51:22:15

You got it wrong again.

01:20 He took Xiang away. 00:51:22:17 00:51:24:12

01:23 Zihao: 00:51:24:14 00:51:26:12

He killed Xiang.

01:01 Hanrong and Wenli: 00:51:26:14 00:51:27:15


03:16 Zihao: 00:51:27:17 00:51:31:08

He took Wenfei away.

01:00 Hanrong: 00:51:31:10 00:51:32:10

What are you talking about?

03:08 Zihao: 00:51:32:12 00:51:35:20

He took Wenfei away, too.

01:13 Wenli: 00:51:40:14 00:51:42:02

This is impossible.

91s Closing credits 00:51:44:00 00:53:15:00

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