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1.) Will technology help students think and learn deeply?

In research from Perkins (2022), technology should not be only deepening the students learning
but also help them differentiate instructions and also help other students access deep kind of thinking
and/or learning rather than usual. The common ground is still HOW the student will use the benefit of
technology for his/ her learning?

Definitely, yes, technology will help the student think more and learn deeply by following what
is the standard use of technology. It gives us the power to explore learning that can give us information’s
that would cultivate our learning. Using the internet is a privilege that we must give importance and
being aware at the same time because using technology can either build or destroy our society.

2. will technology lead to non-productive struggle and functions?

For some technology is such a fail to human productivity, they used to blame technology and
exposing its disadvantages. But these technology failures can be avoided by being responsible and being
advocate to spread awareness on how to use technology responsibly. Technology is useful but when we
abuse, it can lead to misuse of technology.

Technology fails are inevitable, but can be prevented by putting in place procedures that will
allow us to progress smoothly. It is all a matter of choice and motive of using technology.

3. How will this technology empower students to control their own learning?

The word technology is overwhelming. It can be used to ease a mans work. But when it comes
to technology empowering students to control their learning, it is very crucial on what they are going to

Technology is very powerful that knowledge can be one click away. Of course, technology can empower
student to control their own learning but it is up to student on how he/she will be going to use
technology. Personally, I believe that technology is created with a goal that is to help us deal with our
most difficult part as humans neglect their part.

4.) Is this a toy or a tool?

Technology is a tool not a toy. but it has a lot of usage. You can consider technology a toy when
you integrate it for the learning of the ones. But the as a role of technology it is a tool to integrate

learning and you can find it very fascinating when this tool can capture imaginations and passion for

5. How long will tech. prevent great "analogy" thinking and learning?

In my own opinion, technology can prevent the great analogy because when we try to scrutinize
the word analogy, it plays a significant role in problem solving, as well as decision making,
argumentation, perception, generalization, memory, creativity, invention, and it is also the comparison
between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. People became dependent
on the information’s that the internet has given to us. With out thinking twice or thrice the
information’s given that are readily available on the internet, we failed to compare whether these
information’s are true, a fact or fake news. That is the downside of it by using technology irresponsibly.
It males our learning stagnant because we are not forced to do so. Common problem is copy pasting.

6. Does this still be relevant and supported in the long-term effect?

If you’re referring to technology and its benefits, yes. It is still relevant to us the use technology
in the long run, in fact that is what our future is heading to. When it comes to the long-term effect of
technology, it is seen to have a positive effect on society include increased knowledge and
understanding, improvements in industry and jobs and an interconnectedness of the world as a result of

7. Will all students be able to access and leverage this tech.?

I believe that some will be able and some will not because as technology is getting advanced so
its price. There are still students who are incapable to have technology due to extreme corruption and
poverty. But also, I believe that the creator is greater than its creation, the government will help the
students to access and have the opportunity to use technology.

8. How does tech. align with the mission and vision of your school?

I believe that technology is align with our school mission and vision because the goal of
education is to inform, educate and give the students learning. Amid this pandemic technology is widely
used to reach the students remotely by online learning.

Technology is a great way to stay on point and any lessons, units, including the use of technology should
be aligned to help bring that mission/vision to life.

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