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aggregate (n.) the total after a lot of different  The smaller minorities got an
(v.) figures or points have been aggregate of 1,327 votes.
added together
 Her earnings from all sources
to be a particular amount when aggregated $100,000.
added together
brief (adj.) continuing for a short time  Let’s keep this conversation brief;
I have a plane to catch.
diverse (adj.) very different from each other  I have never realized that the
terrain in Africa is so diverse.
explicit (adj.) expressed in a way that is very  I don't quite understand -- could
clear and direct you be a bit more explicit?

inhibit (v.) to prevent something from  An unhappy family life may inhibit
growing or developing well children’s learning.
ignorant (adj.) not knowing facts or information  Political historians are often
that you ought to know rather ignorant of economics.

lecture (n.) (v.) a long talk on a particular subject  He regularly gives lectures on
that someone gives to a group modern French literature.
of people, especially to
 He lectures on European art at
students in a university
Manchester University.
to talk to a group of people on a
particular subject, especially to
students in a university
nevertheless in spite of a fact that you have just  What you said was true. It was,
(adv.) mentioned nevertheless, a little unkind.

reveal (v.) to make known something that  He may be prosecuted for

was previously secret or revealing secrets about the
unknown security agency.

transport (v.) to take goods, people etc. from  The company transports meat
one place to another in a across the country in refrigerated
vehicle containers.

6d-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

aggregate inhibited revealed nevertheless explicit

ignorant transported brief diverse lecture
1. I'm not really interested in history, but the lecture was quite interesting _______________.
2. A lot of people seem to be happily _______________ of the real threat of global warming.

3. Our chemistry _______________ was so boring today that I fell asleep in class.
4. Let's try to keep this discussion _______________; everyone is tired and wants to go home.

5. African religions were brought to Cuba by the thousands of slaves _______________ to the
island by the Spanish.
6. With Internet technology nowadays, photos and films of _______________ sex are just a mouse
click away on the home computer.
7. The young woman was so shy that it _______________ her ability to make friends.

8. Just before she died, his grandmother _______________ to him that she had had a lifelong love
affair with her neighbour.
9. Montreal has beaten Toronto three times this season, with a/an _______________ score of 10 -
10. Canadian society today is quite culturally _______________, with immigrants from all over the

nevertheless briefly revealed diverse aggregates

transport lectured ignorance explicit inhibits
6d-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

1. Gas and oil are very convenient forms of energy, simply because they are so easy to handle and
2. We stopped driving _______________ to have something to eat, and then set out again.

3. In general, a body of rock consists of mixtures or _______________ of minerals.

4. Discrimination is usually based on _______________ of other cultures or lifestyles.

5. The boss gave _______________ instructions for the running of the company while he is away
on holiday.
6. The sugar used in jams and jellies both sweetens the fruit and _______________ the growth of
7. The professor _______________ us on current trends in Canadian literature.
8. The religion of Islam teaches the word of God as _______________ to the Prophet Mohammed.

9. You may have failed the level, but your Spanish has improved a lot _______________.

10. The former U.S.S.R. was composed of 15 very _______________ republics with strong cultural

6d-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

brevity inhibited diversity nevertheless explicitly

ignorantly lecturer revealed aggregation transportation

1. My neighbours are sometimes very noisy, but we get along quite well _______________.
2. Around 4.6 million years ago, our planet was formed through a/an _______________ of space
dust and meteorites.
3. When giving a speech, _______________ is always welcome. A long speech just bores people.

4. The Internet has really allowed us to _______________ our market by advertising throughout
the world.
5. When I heard Martha talking about her illness, I _______________ made a little joke to try to
cheer her up, but instead it just made her cry.
6. The _______________ stood at the front of the class and waited for everyone to be quiet.

7. Michelangelo's paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome were _______________ to
the general public for the first time in November of 1512.
8. Growth of the plants was _______________ during the experiment by reducing the amount of
sunlight they received each day.
9. Bicycles are a popular form of _______________ for students of the University of Victoria.

10. An essential aspect of random samples is that the population must be _______________
defined or identified.

6d-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

lecture transports diversified inhibit brief

explicit aggregate nevertheless ignorance reveal

1. There is a lot of __________ and misinformation about AIDS which leads people to believe
things which simply aren't true.
2. In the 50,000 years since the emergence of fully human culture, our entire world has been
occupied, and people have been __________ into about 5000 different groups.
3. We will take a/an __________ break for coffee, and then continue our discussions.

4. The curtains opened to __________ a darkened stage.

5. The __________ violence of some of today's video games is a source of concern for many
6. A treatment plan using certain drugs has been established to __________ the man's violent
7. The movie __________ you to a magical world in which children can fly and speak to animals.

8. Biologists say that each cell in our body is actually a/an __________ of species functioning as a
single entity.
9. We looked at photographs of a heart operation during our anatomy __________ today.

10. I know it was an accident, but the window is broken __________, and you're going to have to
pay for it.

6d-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

aggregate revelations inhibitions brief transport

lecture diversify nevertheless ignorant explicit
1. It is necessary for our business to __________ our product line if we want to attract a greater
range of customers.
2. __________ of corruption in government have led to calls for a public inquiry.
3. The growth rate of the GNP depends largely upon the growth rate of __________ demand.

4. Young people need __________ information about sex, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies
or sexually-transmitted infections.
5. I love small children. They seem to have so few __________. They just say and do what they
want without pausing to worry about what others may think.
6. There were a bunch of really __________ jerks at the pub who were hassling all the women and
getting totally drunk.
7. The boss gave us his big __________ today about how we all have to work together, and all that
8. It took 214 crates to __________ the Statue of Liberty from France to New York in 1885.

9. He is not our best worker; __________ he tries very hard.

10. The island of Martinique has remained a French possession since 1635, except for three
__________ periods of foreign occupation.


6d-A 1.nevertheless 2.ignorant 3.lecture 4.brief 5.transported 6.explicit 7.inhibited 8.revealed

9.aggregate 10.diverse
6d-B 1.transport 2.briefly 3.aggregates 4.ignorance 5.explicit 6.inhibits 7.lectured 8.revealed
9.nevertheless 10.diverse
6d-C. 1.nevertheless 2.aggregation 3.brevity 4.diversify 5.ignorantly 6.lecturer 7.revealed
8.inhibited 9.transportation 10.explicitly
6d-D. 1.ignorance 2.diversifed 3.brief 4.reveal 5.explicit 6.inhibit 7.transports 8.aggregate 9.lecture
6d-E. 1.diversify 2.revelations 3.aggregate 4.explicit 5.inhibitions 6.ignorant 7.lecture 8.transport
9.nevertheless 10.brief


allocate (v.) to use something for a particular  You should allocate the same amount
purpose, give something to a of time to each question.
particular person, etc., especially
after an official decision has been
capable (adj.) able to do things well  Ideally, it will need to be capable of
working in all these media.
domain (n.) an area of activity, interest, or  This problem is outside the domain
knowledge, especially one that a of medical science.
particular person, organization,
etc. deals with
federal (adj.) a group of states which control  Switzerland is a federal republic.
their own affairs, but which are
also controlled by a single national
government which makes
decisions on foreign affairs,
defence, etc.
incentive (n.) something that encourages you to  Awards provide an incentive for
work harder, start a new activity, young people to improve their skills.
initiate (v.) to arrange for something  Peace talks have been initiated in an
important to start, such as an attempt to avert full scale war.
official process or a new plan
migrate (v.) move from one place to another,  People migrate to cities like Jakarta in
especially in order to find work or search of work.
to live somewhere
overseas (adj.) to or in a foreign country that is  Most applications came from
across the sea overseas.
precede (v.) to happen or exist before  The first chapter was preceded by a
something or someone, or to come brief biography of the author.
before something else in a series
scope (n.) the range of things that a subject,  Let us extend the scope of the study
activity, book, etc. deals with to examine more factors.

6e-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

migrate domain initiate scope allocates

capable incentive preceding overseas federal

1. Grey whales _______________ down the coast of our province every year.
2. The government made all kinds of impossible promises in the days _______________ the
3. The _______________ governments of Canada and the U.S. have agreed on a plan to reduce air
4. He has been travelling _______________ for over a year now but should be back in Canada
about a week from now.
5. The teacher gave the children little stars as a/an _______________ to clean up their desks at the
end of each day.
6. This car is _______________ of doing 0 to 100 in 3.5 seconds.
7. Western women are not encouraged to _______________ a handshake with men in India, as it
is not customary.
8. TOEFL instruction is not included within the _______________ of classes at the lower levels.

9. Teaching in elementary school remains largely the _______________ of women in our society.

10. The new budget _______________ an increase of over a billion dollars to the Ministry of Health.

6e-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

initiated federal domain preceding overseas

allocate capable scope migrate incentive

1. I'm already at the top of my pay scale at work so I don't really have any economic
_______________ to work harder.
2. The human brain is _______________ of recording over 86 million bits of information daily.

3. The _______________ parliament in Canada consists of the House of Commons and the Senate.
4. Chimpanzees in the wild have been observed using different objects to make tools, a skill
previously thought to be the exclusive _______________ of humans.
5. The language in the text is beyond the _______________ of all but those who are experts in the
6. James Watt _______________ the Industrial Revolution in 1769 with the invention of the steam
7. Cancer cells can _______________ throughout the body and produce additional tumours.

8. After Cortez brought chocolate back from Mexico to King Charles V's royal court in 1528, it
became a profitable industry for Spain, which planted cocoa trees in its _______________
9. A plan has been outlined to _______________ a sizeable portion of the land under development
to the construction of low-cost housing.
10. People dream an average of five times a night, and each subsequent dream is longer than the
one _______________ it.

6e-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

overseas incentives domains capabilities scope

federate allocation precedence initiation migration

1. On December 2, 1950, the United Nations passed a resolution to _______________ Eritrea with
Ethiopia, leading to over 40 years of conflict.
2. Part of the function of schooling is to enhance the _______________ of the individual,
particularly the ability to reason.
3. The book is somewhat limited in _______________, but may be useful as a starting point for
someone interested in the subject.
4. Experts in the _______________ of both psychology and sociology are being asked to contribute
to the discussion.
5. The early _______________ of man were largely an account of his response to the changing
environment of the ice age.
6. The government has announced the _______________ of a new program to identify children at
risk of abuse.
7. In Japan, the government is now offering financial _______________ to consumers who buy
cars which produce less pollution.
8. A request for the _______________ of additional funds has been sent to the Board of Directors.

9. His family life takes _______________ in all his plans for the future.
10. Most of our main competitors are located _______________, principally in Southeast Asia.

6e-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

incentives preceded initiated allocated overseas

federal capable domain migration scope

1. My son is working __________ for an international oil company.

2. We have to choose a good __________ name for our website.
3. Canada has __________ elections every three or four years.
4. Joan is a much better worker than the fellow who __________ her in this job.
5. A recent report suggests that governments need to eliminate pricing systems that encourage oil
use, and replace them with policies that provide __________ for alternative energy.

6. In Iraq over the past 50 years, there has been a widespread __________ of people to the urban
7. In the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping __________ important economic reforms in China.
8. Due to the huge demand, tickets for the Olympic Games will be __________ using a lottery
9. Unfortunately, your question is outside the __________ of my experience in the field.

10. Do you think that a two-year-old child is __________ of knowing the difference between telling
the truth and lying?

6e-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

domain scope federal incentive overseas

capable initiated migrating preceded allocated

1. The savannah is the supreme __________ of the African lion.

2. People from the countryside are __________ to the large cities in search of work.

3. There are many jobs available for people who want to teach ESL __________.
4. On average in the United States, 150,000 new laws and about 2 million new regulations from
various local, state, and __________ governments are put into place every year.
5. He probably lied to her; he's certainly __________ of it.
6. The municipal government has __________ an important new recycling program in the city.

7. There is a French proverb which observes that man is __________ by forest and followed by
8. The admin staff is suggesting that the space which has been __________ for their offices in the
new building is insufficient.
9. The players receive a pay bonus for every game they win as an added __________ in the
10. The government-appointed ethics committee has been authorized to widen the __________ of
its investigation to include a discussion of new reproductive technologies.


6e-A. 1.migrate 2.preceding 3.federal 4.overseas 5.incentive 6.capable 7.initiate 8.scope 9.domain
6e-B. 1.incentive 2.capable 3.federal 4.domain 5.scope 6.initiated 7.migrate 8.overseas 9.allocate
6e-C. 1.federate 2.capabilities 3.scope 5.migrations 6.initiation 7.incentives 8.allocation
9.precedence 10.overseas
6e-D. 1.overseas 2.domain 3.federal 4.preceded 5.incentives 6.migration 7.initiated 8.allocated
9.scope 10.capable
6e-E. 1.domain 2.migrating 3.overseas 4.federal 5.capable 6.initiated 7.preceded 8.allocated
9.incentive 10.scope
assign (v.) to give someone a particular job or  I’ve been assigned the task of
make them responsible for a looking after the new students.
particular person or thing
cite (v.) to mention something as an  Several factors have been cited as
example, especially one that the cause of the unrest.
supports, proves, or explains an
idea or situation
edit (v.) to prepare a book, piece of film,  Viewing and editing documents on
etc. for printing or broadcasting by screen can be much quicker than
removing mistakes or parts that working on paper.
are not acceptable
estate (n.) all of someone’s property and  Mrs. Graham left her entire estate
money, especially everything that to her three children.
is left after they die
fee (v.) an amount of money that you pay  You can use the gym and pool for
to do something or that you pay to a fee of £35 a month.
a professional person for their
input (n.) ideas, advice, money, or effort that  We value the input of everyone
you put into a job or activity in who answered the questionnaire.
order to help it succeed
minimum The minimum number, degree, or  The minimum number of students
(adj.) amount of something is the we need to run the course is
smallest or least that is possible, fifteen.
allowed, or needed.
subsidy (n.) money that is paid by a  Without state subsidies, the
government or organization to railways couldn't survive.
make prices lower, reduce the cost
of producing goods, etc.
underlie (v.) to be the cause of something, or  Social problems and poverty
be the basic thing from which underlie much of the crime in
something develops today's big cities.

utilize (v.) to use something for a particular  We must consider how best to
purpose utilize what resources we have.
6f-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

estate minimum utilized input underlying

subsidized fee edited assignment cited

1. The teacher _______________ research papers to be done over the following month.

2. The company received a large _______________ from the government in return for a guarantee
to create at least 100 permanent jobs in the city.
3. He _______________ over twenty different studies in his research paper.
4. You should _______________ your own essays before handing them in so that you can find your
own errors.
5. It took me all day to _______________ the data you gave me.
6. This factory is the first in the country to _______________ solar power for over 50% of its
energy needs.
7. When my grandmother died, she left her entire _______________ to charity.
8. You'll need to find the _______________ cause of the problem before you can hope to find any
9. If you want to register for the program, you must pay an application _______________ of $50
by January 3rd.
10. It will take a/an _______________ of three days to complete the report.

6f-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

cited subsidy minimum fees input

assignments utilized editing estate underlying

1. Most of our dental _______________ are paid by our insurance.

2. The reason which is most often _______________ for using animals in scientific research is for
experimental control.
3. Iron is _______________ in the body in the formation of red blood cells.
4. His uncle owns a large _______________ in the English countryside.
5. Farmers receive a/an _______________ from the government in order to keep the price of
wheat down for the consumers.
6. My boss always asks people for their _______________, but then just ignores them and does
what he wants.
7. Your final evaluation total is calculated from your marks on _______________ and tests
throughout the session.
8. Recent research suggests that environment is the major factor _______________ the increase in
cancer incidences in our society.
9. She has an English degree, and now works _______________ articles for fashion magazines.

10. The _______________ age for marriage of Italian girls was raised by law to 12 years in 1892.

6f-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

input edit utilized fees reassigned

minimum estates citation subsidies underlying
1. Old railway beds are now _______________ as bicycle paths in many cities.
2. Cultural insiders are often unconscious of the _______________ meanings of their own cultural
3. The policeman was given a/an _______________ for bravery after saving a child from a burning
4. In December of 1972, the government of Uganda nationalized 41 foreign-owned farms and tea
5. The union is asking the teachers for their _______________ as to what they would like to see
negotiated during the next contract talks.
6. With a computer, it is very easy to _______________ and update your documents.

7. The policeman has been _______________ to a desk job until the investigation into charges of
brutality is complete.
8. In ancient China, doctors would only receive _______________ for their services if the patient
stayed in good health.
9. A reasonable used car will cost you about $1,500, _______________.
10. Studies show that women's unpaid labour directly and indirectly _______________ men's paid

6f-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

estate minimum utilized input underlying

subsidized fee edited assignment cited

1. In my opinion, the government should build more __________ housing for the poor in this
2. The most __________ author in the world is William Shakespeare.
3. I have certain __________ principles that guide my decisions.
4. He is a photographer on __________ in Kenya's wildlife parks for National Geographic magazine.

5. They __________ together some excerpts from his best films for a retrospective of his work.

6. We __________ sound effects CDs to produce the background noises on our recording.

7. We visited an English __________ which had been turned into a safari park, complete with lions
and elephants, to help the owner pay his taxes.
8. Your __________ in this matter would be very helpful because of all your experience.

9. What is your monthly __________ for your cellular phone?

10. The U.N. has set 18 as the __________ age for soldiers sent into combat.

6f-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

edit cited subsidized fee input

assigned utilised underlying minimum estate
1. Advanced education is heavily __________ in Singapore, with the government paying up to 90%
of university tuition fees.
2. Make sure that you note any references you have __________ in your essay in the bibliography.

3. Cathy had to __________ a huge manuscript, and there were so many errors that she almost
went crazy.
4. The badminton players __________ every inch of the court during their game.
5. The sand and swampy land __________ the Empress hotel make it very vulnerable in the event
of an earthquake.
6. The science teacher __________ each child to do an experiment which would be presented in
front of the entire class.
7. Check the current __________ schedule to determine the cost for services.
8. This hole is the __________ for your headphones, and the other hole is for the mic.

9. In accordance with your late father's wishes, we have divided his __________ equally amongst
his grandchildren.
10. Your essay must be a/an __________ of 350 words long.


6f-A. 1.assigned 2.subsidy 3.cited 4.edit 5.input 6.utilize 8.underlying 9.fee 10.minimum
6f-B. 1.fees 2.cited 3.utilized 5.subsidy 6.input 7.assignments 8.underlying 9.editing
6f-C. 1.utilized 2.underlying 3.citation 4.estates 5.input 6.edit 7.reassigned 8.fees 9.minimum
6f-D. 1.subsidized 2.cited 3.underlying 4.assignment 5.edited 6.utilized 8.input 9.fee
6f-E. 1.subsidized 2.cited 3.edit 4.utilized 5.underlying 6.assigned 7.fee 8.input
aggregate, aggregation aggregate aggregate
allocation allocate
assignment assign, reassign assigned,
brevity brief briefly
capability capable, incapable capably
citation cite
diversity, diversify diverse diversely
edition, editor, edit editorial
explicitness explicit explicitly
federation federal
ignorance ignore ignorant ignorantly
incentive incentivize
inhibition inhibit inhibited
initiation, initiator, initiate initiative
input input
lecture, lecturer lecture
migration, migrant migrate migratory
minimum minimize minimum minimum
overseas overseas
precedent, precedence precede preceding,
revelation reveal revealing revealingly
scope scope
subsidy, subsidization subsidize
transport, transport transportable
underlie underlying
utility, utilization, utilize

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