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adjacent (adj.) If one thing is adjacent to another, the two  The blaze spread to two adjacent
things are next to each other. buildings before firefighters were able
to contain it.

collapse (v.) to fall down or fail and come to end  The roof collapsed in a roar of rock and
suddenly rubble.
conceive (v.) to imagine a particular situation or to think  Many people can’t conceive of a
about something in a particular way dinner without meat or fish.

encounter (v.) to experience something, especially  The government has encountered

problems or opposition strong opposition to its plans to raise
income tax.
incline (v.) If you incline to think or act in a particular  I incline to the view that he is right.
way, or if something inclines you to it, you
are likely to think or act in that way.
invoke (v.) If you invoke a law, you state that you are  The judge invoked an international law
taking a particular action because that law that protects refugees.
allows or tells you to.
nonetheless (adv.) in spite of the fact that has just been  The paintings are complex, but have
mentioned plenty of appeal nonetheless.
ongoing (adj.) An ongoing situation has been happening for  There is an ongoing debate on the
quite a long time and seems likely to issue.
continue for some time in the future.
pose (v.) If something poses a problem or a danger, it  His ill health poses serious problems
is the cause of that problem or danger. for the future.
straightforward simple and easy to understand  The new networking system is fairly
(adj.) straightforward - you shouldn't have
any problems.

10a-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

nonetheless adjacent invoking conceive straightforward

pose collapsing inclined ongoing encounter

1. Firefighters had to abandon their efforts to fight the fire, because the building was in danger of
2. If you _______________ a bear while hiking, the best thing to do is to back away quietly.
3. There is a beautiful little park _______________ to the house we're going to buy.
4. I usually find that Jasper doesn't really know what he's talking about; however, I'm _______________ to
agree with him on this point.
5. By _______________ a clause in the contract guaranteeing a fixed price, management was able to avoid
paying for the increase in fuel costs.
6. I didn't need any help. The instructions were pretty _______________.
7. American politician Jesse Jackson once said, "If my mind can _______________ it, and my heart can believe
it, I know I can achieve it."
8. I lost the game, but I told myself that I had improved a lot _______________.
9. She was offered over a million dollars to _______________ nude in a magazine, but she refused.
10. There is an _______________ dispute between the two countries regarding fishing rights off the coast.

10a-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

straightforward inclined adjacent conceive collapsed

invoked encountered poses nonetheless ongoing

1. A dozen people were injured and two killed when a bridge _______________ as a result of the earthquake.
2. The concept of democracy has resulted in different forms of government which _______________ share the
same basic ideology.
3. Max Ehrmann once wrote, "Be at peace with God, whatever you _______________ Him to be."
4. On maps, _______________ countries are usually shown in different colors.
5. The children are _______________ to sit around the house watching television all day if we don't send them
out to play.
6. The old woman _______________ the aid of a stranger when her husband collapsed on the sidewalk.
7. Our _______________ efforts to cut costs may include a reduction in staff.
8. When Columbus landed on the coast of Honduras, he _______________ the descendants of the great
Mayan civilization.
9. The director likes things to be honest and _______________. She doesn't want people agreeing just to
please her.
10. Flooding by the sea _______________ a great danger to many people living in the Netherlands because
much of the country is actually below sea level.

10a-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

inclined invoke collapsed posing straightforward

conceivably encounter nonetheless ongoing adjacent

1. We could _______________ finish painting the house by Sunday if the weather stays nice.
2. In 1980, during a concert tour, reggae singer Bob Marley _______________ on stage; he died 8 months later
from brain cancer.
3. Evaluation of students' progress in English is _______________ throughout the session.
4. William Nagy has stated that a single _______________ with new vocabulary is not enough to lead to any
great depth of word knowledge.
5. Norway's economic fortunes were boosted in the late 1960s by the discovery of oil and gas in
_______________ waters.
6. In the Middle Ages, English soldiers believed that an army attacking a castle could _______________
supernatural forces to their aid if they marched counter-clockwise around the castle walls.
7. Sophie has always been artistically _______________, and she is hoping to study graphic arts.
8. The police arrested a man _______________ as a security guard as he tried to enter the bank.
9. If a person's head is cut off, he will _______________ remain conscious for about eight seconds.
10. Your essay will be much stronger if you use simple, _______________ language.

10a-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

conceivably collapsed adjacent invoked pose

encounter straightforward nonetheless inclinations ongoing

1. All his life, he refused to believe in any religion, but on his deathbed he suddenly __________ God and asked
for forgiveness.
2. Travelling to a different country allows you to __________ new ideas and new ways of living.

3. We didn't have very good tools, but I think we did a good job __________.
4. The child had always shown artistic __________ so it came as no surprise when he decided to study visual
arts in university.
5. Because of the melting of the polar ice caps, scientists say that trans-Arctic voyages could __________ be
possible within a few years.
6. Fields __________ to the nuclear facility were found to have high levels of radioactivity.
7. Many citizens feel that a nuclear power plant could __________ serious environmental problems for the
8. On September 11th, 2001, the twin towers of the World Trade Centre completely __________ shortly after
they were struck by airliners hijacked by terrorists.
9. Harriet is very __________ in her approach to dealing with clients.
10. Fighting in the region has not stopped, despite __________ peace negotiations.

10a-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

adjacent inconceivably nonetheless posed ongoing
invoked collapse encounter inclined straightforward

1. Her experiences in Ghana have made her much more worldly than the girls she would __________ at school
in America.
2. There are some really bad reviews of the movie, but I would kind of like to take a look at it __________.
3. I am much more __________ to think that their alcohol addiction has come about as a consequence of their
4. They have always been honest and __________ with others, so they expect the same in return.
5. The __________ of imperialism in the twentieth century was a fundamental change in world politics.
6. Compared to checkers, chess is almost __________ more complex, and the pieces can be arranged on the 64
squares of the board in 10 distinct ways.
7. We went to a room __________ to the main hall, and as we walked in, a detainee was led out with fresh
blood around his nose.
8. The __________ conflict between Ukraine and Russia has led to an increase in oil prices.
9. These markers __________ public consciousness about what values, beliefs, and capabilities people had.
10. Alakeshvara __________ a threat to the neighboring countries and local waters of Ceylon and southern

10a-A 1.collapsing 2.encounter 3.adjacent 4.inclined 5.invoking 6.straightforward 7.conceive 8.nonetheless
9.pose 10.ongoing
10a-B 1.collapsed 2.nonetheless 3.conceive 4.adjacent 5.inclined 6.invoked 7.ongoing 8.encountered
9.straightforward 10.poses
10a-C 1.conceivably 2.collapsed 3.ongoing 4.encounter 5.adjacent 6.invoke 7.inclined 8.posing 9.nonetheless
10a-D 1.invoked 2.encounter 3.nonetheless 4.inclinations 5.conceivably 6.adjacent 7.pose 8.collapsed
9.straightforward 10.ongoing
10a-E 1.encounter 2.nonetheless 3.inclined 4.straightforward 5.collapse 6.inconceivably 7.adjacent 8.ongoing
9.invoked 10.posed


10b-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.


albeit (conjunction) used to add information that reduces the force  He accepted the job, albeit with
or importance of what you have just said some hesitation.

colleague (n.) someone you work with – used especially by  She discussed the idea with some
professional people of her colleagues.
convince (v.) to make someone feel certain that something  Her arguments didn’t convince
is true everyone, but changes were made.

enormous (adj.) very big in size or in amount  The properties of meteorites tell
us an enormous amount about the
properties of asteroids.
integrity (n.) the quality of being honest and strong about  She is a woman of integrity who
what you believe to be right has never abandoned her
principles for the sake of making
the state of being united as one complete thing  They have vowed to protect the
country's territorial integrity.

levy (n.) to officially say that people must pay a tax or  Tax was levied on the land
charge regardless of crop yield.
notwithstanding in spite of something  Notwithstanding differences, there
(adv.) are clear similarities in all of the
world’s religions.
panel (n.) a group of people (usually specialists)  There will be at least three senior
doctors on the panel.
usually a flat or straight piece of something like
 One of the door panels was badly
wood or metal
damaged and had to be replaced.

reluctance (n.) when someone is unwilling to do something, or  Despite some initial reluctance,
when they do something slowly to show that they approved the plan.
they are not very willing to do it
undergo (v.) If you undergo a change, an unpleasant  The country has undergone
experience, etc., it happens to you or is done massive changes recently.
to you.
enormous albeit reluctant colleague integrity
convince undergo levied panel notwithstanding

1. As part of the job interview, you will be interviewed by a/an _______________ of people working in the
2. He has a reputation for _______________, and everyone trusts him completely.
3. My boyfriend is trying to _______________ me to get married, but I don't think that I'm ready.
4. I ran into an old _______________ at a conference, and we went out for a beer after the workshop.

5. Canada is a/an _______________ country, the second largest in the world.
6. My parents have agreed, _______________ with some conditions, to let me borrow their car for the
7. We continued our picnic, _______________ the light rain.
8. She has been _______________ to get into a relationship with a guy ever since her last boyfriend dumped
9. The airport has _______________ a $10 surcharge for every passenger to cover the cost of renovations to
the facility.
10. She is to _______________ knee surgery tomorrow morning.

10b-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

enormous integrity undergo panel colleagues

albeit notwithstanding convincing reluctant levy

1. Back trouble _______________, Henderson had his best game of the season.
2. Janet and I were _______________ when I worked in the Department of National Defense.
3. He sent his girlfriend an _______________ bunch of flowers on her birthday.
4. The premier announced an additional _______________ on gasoline to pay for road maintenance.
5. She made a profit, _______________ a very small one, on her first investment in the stock market.
6. The students gave a/an _______________ argument for doing their presentations in groups rather than
7. After the news tonight, we'll hear from a _______________ of experts on the effects of the government's
new legislation.
8. _______________ in your business dealings means that you consider the needs of your client before your
desire to make a profit.
9. In the past, many companies were _______________ to hire women professionals because they feared the
women would quit when they got married.
10. Any animals brought into the country must _______________ a thorough examination to make sure they are
not bringing any disease with them.

10b-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

levied integrity undergo unconvinced albeit

1. panel reluctance notwithstanding enormity Collegial In

Switzerland, when a male reaches 20 years of age, he is required to _______________ 15 weeks of military
2. There is a nice _______________ atmosphere among the teachers in the program here.
3. The territorial _______________ of the country has been brought into doubt by claims made by its neighbor.
4. I told the kids that they would enjoy themselves at the museum, but they seemed _______________.
5. The crew of the ship "The Bounty" lived among the Tahitian people for five months in 1788, and it was with
great _______________ that they set sail for Jamaica at the end of their stay on the island.
6. At more than 100 times the diameter of the Earth, and more than 300,000 times its mass, the simple
_______________ of the sun is difficult to comprehend.
7. The war has _______________ a heavy toll on the young men of our nation.
8. Albert Einstein once said that reality is merely an illusion, _______________ a very persistent one.
9. The instrument _______________ in the space shuttle has hundreds of buttons, meters, gauges, and flashing
lights on it.
10. _______________ all the excellent points that have been raised today; I still disagree with the idea on

10b-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

convinced levied albeit notwithstanding panel
reluctant undergo integrity colleagues enormous

1. She was thinking of buying a new car, but her friend __________ her to buy a used car instead.
2. The prime minister's image as a man of honesty and __________ has been seriously damaged by this latest
3. It was a lovely evening, __________ somewhat chilly.
4. My __________ and I will be making a presentation at next month's conference.
5. The blue whale is an __________ animal; the biggest animal ever to have lived on our planet.
6. A great number of nations expressed opposition to Bush's military action against Iraq, but he proceeded
7. The central __________ in the painting shows Mary holding the baby Jesus on her knee.
8. I am __________ to tell him the truth because I know he'll get angry.
9. Taxes should not be __________ without the authority of Parliament.
10. Applicants to the fire department must __________ medical tests before their interviews.

10b-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

levied integrity enormous albeit notwithstanding

undergone convince colleagues panels reluctantly

1. Someone once said that even the easiest thing becomes difficult if done __________.
2. This neighborhood has __________ a lot of changes over the past few years.
3. The janitor broke one of the glass __________ in the door while he was sweeping the hallway.
4. There is a Greek proverb which states that not speech, but facts, __________.
5. The structural __________ of the building has been damaged by the fire.
6. The peasants were angered by the new taxes __________ by the king.
7. __________ his dislike of crowds, he seemed to enjoy himself immensely at the concert.
8. Albertson finally got the job, __________ only because they couldn't find anyone else.
9. Our bodies are made up of an __________ number of cells.
10. His senior __________ have expressed a lot of confidence in him, and he is sure to get the promotion.


10b-A 1.panel 2.integrity 3.convince 4.colleague 5.enormous 6.albeit 7.notwithstanding 8.reluctant 9.levied
10b-B 1.notwithstanding 2.colleagues 3.enormous 4.levy 5.albeit 6.convincing 7.panel 8.integrity 9.reluctant
10b-C 1.undergo 2.collegial 3.integrity 4.unconvinced 5.reluctance 6.enormity 7.levied 8.albeit 9.panel
10b-D. 1.convienced 2.integrity 3.albeit 4.colleagues 5.enormous 6.notwithstanding 7.panel 8.reluctant 9.levied
10b-E. 1.reluctantly 2.undergone 3.panels 4.convince 5.integrity 6.levied 7.notwithstanding 8.albeit 9.enormous

assemble (v.) come together in a group  Thousands of people assembled in a
stadium to celebrate the
to put all the parts of something together  The aircraft will continue to be
assembled in France.

compile (v.) to produce something by collecting and  The document was compiled by the
putting together many pieces of information Department of Health.
depress (v.) to make someone feel very unhappy  The thought of taking the exam again
depressed him.
to prevent an economy from being as active
and successful as it usually is  Several factors combined to depress
the American economy.
forthcoming (adj.) A forthcoming event, meeting, etc. is one  Keep an eye on the noticeboards for
that has been planned to happen soon. forthcoming events.

intrinsic (adj.) being part of the nature or character of  Gems, like diamonds, have no intrinsic
someone or something value except for the one humans
attach to it.
likewise (adv.) in the same way  I put on my life jacket and told the
children to do likewise.
odd (adj.) different from what is normal or expected,  She was holding an extremely odd-
especially in a way that you disapprove of or looking weapon.
cannot understand
persist (v.) to continue to do something, although this is  He persisted in his refusal to admit
difficult, or other people oppose it responsibility.
If something bad persists, it continues to  If the pain persists, you must see a
exist or happen. doctor.
so-called (adj.) used to describe someone or something that  The so-called experts couldn’t tell us
has been given a name that you think is what was wrong.
 The team finalized their research on
used to show that something or someone is
the health threats posed by so-called
usually called a particular name ‘mad cow disease’.

whereby (adv.) A system or action whereby something  The mall created a frequent-shopper
happens is one that makes that thing plan whereby customers earn
happen. discounts.

10c-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

assemble persists odd intrinsic so-called
likewise depressed compile forthcoming whereby

1. My dad tried to _______________ my new bicycle, but when he was finished there were parts left over, and
the pedals wouldn't turn.
2. We will need to_______________ a lot more responses to our questionnaire before we can draw any
conclusions from the information.
3. The economy is quite _______________ right now due to high inflation.
4. Studies of _______________ primitive tribes in South America have found that they generally have a very
sophisticated social system.
5. This guy at work _______________ in asking me out even though I have told him very clearly that I am not
interested in dating him.
6. Preparations continue for the _______________ celebrations.
7. My boss works overtime a lot, and he expects everyone else to do _______________.
8. That hairdo is a little _______________ looking, isn't it, with its different colors, and those bald patches?
9. Gold has no _______________ worth; it only gains value through people's desire for it.
10. The union has negotiated a deal _______________ we will get a slight increase in salary and additional

10c-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

depress compile persists intrinsic forthcoming

likewise assembled so-called odd whereby

1. My wife has been using the Internet to _______________ some wonderful recipes from cultures around the
2. An announcement of a major new policy initiative is expected to be _______________ at this year's annual
3. If you're not sure what to do, just watch the fellow working beside you and try to do _______________.
4. The huge fast food chains generally pay their workers low wages, thereby helping to _______________
wages for workers in the entire trade.
5. In Japan, many couples have arranged marriages _______________ a matchmaker will introduce women
and men through a written biography and a photo.
6. If your son's fever _______________ more than a day or two, you'd better take him to the doctor again.
7. Vocabulary development is an _______________ part of the curriculum of this ESL program.
8. The government's _______________ budget increase is actually a decrease if you factor in the rise in the
cost of living.
9. Telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell had an _______________ habit of drinking his soup through a
glass straw.
10. The students _______________ on the playing field to watch the police dog demonstration.

10c-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

so-called likewise intrinsically disassembled whereby
oddly depression compilation forthcoming persistence
1. Oliver, usually the biggest talker, was _______________ silent at yesterday's meeting.
2. Since 1951, 67,500 nuclear missiles have been built, of which 8,750 are currently active, and 1,250 are
awaiting _______________.
3. Scientists have found that chocolate has a chemical that helps fight _______________.
4. His wife is taking some silly course in this _______________ institute where they claim to teach people to
read minds.
5. Research into second language learning suggests that _______________ is one of the most important
learning strategies.

6. His latest album is a _______________ of some of his personal favorite, though lesser-known songs.
7. My boss told me that additional funds for the project would be _______________ within a few days.
8. The two countries have come to an agreement _______________ they will share the revenues from oil
discovered in the disputed territory.
9. I believe that people are _______________ good but may become bad due to a difficult childhood.
10. If you ever need any help, give me a call, and _______________, if I need some assistance, I'll let you know.

10c-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

assemblies persisting so-called whereby intrinsic

depressed odd likewise compilation forthcoming

1. It is not certain whether any response to our query will be __________ within the immediate future.
2. Our English literature textbook is a __________ of short stories recounting the immigrant experience in Canada.
3. Dave signed up for the tennis tournament, so I did __________.
4. In December of 1888, a __________ Vincent van Gogh cut off his own left ear.
5. Aggressive behavior seems to be __________ in dogs when they are in packs.
6. With the pain in his side __________ throughout the night, Derek decided to go to the hospital to have it
checked out.
7. We are planning to set up some kind of tutorial program __________ students can get extra help when they
need it.
8. The __________ hole in our ozone is actually just an area which is thinner than normal.
9. The auto plant has had to recall 10,000 vehicles due to problems with the front and rear wheel __________.
10. We like to have the __________ cocktail after work.

10c-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

forthcoming so-called depression likewise assemble

extrinsic persistent whereby compiled odd

1. In case of a fire or some other emergency, we will all __________ on the grass outside the building.
2. The __________ increase in housing prices in this city is keeping many young families from buying their own
3. The government wants to encourage home care of the elderly __________ they can receive personal medical
care in the comfort of their home.
4. Greek historian Dionysius __________ a 20-volume history of Rome.
5. Most people experience some form of __________ at some point in their lives.
6. The prime minister has announced that he will retire before the __________ election.
7. What an __________ question! Why are you asking me that?
8. The __________ compromise they are suggesting gives them practically everything they want and leaves us with
almost nothing of what we want.
9. The comments he made were totally __________ to the discussion at hand.
10. Make sure you wash the kitchen floors, and __________ the floors in the bathroom.


10c-A 1.assemble 2.compile 3.depressed 5.persists 6.forthcoming 7.likewise 8.odd 9.intrinsic
10c-B 1.compile 2.forthcoming 3.likewise 4.depress 5.whereby 6.persists 7.intrinsic 9.odd
10c-C 1.oddly 2.disassembled 3.depression 5.persistence 6.compilation 7.forthcoming 8.whereby
9.intrinsically 10.likewise
10c-D. 1.forthcoming 2.compilation 3.likewise 4.depressed 5.intrinsic 6.persisting 7.whereby
9.assemblies 10.odd
10c-E. 1.assemble 2.persistent 3.whereby 4.compiled 5.depression 6.forthcoming 7.odd 9.extrinsic


albeit (conjunction)
assembly assemble, disassemble assembled
collapse collapse collapsed
colleague collegial
compilation, compiler compile
conceive conceivable, conceivably,
inconceivable inconceivably
convince convinced, unconvinced, convincingly
convincing, unconvincing
depression depress depressed, depressing depressingly
encounter encounter
enormity enormous enormously
inclination incline inclined
integrity integrate
intrinsic intrinsically
levy levy
panel panel
persistence persist persistent persistently
pose pose
reluctance reluctant reluctantly
straightforwardness straightforward straightforwardly


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