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Ms. Weisberg Office Hours: 3:15-4 pm or by appt. Website: http:// 11stmikes.pbworks.


Literature and Composition 11th Grade 2011-2012 Novels/Plays*:

Course Packet

Winter s Bone Lord of the Flies Course Objectives: Improve written communication skills through essays Develop independent and creative thought Discover a love and fascination for reading

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Slaughterhouse 5 Macbeth

Improve vocabulary Engage in literary conversations through class discussions Learn to read and think critically and philosophically

Unit 1: Religion - Readings*:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (summer), Winter s Bone, various poems, short stories, songs
(spirituals) and nonfiction readings possibly including such authors as: Edwards, Wheatley, Irving, Whitman, Dickinson, Melville and Baldwin

Major Assignments: Theme essay,personal narrative Supplementary assignments: In-class essay: characterization, reading response journals, in-class assignments, participation, Socratic seminars, reading quizzes, vocabulary/literature terms Grammar/language review: Identify thesis of a work of nonfiction, create thesis for work of fiction, use capitalization and punctuation correctly

Unit 2: Society - Readings*:Lord of the Flies, various poems, short stories, and nonfiction readings possibly including such authors as:
Jefferson, Tocqueville, Pound, Gilman, Chopin, Wharton, Lowell, Anderson, Faulkner, Williams, Poe, and Frost

Major Assignments: Poetry analysis, Context analysis, Trimester 1 Exam Supplementary assignments: in-class essay: mood/tone, reading response journals, in-class assignments, participation, Socratic seminars, reading quizzes, vocabulary/literature terms Grammar/language review: dangling modifiers, phrases and clauses

Unit 3: Conflict - Readings*:Macbeth, various poems, short stories, and nonfiction readings possibly including such authors as: Lincoln,
Crane, Douglass, Whitman, Truth, Chief Joseph, Baldwin

Major Assignments: Research paper Supplementary assignments: in-class essay: symbolism and connotation, reading response journals, in-class assignments, participation, Socratic seminars, reading quizzes, vocabulary/literature terms Writing review: Paraphrasing, direct quotations, citations

Unit 4: Persuasion, Drama and Humor - Readings*: Slaughterhouse 5, various poems, short stories, and nonfiction readings possibly including such authors
as: Franklin, Twain, JFK, Sedaris, Cisneros, Tan, Ling-Ling

Major Assignments: Film Project, Argumentative Essay / editorial (p. 161), Trimester 2 Exam Supplementary assignments: in-class essay: narrative structure, spoken word, reading response journals, inclass assignments, participation, Socratic seminars, reading quizzes, vocabulary/literature terms

* READINGS ARE TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!!!!! Assigned readings, vocabulary identifications and questions/comments for seminar: Please complete the assigned readings, vocabulary identifications, and questions/comments for Socratic seminar before class. They will not only help your exam and class participation and seminar grades, but they will also make the course infinitely more enjoyable. Assigned readings may include novel segments, poetry, short stories, or dramas. They have been chosen to appeal to your interests, increase your understanding of humanity, bolster your academic preparedness, and inspire your love of reading and literature. The questions for Socratic seminar are student-directed. This means that during seminars, I will take a back seat in discussion. I will have a few guiding questions, but I will very rarely interrupt the discussion. Thus, you and your classmates must prepare questions and comments to keep the discussion going. If it appears that your reading or preparation has not been completed, I will give you quizzes. Late Work: All assignments are due at the beginning of class. You will hand them in as you enter the classroom on the day they are due. Late work will not be accepted. However, I understand that sometimes there are situations beyond our control that do not allow us to do the things we need to do. If a case like this arises, you and your parent must notify me before the assignment is due, and I will grant you one extra day to complete the assignment. I will only allow this kind of exception once per quarter, so use your free pass wisely. If you are absent, YOU are responsible for getting your missed assignments. Do not rely on a classmate to fill you in on missed work. You must see me on the day you return. As I have many students, I will not be able to remember everything you missed, so it is up to you to get this information. Additionally, you may miss Socratic seminar. Seminars are a large part of your grade, so it is vital that you come in to discuss the reading with me one-on-one or complete a written make-up assignment. Moreover, you are still responsible for assigned work (journal entries, reading assignments, writing assignments, and essays). You have as many school days to make up work as the number of days absent. All quizzes, exams, recitations, and projects must be taken or presented on the day you return to class. Quizzes: If you return to class on the day of a quiz, you must take it, even if you were absent the class before. ***All essays must be emailed to me before the time our class starts on the day you are absent. A note on electronic media (Powerpoints, movies, websites, music, papers, etc.): It is your responsibility to make sure these documents are accessible on my school computer before you come to class. If you need help or want to check that your assignment is accessible, then you must see me at least two days before the assignment is due. Materials: Red, black, and blue pens, pencils White out Grading: Each Trimester: Journals: 20% Discussion/Participation: 20% In-class assignments and quizzes: 20% Major Assignments* (essays, projects): 20% Semester Exam: 20%
*The research paper in trimester 2 will count triple (you will not pass the second trimester if you do not do it)

Note cards Kleenex box

Lined loose leaf paper 3 ring binder (1)

Dividers with folders (5) Art supplies (colored pencils,

markers, scissors, glue, tape )

To be successful in my class, you must agree to:

1. Attend class regularly 2. Complete and turn in assigned work when due 3. Have a positive, serious attitude 4. Have respect for teacher, other students, learning, and yourself 5. Come to class prepared every day
St. Michaels is a

-bring all necessary materials to class -have homework ready to turn in -complete in-class work -complete reading assignments on time -complete writing assignments on time -participate in class 6. Be open to instruction and evaluation 7. Be willing to improve English skills 8. Leave cell phones and other electronic devices in backpack, turned off 9. Come to class in standard dress 10.Feed, water, and caffeinate yourself before class, not during.
Put these rules in the cover slot of your binder.


(Detach and return bottom section) Signing below indicates an agreement to adhering to these requirements. Parent/guardian ____________________________ email*:_____________________________ Student ___________________________________ email*:_____________________________ * To keep you informed, I send out individual and class correspondence via email. Please include both parent/guardian email as well as student email, or indicate preferred contact mode. If you need to email me (please do!), include your student s name in the subject line of the email. Thanks and good luck! -Ms. Weisberg

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