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Making an Ice Cream Out of Lemon and Orange as an

Ingredients Using Sea Salt and Ice: A Comparative

Investigatory Project

A lot of interesting chemistry is actually needed to make ice cream. In our science
investigatory project, my group mates and I made a homemade ice cream in a bag out of orange
and lemon as an ingredients to compare which of the flavor is tastier and explore the best way to
chill it to make them become a delicious dessert.

Through this investigation, I learned a lot of things not only in science, but a lesson that I
will apply for my everyday living. In our investigatory, we didn't use of any electric or advanced
tools in making the ice cream but utilized some that are found at home and the ingredients are
inexpensive. I’ve also learned to be patient as we used our bare hands and exerted efforts to
shake the bag with our ingredients to make the ice cream and by trusting its process even if it
takes a long time. In relation, some people doesn’t know how to wait and doesn’t make any
effort. Also, it represents that we are all basically like ice cream and have different kind of

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