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Experiment and Reflection

This experiment was fun to do because the colors are very nice and it also shows that different ingredients cause different chemical reactions. There are many steps and procedures in this experiment because we have to mix many things for each test tube. This was a very interesting experiment!

Experiment Materials and Reflection

These are the materials we need to bring: Apple Juice Orange Juice Sodium Bicarbonate Vinegar Coca Cola Red Cabbage

This experiment is very fun and everyone can do something. Because we have to do a lot for each test tube so everyone got to work.

Boat Project and Reflection

For this project, I was in the same group with Amanda and Vanda. It was very fun to test out our boat in the little fountain!

This project is one of my favorite! It was fun because everyone had a different boat and idea how to work it. Everyones boat is creative and different. This project made me proud that our boat worked and it went fast! It is also nicely colored by Vanda.

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