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Once upon a time, there was an old Ebenezer Scrooge. He was very rich, but
very mean, so he paid his clerk Cratchit less than a pound a week, and it was
impossible to work in the office because of the cold.So, one day, sitting in his
office, Scrooge heard a cry: “Merry Christmas. God protects us!”It was his
nephew. Scrooge told a relative that he could not be happy, because he was poor,
to which his nephew responded with an invitation to visit. However, Scrooge
drove him away. After a while, he drove away the people who were collecting
money for charity and a boy singing Christmas songs.
On December 25, Scrooge was sitting in his large and dark house. Suddenly, the
door opened and Scrooge saw the ghost of his deceased partner Marley with a
chain around his neck. He said that because of the same life as Scrooge, now he
no longer has this heavy chain. But Scrooge will have a chance to make things
right as the spirits of past, present and future Christmas will come to him
The next day, the first spirit transported Scrooge to the past, reminded him of
how lonely and unhappy he was and how he had fun with his sister, who lived not
long after the birth of Scrooge's nephew.
The second spirit adorned Scrooge's house and moved it to Mr. Cretchit's house.
He sat at the table with the whole family and, despite the poverty and the small
amount of food, they celebrated Christmas and thanked Scrooge for what they
had. Son Tim, who was sick and he did not have long to live. After that, the spirit
moved Scrooge to his nephew's house, there was almost the same situation
except of the sick son and they also talked about Scrooge.
However, the third spirit moved Scrooge into the future and showed the grave on
which Scrooge's name was written. There were no flowers on the grave, no one
else remembers him. After that, Scrooge vowed to reform, then the spirit moved
him back.
So, he kept his word. Scrooge helped the homeless, Crtchit, his nephew. He went
to visit and invited others. Now he's really changed!

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