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Osarina Mega Safira (3020210157) 

No absen 30
Monday, 19 September 2022

A. (6) :-o 8. :-)
B. (5) 0:-) 9. :-),  ;-)
C. (1) :-) 10. :-o, :-(
D. (2) :-( 11. :-o, :-(
E. (7) :-| 12. :->
F. (3) ;-) 13. :-(
G. :-)  14. :-o

1. Look at th emails a-f, which messages are formal and which are informal?
 Formal: c, d, and f 
 Informal: a, b and e

2. Now look at the emails again and find the following

1) F 4) C
2) B 5) D
3) E 6) A

3. Find examples in the emails on pages 12 and 13 to complete the table.

More formal  Less formal (or informal)

salutations & closes 1. Dear Mr. Braithwaite 1. Hey gary!

2. Yours sincerely 2. See ya
3. Dear Ms Braun  3. Hello gabi
4. Regards 4. Have a nice day
5. Kind regards
6. Thank you for
7. Dear all

phrases & 1. Inform 1. Just a note to tell

vocabulary you

abbreviations, etc. 1. :-)

4. Match the vocabulary used in formal emails (1-10) with the less formal vocabulary
1) Ok 6) To tell
2) To set up 7) To put off
3) Help 8) To get in touch with 
4) To answer 9) To ask 
5) To be sorry 10) To need
5. Now complete the emails below with words from above. Be careful of the register!
1) To ask 7)  To regret
2) To need 8) Assistance
3) Convenient 9) To require
4) To tell 10) To ask
5) To answer 11) Help
6) To contact 12) To arrange

6. What do you think the following abbreviations stand for? Write the full meaning. 
1) Ie = in other words
2) Asap = as soon as possible
3) Thrus = thursday
4) Jan = january
5) At the mo = at the moment
6) Bw = black & white 
7) Attn = attention 
8) Rgds = regards
9) Pls = please
10) W/e = whatever

7.  Read the two emails below and find at least five things that make them either formal or
infomal. Then use the notes to write responses in the right register.
 Formal : Hi Johannes!, can you help me pls?, Ps how about meeting up for a drink one
night?, ;-), 
 Informal : Dear johannes, i really hope the above is convenient, best regards, 

8. Find ten spelling mistakes in the first email. The correct the second email. How many
mistakes can you fine? 
 Charlotta  Mahendra
1. Jsut : just 1. Deer = dear
2. Quik : quick 2. Wating = waiting
3. Telll : tell 3. Oerder = order
4. Fort : for 4. Deley = delay
5. Ill : I’ll 5. Inconvenient = inconvenience
6. Tormorow#s : tomorrows 6. As as = as
7. Seeyou : see you 7. Dylivery = delivery 
8. Ragrds : regards 8. Kontakt = contacT

1. He say writing email so easy because you don’t have worry about spelling, prountation
and the others information, is great. No need to checkting, just send 
2. she didn't agree because she a lot of native speakers to receive email but wrong spelling
and conjuction
3. He a lot job about applications, and he receive covers letters mistakes, and they keep cap
receive email and never can  be completed 
4. Email suppose to be quick, and hasn’t time to spelling in grammar
5. Depends on who we’re talking to by email

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