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TRẦN ĐẠI NGHĨA High School For The Gifted Examiner’s Chữ kí giám


Foreign Language Department

Academic year : 2011-2012 N in class Candidate’s N

Grade 12
Date: 16/ 12/ 2011
Full name: ……………………………………..
Allotted Time : 60 minutes ----------- ----------
Class: 12 A
MÃ ĐỀ 121

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1. a. confident b. important c. together d. exciting

2. a. hospital b. mischievous c. supportive d. special
3. a. situation b. appropriate c. informality d. entertainment

* Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

4. a. clothes b. cloths c. roofs d. books

5. a. facial b. communicate c. contact d. carpet

* Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes

the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. She is a kind of woman who does not care much of work but generally _______ only with
colleagues for meals, movies or late nights at a club.
a. supposes b. socializes c. attention d. discussed
7. I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.
a. correct b. right c. exact d. suitable
8. - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _______
a. Thank you very much. I am afraid b. You are telling a lie
c. Thank you for your compliment d. I don't like your sayings
9. In _______ most social situations, _______ informality is appreciated.
a. Ø / Ø b. the / an c. a / the d. the / a
10. In five minutes, they _______ for three hours on the phone.
a. are talking b. have talked c. will talk d. will have been talking
11. Max told me _______ a book in the evening.
a. if he often reads b. he has often read
c. that he often read d. he was reading
12. Mary told me _______ home at that moment she _______ her parents with the farm
a. that if she was / had helped
b. if she were / will have helped
c. that if she had been / would have helped
d. that she had been / would have helped
13. Of my students, Betty is the only one _______ has found a good job.
a. where b. that c. which d. whose
14. _______ at home, I would enjoy my favourite show.
a. Suppose I am b. Unless were I c. Were I d. If were
15. The Eiffel Tower, _______ design was revolutionary at its time, is still a marvelous
a. which b. that c. whose d. whom
16. _______, he managed to complete the race.
a. In spite he was severely hurt b. Despite he was severely hurt

c. Even though being severely hurt d. Despite being severely hurt
17. The trees _______.
a. were grown by John yesterday in the backyard
b. were grown in the backyard by John yesterday
c. were grown in the backyard yesterday by John
d. in the backyard were grown yesterday by John
18. The school library is open _______ all of the students and the teaching staff of the
a. for b. over c. to d. among
19. After a decade of economic liberalization, Vietnam has seen a dramatic rise in living
_______ in urban areas.
a. surface b. standards c. levels d. backgrounds
20. _______ laws and regulations which impose restrictions on any rights should be revised
to comply with international law.
a. Domestic b. Program c. Encouraged d. Expanding
21. They still remain the need for an integrated system of subsidies which will _______
farmers to look after their upland environment and producing food.
a. enable ` b. adopt c. consume d. expand
22. ____ summer he spent in ____ USA was one of ____ best in his life.
a. a/ the/ a b. the/the /the c. the /a/ the d. a/the /the
23. It’s necessary that he ___ his father the truth.
a. tell b. to tell c. must tell d. will tell
24. The picture has ____ wonder for the living-room.
a. made b. done c. put d. brought
25. Every man, woman and child ………under the law.
a. is protective b.was being protected c. are protected d. is protected
26. We were eager to attend her …………party.
a..homewarming b. housewarmed c. housewarming d. homewarmed .
27. We are on ______ diet to improve our health.
a. non-grease b. fat-free c. cholesterol-off d. fast-food

* Error Identification

28..When GCSEs are taken' in secondary school, they can often combined
with other qualifications, or diplomas.
29..If you have already decided on a course that you would like to study at
university , or we recommend that you take a look at the course
requirements first
30. I think it’s time you must change your way of living.

* Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.

31.I did not come to your party due to the rain.

a. If it did not rain, I would come to your party.
b. It was the rain that prevented me from coming to your party.
c. Even though it rained, I came to your party.
d. Suppose it .did not rain, I would come to your party.
32. They got success since they took my advice.
a. They took my advice, and failed.
b. If they did not .take my advice, they would not get success.
c. But for taking my advice, they would not have got success.

d. My advice stopped them from getting success.
33.In spite of his poverty, he led a devoted life to the revolutionary cause.
a. He could not devote his life to the revolutionary cause because of his poverty.
b. If he had not been so poor, he could have devoted his life to the revolutionary cause.
c. Poor as he was, he led a devoted life to the revolutionary cause.
d. He led a devoted life to the revolutionary cause, but he was so poor.

34.Optimists believe that life will be far better than it is today.

a. Optimists cannot tell any differences between today life and future life.
b. It is believed by optimists that there will be no changes for life in the future.
c. Optimists believe that today's life is not as good as it will be.
d. Optimists believe that we will have a worse life in the future.
35. The sculptor needs ________.
a. a carving steel new knife b. a carving new steel knife
c. a steel carving new knife d. a new steel carving knife

* Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Western people rely on technical and mechanical solution in everything they do. Refrigerators
preserve their food, washing machines clean their underwear and computers are supposed to
solve all their problems. When they are ill, they rely on the surgeon’s knife. If their hearts are
running down, then they must be repaired; if they cannot be repaired, they should be
replaced, just as an old car sometimes gets a new engine. But up to now we have had a
shortage of donors to give their hearts: to keep one person alive, another donor had to die.

Nowadays there is more and more talk about using monkeys. Every monkey has a near-
human heart, and humans have always been over careful in respecting the lives and well-
being of other animals. This includes the life and well-beings of other humans. Therefore, in
the early years of the 21st century – I was told - the mass killing of monkeys may occur. We’ll
need to use their hearts for human consumption.

Monkeys, on the whole, are happier creatures than their near relatives, Homo-Sapiens, or
man. They know fear, of course, and they face dangers for themselves; they run no
businesses, chase no money, are unimpressed by gold – that utterly useless metal, and they
do not care at all about hell or evil spirits. I have a vague felling that it is not monkeys’
hearts that we ought to implant in ourselves, but monkeys’ brains.

36. According to the author, Westerns believe health problems can be solved by __.
a. spending more money on scientific research.
b. taking more precautions
c. using technical or mechanical methods
d. increasing the number of doctors
37. The problem with heart transplants has been that ____.
a. artificial hearts do not work very well
b. there are not usually enough donors
c. some of the hearts honors are too old
d. many people die after the operations
38. The author suggests that in the future ____.
a. people will care less about other human beings
b. monkey hearts will form part of our diet
c. monkeys will become extinct.
d. monkey hearts will be used in transplant operations
39. The author suggests that ___.
a. human beings will return to a more natural lifestyle
b. we are wrong to think of ourselves as cleverer than monkeys
c. monkeys would be better at running the world than humans

d. scientists should work out how to do brain transplants
40. The main point the author is making is that humans ___ .
a. make life more complicated than it needs to be.
b. have no right to make use of other animals
c. should worry less about growing old
d. are similar in many ways to monkeys.

* Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

Around the age of eighteen, you must make the biggest decision of your life. ‘Do I stay on at
school and hopefully go on to university (41)_____ ? Do I leave and start work or beginning a
training (42) ______?”
The decision is your, but it may be (43)_____ remembering two things: there is more
employment (44) _____ people who haven’t been to university, and people who have the
right (45) ____ will have a big advantage in the competition for jobs. If you decide to go
(46)_____ into a job, there are many opportunities for training. Getting qualifications will (47)
____ you to get more quickly in many careers, and evening classes allow you to learn (48)
____ you earn. Starting work and taking a break to study when you are older is (49) ____
possibility. This way, you can save up money for your student days, as well as (50) ____
practical work experience.
41. a. after b. later c. then d. past
42. a. school b. class c. course d. term
43. a. worth b. necessary c. important d. useful
44. a. between b. among c. with d. through
45. a. notes b. papers c. arts d. skills
46. a. straight b. just c. direct d. rather
47. a. make b. help c. let d. give
48. a. where b. while c. when d. what
49. a. also b. again c. another d. always
50. a. getting b. making c. taking d. doing

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