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Land Herald

3-Will of the land

When you choose this subclass at 3rd level, you attune to the land and the elements
that it carries, this
aids you and your allies in combat. You attune to two terrains when you gain this
feature and one more of
your choice at 5th, 7th and 10th level. You can use a bonus action on your turn to
enter a state that
embody the land this lasts for 1 minute until you change state or until you are
knocked unconscious.

Will of the Desert:

When you enter this state the mirages of the desert manifest and projects an mirage
of yourself next to you, causing
any creature to have disadvantage on Attack rolls against you. If you take damage,
the mirage disapiers until the start
of your next turn. The mirages doesn't function while you are Incapacitated,
Restrained, or otherwise unable to move.

Will of the Tundra:

When you enter this state the icy wastes of the tundra manifests and protects you
with ice, you gain Temporay Hit Points
eaqual your Proficiency Bonus x half your Weapon Level.

Will of the Sea:

When you enter this state you incorporate the fluidity of the water, while in this
state you add
Proficiency Bonus to your AC and Saving Throws.

Will of the Mountain:

When you enter this state the sturdiness of the mountains protects you covering
yourself with rock and earth, while in
this state your movement is halved, you cannot be moved or knocked prone and you
have resistance against non magical
slashing, blugeoning and piercing damage.

Will of the Storm:

When you enter this state you channel the warth of the storms, while in this state
lightning courses through you making
you move and react faster, you gain 20ft of movement, once each turn when you hit a
creature with an attack lightning
arcs to another creature within 15 feet of the target dealing half of the damage
dealt, if there is no creature the
lightning arcs back to the attacked creature.

5-Bastion of the land

The will of the land extends for those who you want to protect you and your allies
within 15 feet of you gain the
respectives benefits depending on your state.

Desert:Fire Resistance and can choose one ally to share the mirage

Tundra:Cold Resistance and can choose one ally to share the icy armor

Sea:You share half of the benefits you gain while in this stance

Montain:You share one of the resistance you gain while in this stance that you
choose when you enter it
and gains against magical damage

Storm:lightning resistance and share the mov spd bonus

7-Way of the land

The land infuses you with the elements it carries, to make way for those who you
want to protect you gain
the respectives benefits depending on your state.

Way of the Desert:

your attacks deals fire damage and deals extra damage eaqual to half your prof

Way of the Tundra:

your attacks deals cold damage and deals extra damage eaqual to half your prof

Way of the Sea:

when you make an attack you can make one extra weapon attack

Way of the Montain:

your weapon damage dice increasses in one category (1d4->1d6->1d8...)

Way of the Storm:

your attacks deals lightning damage and deals extra damage eaqual to half your prof

10-The Will and the Way

You mastered the Will and the Way of the land and elements that surounds you,
when you enter an state you can choose one Will and one Way(Ex: Will of the Tundra
and Way of the Sea)
when you does that you choose witch will dictate the benefits provided by the
Bastion of the land
and once per long rest you can choose two states to enter at the same time gaining
the benefits of both

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