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1. all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings.

The town was in the middle of a

chessboard of prosperous farms, with fields of grain and hillsides of orchards. Along the
paths, laurels, viburnums and alders, large ferns and wild flowers. The streams flowed
clear and cold from the hills and contained shady pools where trout lay.
2. Mysterious diseases killed the animals. there were many diseases between the families.
Also new types of diseases. The birds were gone. There was absolute silence. On the farms
no chicks were born. Pigs could not be raised. all the fish had died.
3. Everything seems to be the same. the problem of the town is the fault of the people and it
is not mentioned that the inhabitants have any intention of wanting to change.
4. people are responsible for our environment. If people do not do something in order to
change, in the future there will be no food and little by little life will end.

Title Chaotic paradise

Characters inhabitants of Tunja
Setting Tunja city
Conflict It was a beautiful city, quiet, with pure air that became a polluted place,
people changed their way of thinking and ended up with everything
beautiful that the city offered.
The way your there was a clean river, you could breathe fresh air, it had a lot of
region, town or vegetation and animals. people were very happy and helped each other.
city was before. There were many green areas and places to be with nature.
The way it is now the river is very polluted, few animals are seen and there are almost no
green areas due to the growth of the city. the air is very polluted and
people do not help each other. there is no awareness of the damage that is
caused and everything looks worse day after day.
Predictions how it It will be a desert city, there will be no animals and the lack of water will kill
will be in the the plants. It will be impossible to breathe and diseases will begin to
future destroy the entire population.

In a noble and loyal city, there lived some residents who enjoyed its tranquility, its places that told
stories of past lives that gave rise to this beautiful city. The inhabitants strolled through its quiet
streets, greeting each other because they all knew each other. They ate delicious food with many
fruits and vegetables from the region, they were ancestral prepared dishes that delighted
anyone's palate. It had great traditional shows such as parties at the end of the year, different
festivals, a religiosity that was exalted at the national level. Tourism was very attractive and
visitors arrived enthralled because they heard positive comments from other people.

But the fateful day came when everything began to change, some machines arrived that polluted
the air, but people were so fascinated with modernism that they could not imagine the disastrous
consequences that would come to this great city. The constructions grew disproportionately and
were slowly destroying the green areas. Everything was turning gray from the pollution that was
consuming everything in its path.

The air began to breathe a little denser, polluted. its inhabitants began to have strange diseases
and even their lifestyle became stressful. In the eagerness to survive with what little was left, they
made enemies with each other. Every day food became scarcer, everything began to die and little
by little the city became more deserted. When the city was already very deteriorated, the
inhabitants understood that having everything they did not take care of it in time and now they
long to return to the past to be able to live the way they did before.

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