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High school department
Central East #1, Bangar, La Union

Module 12 – The 12 Apostles and Grace Before and After Meals Prayers
Grade & Section:___________________________________________Score:____________

The 12 Apostles
1. Simon Peter (apostolic symbol is a cross upside down but crossed keys)
- He is the leader of the Apostles. He denies Jesus for three times. He becomes a courageous
evangelist and missionary. He became the head of the Church entrusted by Jesus and the first
Bishop of the Catholic Church.
- The one who denied Jesus.
- He was the son of Jonas the fisherman he lived in Bethsaida and Capernaum and grew up to
become a fisherman just like his father
- He is known for doing massive missionary work and for going as far as Babylon to spread
Jesus's words to the people in the latter years of his life he also wrote down two epistles of the
New Testament in all apostolic lists all over the world.
- Peters name is mentioned first however he had many different names in other languages also
Peters Greek name was Simon and his Hebrew name was Cephas which both meant rock.
- Peter lived in Capernaum with his wife and every time Jesus went there he would make Peter's
home his headquarters.
- Peter was a Galilean too like almost all the other disciples of Jesus among the 12 disciples Peter
was the leader he was known to be the spokesman for all the Twelve Apostles Peter always
asked the most difficult and challenging questions to Jesus it was Peter who asked how often one
must forgive he also wanted to know about the rewards of following Jesus he was the one who
confessed and declared that Jesus was the son of the Living God yet it was he who denied Jesus
before a maiden Peter had many faults but his saving grace was his loving heart when it was
decided that Peter was to be modern on a cross he requested to be crucified with his head
downward as he believed he was not worthy of dying the same way as his Lord had died and
hence his apostolic symbol is a cross upside down but crossed keys
2. Andrew (symbol of two crossed fish)
- The brother of Simon Peter. He was former follower of John the Baptist before Jesus
called him. He is a remarkable “Fisher of Men’.
- who was one of the brothers our leader and was born to a man named Jonas he lived in a
town called Bethsaida in Capernaum and was a fisherman by profession before Jesus
called him to be his disciple and follower before becoming Jesus's disciple Andrew was
a disciple of John the Baptist he had heard about Jesus from John's teachings about the
Son of God coming to save the people.
- Once Andrew became Jesus's disciple he went to places like Sevilla Greece and Asia
Minor to preach his teachings to the people and whose main purpose in life was to bring
others to follow Jesus and that's what he did and hundreds and hundreds of people soon
became Jesus's followers according to traditional stories.
- Died a martyr in a Kia crease in a small town called patre Andrew died soon after the
then governor a pious wife was healed and converted to Christian faith and
shortly after the governor's brother too became a Christian this angered Atheas
and he arrested Andrew immediately condemning him to die on the cross
Andrew was supposed to be crucified on the same shaped cross as Jesus this made
Andrew feel unworthy of him dying on the same shaped cross as his master he
begged Atheas to make his cross different Atheas agreed and made an
x-shaped cross for a canteen on which he was crucified this cross is still called
St Andrews cross which is known as one of his apostolic symbols later a
symbol of two crossed fish was also applied to an true because before
becoming Jesus's disciple he was a fisherman
3. James I/The Elder (apostolic sign which was three shells)
- He is son of Zebedee and often often called as the “Songs of Thunder”. He is the greater
often than the others. He witnessed the extraordinary events in the life of Jesus. The
elder. (3 shells apostolic symbol)
- The elder that was his name well no but that's what he was mostly known.
- He was the son of a man called seventy but he was also the brother of John one of
Jesus's disciples. John and James were very close to one another as brothers and they
were almost inseparable James was a fisherman and he lived with his family in Butseda
Capernaum and then in Jerusalem James spent all around Jerusalem and Judea preaching
Jesus's teachings where he was beheaded by King Herod in AD 44 however the New
Testament of the Bible tells us very little about the life of James apart from when it
mentions about his brother John.
- James was always known for being courageous and forgiving me he was never jealous
of anyone or any of the disciples of Jesus he had completely surrendered his faith and
life to Jesus as a follower and as a disciple however most of his life he lived in the
shadow of his brother John like all the other disciples he too had his own apostolic sign
which was three shells representing him as a pilgrim off the sea oh he was the elder
brother of John and that is why he was known as James the elder.
4. John (chalice with the snake became his apostolic symbol)
- He was a brother of James his nickname as one of the sons of thunder. He called the
disciples whom “The Lord loved”. He devoted to the savior and gained a place in Jesus
inner circle. (chalice with snake apostolic symbol)
- John Amarius was the younger son of Zebedee and Salomi and the younger brother of
James the elder who was also a disciple of Jesus.
- John was one of the most beloved disciples of Jesus and microcell their brother he too
was a fisherman
- John lived with his family in Batseda and Capernaum and later in Jerusalem he went
around the world preaching his master's dog trick and also went and preached in the
churches of Asia Minor after John became a disciple to Jesus he wrote the Gospels of
John 1 John 2 John 3 and revelations once John was banished to the Isle of Patmos as a
prisoner for preaching in the name of Jesus later he was freed and he eventually died due
to old age.
- John was not only a man of action but he was also very ambitious and held no tolerance
for unfair or selfish people John was very close to another disciple named Peter and they
would often be sent together for ministry work but it was John who always stood out and
acted as the spokesperson of the band as years went by old age caught up with him and
he soon for God all about his ambition all he remembered was the Lord's command of
- John once wanted to take his own life by drinking poison from a chalice but the Lord
spared his life for all the good deeds he had done all his life he finally died of natural
causes and a chalice with the snake became his apostolic symbol.
5. Philip (apostolic symbol is a basket)
- He was one of the early follower of Jesus. He draws others to and among them his
fellow disciple Bartholomew.
- was one of Jesus's disciples orcpreached in phrygian he is known to have died a martyr
in hierapolis like Peterc and Andrew.
- He too came from the town of Bethsaida and he too probably was a Galilean fisherman
Philips name comes to life in the Gospel of John even though his name was recorded in
the first three Gospels the Gospel of John tells us that Philip was one of the first to
whom Jesus addressed the words follow me when Philip met Christ for the first time he
said to Nathanael we have found him of whom Moses and the prophets did right
- Nathanael was skeptical about following Jesus but Philip was not not even once he was
no not to have a skeptic mind he was simple and had abundant faith in Christ Philip was
a man with a warm and loving heart he wanted to do a lot of things for others and help
them but he did not understand or see how it could be done it is said a Philip died by
hanging and before he died he requested his body to be wrapped in papers and not in
linen like Jesus because he thought his body was not worthy of getting treated in the
same way as his Lord his apostolic symbol is a basket and most importantly it was
Philip who had stressed the cross as the sign of Christianity and victory. Because Philip
that we have the cross as the sign of Christianity
6. Bartholomew (symbol of three parallel knives)
- He is also known Nathaniel. He declared Jesus as the truly “ Son of God”. He felt that
Jesus known him.
- Nathaniel was another one of the twelve disciples of Jesus and he was the son of Talmai
who lived in Cana of Galilee like the other twelve disciples of Jesus he too had an
apostille symbol and his is the symbol of three parallel knives
- was a missionary from Armenia and he was one of the 12 disciples who came from royal
or noble blood his father was Talmai the king of Cosur whose daughter was the wife of
David and the mother of Absalom
- Bartholomew was probably not his first name but his second his first name is considered
to be Nathaniel. Jesus often referred to him as the Israelite in whom there is no guile
Bartholomew was a great researcher of the scripture and he was also a great scholar of
law he became a huge follower of Jesus and soon completely surrendered his life to
Jesus and was one of the most adventurous missionaries Bartholomew went all around
the world preaching with Philip and places like Phrygia here appleís and also in armenia
he established the Armenian churches and died a martyr Bartholamu died as a martyr for
his Lord as he was flayed alive with knives many scholars say that he probably died in
India when he went to preach there.
7. Matthew (three money bags)
- levite tax collector
- he also had another it was also called Levi
- He was the son of Alphaeus and he lived in Capernaum and his name meant a gift of
God the calm of Matthew to the band of Jesus's disciples is of great importance
- Matthew's other name was Levi which was probably given by Jesus when he became a
- He was a tax collector and a publican he was engaged in public service work and
gathered the taxes twitch the people paid however in those times the Jews hated the tax
gatherers because they believed that it was the right of the people to pay taxes as a
tribute only to God
- Hey into someone else meant breaking off the law the Jews hated the tax gatherers not
only for this religious reason but also because they were very much and I'm fair towards
them Jews regarded these tax collectors nothing less than criminals Matthew was one of
them. Like every other tax collector he would assess taxes for their people and also lend
them money and charge high rates of interest from them yet Jesus chose him from
amongst all the hated men made him one of his own being the master he saw the
potential in the tax collector of Capernaum.
- He was different from all the other disciples of Jesus who were mostly fishermen he
knew how to write and with the power of the pen he brought to the world the teaching of
Jesus in the Hebrew language hostel make simple about you is three money bags which
help us to remember that he was a tax collector before Jesus called him.
8. Thomas (apostolic sign is a bunch of spears stones and arrows)
– he was a traitor before.
- Thomas didymus was one of the lesser known disciples of Jesus he lived in Galilee and
went to preach Jesus's words in Parthia persia and india and probably received death as a
martyr near madras at mount. St. Thomas in India
- Thomas was his Hebrew name and Didymus his Greek at times it was also called
Judas the Bible does not tell us much about Thomas except his name however John in
his gospel defines him more clearly as being present in the raising of Lazarus in the
upper room he wanted to see nail prints in Jesus's hand and also the spear scar in his
sight to believe in you soon he was known as the doubting Thomas.
- Thomas had a bewildered and confused mind and yet he was brave and courageous since
he was a pessimistic man he believed only in things which he could see however he had
immense faith and was a devoted man when Jesus rose from death he came and invited
Thomas to put his finger in the nail prints in his hand and in his side it is here we see
Thomas making the greatest confession of faith and Thomas's doubts transformed into
faith in India.
- Thomas was commissioned to build a palace for the king of India where he was
martyred to death with a spear for his Lord is the apostolic sign is a bunch of spears
stones and arrows.
9. James II/The Younger (saw became his apostolic symbol)
- He is one of the least known of all the apostles. His name was mentioned when he was
called by Jesus and his presence at the upper room in Jerusalem. The younger. Saw
(apostolic symbol)
- James the younger James the younger was born to a man and his wife named Alphaeus
and Mary he lived with his family in Galilee and was also the brother of another disciple
called Jude.
- James the younger wrote the Epistle of James and he went all around Palestine and
Egypt to preach about Jesus and his teachings it was in Egypt where he was crucified
James was one of the little known disciples of Jesus he was a man of strong character
and had a very fiery and adventurous personality very little is known about James the
younger step but many scholars believe that he might have died a martyr or two and his
body was cut into pieces and so the saw became his apostolic symbol.
10. Simon the Zealot(apostolic symbol is a fish lying on a Bible)
- He was also named the zealot. His name was also mentioned the times in the Gospels.
He was also present in the upper room after Christ’s ascension in to heaven.
- Simon the Zelet. Zelet who's a zealot let's listen to the story and find out the zealots were
one of the little known followers of Jesus who were also known as the Canaanites or
zealots the zealots also lived in Galilee and Simon the zealot was one of them the zealots
were fanatical Jewish nationalists who completely disregarded the suffering and struggle
involved for what they regarded as the purity of their faith the zealots had immense
hatred for the Romans and it was this hate that destroyed the city of Jerusalem. Josephus
records that the zealots were reckless people and were zealous in good practices not
much personal information is known about Simon the zealot but from the background of
the Zelets one can understand that he was a fanatical nationalist he had immense
devotion to the law a bitter hatred for people who dared to compromise with roll yet
- Simon emerged as a man of faith he gave up all his hatred for the faith he had in his
master and the love he was willing to share with the fellow disciples and especially
Matthew the Roman tax collector there was a time when Simon the zealot would have
killed anyone in loyalty to Israel he became a man who understood that God will accept
no forced service.
- Simon the zealot too died as a martyr and his apostolic symbol is a fish lying on a
Bible which indicates that he was a fisherman who later became a Fisher of men through
11. Jude/Thaddeus (apostolic symbol was the ship)
- He is tender-hearted, gentle. Men who displayed humility. Like that of a child. He is also
called Jude.
- was another disciple of Jesus who was also known as Thadius/Thaddeus or Libya's.
- he was born to a man called Cleophus and his wife Mary.
- he was also the younger brother of James the younger and lived with his family in
- Jude preached in places like Assyria and Persia and finally died a martyr in Persia.
- Jude is often known as the man with three names by many scholars and in the Bible he is
often referred to as Judas the zealot Jude was very intense as a person and had very
strong feelings about his own nation and he wanted the world to know about Jesus not as
a savior but as a king at the Last Supper he asked Jesus Lord why do you want to reveal
yourself to us and not the people to his question. Jesus had explained to him how the
way of love is much greater than the way of power the way of love brought people
closer to one another
- Jude went to different places to preach about the Gospels he even went to Odessa near
the Euphrates River to preach wherever he went he healed many people and many of
them soon became followers of Jesus in the name of the master
- Jude was killed with arrows at Ararat when he was traveling on a ship to other places
from the Desa to preach his chosen apostolic symbol was the ship because he was a
missionary thought to be efficient.
12. Judas
- He is the apostle who betrayed Jesus with a Kiss. He sold Jesus for thirty pieces of
Silver. He is said to be the pursue keeper of the apostles.
- He was the son of a man called Simon and he lived in Cutiof of Judah in spite of being a
disciple he was the traitor because of whom Jesus was put to the cross he betrayed Jesus
and broke his trust for thirty pieces of silver however the guilt of betrayal eventually led
him to kill himself.
- Judas was one of the closest disciples of Jesus and he was given the responsibility of
being the treasurer unlike the other disciples who were galilaeans Judas was a Judean as
he came from Judea near Jericho.
- Judas was also one of the outspoken members who were quite prominent among all the
twelve disciples Judas loved his nation with all his heart and always wanted to do
something big so he joined Jesus's band to fulfill his own nationalistic dreams and
wishes Judas would often take undue advantage of being the treasurer and take money
from the common fund for his own personal use Jesus knew and understood all of this
but he never judged him for that Judas betraying Jesus for thirty pieces of silver is of
great mystery to people even now it is difficult for people to see someone so close to
Jesus who was a witness to so many miracles and teachings of his master could ever
betray him into the hands of his enemies but it is not Judas's betrayal that put Jesus on
the cross it was our sins later

Matthias - replaced Judas among the twelve disciples and he went to places like the shores of
the Caspian Sea and Cappadocia to spread the gospel.

Grace Before Meals

Bless us oh Lord
And these thy gifts
Which we are about to receive
From thy bounty
Through CHrist our Lord. Amen.

Grace After Meals

We give Thee thanks
For all Thy gifts We have received,
O Almighty God, Who reignest forever world without end Amen.
May the grace of the Holy Spirit abide with us forever.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Activity: Create a Timeline of your Prayer Habit for a day. Indicate specifically the prayers
you’ve uttered (it can be personal). Use the table below. 20 points
Time of the Day: Prayer:

Prepared by: Edison N. Abad Checked by: Jennifer B. Galuz

Subject Teacher Noted by: Mylane B. Acosta Academic Coordinator

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