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Garbage Practices in Higher Education for Healthy Academic Environment

Ariel E. San Jose

Faculty, Bachelor of Development Communication
Southern Philippines Agribusiness and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology
Malita, Davao Occidental, Southern Philippines

Carlo A. Magonalig
Faculty, Bachelor of Development Communication
Southern Philippines Agribusiness and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology
Malita, Davao Occidental, Southern Philippines

Amelyn L. Laro
Faculty, Bachelor of Science in Social Work
Southern Philippines Agribusiness and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology
Malita, Davao Occidental, Southern Philippines

Julie Ann U. Deseo

Faculty, Bachelor of Public Administration
Southern Philippines Agribusiness and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology
Malita, Davao Occidental, Southern Philippines

Jonel Mark D. Sarno

Faculty, Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Southern Philippines Agribusiness and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology
Malita, Davao Occidental, Southern Philippines

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Unplanned waste management, lack of commitment, too much freedom, and lack of self-
discipline made garbage problem a gigantic battle. This study determined the practices,
thought contributions, and concrete suggestions of the participants in managing garbage at
home and at school. Thirty-three purposively chosen participants were involved. Using
qualitative-Heideggerian phenomenological method and researchers-made validated
interview questions, the researchers found that generally the participants were aware of the
existing laws and policies on garbage management; understood the importance of waste
facilities on proper waste disposal; believed that becoming a model and responsible citizen
could make difference. They were convinced that stricter laws, rigorous enforcement of
sanctions, and education were essential. They suggested imposing discipline and conduct of
information drive on proper waste disposal be maintained by people in authority. It was
concluded that educational institutions have great role in garbage management; thus, garbage
management for healthy campus need to be incorporated in higher education’s Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) and curriculum; set students’ disciplined to become responsible
citizens and minimize the ‘throwaway culture.’ Also, educational institutions need to provide
structural garbage facilities to optimize everyone’s cooperation; strictly application of
existing laws and at the same time formulates programs to continuously promote proper
garbage disposal.

Key words: Garbage, practices, higher education, healthy academic environment, SPAMAST

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Environmental protection topic has gained global importance in this era but the
practice of basic concepts of waste disposal is often neglected (Shrivastava, 1993; Marshall &
Farahbakhsh 2013). People around the globe are aware of the impact of unsuitable waste
disposal practices, but the negative implementation attitude creates chaotic situations (Licy et
al., 2013; Twumasi, 2017). Ironically, as people’s living standard improved garbage problem
has become acute and difficult to solve (Ning & Cao, 2019; Zhao et al., 2019). Hygiene and
cleanliness are taught at home (Licy et al., 2013); yet at present, the amount of garbage
produced in each household is relentlessly increasing (Kovalenko & Kovalenko, 2018). The
household waste is responsible for a huge volume of solid garbage. Many are reusable others
are un-reusable. Both these constitute increasing volume of urban waste. Hence, it threatens
the health of the community if there is no proper disposal (Ghadban et al., 2017; Yadav &
Mishra, 2004).
In the Philippines, production of waste has increased year from year due to population
explosion and progress in the standard of living, economic stability, and industrialization. It
was calculated that on average 37,427.46 and 40, 087.45 tons of garbage was produced in
2012 and 2016 respectively (Philippine solid waste, 2017). Daily average garbage production
of each Filipino is estimated at about 0.5 kg. and 0.3 kg in the urban and rural areas,
respectively (Castillo & Otoma, 2013). Romero (2020) reported that the 20-year old Solid
Waste Management Act of 2000 was futile due to poor implementation and lack households
and constituents’ participation. For instance in n Lanao del Norte, Paragoso et al., (2018)
found that some households do not comprehend the term natural environment particularly
‘household garbage’ and practice open-burning.
With this looming challenge on solid waste management, what is the significant role
of academic institutions? In the study of Iojă et al., (2012) in Bucharest reported that many
academic institutions lacked the ability to sustain realistic garbage management. In Calamba,
Laguna, Parocha et al., (2015) mentioned that despite multiple attempts to introduce a solid
waste policy. It was found that students had insufficient knowledge of segregation. However,
students were inspired to do proper segregation through the motivation and willingness of
teachers to win in solid waste management activities based on competition. In Jordan,
Moqbel (2018) opined that most of wastes generated on campus are recyclable; thus, reliable
recycling program must be operated. In China, Wang et al., (2018) noted that the existing of
organized garbage disposal site strongly promotes proper disposal activity. There was a clear
assumption is that structural factors are the most critical to ensure proper disposal of solid
waste. This was supported by Khan and Nasser (2020) who said that only if the garbage
baskets are installed around the campus and collected well will an educational institution
waste be handled more effectively.
Following the qualitative Heideggerian phenomenology, the researchers focused on
the constructs of reality the participants on their practices and beliefs on garbage management
at home and the college. Many quantitative researches had been conducted which focused on
household waste management but few dealt with individual’s perspectives. The findings may
be a good basis for the academic institutions to concretize its solid waste management plans.
The findings of the study may be disseminated through public forum and publication.

Research Questions
The main purpose of this study was to inquire the students’ experiences on garbage
management practices. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:
1. Determine the practices of the students and staff in managing their garbage at home
and at school.

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2. Determine what contribution the students and staff can do to improve garbage
management at home and at school.
3. What concrete suggestions the students and staff can offer to improve garbage
management at home and at school?

Significance of the Study

Management of garbage is everybody’s concerns; young and old, men and female,
students and professionals. The findings of this study may benefit to the following individuals
or group of individuals:
The SPAMAST Administration. The findings of this study were essential to the
leaders of the college as needs analysis in implementing a college-wide Solid Waste
Management. The findings suggested that structure and facilities should be provided, that
discipline should be observed, that fines and sanctions should be implemented.
The SPAMAST Employees. The findings of this study will give these individuals
relevant understanding on practices of their colleagues who served as participants. They will
be aware that appropriate garbage disposal in their area of work is essential.
The SPAMAST Students. The findings of this study allow these individuals to
understand their roles in promoting appropriate garbage disposal. They can be good models
to the other students and to their families.

Theoretical Lens
Based on the available literatures, the researchers propose academic institutions
Waste Management Process (WMP) to obtain harmony among three players of development:
economic, social, and environmental. It is a common knowledge that economic improvement
is brought by increased in economic activities and population explosion caused by natural
multiplication or migration of people. Due to these developments, waste generations are

Waste Generations
Economic Non-biodegradable
Social Residuals

Inaction Action

Unplanned Waste Planned Waste

Management Management

Pollution Legal Basis Practice Segregation

Lack awareness Flooding
Conflict of Information Campaign Observe 3Rs
Death of plants & Facilities Disciplined
attitudes animals
Lack of leadership Students & Community Imposed Sanctions
Unhealthy campus involvement Become responsible
Monitoring & Evaluation Organize project
Waste reduction
Healthy Campus

Environmental Degradation Environmental Protection

Source: Developed by the authors

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In dealing with waste, there can be two paradigms – Action and Inaction. In Action,
there is Planned Waste Management (PWM) where legal basis, information campaign,
provision of structural facilities needed, close cooperation of students and community is
developed, and monitoring and evaluation are stipulated. These are expected to encourage
people to practice segregation and 3Rs, become discipline and responsible, reduce waste
production, understand the sanctions, and live in a healthy and disease free surroundings. On
the contrary, the inaction on waste management is due to lack awareness, conflict of attitudes,
and lack of leadership. As a result, pollution, flooding, death of plants and animals, and
unhealthy environment happen.
Waste Management is one of the world’s greatest development issues faced by
humans in contemporary times. It is not only because waste produced by humans affects the
climate or health, but also because unmanaged waste management hinders the growth of a
nation towards sustainable development. Any educational institution needs to adapt Waste
Management Process as contribution to the nation building and as part of their Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR).

Research Design
This study used the qualitative method and Heideggerian phenomenology. Qualitative
method is usually used when the participants’ perspectives and point-of-views about a
phenomenon is determined (Rust et al., 2017); when investigators sought to explore and
understand the individual insights (San Jose et al., (2017); and when the study wanted to
reconnoitre into the participants’ personal experience (San Jose et al., 2019). On the other
hand, Heideggerian phenomenology purported that individual developed construct of reality
from their personal encounters and beliefs. It means that individuals reflect on their situations
and create their beliefs (McConnell-Henry et al., (2009). Likewise, it elucidated significant
meaning and importance of experience of a particular situation (Starr, 2014).
Qualitative-Heideggerian phenomenology was appropriate in this study because this
study investigated the participants’ personal practices in managing their garbage at home and
at school. It also explored the participants their reflected contributions and suggestions on
how waste management could be improved. The researchers assumed that their responses to
the questions were based on their individual realities.

Scope and Limitations

This study was limited only to the students and staff of SPAMAST Malita. Due to
ethical considerations, the participants’ courses and office stations would not be mentioned.
This study used the purposive sampling. Hence, the findings of this study could not
generalize the personal views of the entire SPAMAST population. The findings of this
investigation could only be true to the participants involved in this research. However, a
quantitative study may be conducted to confirmed or intensify the findings of this study.

Research Instrument
The research instrument of this study was the researchers’- made questionnaire
formulated based on the stated research questions of the study. This instrument was given to
three independent expert-validators. The questions focused on the practices and management
of garbage at home and at school. Also, included were questions which dealt with practical
contributions and concrete suggestions in improving garbage management. Probes questions
were also added for the participants to elaborate their answers.

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Research Participants
The participants of this study were 33 selected students from the Institute of Human
Service (IHS) and office staff of SPAMAST. However, only those students who had stayed in
the college for two semesters were chosen. Considering the ethical consideration, in
particular justice, the participants were not chosen based on sexual orientation, age, ethnic
group, political orientation, economic status and others. In similar way, in choosing the staff,
the researchers had no stringent criteria except that they were employees of the college;
regular employees or not.

Gathering of Information
In gathering the information, the researchers followed four important steps. The first
step was mapping and observations. At this stage, the researchers asked about the head of the
physical plant and utility personnel on garbage management observed in the college. The
researchers learned that there were planned actions; however, for unknown reason, the plan
was not materialized. Results of the researchers’ observation revealed that there was scarcity
of trash bins in the classrooms in particular and in campus in general; although there were
few trash bins with labels but garbage were mixed; and garbage collectors were not conscious
of garbage segregation.
Formulation of proposal. After the mapping and observation conducted, the research
proposal was formulated. The researchers decided to conduct the research using the
qualitative method since the aim of the study was to explore the participants’ first-hand
experiences on garbage management. Additionally, three research questions with probe
questions were constructed based on the objectives of the study. After the proposal was
formulated, the researchers submitted the same to the Research and Extension Review and
Monitoring Committee (RERMC) for evaluation.
Data gathering. Using the research-made and expert-validated questionnaire, the
research conducted the gathering of information from the selected participants. Due to the
COVID 19 restrictions and protocols, the researchers decided to obtain the information
though technology-aided approach using email and messenger. Nevertheless, letter of consent
was given to each participant. Of the 42 expected participants, only 33 responded positively.
Analysis of information. After all the paper and pen interview questionnaires were
obtained, those questionnaires were given to the data analyst for thematic analysis.

In the conduct of research which used qualitative method, maintaining credibility
remains a huge issue (San Jose et al, 2019). Hence, researchers needed to follow and
observed essential measures. Shenton (2004) and Creswell (2007) offered four significant
procedures namely: credibility which Christensen and Miguel (2018) described as the
transparency; transferability which Polit and Beck (2010) and Sleven and Sines (1999)
explained as applicability and replicability of similar concepts to other fields; dependability
which Haven and van Grootel (2019) and Simon and Goes (2016) mentioned to be obtained
through audit trail and soundness in the collection of information; and confirmability which
Bazyar et al., (2020) and Salarvand et al., (2020) averred to be attained by subjecting the
paper for review by expert qualitative researcher. This according to Simon and Goes (2016)
is essential to confirm whether the findings are coherent with the interpretations.
In this study credibility was handled by making the objectives of the study known to
the participants. In the conduct of the study, before the participants were given the interview
questionnaire, the researchers presented to them the aim of the investigation. Moreover, the
researchers and the participants knew each other. Hence, animosity was not an issue. The
atmosphere of trust, friendliness, and honesty were already established. Thus, the participants

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answered the interview questions with alacrity and willingness. To address transferability, the
researchers provided thorough description of the investigation (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008) so that
it may not have other interpretations. The researchers also supplied various literatures in the
discussion to establish good connections with previous and recent findings; also, comparing
the findings of this study with those cited literatures proved that the finding of the study could
be applied to other related fields. In obtaining dependability of the study, the researchers
observed strict procedures in obtaining the information. Moreover, those gathered
information and the results of the data analysis were subjective to audit trail. The auditor,
who was an uninterested individual scrutinized whether the thematic analysis of the
information was correctly done. Truthfulness shows confirmability. In obtaining the veracity
of the study, the researchers allowed the paper to be evaluated by the REMRC. This body
examined the soundness of the entire study, and the interrelatedness of the objectives and

Ethical Considerations
The researchers addressed the five essential aspects of research ethics in the conduct
of this study: informed consent, confidentiality, justice, transparency, and qualifications of
the researchers.
Informed Consent. The researchers used the collection of information through online
due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Before the interview-guide questionnaires,
permission was obtained from the participants through written informed consents. Stated in
the consent form were the specific provisions such as voluntary participation to the study,
withdrawal clause, provisions to ask questions and clarifications, and confidentiality of
information gathered.
Confidentiality. To maintain the animosity of the participants, the researchers
requested them not to write their real name instead pseudonym. Moreover, the consent form
did not asked for the participants’ course, age, sexual orientation, ethnic affiliation, religion,
and economic status.
Justice. All the participants were informed through the protocols that the study would
not directly benefit them instead the college where they were studying. The study was
conducted for the benefits of all. As mentioned in the confidentiality, the researchers chose
the participants according to their willingness.
Transparency. As mentioned in the trustworthiness, the objectives of the study were
elaborated to the participants. Moreover, the participants and the researchers were familiar to
each other; thus, animosity was not an issue. Both parties had already developed thrust.
Qualification of the researchers. All the researchers involved in this study were
competent. The topic of this study was of general interest, hence, the researchers could all
relate and contribute.

Results and Discussion

The table below shows the thematic analysis of the information obtained from the
responses of the participants. It presents the themes, core ideas, and frequency of responses.
Following the Nvivo classification format, the researchers categorized the answers into
variant, typical, and general. The formulate theme is considered General if the pattern in the
responses of the participants reached 50 percent and above. Moreover, it is classified as
Typical if responses obtained 21-49 percent; and if the responses gained were less than 20
percent, then those were considered Variant. Moreover, the findings of the study were
described and important literatures related to the results were also included.

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Table 1. Themes and Core Ideas on My Garbage and I
Themes Core Ideas Frequency of
Garbage Segregating the garbage General
Throwing garbage directly in the bins Typical
Practices at Home
Keeping the garbage and throwing later Variant
and School
Reducing, reusing & recycling
Cleaning the room daily
Collecting garbage and wait for the scheduled
Bringing own container for the garbage
Needed materials for Providing garbage bins with labels General
garbage Using sacks Variant
management at Garbage bags
home & at school Plastic can
Trash bags
Contributions to Becoming a model & teaching family members Typical
manage the garbage & students
Maintaining the cleanliness
Segregating the garbage properly Variant
Becoming responsible
Relevance of the Making clean environment Variant
contributions Lessening the garbage
Promoting discipline
Promoting recycling
Educating people
Making people responsible
Preventing the spread of disease
Leading by example
Helping in garbage management
Practical suggestions Imposing rules and fines Typical
Providing facilities
Educating the people
Maintaining the cleanliness Variant
Disciplining the self
Becoming a model
Organizing project
Making bins attractive for recycling
Responsibilities of Conducting information drive
the authorities Disciplining the people by imposing sanctions Typical
Implementing the garbage policy Variant
Providing garbage facilities
Maintaining regular garbage disposal
Implementing reward system
Source: Data analysis of the information gathered the in-depth interviews

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Garbage management practices at home and at school
Generally, the participants mentioned that they practice garbage segregation at home
and at school. This indicates that most of the participants were aware of the garbage
segregation policies. Conversely, some participants who revealed that they directly cast their
garbage into the garbage bins without segregating them.
The findings of this study support the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (2000), ACT (2003), and RA 9003 which mandate all citizens of proper
segregation of solid waste. The findings further indicate that majority of the participants of
the study were very aware of these existing laws. Interestingly, the findings also coincides
with the study Surnit et al., (2018), who conducted garbage segregation study in selected
higher educational institutions in Metro Manila using photographs, found that although
students were aware of garbage segregation laws still practices incorrect segregation. These
students throw their garbage in the wrong bins. Does age a factor in garbage segregation
among higher education students? Tabataa et al., (2018) in their study in Japan revealed that
younger individuals have level of waste segregation behavior despite the high level of
awareness of garbage segregation. Additionally, they also found that age significantly linked
with the person’s segregation ability; however, at age 85 garbage segregation skills decreases
due to physical mobility.
Variantly, it was interesting to note that few participants mentioned that they kept
their rubbish if trash bins were out of sight. They put their trash in their handbags or pockets
then later put into the trash bins. This behavior among the participants is unique. No existing
literatures discussed this kind of behavior. Other participants also said that they observed the
3Rs (Reducing, Re-using, and Recycling); clean their rooms daily; collected garbage and
waited for the collection day; brought bags for their own garbage. In terms of practice of
reduce, reuse, and recycle, several researches conducted in different parts of the Philippines
proved that this concept is seldom practice. Acanto (2016) found that none of the food service
establishment participants in Talisay City, Negros Oriental observed solid waste segregation
and 3Rs. Enteria and Orig (2019) on their comparative waste analysis and characterization
study in selected rural areas in Northern Mindanao reported that none of their respondents
practiced 3R’s. Further, Ancheta et al., (2020) in their study on streamlining waste handling
approaches to zero waste in the city of San Fernando, Pampanga observed that although local
governments are mandated for ecological solid management to reduce waste disposal through
3R’s, yet LGUs are not complying. Dui et al., (2017) mentioned that the problem with the
reused, reduced, and recycled concept is significantly related to a throwaway culture of the
people. This throwaway culture according to McDemott (2016) has resulted an injustice to
the most vulnerable – the ocean. It has produced a lack of respect for material goods which,
after a single use, has transformed the earth’s resources into garbage. Eighty percent of the
annual 8 million tons of plastic thrown into the ocean are single-use plastic bottles, plastic
shopping bags, or cigarette lighters.

Materials for garbage management at home and at school

Most of the participants agreed that in managing garbage at home and at school,
properly labelled garbage bins were important. Klunbut et al., (2017) mentioned that labelling
of garbage bins is not only essential to identify the type of appropriate solid waste but also to
educate the people about solid waste management. Additionally, Asi (2019) pointed out that
if trash bins are properly labelled it indicates that the establishment is practicing proper
disposal techniques.
Variantly, few mentioned that recycled rice sacks may be used. It implies that they
preferred sacks because these materials were readily available, cheap, easy to use, and were
commonly used by the garbage collectors. In developed countries according to School and

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Moffatt (2017) ‘black bin bag’ or ‘garbage sack’ is commonly available and used. Few others
also said that they used garbage bags and trash bags in managing their trash. This implies that
these participants take extra budget for the purchase of these materials.

Contributions to manage the garbage

When asked what contributions they could offer for better garbage management, the
participants typically suggested that becoming a model to all or sharing knowledge to the
family members could be good ways. Likewise, some suggested that all individuals should
mindful of the cleanliness of their surroundings be it at school or at home. The participants
believed that attitude of individuals has significant role in easing garbage management. These
findings show that the participants did not think of technological innovation to solve garbage
rather on human behavior towards garbage. Berther (2003) opined that the solutions to
garbage problems no longer require technological contributions rather raise awareness so that
citizens can actively contribute to solving the problem. Szaky (2014) on this part mentioned
that taking inspiration from nature can help us solve problem. Additionally, Al-Naggar et al.,
(2019) and Febriandi et al., (2020) found significant link between people’s attitude and
domestic waste management. Likewise, Ediana et al., (2018) said that individual attitude and
3Rs garbage processing are related.
Variantly, few participants that observance of segregating the garbage could make the
management of the garbage easy. By segregating the garbage, the households or garbage
collectors can easily identify the garbage whether those can be recycled, decompose, or
thrown. Other few participants suggested that becoming responsible was necessary. If family
members and students were responsible of their rubbish then garbage management could not
be unproblematic.

Relevance of the contributions

The participants had different answers when asked on the importance of their
contributions for the garbage management. This implies that the participants had different
realizations on the significance their contributions and that they had different ideas on how to
manage the garbage. The participants believed that the contributions they offered could tidy
the surroundings, decrease the volume of rubbish produce, promote discipline, encourage the
practice of recycling, give knowledge to the family members and students, encourage people
to be responsible, prevent the proliferation of diseases, model other people, and ultimately
help in the management of garbage.

Practical suggestions
The participants thought that applicable solutions can somehow improve the garbage
management. Some assumed that imposing the stricter rules and enforcing fines, segregating
garbage, providing garbage facilities, and educating the students and constituents could
somehow help. Variantly, few participants deduce that cleanliness was everybody’s
responsibility. Moreover, everyone should practice self-discipline and becoming model
citizens. Others also suggested practicing composting to lessen the garbage. Lastly, others
mentioned that college organizations may organize garbage project for wide dissemination of
garbage management program. Likewise, making bins attractive and colorful may encourage
students and constituents to exercise recycling.
Imposing fines as practical solutions to improve garbage management are
implemented in several cities. In Korea, violators are given a stern notice and will receive a
publicly posted video footage. If offense is committed the second time, violators are fined
$200 (Ghaffor, 2017). In Davao City and Malang, Indonesia, garbage violators are given
citation tickets with fines (Basa & Soedarwo, 2017). Bagolong (2017) added that in Davao

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City, hard-headed garbage violators are disciplined and increased higher fines and penalties.
In Singapore, whistle blower is given half the fine given by the garbage violators while the
violators are whip and sentenced to three months of government labor and reported in the
newspapers with pictures (Seng, 2016). On the other hand, providing garbage was very
practical solutions to garbage management. Many researches however found that this aspect
of garbage management needs attention. Enteria and Orig (2019) and Sangkham (2019) both
reported that insufficient solid wastes containers are one of the major problems in many
communities in Northern Mindanao and Thailand. Junkang (N.D.) pointed out that in China,
the lack of environmental sanitation facilities, all kinds of garbage are mixed in one trash
container; thus, according to Fan and Meng (2020) classification of garbage becomes serious
problem. Shou and Feng-wu (2019) mentioned that optimization of garbage facilities requires
major decision-making by the garbage management implementers.
Though variant, instilling self-discipline among people has good impact. In Germany,
together with complete legal system with high degree of self-discipline, constituents become
very aware of garbage management (Wen & Lu, 2020). Similarly in China, garbage
management was regulated which strengthened citizens’ self-disicipline (Hao et al., 2020). In
Andhra Pradesh, self-discipline resulted to commitment of the community to participate in
the sustainable waste management (Sivaramakrishna, 2020). Likewise, Nizaar et al., (2020)
opined that 3Rs practiced was greatly influenced by self-discipline of individuals.

Responsibilities of the authorities

The participants believed that people in authority in both school and community have
vital role in garbage management. However, the participants’ responses were not general.
Some participants considered conduct of information drive on proper waste management and
disciplining the people by imposing fines were necessary. Further, few suggested that strict
implementation of garbage management in school and in the community should be observed.
Others mentioned that the school and barangay officials needed to provide garbage facilities
and maintain regular garbage disposal. Still others said that reward system may be adapted
where individuals who practiced proper waste disposal shall be recognize for their efforts.
The lack of proper waste management among students and household members may
contribute to the unresolvable challenges of garbage problem. Some participants believed that
awareness of garbage management would bring desired behavior to the individuals. This
information campaign was the responsibility of academic institution and the local
government units. However, researches conducted on awareness and practices on solid waste
showed contradictory findings. In a study conducted by Madrigal and Oracion (2017) among
Catholic Higher Educational Institution in the Philippines revealed that awareness on social
waste management of the participants influenced their attitudes and practices. Additionally,
Bautista (2019) supports this finding by particularly stating that awareness on solid waste
management clearly manifested in the students’ proper disposal, practice of recycling,
reusing but moderate in segregating and reducing. However, Paghasian (2017) in his study
among students of Mindanao State University mentioned that students’ awareness of the
policies and management of solid waste management had no influence on their attitudes of
garbage disposal. This finding was in line with Barloa et al., (2016) which indicated that
although the participants had satisfactory levels of knowledge and attitudes on solid waste
management but these were inconsistent with their practices. With these previous findings,
information campaign is not a guarantee of changing people’s attitude towards the practice of
solid waste management. Limon and Villarino (2020) pointed out that the lack of garbage
facilities discouraged people from practicing proper waste reduction. Also Barloa et al.,
(2016) mentioned that family size and economic status showed linked with solid waste

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Strict implementation of the policies on solid waste management could be the best
option; however, Premakumara et al., (2014) required that strong political commitment,
collaborative strategies, capacity building, financial and incentive aspects, close monitoring
and evaluation are needed. This was observed by Ancheta et al., (2020) in the city of San
Fernando, Pampanga where city and barangay ordinances were instituted, strict
implementation of segregation was imposed, functional material recovery facilities were
provided, and partnership with the Non-Government Organizations was initiated.

The findings revealed that the participants are aware of the existing laws and policies
on garbage management. They also understand the importance of waste facilities on proper
waste disposal. They believe that becoming a model to others and responsible citizen can
make a difference. They are convinced that stricter laws, rigorous enforcement of sanctions to
the violators, and educating the constituents are essential in garbage management. Imposing
discipline and conduct of information drive regarding proper waste disposal should be
maintained by people in authority.

Garbage management is everybody’s concern; however due to unplanned waste
management, lack of commitment, too much freedom, and lack of self-discipline of the
constituents make garbage problem a gigantic battle. Hence, the 20-year old Republic Act
9003 popularly known as Solid Waste Management (SWM) remains unsuccessful. As
melting pot of knowledge, academic institutions are not exempted in dealing with garbage.
Much is expected from them. These educational institutions need to incorporate in their
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and curriculum the appropriate solid waste
management and supervision. Likewise, they need to mould their students to be disciplined,
role model, and responsible citizens of the community. This way may decrease if not
eradicate the contemporary ‘throwaway culture’ brought by consumerism. Moreover,
educational entities need to provide structural garbage facilities to optimize everyone’s
cooperation. Lastly, academic institution needs to apply strict implementation of the existing
laws and at the same time formulate programs to continuously promote proper garbage

This study is funded by the Southern Philippines Agribusiness and Marine and Aquatic
School of Technology (SPAMAST) through the Research, Extension, Development, and
Innovation (RIDE).

Literature Cited
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Studies, 19(1), 49-65.

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Asi, L. M. U. (2019). Environmental sustainability plan for resort hotels in CALABARZON,
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