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To guarantee that international trade begins easily, openly, and predictably is the goal of the
WTO. The World Trade Organization (WTO) offers a framework for international trade and establishes
the laws that govern it. The WTO works to promote global economic peace and stability through a
multilateral system built on willing member nations, each of which has accepted the WTO's regulations
in its own nation. This implies that WTO regulations are incorporated into a nation's domestic legal
framework. Therefore, local businesses that conduct business internationally must abide by the
guidelines. It is a structure based on laws and unrelated to a country's might. The range of options
available to consumers is wider, increasing their freedom of choice. Due to the existence of a crisis
management forum, countries are more confident to engage in trade, which boosts income and
encourages economic progress. Economic growth is a key driver of job creation and tends to occur more
quickly and steadily in open countries than in closed economies. More employees are typically hired by
profitable businesses than by losing ones. Increased productivity and efficiency can also be spurred
through trade. This comes as a result of the increased variety of high-quality, reasonably priced inputs
available to businesses. They can also access knowledge and technologies that they could not get in a
closed market. Innovation and creativity at work can be increased with access to technology and high-
quality inputs. Furthermore, organizations looking for innovative ways to produce goods better and
more affordably may find a strong impetus in the marketplace competition. Companies can become
more productive by introducing fresh concepts from other nations. Enhanced access to export markets
is also possible. However, being more productive frequently entails getting more done with fewer
resources, which can result in requiring fewer personnel. This inevitably results in some employees in
certain industries losing their employment. It comes to the conclusion that they could have an impact on
the Philippine economy in three different ways: by altering the tariff structure as a result of the nation's
participation in the Uruguay Round, by enhancing global trade as developed and developing nations
adjust their protectionist policies, and by altering the costs of tradeable goods as both 'developed' and
'less developed' nations realign their trade and non-trade barriers. The essay evaluates the potential
impacts of these changes on the regional economy. It specifically seeks to ascertain whether the
macroeconomic impact is favorable and whether the income distribution is progressed.

A useful concept for comprehending the dynamic social landscapes in which modern individuals
are frequently engaged in their daily lives is to think of globalization in perspective of the people,
objects, and thoughts that flow across national lines. Within this framework, it is possible to address
issues related to the places people migrate, the causes of their migration, the rate at which they travel,
the ways in which their lives change as a result of their travels, and the changes that their native
communities undergo. The idea of numerous globalizations is presented in Appadurai's five
"landscapes," and this can assist explain the dynamics of globalization as a large process with all of its
multifaceted sub-processes. The term "ethnoscape" describes the movement of people across borders.
In addition to those who travel for enjoyment, this group also includes those who must travel due to
necessity or in quest of better prospects for themselves and their family, such as labor migrants or
refugees. This is partly because it is easier and less expensive to travel, and because borders are opening
up to allow people to cross and provide possibilities. Technoscape is a technological flows technology's
growth and development, which makes international networking and trade easier. technological flows.
The growth and development of technology that makes cross-border interactions and operations easier.
Global money flows, particularly those involving trade, commodities, and currencies, are referred to as
financescapes. In the modern era, countries are permitted to freely exchange goods. It does, however,
cause the competition among firms to increase. Funds flowing. the movement of world capital.
worldwide banking and. This is possible thanks to cash systems. Mediascape is used to describe the
transnational flow of media. The movement of entertainment and educational materials from one place
to another could take weeks or even months in earlier historical periods. Without regard to geographical
boundaries, the sharing of media has become much easier and quicker thanks to the telegraph,
telephone, and now the Internet (along with a plethora of other digital communication tools). Ideoscape
is the ideas flowing. State and social movement ideologies relate to the flow of thought. This might be
on a small scale, like when a person publicly shares their own opinions on Facebook, or it can be bigger
and more organized.

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