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Clients Name: Roger E.


Age: 22

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student

Mental Status Examination

Roger is a 22 year old male, he appears to be nerdy with his glasses on and his
clothing fits him. I can see his hair has grown an inch in is a little bit messy but he
arranges it when he notice it messy. When he sat down, his body is facing to the side
but his face is facing me. He is a little bit conscious when he answers my questions and
he is giving me eye contact but looks away when he feels that I have been giving him a
lot of eye contact. He also sways his hand sometimes when he talks. The way he talks
is soft and it can be noticed that sometimes he is finding the exact words about what he
is telling me but he would immediately get into his point. He is also always answering
my question normally and he explains it well.

On that day, he feels a little mad because he doesn’t have enough sleep due to
his roommate who has got home late and it became the cause of his sleep to be
interrupted. He finds our surrounding apparently noisy because we are in crowded
closed room but he answers me correctly. He is also engaging on political discussion
and he is also very fund with his politician up until now but he is not seem to be an
aggressive supporter, just normal.

We talked about his past few days, he feels just normal. He spends time with his
phone playing video games which gives him time to chill but at the same time a little
guilty because he think that he is just wasting his time, overall he is happy all the time.
He does not have any negative thoughts like committing and immediately ending his
life. He also told me that when he is feeling sad, his day with be the same as when he is
feeling happy because he always tend to lighten up his mood when he is sad or control
his emotions when he is overly happy.

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