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Capital Punishment should be retained

Reason 1: The death penalty prevents crime.

Support: (a) In 1977, in Utah State, murders decreased 20% the year
after Gary Gilmore was executed.
Source: (Utah State Police Journal May, 1996)
(b) Because there were 20% fewer murders in 1977 compared to
1976 (44 against 55), Utah reinstated the death penalty in January of that
Source: (Utah State Police Journal May, 1996)
Reason 2: Imprisonment does not stop the desire to kill.
Support: In 1934, a man named Leroy Keith murdered someone. After
serving 22 years in prison, he killed 3 more people after being released
from prison.
Source: (True Crimes, Spring, 1997)
Reason 3: "An eye for an eye" will deter crimes.
Support: It sets a principle that a person who has hurt another should be
punished to a similar degree. In some situations, this seems justifiable.
Murder, abuse, terrorism – each are crimes which result in the suffering
of innocent people. If we do not implement a severe punishment, these
violent acts will continue as the offenders know that they will not get an
extreme sentence.
Source: The Death Penalty - Katie Waits

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