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There are several ways to post substantive responses to other students’ posts: 

Responds to a minimum of three colleagues’ posts providing substantive feedback, such as:
(a) Extending the idea of the post by sharing personal experience or observations that support the
reached conclusions;
(b) Providing an alternative view or perspective based on your personal experience and or
studied concepts;
(c) Asking a probing question and explain your rationale;
(d) Offering additional resources or research on the ideas discussed;
(e) Summarizing the ideas in the post and make an inference;
(f) Adding an additional variable that can further contribute to the relationship or association the
post is investigating.

Part 1
Student 1
I guess that there would be many different ways to interpret that interview video.  If you look at it from
Felix's point of view, he is entering into a work force environment that he is not used too.  He is seeing
diversity on a larger scale than he is used to.  The guy showing him around even said that he used to
think like that when he was a new employee.  It takes time for people to get used to new things and this
should be no different.  The employees at the job seem to not be a very big fan of Felix right out of the
gate.  I didn't hear Felix say anything bad about anyone but all the responses to him were very rude.  I
think I would offer Felix the job based on his qualifications, just like I would for anyone else.  He is
intelligent enough to learn how to get along with his coworkers so I would not be worried about that.  If he
has the rare skill set that they keep saying he has, then it would be unwise to pass up the opportunity to
hire him.  The two upper management people displayed much better people skills than the other
employees,  They were tactful and offered Felix a chance to prove himself without writing him off right
away.  If they are that worried about him being a problem, they described a training section, they could
sign him up for diversity training. I think it would be smart for the whole department to go through that
training, it could help build some team cohesiveness.

Student 2
The perspectives were different because they come from different backgrounds, Craig understood Felix
because they came from similar backgrounds whereas Wes and Marla came from the opposite
backgrounds. I dont believe there is fair in this situation as the interviewers did nothing wrong than just
being themselves, Felix caused the awkwardness with his responses and reactions.

I personally would not offer him the job as I feel its important that people fit the company as well as the
job, Felix may be a good candidate on paper having the hard skills but its also essential for candidates to
have soft skills, especially with business being conducted worldwide.

"Diversity, the ability to live and work with people who are different from us, matters because we
increasingly live in a global world that has become deeply interconnected." (Cascio, 2022, p. 337).

The first insight I gained from diversity management is that teaching people about the differences
between all kinds of people is important, workers should not feel like they have to explain themselves
because they are different. The second insight is that I would prefer to hire those who are open to working
with different people, I dont feel like its worth the effort to change people, if they want to work for me or
my organization, they should be open before they apply.
Cascio, W. F. (2021). Managing human resources: Productivity, quality of work life, profits (12th ed.).

Student 3
In the video, the perspectives were all different because they all came from different backgrounds and
have had different experiences due to how and where they were raised (EXPTandD, 2011). The two
white men thought it went okay enough for the company to work through any issues that may come up.
They were able to relate to each other and seemed to have similar backgrounds. However, the woman
and black man had different interpretations of him which I think are fair because they have had to face
prejudice like this their whole lives. It was very obvious that Felix had not been around many women,
people of color, or people with disabilities in workplace settings - especially those in positions higher than
him. For these reasons, I do not think I would hire Felix. The company is incredibly diverse and the people
working there need to have an appreciation for that fact. If they are not, this could cause fissures among
the employees and many of them may become uncomfortable.
One insight I gained is that HR should not be making current employees uncomfortable by hiring
someone who may dislike people from different backgrounds. Another insight is that society is becoming
increasingly more diverse, so we cannot coddle people who are uncomfortable with it. Some in that
company mentioned that he may get better, but I believe they could hire someone who may not have all
of the qualifications, but understands why working with others is important. It would be easier to teach
someone the skills of the job instead of the skills of appreciating diversity. One trend that globalization has
shown in companies is for there to be “more diversity as workers come from a greater range of
backgrounds” (Cascio, 2022, p. 10). If a candidate cannot accept this, there are many others who can
since it is the future of workplaces.

Cascio, W. F. (2022). Managing human resources: Productivity, quality of work life, profits (12th ed.).
McGraw-Hill Education. 
EXPTandD. (2011). Diversity Challenges - What Would You Do. YouTube. Retrieved September 6, 2022,

Part 2
Student 1
My organization is a home health agency they do a great job of understanding what its employees are in
need of and how they can assist them. Each department manager has monthly meetings with each
employee to assess any struggles they are facing and how they can overcome them together. Employees
are encouraged to go above and beyond their comfort to do what they would like to bring success to the
company. The management team will always have an open door policy along with asking what kind of
assistance you need from them daily. When new staff is hired group interviews are held with the
department to make sure they are a good fit with the team. Diversity is emphasized and encouraged by all

Management can always improve a workplace by being more involved and available for their employees.
Management should openly communicate expectations and roles with employees as it keeps all tasks
and goals in check. HR needs to make sure they are creating a safe and comfortable environment for all
employees to feel included. HR can implement new ideas for employee engagement as the article
discussed these are important factors to increase employee productivity and success.  The text also
outlines ways that HR can implement new technology and functions for employee engagement "Three
areas, in particular, have benefited from HR technology: workforce planning, e-learning, and tools to
promote collaboration" (Cascio, 2021).

Cascio, W. (2021). ISE Managing Human Resources (ISE HED IRWIN MANAGEMENT) (12th ed.) [E-
book]. McGraw-Hill Education.

Student 2
Performance management is a process using a variety of sources to evaluate how well
an employee is meeting job expectations and uses this information for talent
management (Hunt, 2014). According to Hunt (2014) it “encompasses a variety of
activities, including talent reviews, calibration sessions, pay-for-performance plans,
performance feedback, and other methods that measure employees based on the
degree to which their actions and accomplishments align with the company’s
expectations and objectives.” 
While no organization will ever meet the needs of all their staff, I feel my employer does
so for the majority. Performance goals are used to set and manage employee work
expectations. JPMorgan measures staff evaluations based on four categories: business
results, client focus, teamwork and leadership, and risks controls. Expectations listed in
these categories are by design based on job descriptions, department, and position
level. Management evaluations include categories such as sets clear direction,
empower team, coaching for impact, foster feedback, guide careers, and diversity,
equity and inclusion.
JPMorgan’s objective was to create a system used conjunctively to help employees
grow and contribute to the future success of the company. With the roll-out of Insight
360, this performance management system provides real-time feedback and includes
performance goals, tracks check-ins, career profiles, and career
development. Compensation planning also collaborates with the performance
management system to attract, retain, and drive workforce. Pay-for-performance and
evaluations are tied to compensation planning. Compensation is inclusive of base salary
and incentive compensation. It is used as a reward system to promote teamwork, drive
business results, and is considered when evaluating risks and controls. 
Hunt, S.T. (2014). Commonsense Talent Management: Using strategic human
resources to improve company performance. Wiley.
Son, H. (2017). At JPMorgan, Your Performance Review Is Now. And Now. And Now…
Bloomberg. Retrieved August 18, 2022,

Student 3
 Assess how effectively your organization’s leadership and HR promote the
employee beliefs and attitudes of a productive workplace
On the whole, I’d say my organization’s leadership and HR do a poor job of promoting
employee engagement and stressing a productive workplace in a healthy manner for
the organization. They certainly stress production, but they do so by instilling quotas
my officers need to fulfill. As a law enforcement agency, the necessity of our jobs and
the importance of our mission is understood implicitly by everyone so I don’t see a need
to harp on it for fear of the messengers having nothing more of substance to say.
Additionally, quotas are how the agency shows the state legislature that the taxpayer
money funding us isn’t being wasted. As the Gallup article mentioned, the onus is
largely put on the supervisors and managers who conduct yearly evaluations and
expectations and can choose to address employee engagement or not. (Harter & Mann,
2021). The leadership and HR certainly have a difficult task in thinking of ways to
promote employee engagement but at the end of the day, it’s simply not on their radar
in any meaningful level.  
 Recommend two ways management and two ways HR can encourage a
productive workplace and positive organizational culture.
As previously mentioned, my workplace’s status as a law enforcement agency has a
baked-in mission and value statement that most people in my division believe in and
respond to. I believe this helps lessen the burden on our leadership and HR in
comparison to a for-profit private company who needs to convince their workforce that
the organization believes in something more than making rich people richer.
I think one way our division within the agency could foster a positive work culture is to
have the director of enforcement more involved with the day-to-day decision making of
the division rather than delegating and focusing only on very high-level issues. This will
show the employees that she is engaged with her employees who work for her and may
have a positive effect on reciprocal engagement from the employees going the other
Another way the agency can encourage a positive workplace is to loosen the reigns on
the myriad of quotas we must reach every period, month, quarter, etc. Quotas have a
side effect of making everyone work the same way and not for the betterment of the
communities they serve but for checking the box so they don’t get in hot water. Data
should still be tracked so if an employee is producing nothing it can be addressed, but
aggressive quotas stifle creativity which stifles engagement and happiness.

Harter, J & Mann, A . (2021, March 17). The Right Culture: Not Just About Employee

Satisfaction. Gallup.Com. Retrieved from:


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