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Read the passage and answer the given questions.

They could see the smoke from the end of the street. “It’s our house!” Elsa shouted. “It can’t be,” Alan said. But he
knew that Elsa was right, and they both began to run.
There was a small crowd in the street outside their house. Smoke was coming out of the downstairs room, but there
was no sign of any flames.
And there was no sign of old Mr. Cox, Elsa’s father. He lived with them and had a room upstairs at the back of
the house. He was not among the people in the crowd.
“Alan!” his wife shouted. “He’s asleep upstairs! He probably went to bed and left the fire on in the front room!”.
Her husband began to push way through the crowd towards the front door.
“Don’t be a fool!” someone shouted. “Wait for the firemen. They’ll be here any minute.” But Alan knew that he
must not wait. He put a handkerchief over his face and ran up the stairs. He pushed open the door of his father-in-
law’s room. Old Mr. Cox was sleeping peacefully.
“What’s the matter?” he cried as he woke up. “Nothing to worry about. Just a small fire downstairs,” Alan told
him. “Now, get a coat on and put a handkerchief over your face like this.” At the top of the stairs Alan made old Mr.
Cox climb onto his back. Then he put a handkerchief over his own face and went down the stairs as quickly as he
There was a cheer from the crowd as he came out f the house. The fire engine and an ambulance arrived more or
less at that moment. The first flames were just beginning to come out of the front window. “It’s all my fault!”
moaned old Mr. Cox as they carried him into the ambulance. “I was reading the newspaper and I left it near the
electric fire.”
A. Find these words and phrases underlined in bold letters in the text:
There was no sign of (lines 6-7): any minute (line 16): stairs (line 18): peacefully (line 19): a cheer (line 25):
ambulance (line 26)
Now choose the right meaning from the following.
I. A shout of happiness IV. A car to take people to the hospital
II. They couldn’t see (him) V. Quietly
III. Very soon VI. Steps inside the house

B. Choose the right answer.

1. Elsa and Alan ran to their house because they saw:
a. flames b. smoke c. crowd
2. Outside their house Elsa and Alan found:
a. their family b. Elsa’s father c. some people
3. Elsa’s father lived:
a. with them b. in the next house c. in the front room
4. Alan went into the house because he wanted:
a. to see the fire b. to talk to Elsa’s father c. to save Elsa’s father
5. When Alan found him, Elsa’s father was:
a. behind the door b. on the stairs c. in bed
6. Alan brought Elsa’s father out of the house:
a. in his arms b. in his coat c. on his back

C. Answer the questions with yes or no.

1. Did Elsa go into the house?

2. Did Alan go into the front room?

3. Did Alan find Elsa’s father easily?

4. Did Elsa’s father walk out of the house?

5. Did the people in the crowd hell Alan to bring his father-in-law out of the house?

6. Did Elsa’s father go to a hospital?

D. Complete the sentences using the words given.

1. I’m sorry they disturbed you while you were ……….. It really wasn’t my ……………

2. Luckily my room is ………….. and at the …………. of the house too, so it’s quite peaceful!

3. There’s no ………. Of any flames, but I’m sure I can smell …………..

4. Please don’t leave the electric ………… on when you go out.

5. What on earth’s the …………..? There’s a big ………… in the street and an ………….. is just coming!

ambulance matter crowd

back smoke fire
fault asleep sign upstairs

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