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A walk in the

Bill Bryson is a famous American author. He has written books about life
in the UK, the USA and Australia. This ______________is from A Walk in
the Woods and describes Bill’s adventures with his friend Stephen
Katz when they hiked along the Appalachian ____________.
The trail is 3,540 km long and stretches along the east coast of the
USA, passing through some of the most beautiful ______________in the

During their ____________________, they had lots of experiences,

including ___________with wild animals and poisonous plants. In this
extract, Bill describes what happened when he heard strange noises
outside his tent one night.
It was perfect sleeping weather, __________enough to need a bag, but
warm enough to sleep in your______________, and I was looking
forward to having a long night’s rest, which is what I was doing
when, at some point during the night, I heard a sound
_____________that made my eyes fly open. Normally, I slept through
everything – through____________, and through
Katz’s___________, so something big enough to wake me was
unusual. There was a sound of ______________________being disturbed
– a click of breaking branches, a weighty pushing through low foliage
– and then a kind of large, vaguely irritable ___________noise.

I sat bolt_____________. Instantly, every neuron in my brain was

awake and dashing around________________, like ants when you
disturb their nest. I reach instinctively for my knife, then realized I
had left it in my pack, just outside the tent.

I couldn’t find any replacement_____________, so I flung the

_____________aside and put my miner’s lamp on my head, made sure
it worked, then switched it off. Then I sat for ages on
my_______________, facing the front of the tent, listening keenly,
gripping my walking stick like a____________, ready to beat back an
attack, and with my knife open and at hand as a last line
of____________. The bears – animals, whatever they were – drank
for perhaps twenty minutes more, then quietly departed the way
they had come. It was a ________________moment – but I knew from
my reading that they would be likely to return. I listened and
listened, but the forest returned to silence and stayed there.

knees upright snoring hike thunderstorms joyous

frantically underwear batteries landscapes

extract incidents Trail nearby club cool defence

snuffling undergrowth torch

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