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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits
MEC203 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS 12977::Himanshu Kaushal 3.0 1.0 0.0 4.0
Course Category Courses with Numerical focus

Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name
T-1 Engineering Thermodynamics, 1. P.K Nag 4th Tata McGraw Hill, India

Reference Books
Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name
R-1 Engineering Thermodynamics 2. Y.A. Cengel, M.A. 5th Tata McGraw Hill, India
R-2 Thermodynamics 1. Van Wylen, Sonntag 5th John wiley

Relevant Websites
Sr No (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
RW-1 BANG/Basic website for lecture notes
RW-2 basic concept of zeroth, first, second and third law and its application
RW-3 Entropy concept
RW-4 +eng/journal/10891 journals for engineering thermodynamics
RW-5 lecture notes

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks)

Weeks before MTE 7
Weeks After MTE 6
Spill Over 2

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Lecture Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections Other Readings, Lecture Description Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool
Number Number of Text/reference Relevant Demonstration/ Case
books Websites, Audio Study / Images /
Visual Aids, animation / ppt etc.
software and Planned
Virtual Labs
Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction(Areas of application T-1:1.1 1.3 Study of areas of Understanding of Lecture cum
of thermodynamics) application of application areas of demonstrations
thermodynamics thermodynamics
Introduction(Systems) T-1:1.1 1.3 student should be able to understanding the Lecture cum
understand what is meant application of concept demonstrations
by system of system
Introduction(Surroundings) T-1:1.1 1.3 student should be able to understanding the Lecture cum
understand what is meant application of concept demonstrations
by surroundings of surroundings
Introduction(Types of systems) T-1:1.1 1.3 study of types of systems understanding the the Lecture cum
with relevent examples types of system and demonstrations
able to identify each of
Lecture 2 Introduction(Intensive and T-1:1.4 1.5 1.6 study various intensive understanding the Lecture cum
extensive properties) and extensive properties concept in a practical demonstrations
with examples way
Introduction(Energy) T-1:1.4 1.5 1.6 study the concept of understanding concept Lecture cum
energyn from of energy and student demonstrations
thermodynamic should be able to solve
perspective problems related to
energy convertions
Lecture 3 Thermodynamic T-1:3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 study the concept of understand the real Lecture cum
equilibrium(Process) 3.5 process meaning of process demonstrations

Thermodynamic T-1:3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 study the concept of student should be able Lecture cum
equilibrium(Work) 3.5 work to solve work energy demonstrations
related problems
Thermodynamic T-1:3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 study of thermodynamic understanding the Lecture cum
equilibrium(thermodynamic 3.5 concept of work concept and solve the demonstrations
definition of work) problems
Week 2 Lecture 4 Thermodynamic equilibrium(Heat) T-1:2.1 2.2 2.3 2.6 study of concept of heat understanding the Lecture cum
2.7 concept of heat demonstrations

Thermodynamic T-1:2.1 2.2 2.3 2.6 study of state postulates understanding the Lecture cum
equilibrium(Introduction to state 2.7 concept of state demonstrations
postulate) postulates
Thermodynamic T-1:2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5 study the zeroth law understanding zeroth Lecture cum
equilibrium(zeroth law of 2.6 2.7 law and its applications demonstrations
Lecture 5 Thermodynamic T-1:2.1 2.2 2.3 2.6 study the temperature understanding the basis Lecture cum
equilibrium(Temperature scale) 2.7 scale for development of demonstrations
temperature scale
Thermodynamic T-1:4.1 study the concept of pure understanding the Lecture cum
equilibrium(Introduction to pure substance concept of pure demonstrations
substance) substance
Lecture 6 First law of thermodynamics(First T-1:4.7 4.8 4.9 2.2 study first law of understanding the Lecture cum
law of thermodynamics) 2.3 thermodynamics with concept of first law of demonstrations
relevant examples thermodynamics
First law of T-1:4.7 4.8 4.9 2.2 study the various understanding Lecture cum
thermodynamics(Thermodynamic 2.3 thermodynamic thermodynamic demonstrations
properties) properties properties
Week 3 Lecture 7 First law of thermodynamics(Heat T-1:4.7 4.84.9 studying heat as a path sudent should be able to Lecture cum
is path function) function solve the problems demonstrations
related to heat
First law of T-1:4.7 4.8 4.9 study energy as a understanding the Lecture cum
thermodynamics(Energy a property property of system concept in analytic demonstrations
of system) manner
First law of T-1:4.7 4.8 4.9 study the corollaries of understanding the Lecture cum
thermodynamics(corollaries of first first law of corollaries of first law demonstrations
law) thermodynamics of thermodynamics
First law of T-1:4.8 4.7 4.9 study concept of PMM1 Understanding why it Lecture cum
thermodynamics(PMM1 kind of impossible to create demonstrations
machine) PMM1
Lecture 8 First law of T-1:4.8 4.9 4.10 Study analysis of closed student should be able Lecture cum
thermodynamics(Analysis of system to solve problems demonstrations
closed system) regarding closed
First law of T-1:4.8 4.9 4.10 Study the constant student should be able Lecture cum
thermodynamics(constant pressure pressure process to solve problems demonstrations
process) regarding constant
pressure processes
Lecture 9 First law of T-1:3.1 3.2 4.4 4.5 Study the constant understanding concept Lecture cum
thermodynamics(constant volume 4.6 volume process, enthalpy of constant vopume demonstrations
process, enthalpy) process and student
should be able to solve
problems relating to
this concept
First law of T-1:3.1 3.2 4.3 4.4 Study the Analysis of student should be able Lecture cum
thermodynamics(Analysis of 4.5 isothermal process to solve problems demonstrations
isothermal process) regarding isothermal
Week 4 Lecture 10 First law of T-1:3.2 Study the adiabatic understanding the Lecture cum
thermodynamics(adiabatic process) process application of concept demonstrations
of adiabatic process
First law of T-1:3.2 Study the Polytropic understanding concept Lecture cum
thermodynamics(Polytropic proces of poltytrpi process and demonstrations
process) student should be able
to solve related
First law of thermodynamics(free T-1:3.2 Study the free expansion student should be able Lecture cum
expansion process) process to solve problems demonstrations
regarding free
expansion processes
Lecture 11 Conservation of mass and energy T-1:5.1 5.2 Study the Conservation understanding the basis Lecture cum
equation(Conservation of mass of mass applied to in an analytic manner demonstrations
applied to control volume) control volume
Conservation of mass and energy T-1:5.1 5.2 Study the concept of understanding the Lecture cum
equation(flow energy) flow energy application of concept demonstrations
of flow energy
Lecture 12 Conservation of mass and energy T-1:5.3 5.4 Study Conservation of student should be able Lecture cum
equation(Conservation of energy energy equation applied to solve problems demonstrations
equation applied to control to control volume regarding conservation
volume) energy equation
Conservation of mass and energy T-1:5.3 5.4 Study the Steady flow student should be able Lecture cum
equation(Steady flow energy energy equation to solve problems demonstrations
equation) related to SFEE
Week 5 Lecture 13 Conservation of mass and energy T-1:P.K Nag Study the application of understanding the basis Lecture cum
equation(application of SFEE) SFEE for development of demonstrations
Conservation of mass and energy T-1:5.5 5.6 11.6 11.7 Study the throttling student should be able Lecture cum
equation(Throttling Process) process to solve problems demonstrations
regarding throttling
Conservation of mass and energy T-1:P.K Nag Study the joule thomson understanding the Lecture cum
equation(Joule Thompson coefficient and itr application of concept demonstrations
coefficient) relevance of joule thomson
Lecture 14 Conservation of mass and energy T-1:5.7 5.8 study of applications of student should be able Lecture cum
equation(application of throttling throttling process to solve problems demonstrations
processes) related to applications
of throttling
Conservation of mass and energy T-1:5.7 5.8 study the transient flow understanding the basis Lecture cum
equation(Transient flow processes) process for development of demonstrations
transient flow process
Conservation of mass and energy T-1:5.7 5.8 study charging and student should be able Lecture cum
equation(charging and discharging discharging of cylinder to solve problems demonstrations
of a cylinder) regarding charging and
Lecture 15 Conservation of mass and energy T-1:4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 study of work and mass understanding the Lecture cum
equation(work and mass) application of concept demonstrations
of work and mass
Conservation of mass and energy T-1:4.6 5.1 5.2 Study the decrease of understanding the basis Lecture cum
equation(The decrease of exergy exergy principle and for development of demonstrations
principle and exergy destruction) exergy destruction decrease of exergy
Conservation of mass and energy T-1:4.6 5.1 5.2 Study exergy balance understanding the basis Lecture cum
equation(Exergy balance: closed closed volumes for development of demonstrations
volumes) exergy balance
Week 6 Lecture 16 Test 1
Lecture 17 Second law of T-1:4.5 4.6 6.1 6.2 Study limitations of first Understanding the Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Limitations of law of thermodynamics limitations of first law demonstrations
first law of thermodynamics) of thermodynamics in
practical manner
Second law of T-1:6.2 6.3 6.5 Study of heat engine student should be able Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Heat engine) to solve problems demonstrations
regarding heat engines
Second law of T-1:6.2 6.3 6.5 Study of heat pump student should be able Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Heat pump) to solve problems demonstrations
regarding heat pumps
Second law of T-1:6.2 6.3 6.5 Study Kelvin Plank understanding the basis Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Kelvin Plank statement of second law for development of demonstrations
statement) of thermodynamics kelvin plank statement
Lecture 18 Second law of T-1:6.5 6.8 Study clausius statement understanding the Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Clausius of second law of application of clausius demonstrations
statement of second law of thermodynamics statement of second law
Second law of T-1:6.5 6.8 Study reversible and student should be able Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Reversible and Irreversible processes to solve problems demonstrations
Irreversible processes) regarding reversible
Second law of T-1:6.11 6.12 6.13 Study Carnot cycle, understanding concept Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Carnot cycle, Carnot engine of carnot cycle and demonstrations
Carnot engine) student should be able
to solve related
Second law of T-1:6.11 6.12 6.13 Study the concept of understanding the Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Carnot theorem) carnot theorem application of concept demonstrations
Week 7 Lecture 19 Second law of T-1:6.11 6.12 6.13 Study the corollaries of Understanding Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(corollaries of Carnot theorem corollaries of carnot demonstrations
Carnot theorem) theorem
Lecture 20 Second law of T-1:7.6 Study the Clausius understanding the basis Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Clausius Inequality for development of demonstrations
Inequality) clasius inequality
Lecture 21 Second law of T-1:6.14 6.15 Study of thermodynamic understanding the basis Lecture cum
Thermodynamics(Thermodynamic temperature scale for development of demonstrations
temperature scale) thermodynamic
temperature scale

Week 8 Lecture 22 Entropy(Entropy) T-1:7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Study the concept of understanding the basis Lecture cum
7.5 7.7 entropy for development of demonstrations
concept of entropy
Entropy(Entropy applied to a T-1:7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Study of Entropy applied student should be able Lecture cum
closed system) 7.7 to a closed system to solve problems demonstrations
regarding entropy
applied to closed
Lecture 23 Entropy(representation on p-v and T-1:7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 representation of entropy understanding the Lecture cum
T-S diagram) 7.7 on pv and TS diagram application of concept demonstrations
pv diagram and ts
diagram for entropy
Entropy(Second law analysis of T-1:7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 Second law analysis of student should be able Lecture cum
closed volume) closed volume to solve problems demonstrations
related to second law
analysis of closed
Lecture 24 Properties of Pure T-1:9.1 9.2 Study the properties of understanding concept Lecture cum
Substance(Properties of pure pure substance of pure substance and demonstrations
substance) student should be able
to solve problems
related to pure
Week 9 Lecture 25 Properties of Pure Substance(steam T-1:9.3 9.4 Study of steam tables student should be able Lecture cum
tables) to solve problems demonstrations
related to steam tables
Lecture 26 Properties of Pure T-1:9.5 9.6 9.7 Study of specific internal understanding the Lecture cum
Substance(specific internal energy energy and enthalpy application of concept demonstrations
and enthalpy) specific internal energy
and enthalpy
Properties of Pure T-1:9.8 9.9 Study of Mollier diagram understanding the basis Lecture cum
Substance(Mollier diagram.) for development of demonstrations
mollier chart
Lecture 27 Test 2
Week 10 Lecture 28 Exergy Analysis(Work potential of T-1:8.1 Study of Work potential student should be able Lecture cum
energy) of energy to solve problems demonstrations
regarding maximum
work potential
Lecture 29 Exergy Analysis(Reversible work T-1:8.2 8.3 8.4 Study of reversible work understanding the Lecture cum
and Irreversibility) and Irreversibility application of concept demonstrations
reversible work
Lecture 30 Exergy Analysis(availability T-1:8.2 8.3 8.4 Study of availability and understanding the basis Lecture cum
Second Law efficiency) second Law efficiency for development of demonstrations
availability and second
law efficiency
Week 11 Lecture 31 Exergy transfer by heat(The T-1:8.4 8.5 Study the decrease of student should be able Lecture cum
decrease of exergy principle and exergy principle and to solve problems demonstrations
exergy destruction) exergy destruction related to decrease of
exergy principle
Lecture 32 Exergy transfer by heat(Reversible T-1:8.2 8.3 8.4 Study reversible work student should be able Lecture cum
work and Irreversibility) and Irreversibility to solve problems demonstrations
regarding reversible
Lecture 33 Exergy transfer by heat(availability T-1:8.2 8.3 8.4 Study availability and understanding the Lecture cum
Second Law efficiency) Second Law efficiency application of concept demonstrations
of availability
Week 12 Lecture 34 Test 3
Lecture 35 Vapour Power Cycle(Rankine T-1:12.1 12.2 12.3 Study of Rankine cycle understanding the basis Lecture cum
cycle) for development of demonstrations
rankine cycle
Vapour Power Cycle(comparison T-1:12.1 12.2 12.3 comparison of Carnot understanding the basis Lecture cum
of Carnot and Rankine cycle) and Rankine cycle for development of demonstrations
rankine cycle
Lecture 36 Vapour Power Cycle(improvement T-1:12.4 12.5 Study improvement of understanding how the Lecture cum
of Rankine cycle using Rankine cycle using improvents were made demonstrations
superheating) superheating in rankine cycle
Week 13 Lecture 37 Vapour Power Cycle(Reheating) T-1:12.4 12.5 Study Reheating in Practical benefits of Lecture cum
Rankine cycle reheating demonstrations
Lecture 38 Vapour Power T-1:12.8 12.9 Study of concept of understanding the Lecture cum
Cycle(Regeneration) Regeneration in vapour application of concept demonstrations
power cycle regeneration in rankine
Lecture 39 Vapour Power Cycle(Binary T-1:12.9 12.10 Study of Binary Cycle student should be able Lecture cum
Cycle) to solve problems demonstrations
regarding binary cycles

Week 14 Lecture 40 T-1:9.1 9.2 9.3 properties of pure Improving the Lecture cum
R-1:3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 substance, mollier chart understanding of demonstrations
concepts related to pure
Lecture 41 T-1:12.1 12.2 12.3 rankine cycle, reheat Better conceptual Lecture cum
R-1:7.1 7.2 cycle understanding of demonstrations
rankine cycle

Scheme for CA:

Frequency Out Of Each Total Marks
Test 2 3 10 20
Total :- 10 20
Details of Academic Task(s)
AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task Evaluation Mode Allottment /
(group/individuals/field submission Week
Test 1 Student Evaluation Topics covered up to lecture 15 Individual Test based 5/6
Test 2 Student Evaluation Topics covered up to lecture 26 Individual Test based 8/9
Test 3 Student evaluation Topics covered up to lecture 33 Individual Test based 11 / 12

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned
(case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1 first law of thermodynamics Problem solving

Tutorial 2 first law of thermodynamics Problem solving
Tutorial 3 heat and work for different process Problem solving
Tutorial 4 steady flow energy equation Problem solving
Tutorial 5 steady flow energy equation Problem solving
Tutorial 6 steady flow energy equation Problem solving
Tutorial 7 variable flow processes Problem solving

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 second law of thermodynamics heat engine, heat pump Problem solving
and refrigerator
Tutorial 9 carnot cycle Problem solving
Tutorial 10 Entropy, Exergy and availability Problem solving
Tutorial 11 Properties of pure substance Problem solving
Tutorial 12 Rankine cycle,Rankine cycle (vapour power cycle) Problem solving
Tutorial 13 Rankine cycle,Rankine cycle (vapour power cycle) Problem solving

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