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Timothy Vasheka

EPP HW FOR Tue, Oct 11th

 4.3 Use the appropriate tense form of the verb in parenthesis.
1. The telephone has rung four times in the last hour, and each time it has been for my
2. The telephone has been ringing for almost a minute. Why doesn’t someone answer it?
3. At least two hundred people were waiting in line to buy tickets to the game. Some of
them have been standing in line for more than four hours.
4. I am getting tired of sitting in the bus. Do you realize that by the time we arrive in Berlin,
we will have been driving for twenty straight hours?
5. Since the beginning of the semester, John has finished The Pelican Brief by John
6. Stop! What are you doing? I am trying to get this piece of toast out of the toaster. It is
stuck. Well, you will electrocute yourself, if you use a knife.
7. What’s wrong with Chris? While he yawned a fly was flying into his mouth! You are
8. Yesterday a purse-snatcher was caught by a dog. While the thief was being chased by
the police, he jumped over a fence into someone’s yard, where he encountered a ferocious dog.
9. Right now, Alex is being treated for a bad burn on his hand and arm.
10. The game will be probably won by the other team tomorrow. They’re a lot better than
we are.
 4.4 a). Study these learner errors. How would you explain to the learners the
correct rule in each case?
1. When they arrived the film (had) already started.
2. What has Ann done (was Ann doing) last holidays?
3. He studied for the exam in Linguistics but he didn't passed (pass) it.
4. What do you do (are you doing) now? (The action takes place at the moment of speech)
5. She met her friend when she jogged (was jogging) in the park. (Interrupting of process)

 4.4 b). Underline the mistakes in this paragraph and correct them.
It rained (was raining) when we have arrived (arrived) at the coast but by midday it had been
stopping (had stopped). We thought the rain lasted (would last) all day and we have been (were) very glad
it hadn’t (didn’t) because we were wanting (waited) to go swimming. We have found a cafe where we
could eat outside and were having (have) a nice meal. By the time we finished lunch, the sun shone (was
shining) brightly and the temperature was arising (had rised) to 30 degrees. We were all running (all run)
down to the beach and, after we were changing (had changed) into our swimming things, we dived in in
the sea.

 4.5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Вчора цілий день дощило, поки ми не приїхали додому. І It rained all day yesterday until we
сьогодні із самого ранку йде сильний дощ. got home. And today it has been
raining heavily since the morning.
2 Вчора зранку мрячило, а в обід погода різко змінилася: Yesterday morning it was drizzling,
небо прояснилося, засяяло сонечко. and in the afternoon the weather
changed dramatically: the sky
cleared, the sun shone.
3. Ви коли-небудь були в Парижі? Have you ever been to Paris?
Коли ви там були? When were you there?
Як довго ви там були? How long were you there?
4. Коли декан зайшов до аудиторії, студенти писали When the dean entered the
контрольну з філософії. classroom, the students were writing
a philosophy test.
5. Боб завжди робив багато помилок і начальник його Bob always made a lot of mistakes
звільнив. and was fired by his boss.
6. Цього тижня буде 10 років як Джон працює суддею? Will it be 10 years since John has
been a judge this week?
7. Вони живуть тут з 2015 року, проте знають його лише They have been living here since
півроку. 2015, but have known him for only
six months.
8. Ми деякий час сиділи мовчки, поки він заговорив знову. We were sitting in silence for a while
before he spoke again.
9. Який текст ви слухатимете завтра на третій парі? What text will you be listening to
tomorrow on the third class?
10 Він чекав її півтори години, коли вона нарешті прийшла. He had been waiting for her for an
hour and a half when she finally
Grading scale: Each correct sentence is 0.5 point

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